In Situ Data Monitor


At the end of this example you will know:

  • how to run a problem using the pygeosx interface,

  • how to process advanced xml features using pygeosx,

  • how to extract and monitor values within the GEOS datastructure in real-time

Input files

This example requires two input xml files and one python script located at:


Description of the case

This example is derived from this basic example: Hydraulic Fracturing, which solves for the propagation of a single hydraulic fracture within a heterogeneous reservoir. The pygeosx interface is used to monitor the maximum hydraulic aperture and fracture extents over time.

XML Configuration

The input xml file for this example requires some modification in order to work with pygeosx. First, we use the advanced xml input features to include the base problem and override the table_root parameter that points to the table files. Note that these paths will need to be updated if you run this problem outside of the example directory.



Next, we add a new entry to the output block Python and an entry in the Events block. Whenever the python event is triggered, GEOS will pause and return to the controlling python script (in this case, every 10 cycles).



Python Script

Problems that use the pygeosx interface are driven by a custom python script. To begin, we import a number of packages and check whether this is a parallel run. The custom packages include pygeosx, which provides an interface to GEOS, and pygeosx_tools, which provides a number of common tools for working with the datastructure and dealing with parallel communication.

In the next step, we apply the xml preprocessor to resolve the advanced xml features. Note that this step will modify the input arguments to reflect the location of the compiled xml file, which is processed directly by GEOS. The script then initializes GEOS and receives the problem handle, which is the scripts view into the datastructure. There is an opportunity to interact with the GEOS before the initial conditions are set, which we do not use in this example.

To extract information from the problem, you need to know the full path (or ‘key’) to the target object. These keys can be quite long, and can change depending on the xml input. In the next step, we use a method from the pygeosx_tools package to search for these keys using a list of keywords. If the keys are known beforehand, then this step could be skipped. Note that these functions will throw an error if they do not find a matching key, or if they find multiple matching keys.

Next, we setup a dictionary that will allow us to use pygeosx_tools to automatically query the problem. The root level of this dictionary contains the target keys (fracture location and aperture) and the required time key. These each point to a sub-dictionary that holds an axis label, a scale factor, and an empty list to hold the time history. The target dictionaries also hold an entry fhandle, which contains a matplotlib figure handle that we can use to display the results.

After setting up the problem, we enter the main problem loop. Upon calling, the code will execute until a Python event is triggered in the Event loop. At those points, we have the option to interact with the problem before continuing processing. Here, we use pygeosx_tools to query the datastructure and occasionaly plot the results to the screen.

Manual Query

To obtain and manually inspect an object in the problem, you can use the methods in pygeosx_tools.wrapper. These are designed to handle any parallel communication that may be required in your analysis. For example, to get the fracture aperture as a numpy array, you could call:

from pygeosx_tools import wrapper

# (problem initialization / configuration)

# Grab aperture as a numpy array, using three different approaches

# Local copy (the write flag indicates that we do not plan to modify the result)
aperture_local = wrapper.get_wrapper(problem, fracture_aperture_key, write_flag=False)

# Global copy on the root rank
aperture_global = wrapper.gather_wrapper(problem, fracture_aperture_key)

# Global copy on the all ranks
aperture_global = wrapper.allgather_wrapper(problem, fracture_aperture_key)

Running the Problem

To run the problem, you must use the specific version of python where pygeosx is installed. This is likeley located here:


Note that you may need to manually install the pygeosx_tools package (and its pre-requisites) into this python distribution. To do so, you can run the following:

cd GEOS/[build_dir]/lib/PYGEOSX/bin
pip install --upgrade ../../../../src/coreComponents/python/modules/pygeosx_tools_package/

To run the code, you will call the pygeosx run script with python, and supply the typical geosx command-line arguments and any parallel arguments. For example:

# Load the correct python environment
# If you are not using a bash shell, you may need to target one of
# the other activation scripts
source GEOS/[build_dir]/lib/PYGEOSX/bin/activate

# Move to the correct directory and run
cd /path/to/problem
srun -n 36 -ppdebug python -i hydraulicFracture.xml -x 6 -y 2 -z 3 -o hf_results

To go further

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For any feedback on this example, please submit a GitHub issue on the project’s GitHub page.

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