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geos::DofManager Class Reference

The DoFManager is responsible for allocating global dofs, constructing sparsity patterns, and generally simplifying the interaction between PhysicsSolvers and linear algebra operations. More...

#include <DofManager.hpp>


struct  FieldSupport
 Describes field support on a single mesh body/level. More...
struct  SubComponent
 Describes a selection of components from a DoF field. More...

Public Types

enum class  Connector {
  Elem , Face , Edge , Node ,
  None , Stencil
 Enumeration of geometric objects for connectivity type. Note that this enum is nearly identical to FieldLocation, but we keep both for code readability in function calls. More...
enum class  LocalReorderingType { None , ReverseCutHillMcKee }
 Indicates the type of (local to a rank) reordering applied to a given field. More...
using CompMask = ComponentMask< MAX_COMP >
 Type of component mask used by DofManager.

Public Member Functions

 DofManager (string name)
 Constructor. More...
 DofManager (DofManager const &)=delete
 Deleted copy constructor.
 DofManager (DofManager &&)=default
 Move constructor.
DofManageroperator= (DofManager const &)=delete
 Deleted copy assignment. More...
DofManageroperator= (DofManager &&)=default
 Defaulted move assignment. More...
void clear ()
 Remove all fields and couplings and re-enable addition of new fields.
void setDomain (DomainPartition &domain)
 Assign a domain. More...
void addField (string const &fieldName, FieldLocation location, integer components, std::vector< FieldSupport > const &regions={})
 Add a new field and enumerate its degrees-of-freedom. More...
void addField (string const &fieldName, FieldLocation location, integer components, map< std::pair< string, string >, string_array > const &regions)
 Add a new field and enumerate its degrees-of-freedom. More...
void setLocalReorderingType (string const &fieldName, LocalReorderingType const reorderingType)
 Set the local reodering of the dof numbers. More...
void disableGlobalCouplingForEquation (string const &fieldName, integer const c)
 Disable the global coupling for a given equation. More...
void disableGlobalCouplingForEquations (string const &fieldName, arrayView1d< integer const > const components)
 Disable the global coupling for a set of equations. More...
void addCoupling (string const &rowFieldName, string const &colFieldName, Connector connectivity, std::vector< FieldSupport > const &regions={}, bool symmetric=true)
 Add coupling between two fields. More...
void addCoupling (string const &rowFieldName, string const &colFieldName, Connector connectivity, map< std::pair< string, string >, string_array > const &regions, bool symmetric=true)
 Add coupling between two fields. More...
void addCoupling (string const &fieldName, FluxApproximationBase const &stencils)
 Special interface for self-connectivity through a stencil. More...
void reorderByRank ()
 Finish populating fields and apply appropriate dof renumbering. More...
bool fieldExists (string const &name) const
 Check if string key is already being used. More...
string const & getKey (string const &fieldName) const
 Return the key used to record the field in the DofManager. More...
globalIndex numGlobalDofs (string const &fieldName) const
globalIndex numGlobalDofs () const
localIndex numLocalDofs (string const &fieldName) const
localIndex numLocalDofs () const
globalIndex rankOffset (string const &fieldName) const
globalIndex rankOffset () const
integer numComponents (string const &fieldName="") const
integer numComponents () const
FieldLocation location (string const &fieldName) const
 Get the support location type of the field. More...
globalIndex globalOffset (string const &fieldName) const
array1d< integernumComponentsPerField () const
 Return an array of number of components per field, sorted by field registration order. More...
template<typename CONTAINER >
void getLocalDofComponentLabels (CONTAINER &labels) const
 Fill a container with unique dof labels for each local dof. More...
void setSparsityPattern (SparsityPattern< globalIndex > &pattern) const
 Populate sparsity pattern of the entire system matrix. More...
void copyVectorToField (arrayView1d< real64 const > const &localVector, string const &srcFieldName, string const &dstFieldName, real64 scalingFactor, CompMask mask=CompMask(MAX_COMP, true)) const
 Copy values from LA vectors to simulation data arrays. More...
template<typename SCALING_FACTOR_TYPE >
void addVectorToField (arrayView1d< real64 const > const &localVector, string const &srcFieldName, string const &dstFieldName, SCALING_FACTOR_TYPE const &scalingFactor, CompMask mask=CompMask(MAX_COMP, true)) const
 Add values from LA vectors to simulation data arrays. More...
void copyFieldToVector (arrayView1d< real64 > const &localVector, string const &srcFieldName, string const &dstFieldName, real64 scalingFactor, CompMask mask=CompMask(MAX_COMP, true)) const
 Copy values from simulation data arrays to vectors. More...
void addFieldToVector (arrayView1d< real64 > const &localVector, string const &srcFieldName, string const &dstFieldName, real64 scalingFactor, CompMask mask=CompMask(MAX_COMP, true)) const
 Add values from a simulation data array to a DOF vector. More...
std::vector< SubComponentfilterDofs (std::vector< SubComponent > const &excluded) const
 Create a dof selection by filtering out excluded components. More...
void setupFrom (DofManager const &source, std::vector< SubComponent > const &selection)
 Populate this manager from another using a sub-selection of fields/components. More...
template<typename MATRIX >
void makeRestrictor (std::vector< SubComponent > const &selection, MPI_Comm const &comm, bool transpose, MATRIX &restrictor) const
 Create a matrix that restricts vectors and matrices to a subset of DOFs. More...
void printFieldInfo (std::ostream &os=std::cout) const
 Print the summary of declared fields and coupling. More...

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int MAX_COMP = 32
 Maximum number of components in a field.

Detailed Description

The DoFManager is responsible for allocating global dofs, constructing sparsity patterns, and generally simplifying the interaction between PhysicsSolvers and linear algebra operations.

Definition at line 43 of file DofManager.hpp.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Connector

Enumeration of geometric objects for connectivity type. Note that this enum is nearly identical to FieldLocation, but we keep both for code readability in function calls.


connectivity is element (like in finite elements)


connectivity is face (like in finite volumes TPFA)


connectivity is edge (like fracture element connectors)


connectivity is node (like in finite volumes MPFA)


there is no connectivity (self connected field, like a lumped mass matrix)


connectivity is through a (set of) user-provided stencil(s)

Definition at line 103 of file DofManager.hpp.

◆ LocalReorderingType

Indicates the type of (local to a rank) reordering applied to a given field.


Do not reorder the variables.


Use reverve CutHill-McKee reordering algorithm.

Definition at line 116 of file DofManager.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ DofManager()

geos::DofManager::DofManager ( string  name)


[in]namea unique name for this DoF manager

Member Function Documentation

◆ addCoupling() [1/3]

void geos::DofManager::addCoupling ( string const &  fieldName,
FluxApproximationBase const &  stencils 

Special interface for self-connectivity through a stencil.

[in]fieldNamename of the field (this is only for diagonal blocks)
[in]stencilsa pointer to FluxApproximation storing the stencils

The field must be defined on element support. The set of regions is taken automatically from the field definition.

◆ addCoupling() [2/3]

void geos::DofManager::addCoupling ( string const &  rowFieldName,
string const &  colFieldName,
Connector  connectivity,
map< std::pair< string, string >, string_array > const &  regions,
bool  symmetric = true 

Add coupling between two fields.

The connectivity argument defines how the two fields couple. If the first field has support location A, the second field has support location B, and the connecting object is C, the sparsity pattern will be defined as (AC)(CB). The final argument indicates if the coupling is symmetric, in the sense that there is a two-way coupling between the fields. Without this argument, a nonzero block will be added to the system matrix for block AB, but block BA will remain zero (one-way coupling).

  • Example 1 = ("node_field","elem_field", ELEM, {}, true) couples all dofs sharing a common element (two-way coupling)
  • Example 2 = ("node_field","node_field", NODE, {}, true) couples all dofs sharing a common node (two-way coupling)
  • Example 3 = ("node_field","face_field", NODE, {}, false) couples nodal dofs to adjacent faces (one-way coupling)

When the number of components is greater than one, we always assume they are tightly coupled to one another and form a dense block. The sparsity pattern LC*CL is then interpreted as the super-node pattern, containing dense sub-blocks.

[in]rowFieldNamestring the name of the row field.
[in]colFieldNamestring the name of the col field.
[in]connectivityConnectivity through what they are connected.
[in]regionsnames of regions where this coupling is defined.
[in]symmetricbool is it symmetric, i.e., both row-col and col-row?

◆ addCoupling() [3/3]

void geos::DofManager::addCoupling ( string const &  rowFieldName,
string const &  colFieldName,
Connector  connectivity,
std::vector< FieldSupport > const &  regions = {},
bool  symmetric = true 

Add coupling between two fields.

The connectivity argument defines how the two fields couple. If the first field has support location A, the second field has support location B, and the connecting object is C, the sparsity pattern will be defined as (AC)(CB). The final argument indicates if the coupling is symmetric, in the sense that there is a two-way coupling between the fields. Without this argument, a nonzero block will be added to the system matrix for block AB, but block BA will remain zero (one-way coupling).

  • Example 1 = ("node_field","elem_field", ELEM, {}, true) couples all dofs sharing a common element (two-way coupling)
  • Example 2 = ("node_field","node_field", NODE, {}, true) couples all dofs sharing a common node (two-way coupling)
  • Example 3 = ("node_field","face_field", NODE, {}, false) couples nodal dofs to adjacent faces (one-way coupling)

When the number of components is greater than one, we always assume they are tightly coupled to one another and form a dense block. The sparsity pattern LC*CL is then interpreted as the super-node pattern, containing dense sub-blocks.

[in]rowFieldNamestring the name of the row field.
[in]colFieldNamestring the name of the col field.
[in]connectivityConnectivity through what they are connected.
[in]regionsnames of regions where this coupling is defined.
[in]symmetricbool is it symmetric, i.e., both row-col and col-row?

◆ addField() [1/2]

void geos::DofManager::addField ( string const &  fieldName,
FieldLocation  location,
integer  components,
map< std::pair< string, string >, string_array > const &  regions 

Add a new field and enumerate its degrees-of-freedom.

[in]fieldNamethe name of the field
[in]locationtype of mesh objects the field is defined on
[in]componentsnumber of components
[in]regionslist of region names the field is defined on (if empty, selects all regions)

Overload for map< string, string_array > bodyFieldSupport used by physics solvers.

◆ addField() [2/2]

void geos::DofManager::addField ( string const &  fieldName,
FieldLocation  location,
integer  components,
std::vector< FieldSupport > const &  regions = {} 

Add a new field and enumerate its degrees-of-freedom.

[in]fieldNamethe name of the field
[in]locationtype of mesh objects the field is defined on
[in]componentsnumber of components
[in]regionslist of region names the field is defined on (if empty, selects all regions)

◆ addFieldToVector()

void geos::DofManager::addFieldToVector ( arrayView1d< real64 > const &  localVector,
string const &  srcFieldName,
string const &  dstFieldName,
real64  scalingFactor,
CompMask  mask = CompMask(MAX_COMP, true) 
) const

Add values from a simulation data array to a DOF vector.

localVectortarget vector
srcFieldNamename of the source field (view wrapper key on the manager)
dstFieldNamename of the destination field (as defined in DofManager)
scalingFactora factor to scale vector values by
maskcomponent selection mask

◆ addVectorToField()

template<typename SCALING_FACTOR_TYPE >
void geos::DofManager::addVectorToField ( arrayView1d< real64 const > const &  localVector,
string const &  srcFieldName,
string const &  dstFieldName,
SCALING_FACTOR_TYPE const &  scalingFactor,
CompMask  mask = CompMask(MAX_COMP, true) 
) const

Add values from LA vectors to simulation data arrays.

localVectorsource local vector
srcFieldNamename of the source field (as defined in DofManager)
dstFieldNamename of the destination field (view wrapper key on the manager)
scalingFactora factor to scale vector values by
maskcomponent selection mask

◆ copyFieldToVector()

void geos::DofManager::copyFieldToVector ( arrayView1d< real64 > const &  localVector,
string const &  srcFieldName,
string const &  dstFieldName,
real64  scalingFactor,
CompMask  mask = CompMask(MAX_COMP, true) 
) const

Copy values from simulation data arrays to vectors.

localVectortarget LA vector
srcFieldNamename of the source field (view wrapper key on the manager)
dstFieldNamename of the destination field (as defined in DofManager)
scalingFactora factor to scale vector values by
maskcomponent selection mask

◆ copyVectorToField()

void geos::DofManager::copyVectorToField ( arrayView1d< real64 const > const &  localVector,
string const &  srcFieldName,
string const &  dstFieldName,
real64  scalingFactor,
CompMask  mask = CompMask(MAX_COMP, true) 
) const

Copy values from LA vectors to simulation data arrays.

localVectorsource local vector
srcFieldNamename of the source field (as defined in DofManager)
dstFieldNamename of the destination field (view wrapper key on the manager)
scalingFactora factor to scale vector values by
maskcomponent selection mask

◆ disableGlobalCouplingForEquation()

void geos::DofManager::disableGlobalCouplingForEquation ( string const &  fieldName,
integer const  c 

Disable the global coupling for a given equation.

[in]fieldNamethe name of the field
[in]cthe index of the equation

◆ disableGlobalCouplingForEquations()

void geos::DofManager::disableGlobalCouplingForEquations ( string const &  fieldName,
arrayView1d< integer const > const  components 

Disable the global coupling for a set of equations.

[in]fieldNamethe name of the field
[in]componentsthe indices of the equations

◆ fieldExists()

bool geos::DofManager::fieldExists ( string const &  name) const

Check if string key is already being used.

namefield key to check
flag true if exists

◆ filterDofs()

std::vector< SubComponent > geos::DofManager::filterDofs ( std::vector< SubComponent > const &  excluded) const

Create a dof selection by filtering out excluded components.

excludeda list of dof components to exclude
a vector of remaining dof components
Removed components must not have repeats, and each entry must either have loComp = 0 or hiComp = numComponents(fieldName) (or both). In other words, filtered out components must not leave "holes" in DOFs.

◆ getKey()

string const& geos::DofManager::getKey ( string const &  fieldName) const

Return the key used to record the field in the DofManager.

[in]fieldNamestring the name of the field.
string indicating name of the field.

◆ getLocalDofComponentLabels()

template<typename CONTAINER >
void geos::DofManager::getLocalDofComponentLabels ( CONTAINER &  labels) const

Fill a container with unique dof labels for each local dof.

Template Parameters
CONTAINERtype of container to fill
labelsthe container to fill

The labels are assigned starting from zero in increasing order of field registration. Labels are repeated for each support point of a field.

Definition at line 364 of file DofManager.hpp.

◆ globalOffset()

globalIndex geos::DofManager::globalOffset ( string const &  fieldName) const
global offset of field's block on current processor in the system matrix.
[in]fieldNamename of the field.

◆ location()

FieldLocation geos::DofManager::location ( string const &  fieldName) const

Get the support location type of the field.

[in]fieldNamename of the field
support location type

◆ makeRestrictor()

template<typename MATRIX >
void geos::DofManager::makeRestrictor ( std::vector< SubComponent > const &  selection,
MPI_Comm const &  comm,
bool  transpose,
MATRIX &  restrictor 
) const

Create a matrix that restricts vectors and matrices to a subset of DOFs.

Template Parameters
MATRIXtype of matrix used for restrictor
selectiona list of fields to select; each entry is a struct containing the name of the field and low and high selected component indices
commthe MPI communicator to use in the operator
transposeif true, the transpose (prolongation) operator will be created
restrictorresulting operator
Can only be called after reorderByRank(), since global DOF indexing is required for the restrictor to make sense.

◆ numComponents() [1/2]

integer geos::DofManager::numComponents ( ) const
number of dof components across all fields.

◆ numComponents() [2/2]

integer geos::DofManager::numComponents ( string const &  fieldName = "") const
number of components in a given field.
fieldNamename of the field

◆ numComponentsPerField()

array1d< integer > geos::DofManager::numComponentsPerField ( ) const

Return an array of number of components per field, sorted by field registration order.

array of number of components

◆ numGlobalDofs() [1/2]

globalIndex geos::DofManager::numGlobalDofs ( ) const
total number of dofs across all fields and processors.

◆ numGlobalDofs() [2/2]

globalIndex geos::DofManager::numGlobalDofs ( string const &  fieldName) const
number of global dofs of a given field.
fieldNamethe name of the field

◆ numLocalDofs() [1/2]

localIndex geos::DofManager::numLocalDofs ( ) const
total number of dofs across all fields on current processor.

◆ numLocalDofs() [2/2]

localIndex geos::DofManager::numLocalDofs ( string const &  fieldName) const
number of local dofs of a given field.
fieldNamename of the field

◆ operator=() [1/2]

DofManager& geos::DofManager::operator= ( DofManager &&  )

Defaulted move assignment.


◆ operator=() [2/2]

DofManager& geos::DofManager::operator= ( DofManager const &  )

Deleted copy assignment.


◆ printFieldInfo()

void geos::DofManager::printFieldInfo ( std::ostream &  os = std::cout) const

Print the summary of declared fields and coupling.

osoutput stream

◆ rankOffset() [1/2]

globalIndex geos::DofManager::rankOffset ( ) const
rank offset of current processor, i.e. total number of dofs on previous processors.

◆ rankOffset() [2/2]

globalIndex geos::DofManager::rankOffset ( string const &  fieldName) const
rank offset of given field, i.e. total number of dofs of this field on previous processors.
fieldNamename of the field

◆ reorderByRank()

void geos::DofManager::reorderByRank ( )

Finish populating fields and apply appropriate dof renumbering.

This function must be called after all field and coupling information has been added. It adjusts DoF index arrays to account for presence of other fields (in a global monolithic fashion).

After DofManager has been closed, new fields and coupling cannot be added, until clear or setDomain is called.
After reorderByRank() is called, the meaning of FieldDescription::globalOffset changes from "global offset of field's block in a global field-wise ordered (block) system" to "global offset of field's block on current processor in a rank-wise ordered system". This meaning is consistent with its use throughout. For example, this is the row/col global offset used to insert the field's sparsity block into a global coupled system.

◆ setDomain()

void geos::DofManager::setDomain ( DomainPartition domain)

Assign a domain.

domainthe target domain (non-const access required for allocating index arrays)
Calling this function unconditionally removes all previously defined fields and couplings. The user should only call this when they actually want to replace the domain with a new one, or they think the mesh topology might have changed and so the DOFs need to be re-numbered. They must then re-add all fields and couplings, and call reorderByRank() again.

◆ setLocalReorderingType()

void geos::DofManager::setLocalReorderingType ( string const &  fieldName,
LocalReorderingType const  reorderingType 

Set the local reodering of the dof numbers.

[in]fieldNamethe name of the field
[in]reorderingTypethe reordering type

◆ setSparsityPattern()

void geos::DofManager::setSparsityPattern ( SparsityPattern< globalIndex > &  pattern) const

Populate sparsity pattern of the entire system matrix.

[out]patternthe target sparsity pattern

◆ setupFrom()

void geos::DofManager::setupFrom ( DofManager const &  source,
std::vector< SubComponent > const &  selection 

Populate this manager from another using a sub-selection of fields/components.

sourcesource dof manager
selectionselection of fields/components
this will also allocate new dof

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