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LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE > Class Template Reference

This class serves to provide a sliced multidimensional interface to the family of LvArray classes. More...

#include <ArraySlice.hpp>

Public Types

using ValueType = T
 The type of the value in the ArraySlice.
using IndexType = INDEX_TYPE
 The integer type used for indexing.

Public Member Functions

Constructors, destructor and assignment operators.
 ArraySlice ()=delete
 deleted default constructor
constexpr ArraySlice (T *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT inputData, INDEX_TYPE const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT inputDimensions, INDEX_TYPE const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT inputStrides) noexcept
 Construct a new ArraySlice. More...
ArraySlice creation methods and user defined conversions
template<typename U = T>
constexpr ArraySlice< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > toSliceConst () const noexcept
template<typename U = T>
constexpr operator std::enable_if_t< !std::is_const< U >::value, ArraySlice< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > > () const noexcept
Attribute querying methods
constexpr INDEX_TYPE size () const noexcept
constexpr INDEX_TYPE size (int dim) const noexcept
template<int _USD = USD>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<(_USD >=0), bool > isContiguous () const
 Check if the slice is contiguous in memory. More...
template<int USD_ = USD>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<(USD_< 0), bool > isContiguous () const
 Check if the slice is contiguous in memory. More...
template<typename ... INDICES>
constexpr INDEX_TYPE linearIndex (INDICES... indices) const
Methods that provide access to the data.
template<int _NDIM = NDIM, int _USD = USD>
constexpr operator std::enable_if_t< _NDIM==1 &&_USD==0, T *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT > () const noexcept
template<int U = NDIM>
constexpr std::enable_if_t<(U > 1), ArraySlice< T, NDIM - 1, USD - 1, INDEX_TYPE > > operator[] (INDEX_TYPE const index) const noexcept
template<int U = NDIM>
constexpr std::enable_if_t< U==1, T &> operator[] (INDEX_TYPE const index) const noexcept
template<typename ... INDICES>
constexpr T & operator() (INDICES... indices) const
T * dataIfContiguous () const
constexpr T * begin () const
constexpr T * end () const

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int NDIM = NDIM_TPARAM
 The number of dimensions.
static constexpr int USD = USD_TPARAM
 The unit stride dimension.

Protected Attributes

T *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT m_data
 pointer to beginning of data for this array, or sub-array.
 pointer to array of length NDIM that contains the lengths of each array dimension
INDEX_TYPE const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT m_strides
 pointer to array of length NDIM that contains the strides of each array dimension

Detailed Description

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
class LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >

This class serves to provide a sliced multidimensional interface to the family of LvArray classes.

Template Parameters
Ttype of data that is contained by the array
NDIM_TPARAMThe number of dimensions in array (e.g. NDIM=1->vector, NDIM=2->Matrix, etc. ).
USDThe dimension with a unit stride, in an Array with a standard layout this is the last dimension.
INDEX_TYPEThe integer to use for indexing the components of the array. This class serves as a sliced interface to an array. This is a lightweight class that contains only pointers, and provides an operator[] to create a lower dimensionsal slice and an operator() to access values given a multidimensional index. In general, instantiations of ArraySlice should only result either taking a slice of an an Array or an ArrayView via operator[] or from a direct creation via the toSlice/toSliceConst method.

Definition at line 89 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ArraySlice()

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
constexpr LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::ArraySlice ( T *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT  inputData,
INDEX_TYPE const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT  inputDimensions,
INDEX_TYPE const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT  inputStrides 

Construct a new ArraySlice.

inputDatapointer to the beginning of the data for this slice of the array
inputDimensionspointer to the beginning of the dimensions for this slice.
inputStridespointer to the beginning of the strides for this slice

Definition at line 122 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
constexpr T* LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::begin ( ) const
Return a pointer to the values.
The slice must be contiguous.

Definition at line 329 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ dataIfContiguous()

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
T* LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::dataIfContiguous ( ) const
Return a pointer to the values.
The slice must be contiguous.

Definition at line 318 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ end()

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
constexpr T* LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::end ( ) const
Return a pointer to the end values.
The slice must be contiguous.

Definition at line 337 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ isContiguous() [1/2]

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
template<int _USD = USD>
constexpr std::enable_if_t< ( _USD >= 0), bool > LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::isContiguous ( ) const

Check if the slice is contiguous in memory.

Template Parameters
_USDdummy template parameter equal to USD; do not replace
true if represented slice is contiguous in memory

Definition at line 207 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ isContiguous() [2/2]

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
template<int USD_ = USD>
constexpr std::enable_if_t< (USD_ < 0), bool > LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::isContiguous ( ) const

Check if the slice is contiguous in memory.

Template Parameters
USD_dummy template parameter equal to USD; do not replace
false, this overload is enabled for slices that have already lost its unit stride dimension

Definition at line 234 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ linearIndex()

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
template<typename ... INDICES>
constexpr INDEX_TYPE LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::linearIndex ( INDICES...  indices) const
Template Parameters
INDICESA variadic pack of integral types.
Return the linear index from a multidimensional index.
indicesThe indices of the value to get the linear index of.

Definition at line 244 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ operator std::enable_if_t< !std::is_const< U >::value, ArraySlice< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > >()

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
template<typename U = T>
constexpr LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::operator std::enable_if_t< !std::is_const< U >::value, ArraySlice< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > > ( ) const
Return a new immutable slice.

Definition at line 157 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ operator std::enable_if_t< _NDIM==1 &&_USD==0, T *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT >()

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
template<int _NDIM = NDIM, int _USD = USD>
constexpr LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::operator std::enable_if_t< _NDIM==1 &&_USD==0, T *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT > ( ) const
A raw pointer.
This method is only active when NDIM == 0 and USD == 0.

Definition at line 267 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ operator()()

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
template<typename ... INDICES>
constexpr T& LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::operator() ( INDICES...  indices) const
Template Parameters
INDICESA variadic pack of integral types.
Return a reference to the value at the given multidimensional index.
indicesThe indices of the value to access.

Definition at line 307 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
template<int U = NDIM>
constexpr std::enable_if_t< (U > 1), ArraySlice< T, NDIM - 1, USD - 1, INDEX_TYPE > > LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::operator[] ( INDEX_TYPE const  index) const
Return a lower dimensionsal slice of this ArrayView.
indexThe index of the slice to create.
This method is only active when NDIM > 1.

Definition at line 278 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
template<int U = NDIM>
constexpr std::enable_if_t< U == 1, T & > LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::operator[] ( INDEX_TYPE const  index) const
Return a reference to the value at the given index.
indexThe index of the value to access.
This method is only active when NDIM == 1.

Definition at line 294 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ size() [1/2]

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
constexpr INDEX_TYPE LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::size ( ) const
Return the total size of the slice.

Definition at line 171 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ size() [2/2]

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
constexpr INDEX_TYPE LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::size ( int  dim) const
Return the length of the given dimension.
dimthe dimension to get the length of.

Definition at line 191 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

◆ toSliceConst()

template<typename T, int NDIM_TPARAM, int USD_TPARAM, typename INDEX_TYPE>
template<typename U = T>
constexpr ArraySlice< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM_TPARAM, USD_TPARAM, INDEX_TYPE >::toSliceConst ( ) const
Return a new immutable slice.

Definition at line 147 of file ArraySlice.hpp.

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