| CellBlock ()=delete |
| Deleted default constructor.
| CellBlock (string const &name, Group *const parent) |
| Constructor for this class. More...
| CellBlock (const CellBlock &init)=delete |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~CellBlock () override |
| Destructor.
virtual void | CalculateElementGeometricQuantities (NodeManager const &nodeManager, FaceManager const &facemanager) override |
| Calculate the geometric quantities for each element in the subregion. More...
virtual void | setupRelatedObjectsInRelations (MeshLevel const *const mesh) override |
| Link the connectivity maps of the subregion to the managers storing the mesh information. More...
void | calculateElementCenters (arrayView2d< real64 const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &X) const |
| Compute the center of each element in the subregion. More...
void | CalculateCellVolumesKernel (localIndex const k, arrayView2d< real64 const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &X) const |
| Compute the volume of the k-th element in the subregion. More...
virtual void | SetElementType (string const &elementType) override |
| Set the type of element in this subregion. More...
localIndex | GetNumFaceNodes (localIndex const elementIndex, localIndex const localFaceIndex) const |
| Get the number of the nodes in a face of the element. More...
localIndex | GetFaceNodes (localIndex const elementIndex, localIndex const localFaceIndex, localIndex *const nodeIndices) const |
| Get the local indices of the nodes in a face of the element. More...
void | GetFaceNodes (localIndex const elementIndex, localIndex const localFaceIndex, localIndex_array &nodeIndices) const |
| Get the local indices of the nodes in a face of the element. More...
NodeMapType & | nodeList () |
| Get the element-to-node map. More...
NodeMapType const & | nodeList () const |
| Get the element-to-node map. More...
localIndex & | nodeList (localIndex const k, localIndex a) |
| Get the local index of the a-th node of the k-th element. More...
localIndex const & | nodeList (localIndex const k, localIndex a) const |
| Get the local index of the a-th node of the k-th element. More...
FixedOneToManyRelation & | edgeList () |
| Get the element-to-edge map. More...
FixedOneToManyRelation const & | edgeList () const |
| Get the element-to-edge map. More...
FixedOneToManyRelation & | faceList () |
| Get the element-to-face map. More...
FixedOneToManyRelation const & | faceList () const |
| Get the element-to-face map. More...
template<typename T > |
T & | AddProperty (string const &propertyName) |
| Add a property to the CellBlock. More...
template<typename LAMBDA > |
void | forExternalProperties (LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Helper function to apply a lambda function over all the external properties of the subregion. More...
| ElementSubRegionBase (string const &name, dataRepository::Group *const parent) |
| Constructor for this class. More...
| ~ElementSubRegionBase () |
| Destructor.
virtual void | FixUpDownMaps (bool const clearIfUnmapped) |
| Call ObjectManagerBase::FixUpDownMaps for the connectivity maps needed by the derived class (i.e., element-to-node map, element-to-face map, etc) More...
localIndex const & | numNodesPerElement () const |
| Get the number of nodes per element. More...
virtual localIndex | numNodesPerElement (localIndex const k) const |
| Get the number of nodes per element. More...
void | setNumNodesPerElement (localIndex numNodes) |
| Set the number of nodes per element. More...
localIndex const & | numIndependentNodesPerElement () const |
| Get the number of independent nodes per element. More...
void | setNumIndependentNodesPerElement (localIndex const numNodes) |
| Set the number of independent nodes per element. More...
localIndex const & | numEdgesPerElement () const |
| Get the number of edges per element. More...
void | setNumEdgesPerElement (localIndex const numEdges) |
| Set the number of edges per element. More...
localIndex const & | numFacesPerElement () const |
| Get the number of faces per element. More...
void | setNumFacesPerElement (localIndex const numFaces) |
| Set the number of faces per element. More...
arrayView2d< real64 const > | getElementCenter () const |
| Get the center of each element in this subregion. More...
arrayView2d< real64 > | getElementCenter () |
| Get the center of each element in this subregion. More...
arrayView1d< real64 const > | getElementVolume () const |
| Get the volume of each element in this subregion. More...
dataRepository::Group const * | GetConstitutiveModels () const |
| Get the group in which the constitutive models of this subregion are registered. More...
dataRepository::Group * | GetConstitutiveModels () |
| Get the group in which the constitutive models of this subregion are registered. More...
template<typename T = constitutive::ConstitutiveBase> |
T const * | getConstitutiveModel (string const &name) const |
| Get a pointer to the constitutive model. More...
template<typename T = constitutive::ConstitutiveBase> |
T * | getConstitutiveModel (string const &name) |
| Get a pointer to the constitutive model. More...
virtual string | GetElementTypeString () const |
| Get the type of element in this subregion. More...
std::vector< int > | getVTKNodeOrdering () const |
| Get the VTK ordering for this subregion. More...
| ObjectManagerBase (std::string const &name, dataRepository::Group *const parent) |
| Constructor. More...
| ~ObjectManagerBase () override |
| Destructor.
virtual localIndex | PackSize (string_array const &wrapperNames, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool on_device=false) const override |
| Get the size required to pack a list of indices within a list of wrappers. More...
virtual localIndex | Pack (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, string_array const &wrapperNames, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool on_device=false) const override |
| Pack a list of indices within a list of wrappers. More...
virtual localIndex | Unpack (buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex > &packList, integer const recursive, bool on_device=false) override |
| Unpack a buffer. More...
template<bool DOPACK> |
localIndex | PackSets (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const |
| Packs the elements of each set that actually are in packList . More...
localIndex | UnpackSets (buffer_unit_type const *&buffer) |
| Unpack the content of buffer into the sets of the instance. More...
virtual void | ViewPackingExclusionList (SortedArray< localIndex > &exclusionList) const |
| Inserts in exclusionList the data that shall not be packed. More...
virtual localIndex | PackGlobalMapsSize (arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive) const |
| Computes the pack size of the global maps elements in the @ packList. More...
virtual localIndex | PackGlobalMaps (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive) const |
| Packs the global maps elements in the @ packList. More...
void | SetReceiveLists () |
| Clear and redefines the ghosts to receive.
virtual localIndex | PackUpDownMapsSize (arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const |
| Computes the pack size of the specific elements in the @ packList. More...
virtual localIndex | PackUpDownMaps (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const |
| Packs the specific elements in the @ packList. More...
virtual localIndex | UnpackUpDownMaps (buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, array1d< localIndex > &packList, bool const overwriteUpMaps, bool const overwriteDownMaps) |
| Unpacks the specific elements in the @ packList. More...
virtual localIndex | UnpackGlobalMaps (buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, localIndex_array &packList, integer const recursive) |
| Unpacks the global maps from buffer . More...
localIndex | PackParentChildMapsSize (arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const |
| Computes the pack size of the parent/child relations in packList . More...
localIndex | PackParentChildMaps (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const |
| Packs the parent/child relations in packList . More...
localIndex | UnpackParentChildMaps (buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, localIndex_array &packList) |
| Unacks the parent/child relations in packList . More...
void | moveSets (LvArray::MemorySpace const targetSpace) |
| Manually move all sets to a memory space. More...
localIndex | resize (localIndex const newSize, const bool) |
| Resize the group and all contained wrappers that resize with parent. More...
void | CreateSet (const std::string &newSetName) |
| Creates a new set. More...
void | ConstructSetFromSetAndMap (SortedArrayView< localIndex const > const &inputSet, const array2d< localIndex > &map, const std::string &setName) |
| Builds a new set on this instance given another objects set and the map between them. More...
void | ConstructSetFromSetAndMap (SortedArrayView< localIndex const > const &inputSet, const array1d< localIndex_array > &map, const std::string &setName) |
| Builds a new set on this instance given another objects set and the map between them. More...
void | ConstructSetFromSetAndMap (SortedArrayView< localIndex const > const &inputSet, ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &map, const std::string &setName) |
| Builds a new set on this instance given another objects set and the map between them. More...
void | ConstructGlobalToLocalMap () |
| Constructs the global to local map.
void | ConstructLocalListOfBoundaryObjects (localIndex_array &objectList) const |
| Computes the (local) index list that are domain boundaries. More...
void | ConstructGlobalListOfBoundaryObjects (globalIndex_array &objectList) const |
| Computes the (global) index list that are domain boundaries. More...
virtual void | ExtractMapFromObjectForAssignGlobalIndexNumbers (ObjectManagerBase const *const obj, std::vector< std::vector< globalIndex > > &map) |
| Extract map from object and assign global indices. More...
void | SetGhostRankForSenders (int const neighborRank) |
| Defines neighborRank ownership for ghost objects. More...
localIndex | GetNumberOfGhosts () const |
| Get the number of ghost objects. More...
localIndex | GetNumberOfLocalIndices () const |
| Get the number of locally owned objects. More...
integer | SplitObject (localIndex const indexToSplit, int const rank, localIndex &newIndex) |
| Split object to deal with topology changes. More...
void | inheritGhostRankFromParent (std::set< localIndex > const &indices) |
| sets the value of m_ghostRank to the value of the objects parent. More...
void | CopyObject (localIndex const source, localIndex const destination) |
| Copy object from source to @ destination. More...
void | SetMaxGlobalIndex () |
| Computes the maximum global index allong all the MPI ranks.
virtual void | enforceStateFieldConsistencyPostTopologyChange (std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices) |
| Updates the child and target indices after a topology change. More...
template<typename MESH_DATA_TRAIT > |
dataRepository::Wrapper< typename MESH_DATA_TRAIT::type > & | registerExtrinsicData (string const &nameOfRegisteringObject) |
| Register data with this ObjectManagerBase using a dataRepository::Wrapper. More...
template<typename MESH_DATA_TRAIT0 , typename MESH_DATA_TRAIT1 , typename ... MESH_DATA_TRAITS> |
void | registerExtrinsicData (string const &nameOfRegisteringObject) |
| Register a collection of data with this ObjectManagerBase using a dataRepository::Wrapper. More...
template<typename MESH_DATA_TRAIT > |
GEOSX_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURN | getExtrinsicData () const |
| Get a view to the data associated with a trait from this ObjectManagerBase. More...
template<typename MESH_DATA_TRAIT > |
GEOSX_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURN | getExtrinsicData () |
| Get the data associated with a trait from this ObjectManagerBase. More...
template<typename MESH_DATA_TRAIT > |
bool | hasExtrinsicData () const |
| Checks if an extrinsic data has been registered. More...
virtual viewKeyStruct & | viewKeys () |
| Get the view keys for Group access. More...
virtual viewKeyStruct const & | viewKeys () const |
| Get the view keys for Group access, const version. More...
virtual groupKeyStruct & | groupKeys () |
| Get the group keys for Group access. More...
virtual groupKeyStruct const & | groupKeys () const |
| Get the group keys for Group access, const version. More...
Group & | sets () |
| Get the group holding the object sets. More...
Group const & | sets () const |
| Get the group holding the object sets, const version. More...
SortedArray< localIndex > & | externalSet () |
| Get the external set. More...
SortedArrayView< localIndex const > | externalSet () const |
| Get the external set, const version. More...
void | updateGlobalToLocalMap (localIndex const lid) |
| Updates (if needed) the global index for local index lid . More...
arrayView1d< globalIndex > | localToGlobalMap () |
| Get local to global map. More...
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > | localToGlobalMap () const |
| Get local to global map, const version. More...
unordered_map< globalIndex, localIndex > const & | globalToLocalMap () const |
| Get global to local map. More...
localIndex | globalToLocalMap (globalIndex const gid) const |
| Retrieves the local index for given global index. More...
array1d< integer > const & | isExternal () |
| Get the locality information of the objects. More...
arrayView1d< integer const > | isExternal () const |
| Get the locality information of the objects. More...
array1d< integer > const & | ghostRank () |
| Get the ghost information of each object. More...
arrayView1d< integer const > | ghostRank () const |
| Get the ghost information of each object, const version. More...
NeighborData & | getNeighborData (int const rank) |
| Get neighbor data for given rank . More...
NeighborData const & | getNeighborData (int const rank) const |
| Get neighbor data for given rank , const version. More...
void | addNeighbor (int const rank) |
| Add a neighbor for rank . More...
void | removeNeighbor (int const rank) |
| Remove neighbor for rank . More...
globalIndex | maxGlobalIndex () const |
| Get the maximum global index of all objects across all rank. See. More...
arrayView1d< integer > | getDomainBoundaryIndicator () |
| Get the domain boundary indicator. More...
arrayView1d< integer const > | getDomainBoundaryIndicator () const |
| Get the domain boundary indicator. More...
| Group (std::string const &name, Group *const parent) |
| Constructor. More...
| Group (Group &&source) |
| Move constructor. More...
virtual | ~Group () |
| Destructor, deletes all Groups and Wrappers owned by this Group.
| Group ()=delete |
| Deleted default constructor.
| Group (Group const &)=delete |
| Deleted copy constructor.
| Group (Group const &&)=delete |
| Deleted move constructor.
Group & | operator= (Group const &)=delete |
| Deleted copy assignment operator. More...
Group & | operator= (Group &&)=delete |
| Deleted move assignment operator. More...
virtual const std::type_info & | get_typeid () const |
| Get typeid for current group. More...
bool | CheckTypeID (std::type_info const &typeToCheck) const |
| Check a type_info against the type_info of this Group. More...
void | PrintDataHierarchy (integer indent=0) |
| Prints the data hierarchy recursively. More...
string | dumpInputOptions () const |
template<typename T = Group> |
T * | RegisterGroup (std::string const &name, std::unique_ptr< T > newObject) |
| Register a new Group as a sub-group of current Group. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T * | RegisterGroup (std::string const &name, T *newObject) |
| Register a new Group as a sub-group of current Group. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T * | RegisterGroup (std::string const &name) |
| Register a new Group as a sub-group of current Group. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T * | RegisterGroup (subGroupMap::KeyIndex const &keyIndex) |
| Register a new Group as a sub-group of current Group. More...
template<typename T = Group, typename TBASE = Group> |
T * | RegisterGroup (std::string const &name, std::string const &catalogName) |
| Register a new Group as a sub-group of current Group. More...
void | deregisterGroup (std::string const &name) |
| Removes a child group from this group. More...
virtual Group * | CreateChild (string const &childKey, string const &childName) |
| Creates a new sub-Group using the ObjectCatalog functionality. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T * | GetGroup (localIndex index) |
| Retrieve a sub-group from the current Group using an index. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T const * | GetGroup (localIndex index) const |
| Retrieve a sub-group from the current Group using an index. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T * | GetGroup (string const &name) |
| Retrieve a sub-group from the current Group using a string. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T const * | GetGroup (string const &name) const |
| Retrieve a sub-group from the current Group using a string. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T & | getGroupReference (string const &key) |
template<typename T = Group> |
T const & | getGroupReference (string const &key) const |
template<typename T = Group> |
T & | GetGroupReference (subGroupMap::KeyIndex const &key) |
template<typename T = Group> |
T const & | GetGroupReference (subGroupMap::KeyIndex const &key) const |
template<typename T = Group> |
T * | GetGroup (subGroupMap::KeyIndex const &key) |
| Retrieve a sub-group from the current Group using a KeyIndexT. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T const * | GetGroup (subGroupMap::KeyIndex const &key) const |
| Retrieve a sub-group from the current Group using a KeyIndexT. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T * | GetGroupByPath (string const &path) |
| Retrieve a group from the hierarchy using a path. More...
template<typename T = Group> |
T const * | GetGroupByPath (string const &path) const |
| Retrieve a group from the hierarchy using a path. More...
subGroupMap & | GetSubGroups () |
| Get the subgroups object. More...
subGroupMap const & | GetSubGroups () const |
| Get the subgroups object. More...
localIndex | numSubGroups () const |
| return the number of sub groups in this Group More...
bool | hasGroup (std::string const &name) const |
| Check whether a sub-group exists. More...
template<typename GROUPTYPE = Group, typename ... GROUPTYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forSubGroups (LAMBDA lambda) |
| Apply the given functor to subgroups that can be casted to one of specified types. More...
template<typename GROUPTYPE = Group, typename ... GROUPTYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forSubGroups (LAMBDA lambda) const |
| Apply the given functor to subgroups that can be casted to one of specified types. More...
template<typename GROUPTYPE = Group, typename ... GROUPTYPES, typename LOOKUP_CONTAINER , typename LAMBDA > |
void | forSubGroups (LOOKUP_CONTAINER const &subGroupKeys, LAMBDA lambda) |
template<typename GROUPTYPE = Group, typename ... GROUPTYPES, typename LOOKUP_CONTAINER , typename LAMBDA > |
void | forSubGroups (LOOKUP_CONTAINER const &subGroupKeys, LAMBDA lambda) const |
template<typename LAMBDA > |
void | forWrappers (LAMBDA lambda) |
| Apply the given functor to wrappers. More...
template<typename LAMBDA > |
void | forWrappers (LAMBDA lambda) const |
| Apply the given functor to wrappers. More...
template<typename TYPE , typename ... TYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forWrappers (LAMBDA lambda) |
| Apply the given functor to wrappers that can be cast to one of specified types. More...
template<typename TYPE , typename ... TYPES, typename LAMBDA > |
void | forWrappers (LAMBDA lambda) const |
| Apply the given functor to wrappers that can be cast to one of specified types. More...
void | Initialize (Group *const group) |
| Run initialization functions on this and all subgroups. More...
virtual void | InitializationOrder (string_array &order) |
| Sets the initialization order for sub-Groups. More...
void | InitializePostInitialConditions (Group *const group) |
| Initialization routine to be called after calling ApplyInitialConditions(). More...
void | postRestartInitializationRecursive (Group *const domain) |
| Initialization routine to be called after calling reading a restart file. More...
void | ProcessInputFileRecursive (xmlWrapper::xmlNode &targetNode) |
| Recursively read values using ProcessInputFile() from the input file and put them into the wrapped values for this group. More...
void | PostProcessInputRecursive () |
| Recursively call PostProcessInput() to apply post processing after reading input values.
template<typename T , typename TBASE = T> |
Wrapper< TBASE > * | registerWrapper (std::string const &name, wrapperMap::KeyIndex::index_type *const rkey=nullptr) |
| Create and register a Wrapper around a new object. More...
template<typename T , typename TBASE = T> |
Wrapper< TBASE > * | registerWrapper (Group::wrapperMap::KeyIndex const &viewKey) |
template<typename T > |
Wrapper< T > * | registerWrapper (std::string const &name, std::unique_ptr< T > newObject) |
| Register a Wrapper around a given object and take ownership. More...
template<typename T > |
Wrapper< T > * | registerWrapper (std::string const &name, T *newObject) |
| Register a Wrapper around an existing object, does not take ownership of the object. More...
WrapperBase * | registerWrapper (string const &name, std::unique_ptr< WrapperBase > wrapper) |
| Register and take ownership of an existing Wrapper. More...
void | deregisterWrapper (string const &name) |
| Removes a Wrapper from this group. More...
void | GenerateDataStructureSkeleton (integer const level) |
| Build a complete datastructure for schema generation. More...
virtual void | ExpandObjectCatalogs () |
| Expand any catalogs in the data structure.
virtual void | SetSchemaDeviations (xmlWrapper::xmlNode schemaRoot, xmlWrapper::xmlNode schemaParent, integer documentationType) |
| Inform the schema generator of any deviations between the xml and GEOS data structures. More...
virtual void | RegisterDataOnMeshRecursive (Group *const meshBodies) |
| Calls RegisterDataOnMesh() recursively. More...
virtual void | RegisterDataOnMesh (Group *const meshBodies) |
| Register data on mesh entities. More...
virtual localIndex | PackSize (string_array const &wrapperNames, integer const recursive, bool on_device=false) const |
| Get the size required to pack a list of wrappers. More...
virtual localIndex | Pack (buffer_unit_type *&buffer, string_array const &wrapperNames, integer const recursive, bool on_device=false) const |
| Pack a list of wrappers to a buffer. More...
WrapperBase const * | getWrapperBase (indexType const index) const |
| Retrieve a WrapperBase stored in this group. More...
WrapperBase * | getWrapperBase (indexType const index) |
| Retrieve a WrapperBase stored in this group. More...
WrapperBase const * | getWrapperBase (std::string const &name) const |
| Retrieve a WrapperBase stored in this group. More...
WrapperBase * | getWrapperBase (std::string const &name) |
| Retrieve a WrapperBase stored in this group. More...
WrapperBase const * | getWrapperBase (wrapperMap::KeyIndex const &keyIndex) const |
| Retrieve a WrapperBase stored in this group. More...
WrapperBase * | getWrapperBase (wrapperMap::KeyIndex const &keyIndex) |
| Retrieve a WrapperBase stored in this group. More...
indexType | getWrapperIndex (std::string const &name) const |
wrapperMap const & | wrappers () const |
| Get access to the internal wrapper storage. More...
wrapperMap & | wrappers () |
| Get access to the internal wrapper storage. More...
template<typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
bool | hasWrapper (LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) const |
| Check if a wrapper exists. More...
template<typename T , typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
Wrapper< T > const * | getWrapper (LOOKUP_TYPE const &index) const |
| Retrieve a Wrapper stored in this group. More...
template<typename T , typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
Wrapper< T > * | getWrapper (LOOKUP_TYPE const &index) |
| Retrieve a Wrapper stored in this group. More...
template<typename T > |
Wrapper< T > const * | getWrapper (char const *const key) const |
| Retrieve a Wrapper stored in this group. More...
template<typename T > |
Wrapper< T > * | getWrapper (char const *const key) |
| Retrieve a Wrapper stored in this group. More...
template<typename T , typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
GEOSX_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURN | getReference (LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) const |
| Look up a wrapper and get reference to wrapped object. More...
template<typename T , typename LOOKUP_TYPE > |
T & | getReference (LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) |
| Look up a wrapper and get reference to wrapped object. More...
template<typename T > |
GEOSX_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURN | getReference (char const *const name) const |
template<typename T > |
T & | getReference (char const *const name) |
virtual void | resize (localIndex const newSize) |
| Resize the group and all contained wrappers that resize with parent. More...
virtual void | reserve (indexType const newsize) |
| Set the new capacity and reserve it in all wrappers that resize with parent. More...
localIndex | capacity () const |
| Get the "capacity" of the group, which determines the capacity of resizable wrappers. More...
localIndex | size () const |
| Get the "size" of the group, which determines the number of elements in resizable wrappers. More...
const string | getName () const |
| Get group name. More...
Group * | getParent () |
| Access the group's parent. More...
Group const * | getParent () const |
| Access the group's parent. More...
localIndex | getIndexInParent () const |
| Get the group's index withing its parent group. More...
integer | sizedFromParent () const |
| Check whether this Group is resized when its parent is resized. More...
Group * | setSizedFromParent (int val) |
| Set whether this wrapper is resized when its parent is resized. More...
RestartFlags | getRestartFlags () const |
| Get flags that control restart output of this group. More...
void | setRestartFlags (RestartFlags flags) |
| Set flags that control restart output of this group. More...
InputFlags | getInputFlags () const |
| Get input flags for schema generation. More...
void | setInputFlags (InputFlags flags) |
| Set input flags for schema generation. More...
conduit::Node & | getConduitNode () |
| Get the Conduit node object associated with this group. More...
void | prepareToWrite () |
| Register the group and its wrappers with Conduit.
void | finishWriting () |
| Write the group and its wrappers into Conduit.
void | loadFromConduit () |
| Read the group and its wrappers from Conduit.
void | enableLogLevelInput () |
| Enable verbosity input for object.
integer | getLogLevel () const |
template<typename T > |
T | group_cast () |
| Downcast this Group. More...
template<typename T > |
T | group_cast () const |
| Downcast this Group. More...