NfiniteElement | |
►Nfmt | |
Cformatter< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_enum< T >::value > > | Fmtlib formatter for enum classes |
►Ngeos | |
►NacousticElasticWaveEquationSEMKernels | |
CCouplingKernel | |
►NacousticFirstOrderWaveEquationSEMKernels | Namespace to contain the first order acoustic wave kernels |
CVelocityComputation | |
CPressureComputation | |
►NacousticVTIWaveEquationSEMKernels | Namespace to contain the acoustic wave kernels |
CPrecomputeSourceAndReceiverKernel | |
CMassMatrixKernel | |
CDampingMatrixKernel | |
►CExplicitAcousticVTISEM | Implements kernels for solving the acoustic wave equations explicit central FD method and SEM |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►NacousticWaveEquationSEMKernels | Namespace to contain the acoustic wave kernels |
►CExplicitAcousticSEM | Implements kernels for solving the acoustic wave equations explicit central FD method and SEM |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
Ncells | |
Ncompflow | |
►NcompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVMKernels | |
CPos | |
CUpwindingHelper | |
CAssemblerKernelHelper | |
CAssemblerKernel | |
CFluxKernel | |
CPhaseMobilityKernel | Define the interface for the property kernel in charge of computing the phase mobilities |
CPhaseMobilityKernelFactory | |
CResidualNormKernel | |
CResidualNormKernelFactory | |
CSolutionCheckKernel | |
CPrecomputeKernel | |
NcompositionalMultiphaseUtilities | |
►NcompositionalMultiphaseWellKernels | |
CSubRegionTag | |
CElemTag | |
CColOffset | |
CColOffset_WellJac | |
CColOffset_WellJac< NC, 0 > | |
CColOffset_WellJac< NC, 1 > | |
CRowOffset | |
CRowOffset_WellJac | |
CRowOffset_WellJac< NC, 0 > | |
CRowOffset_WellJac< NC, 1 > | |
CControlEquationHelper | |
CPressureRelationKernel | |
CVolumeBalanceKernel | |
CPresTempCompFracInitializationKernel | |
CCompDensInitializationKernel | |
CRateInitializationKernel | |
CTotalMassDensityKernel | Define the interface for the property kernel in charge of computing the total mass density |
CTotalMassDensityKernelFactory | |
CResidualNormKernel | |
CResidualNormKernelFactory | |
CSolutionScalingKernelFactory | |
CSolutionCheckKernelFactory | |
►CElementBasedAssemblyKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of accumulation and volume balance |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CElementBasedAssemblyKernelFactory | |
►CFaceBasedAssemblyKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms |
CStackVariables | |
CFaceBasedAssemblyKernelFactory | |
NcomputationalGeometry | |
Nconstants | |
►NcoupledReservoirAndWellKernels | |
CIsothermalCompositionalMultiPhaseFluxKernel | |
CIsothermalCompositionalMultiPhaseFluxKernelFactory | |
CThermalCompositionalMultiPhaseFluxKernel | |
CThermalCompositionalMultiPhaseFluxKernelFactory | |
NcoupledReservoirAndWellsInternal | |
►NdataRepository | |
Nkeys | |
►CDataContext | |
CToStringInfo | |
CDataFileContext | |
►CGroup | |
CviewKeyStruct | Structure to hold scoped key names |
CGroupContext | |
CCatalogInterface | This class provides the base class/interface for the catalog value objects |
CCatalogEntry | Class to hold allocation capability for specific target derived types |
CCatalogEntryConstructor | A class to generate the catalog entry |
CCatalogInterface< BASETYPE > | Specialization of CatalogInterface for types with no-argument constructors/ |
CCatalogEntry< BASETYPE, TYPE > | Specialization of CatalogEntry for types with no-argument constructors |
CCatalogEntryConstructor< BASETYPE, TYPE > | A specialization of CatalogEntryConstructor for types with no-argument constructors |
CWrapper | |
CWrapperBase | Base class for all wrappers containing common operations |
CWrapperContext | |
►NdissipationCompositionalMultiphaseFVMKernels | |
CFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms |
CFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
►NelasticFirstOrderWaveEquationSEMKernels | Namespace to contain the elastic wave kernels |
CStressComputation | |
CVelocityComputation | |
►NelasticVTIWaveEquationSEMKernels | Namespace to contain the elastic wave kernels |
CComputeTimeStep | |
►CExplicitElasticVTISEM | Implements kernels for solving the elastic wave equations explicit central FD method and SEM in the Vertical Transverse Isotropic (VTI) case |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►NelasticWaveEquationSEMKernels | Namespace to contain the elastic wave kernels |
►CExplicitElasticSEMBase | Implements kernels for solving the elastic wave equations explicit central FD method and SEM |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CExplicitElasticAttenuativeSEM | Specialization for attenuation kernel |
NembeddedSurfacesParallelSynchronization | |
►Nfields | |
Nacousticfields | |
Nacousticvtifields | |
Nacoustoelasticfields | |
►Ncontact | |
CFractureState | |
Nelasticfields | |
Nelasticvtifields | |
Nflow | |
NinducedSeismicity | |
Nmpm | |
Nporomechanics | |
Nproppant | |
NrateAndState | |
NsolidMechanics | |
NsurfaceGeneration | |
Nwell | |
CghostRank | Trait struct for ghostRank data |
CelementVolume | Trait struct for elementVolume data |
CelementAperture | Trait struct for elementAperture data |
CelementArea | Trait struct for elementArea data |
CparentIndex | Trait struct for parentIndex data |
CparentEdgeIndex | Trait struct for parentEdgeIndex data |
CchildIndex | Trait struct for childIndex data |
CruptureTime | Trait struct for ruptureTime data |
CnormalVector | Trait struct for normalVector data |
CtangentVector1 | Trait struct for tangentVector1 data |
CtangentVector2 | Trait struct for tangentVector2 data |
►NfiniteElement | |
►CConformingVirtualElementOrder1 | |
CMeshData | Variables used to call the setupStack method |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack |
►CFiniteElementBase | Base class for FEM element implementations |
CFunctionSpaceHelper | An helper struct to determine the function space |
CMeshData | Variables used to initialize the class |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack |
CH1_Hexahedron_Lagrange1_GaussLegendre2 | |
CH1_Pyramid_Lagrange1_Gauss5 | |
CH1_QuadrilateralFace_Lagrange1_GaussLegendre2 | |
CH1_Tetrahedron_Lagrange1_Gauss | |
CH1_TriangleFace_Lagrange1_Gauss | |
CH1_Wedge_Lagrange1_Gauss6 | |
►CLagrangeBasis1 | |
CTensorProduct2D | |
CTensorProduct3D | |
►CLagrangeBasis2 | |
CTensorProduct2D | |
CTensorProduct3D | |
►CLagrangeBasis3GL | |
CTensorProduct2D | |
CTensorProduct3D | |
►CLagrangeBasis4GL | |
CTensorProduct2D | |
CTensorProduct3D | |
►CLagrangeBasis5GL | |
CTensorProduct2D | |
CTensorProduct3D | |
CQk_Hexahedron_Lagrange_GaussLobatto | |
►CImplicitKernelBase | Define the base interface for implicit finite element kernels |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CInterfaceKernelBase | Define the base class for interface finite element kernels. (2D finite elements belong to FaceElementSubRegion) |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CInterfaceKernelFactory | Used to forward arguments to a class that implements the InterfaceKernelBase interface |
►CKernelBase | Define the base interface for finite element kernels |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack |
CKernelFactory | Used to forward arguments to a class that implements the KernelBase interface |
CSparsityKernelBase | Define the base interface for implicit finite element kernels |
CSparsityKernelFactory | Helper struct to define a specialization of #geos::finiteElement::SparsityKernelBase that may be used to generate the sparsity pattern |
►NflowSolverBaseKernels | |
CMinPoreVolumeMaxPorosityKernel | Kernel to compute the min pore volume and the max porosity in a subRegion |
CstencilWeightsUpdateKernel | |
►NhybridFVMKernels | |
CCellConnectivity | |
►NhydrofractureSolverKernels | |
CDeformationUpdateKernel | |
CFluidMassResidualDerivativeAssemblyKernel | |
►Nhypre | Contains some hypre-specific functions |
►Nmgr | |
CMGRStrategyBase | Helper struct for strategies that provides some basic parameter arrays needed by MGR |
CAugmentedLagrangianContactMechanics | AugmentedLagrangianContactMechanics strategy |
CCompositionalMultiphaseFVM | CompositionalMultiphaseFVM strategy |
CCompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM | Labels description stored in point_marker_array 0 = pressure 1 = density ... = ... (densities) numCellCenteredLabels - 1 = density numLabels - 1 = face pressure |
CCompositionalMultiphaseReservoirFVM | CompositionalMultiphaseReservoirFVM strategy |
CCompositionalMultiphaseReservoirHybridFVM | CompositionalMultiphaseReservoirHybridFVM strategy |
CHybridSinglePhasePoromechanics | HybridSinglePhasePoromechanics strategy |
CHydrofracture | Hydrofracture strategy |
CLagrangianContactMechanics | LagrangianContactMechanics strategy |
CLagrangianContactMechanicsBubbleStabilization | LagrangianContactMechanicsBubbleStabilization strategy |
CMultiphasePoromechanics | MultiphasePoromechanics strategy |
CMultiphasePoromechanicsReservoirFVM | MultiphasePoromechanicsReservoirFVM strategy |
CReactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL | ReactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL strategy |
CSinglePhaseHybridFVM | SinglePhaseHybridFVM strategy |
CSinglePhasePoromechanics | SinglePhasePoromechanics strategy |
CSinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures | SinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures strategy |
CSinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures | SinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures strategy |
CSinglePhasePoromechanicsReservoirFVM | SinglePhasePoromechanicsReservoirFVM strategy |
CSinglePhaseReservoirFVM | SinglePhaseReservoirFVM strategy |
CSinglePhaseReservoirHybridFVM | SinglePhaseReservoirHybridFVM strategy |
CSolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures | SolidmechanicsEmbeddedFractures strategy |
CThermalCompositionalMultiphaseFVM | ThermalCompositionalMultiphaseFVM strategy |
CThermalCompositionalMultiphaseReservoirFVM | ThermalCompositionalMultiphaseReservoirFVM strategy |
CThermalMultiphasePoromechanics | ThermalMultiphasePoromechanics strategy |
CThermalSinglePhasePoromechanics | ThermalSinglePhasePoromechanics strategy |
►NinternalRajaInterface | |
CPolicyMap | |
CPolicyMap< serialPolicy > | |
►NisothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels | |
►CAccumulationKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of accumulation and volume balance |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CAccumulationKernelFactory | |
CCapillaryPressureUpdateKernel | |
CGlobalComponentFractionKernel | Define the interface for the update kernel in charge of computing the phase volume fractions |
CGlobalComponentFractionKernelFactory | |
CHydrostaticPressureKernel | |
CPhaseVolumeFractionKernel | Define the interface for the property kernel in charge of computing the phase volume fractions |
CPhaseVolumeFractionKernelFactory | |
CPropertyKernelBase | Define the base interface for the property update kernels |
CRelativePermeabilityUpdateKernel | |
CResidualNormKernel | |
CResidualNormKernelFactory | |
►CSolutionCheckKernel | Define the kernel for checking the updated solution |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables located on the stack |
CSolutionCheckKernelFactory | |
►CSolutionScalingAndCheckingKernelBase | Define the kernel for scaling the solution and check its validity |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables located on the stack |
►CSolutionScalingKernel | Define the kernel for scaling the Newton update |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables located on the stack |
CSolutionScalingKernelFactory | |
CStatisticsKernel | |
►CAccumulationZFormulationKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of accumulation and volume balance |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CAccumulationZFormulationKernelFactory | |
CPhaseVolumeFractionZFormulationKernel | Define the interface for the property kernel in charge of computing the phase volume fractions |
CPhaseVolumeFractionZFormulationKernelFactory | |
►CSolutionScalingAndCheckingZFormulationKernelBase | Define the kernel for scaling the solution and check its validity |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables located on the stack |
►CSolutionScalingZFormulationKernel | Define the kernel for scaling the Newton update |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables located on the stack |
CSolutionScalingZFormulationKernelFactory | |
►NisothermalCompositionalMultiphaseFVMKernels | |
CAquiferBCKernel | Functions to assemble aquifer boundary condition contributions to residual and Jacobian |
CCFLFluxKernel | Functions to compute the (outflux) total volumetric flux needed in the calculation of CFL numbers |
CCFLKernel | Functions to compute the CFL number using the phase volumetric outflux and the component mass outflux in each cell |
►CDiffusionDispersionFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of diffusion/dispersion flux terms |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CDiffusionDispersionFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
►CDirichletFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of Dirichlet face flux terms |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CDirichletFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
►CFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
CFluxComputeKernelBase | Base class for FluxComputeKernel that holds all data not dependent on template parameters (like stencil type and number of components/dofs) |
CPhaseMobilityKernel | Defines the interface for the property kernel in charge of computing the phase mobilities |
CPhaseMobilityKernelFactory | |
►CDirichletFluxComputeZFormulationKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of Dirichlet face flux terms |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CDirichletFluxComputeZFormulationKernelFactory | |
►CFluxComputeZFormulationKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CFluxComputeZFormulationKernelFactory | |
CPhaseMobilityZFormulationKernel | Defines the interface for the property kernel in charge of computing the phase mobilities |
CPhaseMobilityZFormulationKernelFactory | |
►NisothermalCompositionalMultiphaseFVMKernelUtilities | |
►NUpwindHelpers | |
CcomputePotentialViscous | Struct defining formation of potential from different Physics (flagged by enum type T) to be used in Upwind discretization schemes |
CcomputePotentialGravity | |
CcomputePotentialCapillary | |
CC1PPUPhaseFlux | |
CUpwindScheme | Template base class for different upwind Scheme |
CHybridUpwind | Class describing the Hybrid Upwind scheme as defined in "Consistent upwinding for sequential fully implicit
multiscale compositional simulation" (Moncorge,2020) |
CIHUPhaseFlux | |
CPhaseComponentFlux | |
CPotGrad | |
CPPUPhaseFlux | |
CPhaseComponentFluxZFormulation | |
CPotGradZFormulation | |
CPPUPhaseFluxZFormulation | |
►NisothermalPerforationFluxKernels | |
►CPerforationFluxKernel | |
CStackVariables | |
CPerforationFluxKernelFactory | |
NLAIHelperFunctions | |
Nlogger | |
►NlogInfo | |
COutputTimers | Base timer category for output operations |
COutputTimerBase | Base interface for specific output type timers |
NmeshMapUtilities | This namespace contains helper functions that facilitate access into the assortment of maps used by GEOSX mesh object managers (e.g. array2d/array1d(array1d)/ArrayOfArrays/ArrayOfSets, etc.) |
►NmimeticInnerProduct | |
CMimeticInnerProductTypeStrings | Struct containing the keys to all the implemented inner products |
CBdVLMInnerProduct | |
CMimeticInnerProductBase | |
CMimeticInnerProductHelpers | Helper struct handling inner product for hybrid finite volume schemes |
CQuasiRTInnerProduct | |
CQuasiTPFAInnerProduct | |
CSimpleInnerProduct | |
CTPFAInnerProduct | |
►NmultiphasePoromechanicsConformingFracturesKernels | |
►CFluxComputeKernel | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
Nnodes | |
NoutputUtilities | |
►NparallelTopologyChange | |
CTopologyChangeStepData | |
CTopologyChangeUnpackStepData | |
Nparmetis | |
Nparticles | |
Npetsc | |
►NphysicsSolverBaseKernels | |
►CResidualNormKernelBase | Define the base interface for the residual calculations |
CL2StackVariables | Kernel variables located on the stack for L2 norm |
CLinfStackVariables | Kernel variables located on the stack for Linf norm |
CLinfResidualNormHelper | Utility class to compute the global Linf residual norm |
CL2ResidualNormHelper | Utility class to compute the global L2 residual norm |
►NporomechanicsEFEMKernels | |
►CSinglePhasePoromechanicsEFEM | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CStateUpdateKernel | A struct to perform volume, aperture and fracture traction updates |
►NporomechanicsFracturesKernels | |
CStateUpdateKernel | A struct to perform volume, aperture and fracture traction updates |
►NporomechanicsKernels | |
►CMultiphasePoromechanics | Implements kernels for solving quasi-static multiphase poromechanics |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CMultiphaseBulkDensityKernel | Kernel to update the bulk density before a mechanics solve in sequential schemes |
CMultiphaseBulkDensityKernelFactory | |
►CPoromechanicsBase | Defines the kernel structure for solving quasi-static poromechanics |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CSinglePhasePoromechanics | Implements kernels for solving quasi-static single-phase poromechanics |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CSinglePhaseBulkDensityKernel | Kernel to update the bulk density before a mechanics solve in sequential schemes |
CSinglePhaseBulkDensityKernelFactory | |
►NproppantTransportKernels | |
CFluidUpdateKernel | |
CComponentDensityUpdateKernel | |
CProppantUpdateKernel | |
CAccumulationKernel | |
CFluxKernel | |
CProppantPackVolumeKernel | |
CResidualNormKernel | |
CResidualNormKernelFactory | |
Nptscotch | |
Npython | |
►NrateAndStateKernels | |
►CExplicitRateAndStateKernel | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables located on the stack |
CKutta32Table | Butcher table for embedded RK3(2) method using Kuttas third order method for the high-order update, and an explicit trapezoidal rule based on the first and third stage rates for the low-order update |
CBogackiShampine32Table | Butcher table for the BogackiShampine 3(2) method |
CEmbeddedRungeKuttaKernel | Runge-Kutta method used to time integrate slip and state. Uses of a high order update used to integrate the solutions, and a lower order update to estimate the error in the time step |
►CImplicitFixedStressRateAndStateKernel | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables located on the stack |
►NreactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBLKernels | |
COBLOperatorsKernel | Compute OBL Operators and derivatives |
COBLOperatorsKernelFactory | |
►CElementBasedAssemblyKernel | Compute accumulation term for an element |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CElementBasedAssemblyKernelFactory | |
CFluxComputeKernelBase | Base class for FluxComputeKernel that holds all data not dependent on template parameters (like stencil type and number of components/dofs) |
►CFluxComputeKernel | Compute flux term for an element |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
CResidualNormKernel | |
CResidualDARTSL2NormKernel | |
CSolutionCheckKernel | |
NreverseCutHillMcKeeOrdering | |
►NseismicityRateKernels | |
►CSeismicityRateKernel | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables located on the stack |
CSeismicityRateKernelPoroelastic | |
NsiloFileUtilities | |
►NsinglePhaseBaseKernels | |
►CAccumulationKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of accumulation |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CSurfaceElementAccumulationKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of accumulation in SurfaceElementSubRegion |
CAccumulationKernelFactory | |
CFluidUpdateKernel | |
CHydrostaticPressureKernel | |
CMobilityKernel | |
CIsothermalResidualNormKernel | |
CThermalResidualNormKernel | |
CResidualNormKernelFactory | |
CSolutionCheckKernel | |
CSolutionScalingKernel | |
CStatisticsKernel | |
NsinglePhaseFluxKernelsHelper | |
►NsinglePhaseFVMKernels | |
CAquiferBCKernel | Functions to assemble aquifer boundary condition contributions to residual and Jacobian |
►CDirichletFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of Dirichlet face flux terms |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CDirichletFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
►CFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
CFluxComputeKernelBase | Base class for FluxComputeKernel that holds all data not dependent on template parameters (like stencil type and number of dofs) |
►NsinglePhaseHybridFVMKernels | |
►CAveragePressureGradientKernel | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CAveragePressureGradientKernelFactory | |
►CElementBasedAssemblyKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CElementBasedAssemblyKernelFactory | |
CResidualNormKernel | |
CResidualNormKernelFactory | |
►NsinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFracturesKernels | |
►CConnectorBasedAssemblyKernel | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CConnectorBasedAssemblyKernelFactory | |
►NsinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFracturesKernels | |
►CConnectorBasedAssemblyKernel | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CConnectorBasedAssemblyKernelFactory | |
►NsinglePhaseProppantBaseKernels | |
CFluidUpdateKernel | |
►NsinglePhaseProppantFluxKernels | |
CFaceElementFluxKernel | |
►NsinglePhaseWellKernels | |
CSubRegionTag | |
CElemTag | |
CColOffset | |
CRowOffset | |
CControlEquationHelper | |
CFluxKernel | |
CPressureRelationKernel | |
CPerforationKernel | |
CAccumulationKernel | |
CPresInitializationKernel | |
CRateInitializationKernel | |
CResidualNormKernel | |
CResidualNormKernelFactory | |
Nsolid | |
►NsolidMechanicsALMKernels | |
►CALM | Define the base interface for implicit finite element kernels. |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CComputeTractionKernel | A struct to compute the traction after nonlinear solve |
CConstraintCheckKernel | A struct to check for constraint satisfaction |
CUpdateStateKernel | A struct to check for constraint satisfaction |
►CALMSimultaneous | Define the base interface for implicit finite element kernels. |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CComputeTractionSimultaneousKernel | A struct to compute the traction after nonlinear solve |
►NsolidMechanicsConformingContactKernels | |
►CConformingContactKernelsBase | Implements kernels for ALM |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CComputeRotationMatricesKernel | A struct to compute rotation matrices |
►CFaceBubbleKernels | Implements kernels for solving quasi-static equilibrium |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CDispJumpUpdate | Define the base interface for implicit finite element kernels. |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
NsolidMechanicsConformingContactKernelsHelper | |
►NsolidMechanicsEFEMKernels | |
►CEFEMJumpUpdate | Implements kernels for solving quasi-static equilibrium |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CEFEM | Implements kernels for solving quasi-static equilibrium |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CStateUpdateKernel | A struct to update fracture traction |
►CEFEMKernelsBase | Implements kernels for solving quasi-static equilibrium |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CEFEMStaticCondensation | Implements kernels for solving quasi-static equilibrium |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
NsolidMechanicsEFEMKernelsHelper | |
►NsolidMechanicsLagrangeContactKernels | |
►CLagrangeContact | Define the base interface for implicit finite element kernels. |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►NsolidMechanicsLagrangianFEMKernels | Namespace to contain the solid mechanics kernels |
►CExplicitFiniteStrain | Implements kernels for solving the equations of motion using the explicit Newmark method under the finite strain assumption |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CExplicitSmallStrain | Implements kernels for solving the equations of motion using the explicit Newmark method under the small strain assumption |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CFixedStressThermoPoromechanics | Implements kernels for solving the solid part of the fixed-stress thermoporomechanics problem |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CImplicitSmallStrainNewmark | Implements kernels for solving the equations of motion using an implicit Newmark's method. |
CStackVariables | |
►CImplicitSmallStrainQuasiStatic | Implements kernels for solving quasi-static equilibrium |
CNoOpFunctors | Internal struct to provide no-op defaults used in the inclusion of lambda functions into kernel component functions |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CExplicitKernel | |
►NsolidMechanicsMPMKernels | |
CStateUpdateKernel | A struct to update particle stresses |
Nstabilization | |
►NstabilizedCompositionalMultiphaseFVMKernels | |
►CFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms |
CStackVariables | |
CFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
►NstabilizedSinglePhaseFVMKernels | |
►CFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms |
CStackVariables | |
CFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
Nstringutilities | |
►NsurfaceGenerationKernels | |
CNodalForceKernel | |
CPoroElasticNodalForceKernel | |
NsurfaceGenerationKernelsHelpers | |
►NthermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels | |
CFluidUpdateKernel | |
CSolidInternalEnergyUpdateKernel | |
►CAccumulationKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of thermal accumulation and volume balance |
CStackVariables | |
CAccumulationKernelFactory | |
CPhaseVolumeFractionKernel | Define the interface for the property kernel in charge of computing the phase volume fractions |
CPhaseVolumeFractionKernelFactory | |
CResidualNormKernel | |
CResidualNormKernelFactory | |
CSolutionCheckKernel | Define the kernel for checking the updated solution |
CSolutionCheckKernelFactory | |
CSolutionScalingKernel | Define the kernel for scaling the Newton update |
CSolutionScalingKernelFactory | |
►NthermalCompositionalMultiphaseFVMKernels | |
►CDiffusionDispersionFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of diffusion/dispersion flux terms |
CStackVariables | |
CDiffusionDispersionFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
►CDirichletFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of Dirichlet face flux terms |
CStackVariables | |
CDirichletFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
►CFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms |
CStackVariables | |
CFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
CPhaseMobilityKernel | Define the interface for the property kernel in charge of computing the phase mobilities |
CPhaseMobilityKernelFactory | |
►NthermalCompositionalMultiphaseWellKernels | |
CTotalMassDensityKernel | Define the interface for the property kernel in charge of computing the total mass density |
CTotalMassDensityKernelFactory | |
CResidualNormKernel | |
CResidualNormKernelFactory | |
►CElementBasedAssemblyKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of thermal accumulation and volume balance |
CStackVariables | |
CElementBasedAssemblyKernelFactory | |
►CFaceBasedAssemblyKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms |
CStackVariables | |
CFaceBasedAssemblyKernelFactory | |
►NthermalPerforationFluxKernels | |
CPerforationFluxKernel | |
CPerforationFluxKernelFactory | |
►NthermalPoromechanicsKernels | |
►CThermalMultiphasePoromechanics | Implements kernels for solving quasi-static thermal multiphase poromechanics |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CThermalSinglePhasePoromechanics | Implements kernels for solving quasi-static thermal single-phase poromechanics |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►NthermalSinglePhaseBaseKernels | |
CSolidInternalEnergyUpdateKernel | |
►CAccumulationKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of accumulation |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CSurfaceElementAccumulationKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of accumulation in SurfaceElementSubRegion |
CAccumulationKernelFactory | |
►NthermalSinglePhaseFVMKernels | |
►CDirichletFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of Dirichlet face flux terms |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CDirichletFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
►CFluxComputeKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms |
CStackVariables | |
CFluxComputeKernelFactory | |
►NthermalSinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFracturesKernels | |
►CConnectorBasedAssemblyKernel | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CConnectorBasedAssemblyKernelFactory | |
►NthermalSinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFracturesKernels | |
►CConnectorBasedAssemblyKernel | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CConnectorBasedAssemblyKernelFactory | |
►NthermalSinglePhaseWellKernels | |
►CElementBasedAssemblyKernel | Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of accumulation and volume balance |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack |
CElementBasedAssemblyKernelFactory | |
►NthermoPoromechanicsEFEMKernels | |
►CThermalSinglePhasePoromechanicsEFEM | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►Ntraits | |
CVectorBasedTraits | Traits helper struct templated on the vector type |
Ntrilinos | |
Ntypes | Namespace containing type dispatching facilities |
►Nunits | |
CTimeFormatInfo | Stores information that is useful to duration strings. Based on the geos::units time constants |
►Nvtk | |
CVTKPolyDataWriterInterface | Encapsulate output methods for vtk |
CVTKPVDWriter | VTK PVD Writer class |
CVTKVTMWriter | VTM Writer class |
CCollocatedNodes | Convenience wrapper around the raw vtk information |
CAllMeshes | Gathers all the vtk meshes together |
►NwellTags | |
CSubRegionTag | |
CElemTag | |
CColOffset | |
CColOffset_WellJac | |
CColOffset_WellJac< NC, 0 > | |
CColOffset_WellJac< NC, 1 > | |
CRowOffset | |
CRowOffset_WellJac | |
CRowOffset_WellJac< NC, 0 > | |
CRowOffset_WellJac< NC, 1 > | |
►NxmlWrapper | |
CxmlAttributePos | |
CxmlNodePos | |
CxmlDocument | |
CmapBase | Base template for ordered and unordered maps |
COpEqual | OpEqual Operator that sets a value |
COpAdd | OpAdd Operator that adds a value |
CFieldSpecificationOp | FieldSpecificationOp |
CFieldSpecificationEqual | |
CFieldSpecificationAdd | |
CFixedSizeDeque | Implement a double ended queue with fixed number of fixed size buffer to be stored |
CFixedSizeDequeWithMutexes | Associate mutexes with the fixedSizeDeque |
CEnumStrings | Provides enum <-> string conversion facilities |
►CTableData | Class for managing table data |
CCellData | Representing a data in TableData |
►CTableData2D | Class for managing 2D table m_data |
CTableDataHolder | Struct containing conversion informations |
CTableFormatter | Abstract class for formatting table data |
CTableCSVFormatter | Class for CSV formatting |
CTableTextFormatter | Class for log formatting |
►CTableLayout | Class for setup the table layout |
CCellLayout | Structure grouping the cell information to display it in a table (content, type, alignment, ...) |
CColumn | Class representing a column in a table layout |
CColumnAlignement | Structure to set up values m_alignment for each colum |
CDeepFirstIterator | Iterator to loop over all columns, starting by the deepest sub columns, then to their parents, then to their siblings |
CCommandLineOptions | |
CLifoStorage | |
CLifoStorageCommon | |
CLifoStorageCuda | |
CLifoStorageHost | |
CInputError | Exception class used to report errors in user input |
CSimulationError | Exception class used to report errors in user input |
CBadTypeError | Exception class used to report errors from type conversion |
CNotAnError | Exception class used for special control flow |
CMemoryInfos | Class to fetch and store memory information for different resource types |
►CMpiWrapper | |
CPairType | |
CMultiMutexesLock | Class to handle locks using 2 mutexes |
CPath | Class describing a file Path |
CSpan | Lightweight non-owning wrapper over a contiguous range of elements |
CStopwatch | Class defining a simple stopwatch for interval timing |
CTensor | Lightweight wrapper around a c-array |
CTimer | Object that times the duration of its existence |
Cget_value_type | Trait to retrieve the value_type or ValueType of a type T |
CInterObjectRelation | |
CExecutableGroup | |
CHistoryMetadata | A minimal class to specify information about time history information being collected and output |
CLogLevelsRegistry | Keep track of log level documention for a group |
CMappedVector | |
CReferenceWrapper | |
CChomboCoupler | A class managing data exchange with CHOMBO |
CBlueprintOutput | A class for creating Conduit blueprint-based outputs |
CChomboIO | |
COutputBase | |
COutputManager | |
CPythonOutput | Performs no actual output but returns control to the Python interpreter |
CRestartOutput | |
CSiloOutput | |
CTimeHistoryOutput | |
CVTKOutput | A class for creating vtk outputs |
CSiloFile | |
CBufferedHistoryIO | An abstract class for performing buffered history output |
CHDFFile | |
CHDFHistoryIO | Perform buffered history I/O for a single type(really just output) on using HDF5 |
CHistoryCollection | |
CHistoryCollectionBase | Intermediate class for code factorisation. It mainly deals with collector and buffer management. It delegates the actual collection to derived classes |
CPackCollection | |
CLinearOperator | Abstract base class for linear operators |
CLinearSolverBase | Simple interface for linear solvers that allows to extract solution results |
CPreconditionerBase | Common interface for preconditioning operators |
►CDofManager | The DoFManager is responsible for allocating global dofs, constructing sparsity patterns, and generally simplifying the interaction between PhysicsSolvers and linear algebra operations |
CFieldSupport | Describes field support on a single mesh body/level |
CSubComponent | Describes a selection of components from a DoF field |
CSuiteSparse | Wrapper for UMFPACK direct solver from SuiteSparse package |
CSuperLUDist | Wrapper for SuperLU_Dist parallel direct solver |
CHypreExport | Facilitates exporting Hypre matrix and associated vector objects (either in parallel or serial) |
CHypreInterface | This class holds aliases based on the Hypre library |
CHypreMatrix | Wrapper class for hypre's ParCSRMatrix |
CHypreMGRData | Container for hypre preconditioner auxiliary data for MGR |
CHyprePreconditioner | Wrapper around hypre-based preconditioners |
CHypreSolver | This class creates and provides basic support for Hypre solvers |
CHyprePrecWrapper | Container for hypre preconditioner function pointers |
CHypreVector | Wrapper class for hypre's ParVector |
CMatrixBase | Common base template for all matrix wrapper types |
CPetscExport | Facilitates exporting Petsc matrix and associated vector objects (either in parallel or serial) |
CPetscInterface | This class holds aliases based on the Petsc library |
CPetscMatrix | This class creates and provides basic support for the Mat matrix object type used in PETSc |
CPetscPreconditioner | Wrapper around PETSc-based preconditioners |
CPetscSolver | This class creates and provides basic support for PETSc solvers |
CPetscVector | This class creates and provides basic support for Vec vector object type used in PETSc |
CEpetraExport | Facilitates exporting Epetra matrix and associated vector objects (either in parallel or serial) |
CEpetraMatrix | Wrapper class for Epetra's CrsMatrix |
CEpetraVector | Wrapper around Trilinos' Epetra_Vector object |
CTrilinosInterface | This class holds aliases based on the Trilinos library |
CTrilinosPreconditioner | Wrapper around Trilinos-based preconditioners |
CTrilinosSolver | This class creates and provides basic support for AztecOO, Amesos and ML libraries |
CVectorBase | Common base template for all vector wrapper types |
CBicgstabSolver | This class implements Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method (right-preconditioned) for monolithic and block linear operators |
CBlockPreconditioner | General 2x2 block preconditioner |
CCgSolver | This class implements Conjugate Gradient method for monolithic and block linear operators |
CGmresSolver | This class implements Generalized Minimized RESidual method (right-preconditioned) for monolithic and block linear operators |
CKrylovSolver | Base class for Krylov solvers |
CPreconditionerBlockJacobi | Common interface for identity preconditioning operator |
CPreconditionerIdentity | Common interface for identity preconditioning operator |
CPreconditionerJacobi | Common interface for identity preconditioning operator |
CSeparateComponentPreconditioner | Separate component filter implemented as a compound preconditioner |
CBlockOperator | Concrete representation of a block operator |
CBlockOperatorView | Abstract view of a block operator |
CBlockOperatorWrapper | "Shallow" representation of a block operator |
CBlockVector | Concrete representation of a block vector |
CBlockVectorView | Abstract view of a block vector |
CBlockVectorWrapper | "Shallow" representation of a block vector |
►CComponentMask | Utility class that represents a mask for included/excluded component of a mask |
CIterator | Forward const iterator over the set components (bits) |
CInverseNormalOperator | Wraps a matrix A and represents A^{-1} * A^{-T} as a linear operator |
►CLinearSolverParameters | Set of parameters for a linear solver or preconditioner |
CAMG | Algebraic multigrid parameters |
CDD | Domain decomposition parameters |
CDirect | Direct solver parameters: used for SuperLU_Dist interface through hypre and PETSc |
CIFact | Incomplete factorization parameters |
CKrylov | Krylov-method parameters |
CMGR | Multigrid reduction parameters |
CScaling | Matrix-scaling parameters |
CLinearSolverResult | Results/stats of a linear solve |
CNormalOperator | Wraps a matrix A and represents A^T * A as a linear operator |
CTransposeOperator | Simple class that wraps a matrix and represents its transpose as a linear operator |
►CCellElementRegion | |
CviewKeyStruct | A struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
CCellElementRegionSelector | |
►CCellElementSubRegion | |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CDomainPartition | Partition of the decomposed physical domain. It also manages the connexion information to its neighbors |
CgroupKeysStruct | Struct to serve as a container for group strings and keys |
►CEdgeManager | This class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage edge data |
CviewKeyStruct | Container of keys needed to access the data of the class member |
►CElementRegionBase | The ElementRegionBase is the base class to manage the data stored at the element level |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CElementRegionManager | Interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage ElementRegion data |
CgroupKeyStruct | Group key associated with elementRegionsGroup |
►CElementSubRegionBase | |
CgroupKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for group strings and keys |
CviewKeyStruct | A struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CEmbeddedSurfaceNodeManager | Interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage node data |
CviewKeyStruct | Added view access keys to be bound with class data member |
CsurfaceWithGhostNodes | Struct defining an embedded element which has at least on node which is a ghost on this rank |
►CEmbeddedSurfaceSubRegion | |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct containing the keys to all embedded surface element views |
CExternalDataSourceBase | Abstract base class implementation for different mesh types. The ExternalDataSourceBase is the Group specialization for different type of mesh handling |
CExternalDataSourceManager | This class manages a data repository whereof objects can be imported to GEOS (reservoir mesh, well mesh) |
►CFaceElementSubRegion | |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct containing the keys to all face element views |
►CFaceManager | Interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage face data |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CFieldIdentifiers | |
CCellBlock | |
CCellBlockABC | |
CCellBlockManager | Interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage CellBlock data |
CCellBlockManagerABC | Abstract base class for CellBlockManager |
CToCellRelation | Container for maps from a mesh object (node, edge or face) to cells |
CExternalMeshGeneratorBase | Base class for external mesh generators (importers) |
CFaceBlock | Simple implementation of the FaceBlockABC contract |
CFaceBlockABC | Block of 2d elements (geometrical surfaces in 3d) |
CInternalMeshGenerator | Class handling GEOSX generated meshes |
CInternalWellboreGenerator | Class generating internal wellbore mesh |
CInternalWellGenerator | |
CLineBlock | |
►CLineBlockABC | |
CNodeLocation | Struct to define the top and bottom node of a segment |
CMeshComponentBase | |
CMeshGeneratorBase | Abstract base class implementation for different mesh types. The MeshGeneratorBase is the Group specialization for different type of mesh handling |
CParticleBlock | |
CParticleBlockABC | |
CParticleBlockManager | Interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage ParticleBlock data |
CParticleBlockManagerABC | Abstract base class for ParticleBlockManager |
CParticleMeshGenerator | Class handling import of particle data from an externel particle file |
CPartitionDescriptor | Simple utility to retrieve partition information in case of Metis or Spatial partition |
CRegion | Region parameters with Group capabilities |
CVTKHierarchicalDataSource | This class provides an API to access VTKPartitionedDataSetCollection through a vtkDataAssembly |
CVTKMeshGenerator | Class implementation of VTK generated meshes |
CVTKWellGenerator | Class implementation of VTK generated well |
CWellGeneratorBase | |
►CMeshBody | The class is used to manage mesh body |
CgroupStructKeys | Group keys |
CviewKeysStruct | Data repository keys |
CMeshLevel | Class facilitating the representation of a multi-level discretization of a MeshBody |
CMeshManager | This class manages the mesh objects in GEOSX (reservoir mesh, well mesh) |
CMeshObjectPath | Class to hold the path to a collection of mesh objects |
►CNodeManager | Interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage node data |
CviewKeyStruct | Added view access keys to be bound with class data member |
►CObjectManagerBase | The ObjectManagerBase is the base object of all object managers in the mesh data hierachy |
CgroupKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for group strings and keys |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CParticleManager | Interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage ParticleRegion data |
CgroupKeyStruct | Group key associated with particleRegionsGroup |
►CParticleRegion | |
CviewKeyStruct | A struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CParticleRegionBase | The ParticleRegionBase is the base class to manage the data stored at the particle level |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CParticleSubRegion | |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CParticleSubRegionBase | |
CgroupKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for group strings and keys |
CviewKeyStruct | A struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CPerforation | |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CPerforationData | |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
CBox | Class to represent a geometric box in GEOSX |
CCustomPolarObject | Class to represent a geometric disc in GEOSX |
CCylinder | Class to represent a geometric cylinder in GEOSX |
CDisc | Class to represent a geometric disc in GEOSX |
CGeometricObjectManager | Manager of the simple geometric objects |
CPlanarGeometricObject | Abstract class to implement functions used by all bounded geometric objects in GEOSX, such as disc or plane |
CRectangle | Class to represent a geometric box in GEOSX |
CSimpleGeometricObjectBase | Base class for the geometric objects (box, plane, cylinder) |
CThickPlane | Class to represent a geometric thick plane in GEOSX |
►CSurfaceElementRegion | |
CviewKeyStruct | A struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CSurfaceElementSubRegion | |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct containing the keys to all surface element views |
CToElementRelation | A relationship to an element |
CToParticleRelation | A relationship to a particle |
►CAverageOverQuadraturePointsBase | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CAverageOverQuadraturePoints1D | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CAverageOverQuadraturePoints1DKernelFactory | Class to create and launch the kernel |
►CCIcomputationKernel | Kernel to compute EDFM connectivity index |
CStackVariables | Stack variables |
CNodeKeyHasher | Strucure used to hash interpolation arrays representing high-order nodes |
►CWellElementRegion | This class specializes the element region for the case of a well. This class is also in charge of starting the construction of the well data structure in GenerateWell |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CWellElementSubRegion | This class describes a collection of local well elements and perforations |
CgroupKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for group strings and keys |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CFieldStatisticsBase | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CCompositionalMultiphaseBase | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CCompositionalMultiphaseFVM | |
CDBCParameters | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CCompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CCompositionalMultiphaseStatistics | |
►CFlowSolverBase | |
CBCMessage | Class used for displaying boundary warning message |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CProppantTransport | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CReactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CSinglePhaseBase | |
CFluidPropViews | Structure holding views into fluid properties used by the base solver |
CThermalFluidPropViews | Structure holding views into thermal fluid properties used by the base solver |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CSinglePhaseFVM | |
CSinglePhaseHybridFVM | |
CSinglePhaseProppantBase | |
►CSinglePhaseStatistics | |
CRegionStatistics | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CSourceFluxStatsAggregator | |
CStatData | Aggregated flux statistics data |
CviewKeyStruct | View keys |
CWrappedStats | Class that aggregate statistics of a flux over multiple time-steps for a given SourceFluxStatsAggregator and a for a given mesh part (i.e. a subregion, a region...) |
CStencilAccessors | A struct to automatically construct and store element view accessors |
CStencilMaterialAccessors | A struct to automatically construct and store element view accessors |
►CStencilDataCollection | |
CKernelConnectionData | Element-element connection data extracted from the kernel |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CCompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CNoOpStuct | |
►CSinglePhaseWell | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CWellConstants | A container for constants used in the well solver |
►CWellControls | This class describes the controls used to operate a well |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
►CWellSolverBase | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CExplicitQDRateAndState | |
CPIDController | Proportional-integral-derivative controller used for updating time step based error estimate in the current and previous time steps |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CImplicitQDRateAndState | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CQDRateAndStateBase | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CQuasiDynamicEarthQuake | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CSeismicityRate | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CSpringSlider | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CLinearSolverParametersInput | Linear solver parameters with Group capabilities |
CviewKeyStruct | Keys appearing in XML |
CCompositionalMultiphaseReservoirAndWells | |
CCoupledReservoirAndWellsBase | |
CCoupledSolver | |
CFlowProppantTransportSolver | |
►CHydrofractureSolver | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CMultiphasePoromechanics | |
CMultiphasePoromechanicsConformingFractures | |
COneWayCoupledFractureFlowContactMechanics | |
CPhaseFieldFractureSolver | |
CDamageInterpolationKernel | |
CPoromechanicsInitialization | |
►CPoromechanicsSolver | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CSinglePhasePoromechanics | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CSinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures | |
►CSinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CSinglePhaseReservoirAndWells | |
►CNonlinearSolverParameters | |
CviewKeysStruct | |
►CPhysicsSolverBase | Base class for all physics solvers |
CgroupKeyStruct | Structure to hold scoped key names |
CviewKeyStruct | Structure to hold scoped key names |
►CPhysicsSolverManager | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CLaplaceBaseH1 | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CLaplaceFEM | |
►CLaplaceFEMKernel | Implements kernels for solving Laplace's equation |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CPhaseFieldDamageFEM | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CPhaseFieldDamageKernel | Implements kernels for solving the Damage(or phase-field) equation in a phase-field fracture problem |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
►CContactSolverBase | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CSolidMechanicsAugmentedLagrangianContact | |
►CSolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CSolidMechanicsLagrangeContact | |
CSolidMechanicsLagrangeContactBubbleStab | |
CSolidMechanicsPenaltyContact | |
►CAverageStrainOverQuadraturePoints | |
CStackVariables | Kernel variables allocated on the stack. |
CAverageStrainOverQuadraturePointsKernelFactory | Class to create and launch the kernel |
►CSolidMechanicsLagrangianFEM | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CSolidMechanicsMPM | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CSolidMechanicsStateReset | |
CSolidMechanicsStatistics | |
►CSolverStatistics | This class is used to log the solver statistics |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys |
CNewObjectLists | |
CEmbeddedSurfaceGenerator | |
CModifiedObjectLists | |
CSurfaceGenerator | |
►CAcousticFirstOrderWaveEquationSEM | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CAcousticVTIWaveEquationSEM | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CAcousticPMLSEM | |
CComputeDamping | |
CPMLKernel | |
CwaveSpeedPMLKernel | |
►CAcousticWaveEquationSEM | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CAcousticMatricesSEM | |
CDampingMatrix | |
CGradientKappaBuoyancy | |
CMassMatrix | |
CAcousticTimeSchemeSEM | |
CCoupledWaveSolver | |
CAcousticElasticWaveEquationSEM | |
CAcoustoElasticTimeSchemeSEM | |
►CElasticFirstOrderWaveEquationSEM | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CElasticWaveEquationSEM | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
►CElasticMatricesSEM | |
CDampingMatrix | |
CMassMatrix | |
CElasticTimeSchemeSEM | |
CPreComputeSourcesAndReceivers | |
►CWaveSolverBase | |
CparametersPML | |
CviewKeyStruct | |
CWaveSolverUtils | |
CBoundaryStencilWrapper | |
►CBoundaryStencil | Provides management of the boundary stencil points (stencils used to prescribe boundary conditions on domain boundaries, i.e. faces) |
COrder | Defines the order of element/face in the stencil |
CCellElementStencilMPFA | Provides management of the interior stencil points when using a Multi-point flux approximation |
CCellElementStencilTPFAWrapper | |
CCellElementStencilTPFA | |
CEmbeddedSurfaceToCellStencilWrapper | Provide access to the EmbeddedSurfaceToCellStencil that may be called from a kernel function |
CEmbeddedSurfaceToCellStencil | Provides management of the interior stencil points for a face elements when using Two-Point flux approximation |
CFaceElementToCellStencilWrapper | Provides access to the FaceElementToCellStencil that may be called from a kernel function |
CFaceElementToCellStencil | |
CFiniteVolumeManager | |
CUpwindingParameters | |
►CFluxApproximationBase | |
CgroupKeyStruct | Group keys |
CviewKeyStruct | View keys |
►CHybridMimeticDiscretization | |
CviewKeyStruct | View keys |
CCellDescriptor | A structure containing a single cell (element) identifier triplet |
CProjectionEDFMHelper | A class that contains methods to modify cell and edfm stencils based on projection edfm |
CStencilTraits | A collection of properties of a stencil type |
CStencilWrapperBase | |
CStencilBase | Provides management of the interior stencil points when using Two-Point flux approximation |
CSurfaceElementStencilWrapper | Provides access to the SurfaceElementStencil that may be called from a kernel function |
CSurfaceElementStencil | Provides management of the interior stencil points for a face elements when using Two-Point flux approximation |
►CTwoPointFluxApproximation | |
CviewKeyStruct | View keys |
CCompositeFunction | |
CFunctionBase | |
CFunctionManager | |
CMultivariableTableFunction | |
CMultivariableTableFunctionStaticKernel | |
CSymbolicFunction | |
►CTableFunction | |
CKernelWrapper | |
COutputOptions | Struct containing output options |
CviewKeyStruct | Struct containing lookup keys for data repository wrappers |
►CAquiferBoundaryCondition | |
CKernelWrapper | |
CviewKeyStruct | View keys |
CDirichletBoundaryCondition | |
►CEquilibriumInitialCondition | |
CviewKeyStruct | View keys |
►CFieldSpecificationBase | |
CviewKeyStruct | View keys |
CFieldSpecificationManager | |
►CPerfectlyMatchedLayer | |
CviewKeyStruct | View keys |
CSourceFluxBoundaryCondition | |
►CTractionBoundaryCondition | |
CviewKeyStruct | View keys |
►CNumericalMethodsManager | |
CgroupKeysStruct | Contains the keys for the object names in the data repository |
CEventBase | |
CEventManager | |
CHaltEvent | |
CPeriodicEvent | |
CSoloEvent | |
CTaskBase | |
CTasksManager | A class to manage and execute tasks |
CGeosxState | Holds the global GEOSX state. This is a singleton class, no more than one instance exists at at time. After construction the instance can be accessed from anywhere by the free function getGlobalState() |
►CProblemManager | This is the class handling the operation flow of the problem being ran in GEOS |
CgroupKeysStruct | Child group viewKeys |
CviewKeysStruct | Command line input viewKeys |
Cformatter< std::optional< T > > | Format to be able to directly use a std::optional<T> |
Cformatter< geos::units::TimeFormatInfo > | Formatter to be able to directly use a DurationInfo as a GEOS_FMT() argument |
Cformatter< geos::dataRepository::DataContext > | Formatter to be able to directly use a DataContext as a GEOS_FMT() argument. Inherits from formatter<std::string> to reuse its parse() method |
NstructuredGrid | |