| CellElementRegion (string const &name, Group *const parent) |
| Constructor. More...
| CellElementRegion ()=delete |
| Deleted default constructor.
virtual | ~CellElementRegion () override |
| Destructor.
arrayView1d< string const > | getCellBlockNames () const |
void | addCellBlockName (string const &cellBlockName) |
| Select a cellBlock by its name for generateMesh(). More...
template<typename StringContainerType > |
void | setCellBlockNames (StringContainerType const &cellBlockNames) |
| Select cellBlocks by their names for generateMesh(). More...
virtual void | generateMesh (Group const &cellBlocks) override |
| register every cellBlocks that is requested in the cellBlockNames list. More...
| ElementRegionBase ()=delete |
| Deleted default constructor.
| ElementRegionBase (string const &name, Group *const parent) |
| Main constructor. More...
| ElementRegionBase (const ElementRegionBase &init) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~ElementRegionBase () override |
| Default destructor.
template<typename SUBREGION_TYPE > |
SUBREGION_TYPE & | createElementSubRegion (string const &name) |
| Create a Element Sub Region object. More...
template<typename LAMBDA > |
void | forElementSubRegions (LAMBDA &&lambda) const |
| Apply a lambda to all subregions. More...
template<typename LAMBDA > |
void | forElementSubRegions (LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Apply a lambda to all subregions. More...
template<typename SUBREGIONTYPE , typename ... SUBREGIONTYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forElementSubRegions (LAMBDA &&lambda) const |
| Apply LAMBDA to the subregions with the specific subregion types listed in the template. More...
template<typename SUBREGIONTYPE , typename ... SUBREGIONTYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forElementSubRegions (LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Apply a lambda to all subregions. More...
template<typename LAMBDA > |
void | forElementSubRegionsIndex (LAMBDA &&lambda) const |
| Apply LAMBDA to the subregions, loop using subregion indices. More...
template<typename LAMBDA > |
void | forElementSubRegionsIndex (LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Apply LAMBDA to the subregions, loop using subregion indices. More...
template<typename SUBREGIONTYPE , typename ... SUBREGIONTYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forElementSubRegionsIndex (LAMBDA &&lambda) const |
| Apply LAMBDA to the subregions with the specific subregion types listed in the template, loop using subregion indices. More...
template<typename SUBREGIONTYPE , typename ... SUBREGIONTYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forElementSubRegionsIndex (LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Apply LAMBDA to the subregions, loop using subregion indices. More...
Group & | getSubRegions () |
| Get a collection of the subregions. More...
Group const & | getSubRegions () const |
| Get a collection of the subregions. More...
template<typename SUBREGIONTYPE = ElementSubRegionBase, typename KEY_TYPE = void> |
SUBREGIONTYPE const & | getSubRegion (KEY_TYPE const &key) const |
| Get a reference to a subregion. More...
template<typename SUBREGIONTYPE = ElementSubRegionBase, typename KEY_TYPE = void> |
SUBREGIONTYPE & | getSubRegion (KEY_TYPE const &key) |
| Get a reference to a subregion. More...
template<typename T = ElementSubRegionBase> |
bool | hasSubRegion (string const &name) const |
| Check to see if this region has a subregion. More...
localIndex | numSubRegions () const |
| Get the number of subregions in the region. More...
template<typename SUBREGIONTYPE = ElementSubRegionBase, typename ... SUBREGIONTYPES> |
localIndex | getNumberOfElements () const |
| Get the number of elements in the region for specific subregion types provided as template arguments. More...
string_array & | getMaterialList () |
| Get the material list in the element region. More...
string_array const & | getMaterialList () const |
| Get the material list in the element region. More...
template<typename CONSTITUTIVE_TYPE > |
string_array | getConstitutiveNames () const |
| Get the name of the constiutive in the element region. More...
| ObjectManagerBase (string const &name, dataRepository::Group *const parent) |
| Constructor. More...
| ~ObjectManagerBase () override |
| Destructor.
virtual localIndex | packSize (string_array const &wrapperNames, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const override |
| Get the size required to pack a list of indices within a list of wrappers. More...
virtual localIndex | pack (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, string_array const &wrapperNames, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const override |
| Pack a list of indices within a list of wrappers. More...
virtual localIndex | unpack (buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex > &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events, MPI_Op op=MPI_REPLACE) override |
| Unpack a buffer. More...
template<bool DO_PACKING> |
localIndex | packSets (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const |
| Packs the elements of each set that actually are in packList . More...
localIndex | unpackSets (buffer_unit_type const *&buffer) |
| Unpack the content of buffer into the sets of the instance. More...
void | excludeWrappersFromPacking (std::set< string > const &wrapperNames) |
| Registers wrappers that will be excluded from packing. More...
virtual localIndex | packGlobalMapsSize (arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive) const |
| Computes the pack size of the global maps elements in the @ packList. More...
virtual localIndex | packGlobalMaps (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive) const |
| Packs the global maps elements in the @ packList. More...
void | setReceiveLists () |
| Clear and redefines the ghosts to receive.
virtual localIndex | packUpDownMapsSize (arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const |
| Computes the pack size of the specific elements in the @ packList. More...
virtual localIndex | packUpDownMaps (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const |
| Packs the specific elements in the @ packList. More...
virtual localIndex | unpackUpDownMaps (buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, array1d< localIndex > &packList, bool const overwriteUpMaps, bool const overwriteDownMaps) |
| Unpacks the specific elements in the @ packList. More...
virtual localIndex | unpackGlobalMaps (buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, localIndex_array &packList, integer const recursive) |
| Unpacks the global maps from buffer . More...
localIndex | packParentChildMapsSize (arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const |
| Computes the pack size of the parent/child relations in packList . More...
localIndex | packParentChildMaps (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const |
| Packs the parent/child relations in packList . More...
localIndex | unpackParentChildMaps (buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, localIndex_array &packList) |
| Unacks the parent/child relations in packList . More...
void | moveSets (LvArray::MemorySpace const targetSpace) |
| Manually move all sets to a memory space. More...
localIndex | resize (localIndex const newSize, const bool) |
| Resize the group and all contained wrappers that resize with parent. More...
SortedArray< localIndex > & | createSet (const string &newSetName) |
| Creates a new set. More...
void | constructSetFromSetAndMap (SortedArrayView< localIndex const > const &inputSet, const array2d< localIndex > &map, const string &setName) |
| Builds a new set on this instance given another objects set and the map between them. More...
void | constructSetFromSetAndMap (SortedArrayView< localIndex const > const &inputSet, const array1d< localIndex_array > &map, const string &setName) |
| Builds a new set on this instance given another objects set and the map between them. More...
void | constructSetFromSetAndMap (SortedArrayView< localIndex const > const &inputSet, ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &map, const string &setName) |
| Builds a new set on this instance given another objects set and the map between them. More...
void | constructGlobalToLocalMap () |
| Constructs the global to local map.
array1d< globalIndex > | constructGlobalListOfBoundaryObjects () const |
| Computes the (global) index list that are domain boundaries. More...
virtual ArrayOfSets< globalIndex > | extractMapFromObjectForAssignGlobalIndexNumbers (ObjectManagerBase const &nodeManager) |
| Extract map from object and assign global indices. More...
void | setGhostRankForSenders (int const neighborRank) |
| Defines neighborRank ownership for ghost objects. More...
localIndex | getNumberOfGhosts () const |
| Get the number of ghost objects. More...
localIndex | getNumberOfLocalIndices () const |
| Get the number of locally owned objects. More...
integer | splitObject (localIndex const indexToSplit, int const rank, localIndex &newIndex) |
| Split object to deal with topology changes. More...
void | inheritGhostRankFromParent (std::set< localIndex > const &indices) |
| sets the value of m_ghostRank to the value of the objects parent. More...
void | copyObject (localIndex const source, localIndex const destination) |
| Copy object from source to @ destination. More...
void | eraseObject (std::set< localIndex > const &indicesToErase) |
| Erase object from this object manager. More...
virtual void | setMaxGlobalIndex () |
| Computes the maximum global index allong all the MPI ranks.
virtual void | enforceStateFieldConsistencyPostTopologyChange (std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices) |
| Updates the child and target indices after a topology change. More...
template<typename FIELD_TRAIT > |
dataRepository::Wrapper< typename FIELD_TRAIT::type > & | registerField (string const &nameOfRegisteringObject) |
| Register field with this ObjectManagerBase using a dataRepository::Wrapper . More...
template<typename FIELD_TRAIT > |
dataRepository::Wrapper< typename FIELD_TRAIT::type > & | registerField (FIELD_TRAIT const &fieldTrait, typename FIELD_TRAIT::type *newObject) |
| Helper function to register fields. More...
template<typename FIELD_TRAIT0 , typename FIELD_TRAIT1 , typename ... FIELD_TRAITS> |
void | registerField (string const &nameOfRegisteringObject) |
| Register a collection of fields with this ObjectManagerBase using a dataRepository::Wrapper. More...
template<typename FIELD_TRAIT > |
GEOS_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURN | getField () const |
| Get a view to the field associated with a trait from this ObjectManagerBase . More...
template<typename FIELD_TRAIT > |
| Get the field associated with a trait from this ObjectManagerBase . More...
template<typename FIELD_TRAIT > |
bool | hasField () const |
| Checks if a field has been registered. More...
virtual viewKeyStruct & | viewKeys () |
| Get the view keys for Group access. More...
virtual viewKeyStruct const & | viewKeys () const |
| Get the view keys for Group access, const version. More...
virtual groupKeyStruct & | groupKeys () |
| Get the group keys for Group access. More...
virtual groupKeyStruct const & | groupKeys () const |
| Get the group keys for Group access, const version. More...
Group & | sets () |
| Get the group holding the object sets. More...
Group const & | sets () const |
| Get the group holding the object sets, const version. More...
SortedArray< localIndex > & | getSet (string const &setName) |
| Get a set by name. More...
SortedArrayView< localIndex const > | getSet (string const &setName) const |
| Get a set by name, const version. More...
SortedArray< localIndex > & | externalSet () |
| Get the external set. More...
SortedArrayView< localIndex const > | externalSet () const |
| Get the external set, const version. More...
void | updateGlobalToLocalMap (localIndex const lid) |
| Updates (if needed) the global index for local index lid . More...
arrayView1d< globalIndex > | localToGlobalMap () |
| Get local to global map. More...
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > | localToGlobalMap () const |
| Get local to global map, const version. More...
unordered_map< globalIndex, localIndex > const & | globalToLocalMap () const |
| Get global to local map. More...
localIndex | globalToLocalMap (globalIndex const gid) const |
| Retrieves the local index for given global index. More...
array1d< integer > const & | isExternal () |
| Get the locality information of the objects. More...
arrayView1d< integer const > | isExternal () const |
| Get the locality information of the objects. More...
array1d< integer > const & | ghostRank () |
| Get the ghost information of each object. More...
arrayView1d< integer const > | ghostRank () const |
| Get the ghost information of each object, const version. More...
NeighborData & | getNeighborData (int const rank) |
| Get neighbor data for given rank . More...
NeighborData const & | getNeighborData (int const rank) const |
| Get neighbor data for given rank , const version. More...
void | addNeighbor (int const rank) |
| Add a neighbor for rank . More...
void | removeNeighbor (int const rank) |
| Remove neighbor for rank . More...
globalIndex | localMaxGlobalIndex () const |
| Get the local maximum global index on this rank. More...
globalIndex | maxGlobalIndex () const |
| Get the maximum global index of all objects across all rank. See. More...
array1d< integer > & | getDomainBoundaryIndicator () |
| Get the domain boundary indicator. More...
arrayView1d< integer const > | getDomainBoundaryIndicator () const |
| Get the domain boundary indicator. More...
virtual void | outputObjectConnectivity () const |
| Function to output connectivity in order to assist debugging issues with object connectivity.
template<typename LOG_LEVEL_INFO > |
std::enable_if_t< geos::is_log_level_info< LOG_LEVEL_INFO >, void > | addLogLevel () |
| Append a levelCondition and a log description to the description of the wrapped object given a log info struct. Must be called in constructor. More...
virtual bool | registerCallback (void *func, const std::type_info &funcType) |
| Register a callback function on the group. More...
virtual void | reinit () |
| Performs re-initialization of certain variable depending on the solver being used.
| Group (string const &name, Group *const parent) |
| Constructor. More...
| Group (string const &name, conduit::Node &rootNode) |
| Constructor. More...
| Group (Group &&source)=default |
| Move constructor. More...
virtual | ~Group () |
| Destructor, deletes all Groups and Wrappers owned by this Group.
| Group ()=delete |
| Deleted default constructor.
| Group (Group const &)=delete |
| Deleted copy constructor.
Group & | operator= (Group const &)=delete |
| Deleted copy assignment operator. More...
Group & | operator= (Group &&)=delete |
| Deleted move assignment operator. More...
void | printDataHierarchy (integer indent=0) const |
| Prints the data hierarchy recursively. More...
string | dumpInputOptions () const |
string | dumpSubGroupsNames () const |
string | dumpWrappersNames () const |
template<typename T = Group> |
T & | registerGroup (string const &name, std::unique_ptr< T > newObject) |
| Register a new Group as a sub-group of current Group. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T & | registerGroup (string const &name, T *newObject) |
| Register a new Group as a sub-group of current Group. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T & | registerGroup (string const &name) |
| Register a new Group as a sub-group of current Group. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T & | registerGroup (subGroupMap::KeyIndex const &keyIndex) |
| Register a new Group as a sub-group of current Group. More...
void | deregisterGroup (string const &name) |
| Removes a child group from this group. More...
virtual Group * | createChild (string const &childKey, string const &childName) |
| Creates a new sub-Group using the ObjectCatalog functionality. More...
template<typename T = Group, typename KEY = void> |
T * | getGroupPointer (KEY const &key) |
| Return a pointer to a sub-group of the current Group. More...
template<typename T = Group, typename KEY = void> |
T const * | getGroupPointer (KEY const &key) const |
| Return a pointer to a sub-group of the current Group. More...
template<typename T = Group, typename KEY = void> |
T & | getGroup (KEY const &key) |
| Return a reference to a sub-group of the current Group. More...
template<typename T = Group, typename KEY = void> |
T const & | getGroup (KEY const &key) const |
| Return a reference to a sub-group of the current Group. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T & | getGroupByPath (string const &path) |
| Retrieve a group from the hierarchy using a path. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T const & | getGroupByPath (string const &path) const |
| Retrieve a group from the hierarchy using a path. More...
subGroupMap & | getSubGroups () |
| Get the subgroups object. More...
subGroupMap const & | getSubGroups () const |
| Get the subgroups object. More...
localIndex | numSubGroups () const |
| return the number of sub groups in this Group More...
std::vector< string > | getSubGroupsNames () const |
template<typename T = Group> |
bool | hasGroup (string const &name) const |
| Check whether a sub-group exists. More...
template<typename T > |
bool | hasSubGroupOfType () const |
| Check whether a sub-group exists by type. More...
template<typename GROUPTYPE = Group, typename ... GROUPTYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forSubGroups (LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Apply the given functor to subgroups that can be casted to one of specified types. More...
template<typename GROUPTYPE = Group, typename ... GROUPTYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forSubGroups (LAMBDA &&lambda) const |
| Apply the given functor to subgroups that can be casted to one of specified types. More...
template<typename GROUPTYPE = Group, typename ... GROUPTYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forSubGroupsIndex (LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Apply the given functor to subgroups that can be casted to one of specified types. More...
template<typename GROUPTYPE = Group, typename ... GROUPTYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forSubGroupsIndex (LAMBDA &&lambda) const |
| Apply the given functor to subgroups that can be casted to one of specified types. More...
template<typename GROUPTYPE = Group, typename ... GROUPTYPES, typename LOOKUP_CONTAINER , typename LAMBDA > |
void | forSubGroups (LOOKUP_CONTAINER const &subGroupKeys, LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Apply the given functor to subgroups that can be casted to one of specified types. More...
template<typename GROUPTYPE = Group, typename ... GROUPTYPES, typename LOOKUP_CONTAINER , typename LAMBDA > |
void | forSubGroups (LOOKUP_CONTAINER const &subGroupKeys, LAMBDA &&lambda) const |
| Apply the given functor to subgroups that can be casted to one of specified types. More...
template<typename LAMBDA > |
void | forWrappers (LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Apply the given functor to wrappers. More...
template<typename LAMBDA > |
void | forWrappers (LAMBDA &&lambda) const |
| Apply the given functor to wrappers. More...
template<typename TYPE , typename ... TYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forWrappers (LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Apply the given functor to wrappers that can be cast to one of specified types. More...
template<typename TYPE , typename ... TYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forWrappers (LAMBDA &&lambda) const |
| Apply the given functor to wrappers that can be cast to one of specified types. More...
template<typename T , typename TBASE = T> |
Wrapper< TBASE > & | registerWrapper (string const &name, wrapperMap::KeyIndex::index_type *const rkey=nullptr) |
| Create and register a Wrapper around a new object. More...
template<typename T , typename TBASE = T> |
Wrapper< TBASE > & | registerWrapper (Group::wrapperMap::KeyIndex const &viewKey) |
| Create and register a Wrapper around a new object. More...
template<typename T > |
Wrapper< T > & | registerWrapper (string const &name, std::unique_ptr< T > newObject) |
| Register a Wrapper around a given object and take ownership. More...
template<typename T > |
Wrapper< T > & | registerWrapper (string const &name, T *newObject) |
| Register a Wrapper around an existing object, does not take ownership of the object. More...
WrapperBase & | registerWrapper (std::unique_ptr< WrapperBase > wrapper) |
| Register and take ownership of an existing Wrapper. More...
void | deregisterWrapper (string const &name) |
| Removes a Wrapper from this group. More...
void | generateDataStructureSkeleton (integer const level) |
| Build a complete datastructure for schema generation. More...
virtual void | expandObjectCatalogs () |
| Expand any catalogs in the data structure.
virtual void | setSchemaDeviations (xmlWrapper::xmlNode schemaRoot, xmlWrapper::xmlNode schemaParent, integer documentationType) |
| Inform the schema generator of any deviations between the xml and GEOS data structures. More...
virtual void | registerDataOnMeshRecursive (Group &meshBodies) |
| Calls RegisterDataOnMesh() recursively. More...
virtual void | registerDataOnMesh (Group &meshBodies) |
| Register data on mesh entities. More...
virtual localIndex | packSize (string_array const &wrapperNames, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const |
| Get the size required to pack a list of wrappers. More...
localIndex | packSize (arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const |
| Get the size required to pack a list of indices for all registered wrappers. More...
virtual localIndex | pack (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, string_array const &wrapperNames, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const |
| Pack a list of wrappers to a buffer. More...
localIndex | pack (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const |
| Pack a list of indices for all registered wrappers. More...
template<typename KEY > |
WrapperBase const & | getWrapperBase (KEY const &key) const |
| Return a reference to a WrapperBase stored in this group. More...
template<typename KEY > |
WrapperBase & | getWrapperBase (KEY const &key) |
| Return a reference to a WrapperBase stored in this group. More...
indexType | getWrapperIndex (string const &name) const |
wrapperMap const & | wrappers () const |
| Get access to the internal wrapper storage. More...
wrapperMap & | wrappers () |
| Get access to the internal wrapper storage. More...
indexType | numWrappers () const |
| Return the number of wrappers. More...
std::vector< string > | getWrappersNames () const |
template<typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
bool | hasWrapper (LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) const |
| Check if a wrapper exists. More...
template<typename T , typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
Wrapper< T > const & | getWrapper (LOOKUP_TYPE const &index) const |
| Retrieve a Wrapper stored in this group. More...
template<typename T , typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
Wrapper< T > & | getWrapper (LOOKUP_TYPE const &index) |
| Retrieve a Wrapper stored in this group. More...
template<typename T , typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
Wrapper< T > const * | getWrapperPointer (LOOKUP_TYPE const &index) const |
| Retrieve a Wrapper stored in this group. More...
template<typename T , typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
Wrapper< T > * | getWrapperPointer (LOOKUP_TYPE const &index) |
| Retrieve a Wrapper stored in this group. More...
template<typename T , typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
GEOS_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURN | getReference (LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) const |
| Look up a wrapper and get reference to wrapped object. More...
template<typename T , typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
T & | getReference (LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) |
| Look up a wrapper and get reference to wrapped object. More...
virtual void | resize (localIndex const newSize) |
| Resize the group and all contained wrappers that resize with parent. More...
virtual void | reserve (indexType const newsize) |
| Set the new capacity and reserve it in all wrappers that resize with parent. More...
localIndex | capacity () const |
| Get the "capacity" of the group, which determines the capacity of resizable wrappers. More...
localIndex | size () const |
| Get the "size" of the group, which determines the number of elements in resizable wrappers. More...
string const & | getName () const |
| Get group name. More...
string | getPath () const |
| Return the path of this Group in the data repository. Starts with '/' followed by the hierarchy of the children of the "Problem" in which the Group is. More...
DataContext const & | getDataContext () const |
template<typename KEY > |
DataContext const & | getWrapperDataContext (KEY key) const |
Group & | getParent () |
| Access the group's parent. More...
Group const & | getParent () const |
| Access the group's parent. More...
bool | hasParent () const |
localIndex | getIndexInParent () const |
| Get the group's index within its parent group. More...
localIndex | getSubGroupIndex (keyType const &key) const |
| Get the index of a sub-Group within this group. More...
int | sizedFromParent () const |
| Check whether this Group is resized when its parent is resized. More...
Group & | setSizedFromParent (int val) |
| Set whether this wrapper is resized when its parent is resized. More...
RestartFlags | getRestartFlags () const |
| Get flags that control restart output of this group. More...
void | setRestartFlags (RestartFlags flags) |
| Set flags that control restart output of this group. More...
InputFlags | getInputFlags () const |
| Get input flags for schema generation. More...
void | setInputFlags (InputFlags flags) |
| Set input flags for schema generation. More...
conduit::Node & | getConduitNode () |
| Return the Conduit node object associated with this group. More...
conduit::Node const & | getConduitNode () const |
| Return the Conduit node object associated with this group. More...
void | prepareToWrite () |
| Register the group and its wrappers with Conduit.
void | finishWriting () |
| Write the group and its wrappers into Conduit.
void | loadFromConduit () |
| Read the group and its wrappers from Conduit.
void | enableLogLevelInput () |
void | setLogLevel (integer const logLevel) |
| Set verbosity level. More...
integer | getLogLevel () const |
virtual void | initialize_postMeshGeneration () |
| initialization post generation of the mesh.
void | initialize () |
| Run initialization functions on this and all subgroups. More...
virtual void | initializationOrder (string_array &order) |
| Sets the initialization order for sub-Groups. More...
void | initializePostInitialConditions () |
| Initialization routine to be called after calling ApplyInitialConditions(). More...
void | postRestartInitializationRecursive () |
| Initialization routine to be called after calling reading a restart file. More...
void | processInputFileRecursive (xmlWrapper::xmlDocument &xmlDocument, xmlWrapper::xmlNode &targetNode) |
| Recursively read values using ProcessInputFile() from the input file and put them into the wrapped values for this group. Also add the includes content to the xmlDocument when Include nodes are encountered. More...
void | processInputFileRecursive (xmlWrapper::xmlDocument &xmlDocument, xmlWrapper::xmlNode &targetNode, xmlWrapper::xmlNodePos const &targetNodePos) |
| Same as processInputFileRecursive(xmlWrapper::xmlDocument &, xmlWrapper::xmlNode &) but allow to reuse an existing xmlNodePos. More...
void | postInputInitializationRecursive () |
| Recursively call postInputInitialization() to apply post processing after reading input values.
using | CatalogInterface = dataRepository::CatalogInterface< ObjectManagerBase, string const &, dataRepository::Group *const > |
| Nested type for the factory pattern, defining the base class (ObjectManagerBase) and the builder arguments (string const &, dataRepository::Group * const) of the derived products.
using | subGroupMap = MappedVector< Group, Group *, keyType, indexType > |
| The template specialization of MappedVector to use for the collection of sub-Group objects.
using | wrapperMap = MappedVector< WrapperBase, WrapperBase *, keyType, indexType > |
| The template specialization of MappedVector to use for the collection wrappers objects.
using | CatalogInterface = dataRepository::CatalogInterface< Group, string const &, Group *const > |
| Type alias for catalog interface used by this class. See CatalogInterface.
static string | verifyMeshBodyName (Group const &meshBodies, string const &meshBodyBlockName) |
| verify that the meshBody name specified exists in the meshBodies group. If there is only one meshBody it returns the name of the only existing mesh body. More...
static ElementRegionBase & | getParentRegion (ElementSubRegionBase &subRegion) |
static ElementRegionBase const & | getParentRegion (ElementSubRegionBase const &subRegion) |
template<typename TYPE_RELATION > |
static void | fixUpDownMaps (TYPE_RELATION &relation, map< localIndex, array1d< globalIndex > > &unmappedIndices, bool const clearIfUnmapped) |
| Fixing the up/down maps by mapping the unmapped indices. More...
template<typename TYPE_RELATION > |
static void | fixUpDownMaps (TYPE_RELATION &relation, map< localIndex, SortedArray< globalIndex > > &unmappedIndices, bool const clearIfUnmapped) |
| Fixing the up/down maps by mapping the unmapped indices. More...
static void | fixUpDownMaps (ArrayOfSets< localIndex > &relation, unordered_map< globalIndex, localIndex > const &globalToLocal, map< localIndex, SortedArray< globalIndex > > &unmappedIndices, bool const clearIfUnmapped) |
| Fixing the up/down maps by mapping the unmapped indices. More...
static void | cleanUpMap (std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices, array1d< SortedArray< localIndex > > &upmap, arrayView2d< localIndex const > const &downmap) |
| Removes from the list of arrays of upmap all the elements for which the "mirror target array" of downmap does not contain the proper target index. More...
static void | cleanUpMap (std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices, ArrayOfSetsView< localIndex > const &upmap, arrayView2d< localIndex const > const &downmap) |
| Removes from the list of sets of upmap all the elements for which the "mirror target array" of downmap does not contain the proper target index. More...
static void | cleanUpMap (std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices, array1d< SortedArray< localIndex > > &upmap, arrayView1d< arrayView1d< localIndex const > const > const &downmap) |
| Removes from the list of arrays of upmap all the elements for which the "mirror target array" of downmap does not contain the proper target index. More...
static void | cleanUpMap (std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices, ArrayOfSetsView< localIndex > const &upmap, arrayView1d< arrayView1d< localIndex const > const > const &downmap) |
| Removes from the list of sets of upmap all the elements for which the "mirror target array" of downmap does not contain the proper target index. More...
static void | cleanUpMap (std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices, ArrayOfSetsView< localIndex > const &upmap, ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &downmap) |
| Removes from the list of sets of upmap all the elements for which the "mirror target array" of downmap does not contain the proper target index. More...
static localIndex | getParentRecursive (arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &parentIndices, localIndex const lookup) |
| Get the upmost parent. More...
static CatalogInterface::CatalogType & | getCatalog () |
| Acessing the unique instance of this catalog. More...
template<typename T0 , typename T1 , typename ... CASTTYPES, typename CONTAINERTYPE , typename LAMBDA > |
static bool | applyLambdaToContainer (CONTAINERTYPE &container, LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Apply a given functor to a container if the container can be cast to one of the specified types. More...
static CatalogInterface::CatalogType & | getCatalog () |
| Get the singleton catalog for this Group. More...
static string | processInputName (xmlWrapper::xmlNode const &targetNode, xmlWrapper::xmlNodePos const &targetNodePos, string_view parentNodeName, xmlWrapper::xmlNodePos const &parentNodePos, std::set< string > &siblingNames) |
struct geos::ObjectManagerBase::viewKeyStruct | m_ObjectManagerBaseViewKeys |
| viewKey struct for the ObjectManagerBase class
struct geos::ObjectManagerBase::groupKeyStruct | m_ObjectManagerBaseGroupKeys |
| groupKey struct for the ObjectManagerBase class
virtual void | postInputInitialization () |
virtual void | initializePreSubGroups () |
| Called by Initialize() prior to initializing sub-Groups.
virtual void | initializePostSubGroups () |
| Called by Initialize() after to initializing sub-Groups.
virtual void | initializePostInitialConditionsPreSubGroups () |
| Called by InitializePostInitialConditions() prior to initializing sub-Groups.
virtual void | initializePostInitialConditionsPostSubGroups () |
| Called by InitializePostInitialConditions() after to initializing sub-Groups.
virtual void | postRestartInitialization () |
| Performs initialization required after reading from a restart file.
Group | m_sets |
| Group that holds object sets.
std::set< string > | m_packingExclusionList |
| Names of the wrappers that should not be packed.
Group | m_neighborGroup |
| Group that holds all the NeighborData objects.
array1d< globalIndex > | m_localToGlobalMap |
| Contains the global index of each object.
unordered_map< globalIndex, localIndex > | m_globalToLocalMap |
| Map from object global index to the local index.
array1d< integer > | m_isExternal |
| Array that holds if an object is external.
array1d< integer > | m_domainBoundaryIndicator |
| Domain boundary indicator: 1 means the "index" is on the boundary.
array1d< integer > | m_ghostRank |
| Array that holds the ghost information about each object. More...
unordered_map< int, NeighborData > | m_neighborData |
| A map from rank to the associated NeighborData object.
real64 | m_overAllocationFactor = 1.1 |
| Factor by which to overallocate when adding objects.
globalIndex | m_maxGlobalIndex = -1 |
| The maximum global index of all objects across all rank.
globalIndex | m_localMaxGlobalIndex = -1 |
| The maximum global index of any object of all objects on this rank.