Git Workflow

The GEOS project is hosted on github here. For instructions on how to clone and build GEOS, please refer to the Quick Start Guide. Consider consulting for practical references on how to use git.

Git Credentials

Those who want to contribute to GEOS should setup SSH keys for authentication, and connect to github through SSH as discussed in this article. Before going further, you should test your ssh connection. If it fails (perhaps because of your institution’s proxy), you may consider the personal access token option as an alternative.

Downloading the Code

Once you have created an ssh-key and you have added it to your Github account you can download the code through SSH. The following steps clone the repository into your_geosx_dir:

git clone [email protected]:GEOS-DEV/GEOS.git your_geosx_dir
cd your_geosx_dir
git lfs install
git submodule init
git submodule update

If all goes well, you should have a complete copy of the GEOS source at this point. The most common errors people encounter here have to do with Github not recognizing their authentication settings.

Branching Model

The branching model used in GEOS is a modified Gitflow approach, with some modifications to the merging strategy, and the treatment of release branches, and hotfix branches.

In GEOS, there are two main branches, release and develop. The develop branch serves as the main branch for the development of new features. The release branch serves as the “stable release” branch. The remaining branch types are described in the following subsections.


The early commits in GEOS (up to version 0.2) used a pure Gitflow approach for merging feature branches into develop. This was done without cleaning the commit history in each feature branch prior to the merge into develop, resulting in an overly verbose history. Furthermore, as would be expected, having many active feature branches resulted in a fairly wide (spaghetti) history. At some point in the development process, we chose to switch primarily to a squash-merge approach which results in a linear develop history. While this fixes the spaghetti history, we do potentially lose important commit history during the development process. Options for merging are discussed in the following sections.

Feature Branches

New developments (new features or modifications to features) are branched off of develop into a feature branch. The naming of feature branches should follow feature/[developer]/[branch-description] if you expect that only a single developer will contribute to the branch, or feature/[branch-description] if you expect it will be a collaborative effort. For example, if a developer named neo were to add or modify a code feature expecting that they would be the only contributor, they would create a branch using the following commands to create the local branch and push it to the remote repository:

git checkout -b feature/neo/freeYourMind
git push -u origin feature/neo/freeYourMind

However if the branch is a collaborative branch amongst many developers, the appropriate commands would be:

git checkout -b feature/freeYourMind
git push -u origin feature/freeYourMind

When feature branches are ready to be merged into develop, a Pull Request should be created to perform the review and merging process.

An example lifecycle diagram for a feature branch:

create new feature branch:
git checkout -b feature/neo/freeYourMind

A-------B-------C (develop)
          BA      (feature/neo/freeYourMind)

Add commits to 'feature/neo/freeYourMind' and merge back into develop:

A-------B--------C-------D--------E (develop)
         \              /
          \            /
          BA----BB----BC            (feature/neo/freeYourMind)

See below for details about Submitting a Pull Request.

Bugfix Branches

Bugfix branches are used to fix bugs that are present in the develop branch. A similar naming convention to that of the feature branches is used, replacing “feature” with “bugfix” (i.e. bugfix/neo/squashAgentSmith). Typically, bugfix branches are completed by a single contributor, but just as with the feature branches, a collaborative effort may be required resulting a dropping the developer name from the branch name.

When bugfix branches are ready to be merged into develop, a Pull Request should be created to perform the review and merging process. See below for details about Submitting a Pull Request.

Release Candidate Branches

When develop has progressed to a point where we would like to create a new release, we will create a release candidate branch with the name consisting of release_major.minor.x number, where the x represents the sequence of patch tags that will be applied to the branch. For instance if we were releasing version 1.2.0, we would name the branch release_1.2.x. Once the release candidate is ready, it is merged back into develop. Then the develop branch is merged into the release branch and tagged. From that point the release branch exists to provide a basis for maintaining a stable release version of the code. Note that the absence of hotfix branches, the history for release and develop would be identical.

An example lifecycle diagram for a release candidate branch:

                                  v1.2.0          (tag)
                                  G               (release)
A----B-----C----D-----E-----F-----G------------   (develop)
      \          \         /
       \          \       /
       BA----BB----BC----BD                       (release_1.2.x)

Hotfix Branches

A hotfix branch fixes a bug in the release branch. It uses the same naming convention as a bugfix branch. The main difference with a bugfix branch is that the primary target branch is the release branch instead of develop. As a soft policy, merging a hotfix into a release branch should result in a patch increment for the release sequence of tags. So if a hotfix was merged into release with a most recent tag of 1.2.1, the merged commit would be tagged with 1.2.2. Finally, at some point prior to the next major/minor release, the release branch should be merged back into develop to incorporate any hotfix changes into develop.

An example lifecycle diagram for hotfix branchs:

     v1.2.0       v1.2.1       v1.2.2         v1.3.0 (tag)
     B------------H1-----------H2             I      (release)
     ^\          /| \         / \             ^
     | \        /  \ \       /   \            |
     |  BA-----BB   \ H1A--H1B    \           |      (hotfix/xyz)
     |               \             \          |
A----B-----C-----D----E------F------G----H----I---   (develop)

Documentation Branches

A docs branch is focused on writing and improving the documentation for GEOS. The use of the docs branch name root applies to both sphinx documentation and doxygen documentation. The docs branch follows the same naming conventions as described in the Feature Branches section. The html produced by a documentation branch should be proofread using sphinx/doxygen prior to merging into develop.

Keeping Your Branch Current

Over the course of a long development effort in a single feature branch, a developer may need to either merge develop into their feature branch, or rebase their feature branch on develop. We do not have a mandate on how you keep your branch current, but we do have guidelines on the branch history when merging your branch into develop. Typically, merging develop into your branch is the easiest approach, but will lead to a complex relationship with develop with multiple interactions… which can lead to a confusing history. Conversely, rebasing your branch onto develop is more difficult, but will lead to a linear history within the branch. For a complex history, we will perform a squash merge into develop, thereby the work from the branch will appear as a single commit in develop. For clean branch histories where the individual commits are meaningful and should be preserved, we have the option to perform a merge commit in with the PR is merged into develop, with the addition of a merge commit, thus maintaining the commit history.

Branching off of a Branch

During the development processes, sometimes it is appropriate to create a branch off of a branch. For instance, if there is a large collaborative development effort on the branch feature/theMatrix, and a developer would like to add a self-contained and easily reviewable contribution to that effort, he/she should create a branch as follows:

git checkout feature/theMatrix
git checkout -b feature/smith/dodgeBullets
git push -u origin feature/smith/dodgeBullets

If feature/smith/dodgeBullets is intended to be merged into feature/theMatrix, and the commit history of feature/theMatrix is not changed via git rebase, then the process of merging the changes back into feature/theMatrix is fairly standard.

However, if feature/theMatrix is merged into develop via a squash merge, and then smith would like to merge feature/smith/dodgeBullets into develop, there is a substantial problem due to the diverged history of the branches. Specifically, feature/smith/dodgeBullets branched off a commit in feature/theMatrix that does not exist in develop (because it was squash-merged). For simplicity, let us assume that the commit hash that feature/smith/dodgeBullets originated from is CC, and that there were commits CA, CB, CC, CD in feature/theMatrix. When feature/theMatrix was squash-merged, all of the changes appear in develop as commit G. To further complicate the situation, perhaps a complex PR was merged after G, resulting in E on develop. The situation is illustrated by:

A----B----C----D----E----F----G----E (develop)
           \                 /
            CA---CB---CC---CD        (feature/theMatrix)
                       CCA--CCB--CCC (feature/smith/dodgeBullets)

In order to successfully merge feature/smith/dodgeBullets into develop, all commits present in feature/smith/dodgeBullets after CC must be included, while discarding CA, CB, which exist in feature/smith/dodgeBullets as part of its history, but not in develop.

One “solution” is to perform a git rebase --onto of feature/smith/dodgeBullets onto develop. Specifically, we would like to rebase CCA, CCB, CCC onto G, and proceed with our development of feature/smith/dodgeBullets. This would look like:

git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout feature/smith/dodgeBullets
git rebase -onto G CC

As should be apparent, we have specified the starting point as G, and the point at which we replay the commits in feature/smith/dodgeBullets as all commits AFTER CC. The result is:

A----B----C----D----E----F----G----E (develop)
                              CCA'--CCB'--CCC' (feature/smith/dodgeBullets)

Now you may proceed with standard methods for keeping feature/smith/dodgeBullets current with develop.

Submitting a Pull Request

Once you have created your branch and pushed changes to Github, you can create a Pull Request on Github. The PR creates a central place to review and discuss the ongoing work on the branch. Creating a pull request early in the development process is preferred as it allows for developers to collaborate on the branch more readily.


When initially creating a pull request (PR) on GitHub, always create it as a draft PR while work is ongoing and the PR is not ready for testing, review, and merge consideration.

When you create the initial draft PR, please ensure that you apply appropriate labels. Applying labels allows other developers to more quickly filter the live PRs and access those that are relevant to them. Always add the new label upon PR creation, as well as to the appropriate type, priority, and effort labels. In addition, please also add any appropriate flags.


If your branch and PR will resolve any open issues, be sure to link them to the PR to ensure they are appropriately resolved once the PR is merged. In order to link the issue to the PR for automatic resolution, you must use one of the keywords followed by the issue number (e.g. resolves #1020) in either the main description of the PR, or a commit message. Entries in PR comments that are not the main description or a commit message will be ignored, and the issue will not be automatically closed. A complete list of keywords are:

  • close

  • closes

  • closed

  • fix

  • fixes

  • fixed

  • resolve

  • resolves

  • resolved

For more details, see the Github Documentation.

Once you are satisfied with your work on the branch, you may promote the PR out of draft status, which will allow our integrated testing suite to execute on the PR branch to ensure all tests are passing prior to merging.


The title of a PR has to follow the conventional commit specification. The allowed prefixes are:

  • feat: A new feature

  • fix: A bug fix,

  • docs: Documentation only changes,

  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc),

  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature,

  • perf: A code change that improves performance,

  • test: Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests,

  • build: Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies (example scopes: cmake),

  • ci: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: github),

  • chore: Other changes that don’t modify src or test files,

  • revert: Reverts a previous commit,

Once the tests are passing – or in some cases immediately – add the flag: ready for review label to the PR, and be sure to tag any relevant developers to review the PR. The PR must be approved by reviewers in order to be merged.

Note that whenever a pull request is merged into develop, commits are either squashed, or preserved depending on the cleanliness of the history.

Keeping Submodules Current

Whenever you switch between branches locally, pull changes from origin and/or merge from the relevant branches, it is important to update the submodules to move the head to the proper commit.

git submodule update --recursive

You may also wish to modify your git pull behavior to update your submodules recursively for you in one command, though you forfeit some control granularity to do so. The method for accomplishing this varies between git versions, but as of git 2.15 you should be able to globally configure git to accomplish this via:

git config --global submodule.recurse true

In some cases, code changes will require to rebaseline the Integrated Tests. If that is the case, you will need to modify the integrated tests submodule. Instructions on how to modify a submodule are presented in the following section.

Working on the Submodules

Sometimes it may be necessary to modify one of the submodules. In order to do so, you need to create a pull request on the submodule repository. The following steps can be followed in order to do so.

Move to the folder of the submodule that you intend to modify.

cd submodule-folder

Currently the submodule is in detached head mode, so you first need to move to the main branch (either develop or master) on the submodule repository, pull the latest changes, and then create a new branch.

git checkout <main-branch>
git pull
git checkout -b <branch-name>

You can perform some work on this branch, add and commit the changes and then push the newly created branch to the submodule repository on which you can eventually create a pull request using the same process discussed above in Submitting a Pull Request.

git push --set-upstream origin <branch-name>

Resolving Submodule Changes in Primary Branch PRs

When you conduct work on a submodule during work on a primary GEOS branch with an open PR, the merging procedure requires that the submodule referenced by the GEOS PR branch be consistent with the submodule in the main branch of the project. This is checked and enforced via our CI.

Thus, in order to merge a PR that includes modifications to submodules, the various PRs for each repository should be staged and finalized, to the point they are all ready to be merged, with higher-level PRs in the merge hierarchy having the correct submodule references for the current main branch for their repository.

Starting from the bottom of the submodule hierarchy, the PRs are resolved, after which the higher-level PRs with reference to a resolved PR must update their submodule references to point to the new main branch of the submodule with the just-resolved PR merged. After any required automated tests pass, the higher-level PRs can then be merged.

The name of the main branch of each submodule is presented in the table below.


Main branch









