Solid mechanics conforming fractures solver
Under construction
Governing Equations
Under construction
In the preceding XML block, The SolidMechanicsLagrangeContact is specified by the title of the subblock of the Solvers block. The following attributes are supported in the input block for SolidMechanicsLagrangeContact:
XML Element: SolidMechanicsLagrangeContact
Name |
Type |
Default |
Description |
cflFactor |
real64 |
0.5 |
Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
contactPenaltyStiffness |
real64 |
0 |
Value of the penetration penalty stiffness. Units of Pressure/length |
discretization |
groupNameRef |
required |
Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified. |
initialDt |
real64 |
1e+99 |
Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel |
integer |
0 |
Sets the level of information to write in the standard output (the console typically).
Level 0 outputs no specific information for this solver. Higher levels require more outputs.
- Line search information
- Solution information (scaling, maximum changes, quality check)
- Convergence information
- Time step information
- Linear solver information
- Nonlinear solver information
- Solver timers information
- The summary of declared fields and coupling
- Configuration information
massDamping |
real64 |
0 |
Value of mass based damping coefficient. |
maxNumResolves |
integer |
10 |
Value to indicate how many resolves may be executed after some other event is executed. For example, if a SurfaceGenerator is specified, it will be executed after the mechanics solve. However if a new surface is generated, then the mechanics solve must be executed again due to the change in topology. |
name |
groupName |
required |
A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
newmarkBeta |
real64 |
0.25 |
Value of |
newmarkGamma |
real64 |
0.5 |
Value of |
stabilizationName |
groupNameRef |
required |
Name of the stabilization to use in the lagrangian contact solver |
stabilizationScalingCoefficient |
real64 |
1 |
It be used to increase the scale of the stabilization entries. A value < 1.0 results in larger entries in the stabilization matrix. |
stiffnessDamping |
real64 |
0 |
Value of stiffness based damping coefficient. |
strainTheory |
integer |
0 |
Indicates whether or not to use Infinitesimal Strain Theory, or Finite Strain Theory. Valid Inputs are:
0 - Infinitesimal Strain
1 - Finite Strain
targetRegions |
groupNameRef_array |
required |
Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
timeIntegrationOption |
geos_SolidMechanicsLagrangianFEM_TimeIntegrationOption |
ExplicitDynamic |
Time integration method. Options are:
* QuasiStatic
* ImplicitDynamic
* ExplicitDynamic
writeLinearSystem |
integer |
0 |
Write matrix, rhs, solution to screen ( = 1) or file ( = 2). |
LinearSolverParameters |
node |
unique |
NonlinearSolverParameters |
node |
unique |
The following data are allocated and used by the solver:
Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangeContact
Name |
Type |
Description |
contactRelationName |
groupNameRef |
Name of contact relation to enforce constraints on fracture boundary. |
maxForce |
real64 |
The maximum force contribution in the problem domain. |
maxStableDt |
real64 |
Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
meshTargets |
geos_mapBase<std___1_pair<std___1_basic_string<char, std___1_char_traits<char>, std___1_allocator<char>>, std___1_basic_string<char, std___1_char_traits<char>, std___1_allocator<char>>>, std___1_vector<std___1_basic_string<char, std___1_char_traits<char>, std___1_allocator<char>>, std___1_allocator<std___1_basic_string<char, std___1_char_traits<char>, std___1_allocator<char>>>>, std___1_integral_constant<bool, true>> |
MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to. |
surfaceGeneratorName |
string |
Name of the surface generator to use |
LinearSolverParameters |
node |
NonlinearSolverParameters |
node |
SolverStatistics |
node |