Model: Modified Cam-Clay
This model may be used to represent a solid material with plastic response to loading according to the Modified Cam-Clay (MCC) critical state model. The MCC yield function is defined as:
where is the preconsolidation pressure, and
is the slope of the critical state line (CSL).
can be related to the critical state friction angle
Here represents the yield surface, as shown in Figure 6.

Fig. 86 Cam-Clay and Modified Cam-Clay yield surfaces in p-q space (Borja, 2013).
Here we use a hyper-elastic constitutive law using the following elastic rate constitutive equation
where is the elastic compressibility index. The tangential elastic bulk modulus is
and varies linearly with pressure. We assume a constant shear modulus, and can write stress invariants p and q as
where is the reference pressure and
is the reference volumetric strain. The hardening law is derived from the linear relationship between logarithm of specific volume and logarithm of preconsolidation pressure, as show in Figure 7.

Fig. 87 Bilogarithmic hardening law derived from isotropic compression tests (Borja, 2013).
The hardening law describes evolution of the preconsolidation pressure as
where is the virgin compressibility index and we have
The supported attributes will be documented soon.
<ModifiedCamClay name="mcc"
defaultVirginCompressionIndex="0.003" />