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LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > Class Template Reference

This class provides a fixed dimensional resizeable array interface in addition to an interface similar to std::vector for a 1D array. More...

#include <Array.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

using Permutation = PERMUTATION
 The permutation of the array.
using ParentClass = ArrayView< T, NDIM, typeManipulation::getStrideOneDimension(Permutation {}), INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >
 Alias for the parent class.
using NestedViewType = ArrayView< std::remove_reference_t< typeManipulation::NestedViewType< T > >, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >
 The type when all inner array classes are converted to const views.
using NestedViewTypeConst = ArrayView< std::remove_reference_t< typeManipulation::NestedViewTypeConst< T > >, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >
 The type when all inner array classes are converted to const views and the inner most view's values are also const.
- Public Types inherited from LvArray::ArrayView< T, NDIM, typeManipulation::getStrideOneDimension(PERMUTATION {}), INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >
using ValueType = T
 The type of the values in the ArrayView.
using IndexType = INDEX_TYPE
 The integer type used for indexing.
using NestedViewType = ArrayView< std::remove_reference_t< typeManipulation::NestedViewType< T > >, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >
 The type when all inner array classes are converted to const views.
using NestedViewTypeConst = ArrayView< std::remove_reference_t< typeManipulation::NestedViewTypeConst< T > >, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >
 The type when all inner array classes are converted to const views and the inner most view's values are also const.
using SliceType = ArraySlice< T, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > const
 The type of the ArrayView when converted to an ArraySlice.
using SliceTypeConst = ArraySlice< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > const
 The type of the ArrayView when converted to an immutable ArraySlice.
using value_type = T
 The type of the values in the ArrayView, here for stl compatability.
using size_type = INDEX_TYPE
 The integer type used for indexing, here for stl compatability.

Public Member Functions

void setName (std::string const &name)
 Set the name to be displayed whenever the underlying Buffer's user call back is called. More...
Constructors, destructor and assignment operators.
 Array ()
 default constructor
template<typename ... DIMS, typename = std::enable_if_t< sizeof ... ( DIMS ) == NDIM && typeManipulation::all_of_t< std::is_integral< DIMS > ... >::value >>
 Array (DIMS const ... dims)
 Constructor that takes in the dimensions as a variadic parameter list. More...
 Array (Array const &source)
 Copy constructor. More...
 Array (Array &&source)
 Move constructor. More...
 ~Array ()
 Destructor, free's the data.
Arrayoperator= (Array const &rhs)
 Copy assignment operator, performs a deep copy of rhs. More...
Arrayoperator= (Array &&rhs)
 Move assignment operator, performs a shallow copy of rhs. More...
ArrayView and ArraySlice creation methods and user defined conversions.
constexpr ArrayView< T, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > toView () const &&=delete
 Overload for rvalues that is deleted. More...
constexpr ArrayView< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > toViewConst () const &&=delete
 Overload for rvalues that is deleted. More...
constexpr NestedViewType toNestedView () const &&=delete
 Overload for rvalues that is deleted. More...
constexpr NestedViewTypeConst toNestedViewConst () const &&=delete
 Overload for rvalues that is deleted. More...
constexpr operator ArrayView< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > () const &noexcept
 A user defined conversion operator (UDC) to an ArrayView< T const, ... >. More...
template<typename _T = T>
constexpr operator std::enable_if_t< !std::is_const< _T >::value, ArrayView< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > > () const &&noexcept=delete
 Overload for rvalues that is deleted. More...
Resizing methods.
template<typename DIMS_TYPE >
void resize (int const numDims, DIMS_TYPE const *const dims)
 Resize the dimensions of the Array to match the given dimensions. More...
template<typename ... DIMS>
std::enable_if_t< sizeof ...(DIMS)==NDIM &&typeManipulation::all_of_t< std::is_integral< DIMS > ... >::value > resize (DIMS const ... newDims)
 function to resize the array. More...
template<typename ... DIMS>
void resizeWithoutInitializationOrDestruction (DIMS const ... newDims)
 Resize the array without initializing any new values or destroying any old values. Only safe on POD data, however it is much faster for large allocations. More...
template<INDEX_TYPE... INDICES, typename ... DIMS>
void resizeDimension (DIMS const ... newDims)
 Resize specific dimensions of the array. More...
void resize (INDEX_TYPE const newdim)
 Resize the default dimension of the Array. More...
void resizeDefault (INDEX_TYPE const newdim, T const &defaultValue)
 Resize the default dimension of the Array. More...
void clear ()
 Sets the size of the Array to zero and destroys all the values. More...
void setSingleParameterResizeIndex (int const index)
 Set the default resize dimension. More...
Methods to modify the capacity.
void reserve (INDEX_TYPE const newCapacity)
 Reserve space in the Array to hold at least the given number of values. More...
One dimensional interface.
These methods are only enabled for one dimensional arrays (NDIM == 1).
template<typename ... ARGS, int _NDIM = NDIM>
std::enable_if_t< _NDIM==1 > emplace_back (ARGS &&... args)
 Construct a value in place at the end of the array. More...
template<typename ... ARGS, int _NDIM = NDIM>
std::enable_if_t< _NDIM==1 > emplace (INDEX_TYPE const pos, ARGS &&... args)
 Insert a value into the array constructing it in place. More...
template<typename ITER , int _NDIM = NDIM>
std::enable_if_t< _NDIM==1 > insert (INDEX_TYPE const pos, ITER const first, ITER const last)
 Insert values into the array at the given position. More...
template<int _NDIM = NDIM>
std::enable_if_t< _NDIM==1 > pop_back ()
 Remove the last value in the array. More...
template<int _NDIM = NDIM>
std::enable_if_t< _NDIM==1 > erase (INDEX_TYPE const pos)
 Remove the value at the given position. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from LvArray::ArrayView< T, NDIM, typeManipulation::getStrideOneDimension(PERMUTATION {}), INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >
 ArrayView ()=default
 A constructor to create an uninitialized ArrayView. More...
constexpr ArrayView (ArrayView const &source) noexcept
 Copy Constructor. More...
 ArrayView (ArrayView &&source)=default
 Move constructor, creates a shallow copy and invalidates the source. More...
constexpr ArrayView (typeManipulation::CArray< INDEX_TYPE, NDIM > const &dims, typeManipulation::CArray< INDEX_TYPE, NDIM > const &strides, int const singleParameterResizeIndex, BUFFER_TYPE< T > const &buffer)
 Construct a new ArrayView from existing components. More...
 ~ArrayView ()=default
 The default destructor.
LVARRAY_INTEL_CONSTEXPR ArrayViewoperator= (ArrayView &&rhs)
 Move assignment operator, creates a shallow copy and invalidates the source. More...
LVARRAY_INTEL_CONSTEXPR ArrayViewoperator= (ArrayView const &rhs) noexcept
 Copy assignment operator, creates a shallow copy. More...
constexpr ArrayView toView () const &
constexpr ArrayView< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > toViewConst () const &
constexpr NestedViewType toNestedView () const &
constexpr NestedViewTypeConst toNestedViewConst () const &
constexpr ArraySlice< T, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > toSlice () const &noexcept
constexpr ArraySlice< T, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > toSlice () const &&noexcept=delete
 Overload for rvalues that is deleted. More...
constexpr ArraySlice< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > toSliceConst () const &noexcept
constexpr ArraySlice< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > toSliceConst () const &&noexcept=delete
 Overload for rvalues that is deleted. More...
constexpr operator std::enable_if_t< !std::is_const< _T >::value, ArrayView< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > > () const noexcept
 A user defined conversion operator (UDC) to an ArrayView< T const, ... >. More...
constexpr operator ArraySlice< T, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > () const &noexcept
constexpr operator ArraySlice< T, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > () const &&noexcept=delete
 Overload for rvalues that is deleted. More...
constexpr operator std::enable_if_t< !std::is_const< _T >::value, ArraySlice< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > const > () const &noexcept
constexpr operator std::enable_if_t< !std::is_const< _T >::value, ArraySlice< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE > const > () const &&noexcept=delete
 Overload for rvalues that is deleted. More...
INDEX_TYPE size () const noexcept
INDEX_TYPE size (int const dim) const noexcept
constexpr bool empty () const
constexpr INDEX_TYPE capacity () const
constexpr int getSingleParameterResizeIndex () const
constexpr INDEX_TYPE linearIndex (INDICES const ... indices) const
constexpr INDEX_TYPE const * dims () const noexcept
constexpr INDEX_TYPE const * strides () const noexcept
constexpr std::enable_if_t<(_NDIM > 1), ArraySlice< T, NDIM - 1, USD - 1, INDEX_TYPE > > operator[] (INDEX_TYPE const index) const &noexcept
constexpr std::enable_if_t<(_NDIM > 1), ArraySlice< T, NDIM - 1, USD - 1, INDEX_TYPE > > operator[] (INDEX_TYPE const index) const &&noexcept=delete
 Overload for rvalues that is deleted. More...
constexpr std::enable_if_t< _NDIM==1, T & > operator[] (INDEX_TYPE const index) const &noexcept
constexpr T & operator() (INDICES... indices) const
constexpr T * data () const
constexpr T * begin () const
constexpr T * end () const
T & front () const
T & back () const
void setValues (T const &value) const
 Set all entries in the array to value. More...
void setValues (ArrayView< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > const &rhs) const
 Set entries to values from another compatible ArrayView. More...
void registerTouch (MemorySpace const space) const
 Touch the memory in space. More...
void move (MemorySpace const space, bool const touch=true) const
 Move the Array to the given execution space, optionally touching it. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from LvArray::ArrayView< T, NDIM, typeManipulation::getStrideOneDimension(PERMUTATION {}), INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >
static constexpr int NDIM
 The number of dimensions.
static constexpr int USD
 The unit stride dimension.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from LvArray::ArrayView< T, NDIM, typeManipulation::getStrideOneDimension(PERMUTATION {}), INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >
constexpr ArrayView (bool) noexcept
 Protected constructor to be used by the Array class. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from LvArray::ArrayView< T, NDIM, typeManipulation::getStrideOneDimension(PERMUTATION {}), INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >
typeManipulation::CArray< INDEX_TYPE, NDIMm_dims
 the dimensions of the array.
typeManipulation::CArray< INDEX_TYPE, NDIMm_strides
 the strides of the array.
BUFFER_TYPE< T > m_dataBuffer
 this data member contains the actual data for the array.
int m_singleParameterResizeIndex

Detailed Description

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>

This class provides a fixed dimensional resizeable array interface in addition to an interface similar to std::vector for a 1D array.

Template Parameters
TThe type of data that is contained by the array.
NDIMThe number of dimensions in array (e.g. NDIM=1->vector, NDIM=2->Matrix, etc. ). Some methods such as push_back are only available for a 1D array.
PERMUTATIONA camp::idx_seq containing the values in [0, NDIM) which describes how the data is to be laid out in memory. Given an 3-dimensional array A of dimension (L, M, N) the standard layout is A( i, j, k ) =[ i * M * N + j * N + k ], this layout is the given by the identity permutation (0, 1, 2) which says that the first dimension in memory corresponds to the first index (i), and similarly for the other dimensions. The same array with a layout of A( i, j, k ) =[ L * N * j + L * k + i ] would have a permutation of (1, 2, 0) because the first dimension in memory corresponds to the second index (j), the second dimension in memory corresponds to the third index (k) and the last dimension in memory goes with the first index (i).
RAJA provides aliases for every valid permutations up to 5D, the two permutations mentioned above can be used via RAJA::PERM_IJK and RAJA::PERM_JKI.
The dimension with unit stride is the last dimension in the permutation.
Template Parameters
INDEX_TYPEthe integer to use for indexing.
BUFFER_TYPEA class that defines how to actually allocate memory for the Array. Must take one template argument that describes the type of the data being stored (T).

Definition at line 55 of file Array.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Array() [1/3]

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
template<typename ... DIMS, typename = std::enable_if_t< sizeof ... ( DIMS ) == NDIM && typeManipulation::all_of_t< std::is_integral< DIMS > ... >::value >>
LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::Array ( DIMS const ...  dims)

Constructor that takes in the dimensions as a variadic parameter list.

dimsthe dimensions of the array in form ( n0, n1,..., n(NDIM-1) )

Definition at line 109 of file Array.hpp.

◆ Array() [2/3]

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>

Copy constructor.

sourceobject to copy.
Performs a deep copy of source

Definition at line 119 of file Array.hpp.

◆ Array() [3/3]

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>

Move constructor.

sourceobject to move.
Moves the source into *this. This calls BUFFER_TYPE( BUFFER_TYPE && ) which usually is a shallow copy that invalidates the contents of source. However this depends on the implementation of BUFFER_TYPE.

Definition at line 131 of file Array.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
void LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::clear ( )

Sets the size of the Array to zero and destroys all the values.

Sets the size of m_singleParameterResizeIndex to 0 but leaves the size of the other dimensions untouched. Equivalent to resize( 0 ).

Definition at line 408 of file Array.hpp.

◆ emplace()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
template<typename ... ARGS, int _NDIM = NDIM>
std::enable_if_t< _NDIM == 1 > LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::emplace ( INDEX_TYPE const  pos,
ARGS &&...  args 

Insert a value into the array constructing it in place.

Template Parameters
ARGSA variadic pack of the types to construct the new value from.
posthe position to insert at.
argsA variadic pack of values to construct the new value from.
This method is only available on 1D arrays.

Definition at line 477 of file Array.hpp.

◆ emplace_back()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
template<typename ... ARGS, int _NDIM = NDIM>
std::enable_if_t< _NDIM == 1 > LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::emplace_back ( ARGS &&...  args)

Construct a value in place at the end of the array.

Template Parameters
ARGSA variadic pack of the types to construct the new value from.
argsA variadic pack of values to construct the new value from.
This method is only available on 1D arrays.

Definition at line 461 of file Array.hpp.

◆ erase()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
template<int _NDIM = NDIM>
std::enable_if_t< _NDIM == 1 > LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::erase ( INDEX_TYPE const  pos)

Remove the value at the given position.

posthe position of the value to remove.
This method is only available on 1D arrays.

Definition at line 518 of file Array.hpp.

◆ insert()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
template<typename ITER , int _NDIM = NDIM>
std::enable_if_t< _NDIM == 1 > LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::insert ( INDEX_TYPE const  pos,
ITER const  first,
ITER const  last 

Insert values into the array at the given position.

Template Parameters
ITERAn iterator type, they type of first and last.
posThe position to insert at.
firstAn iterator to the first value to insert.
lastAn iterator to the last value to insert.
This method is only available on 1D arrays.

Definition at line 494 of file Array.hpp.

◆ operator ArrayView< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
constexpr LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::operator ArrayView< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > ( ) const &

A user defined conversion operator (UDC) to an ArrayView< T const, ... >.

A new ArrayView where T is const.

Definition at line 247 of file Array.hpp.

◆ operator std::enable_if_t< !std::is_const< _T >::value, ArrayView< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > >()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
template<typename _T = T>
constexpr LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::operator std::enable_if_t< !std::is_const< _T >::value, ArrayView< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > > ( ) const &&

Overload for rvalues that is deleted.

This cannot be called on a rvalue since the ArrayView would contain the buffer of the current Array that is about to be destroyed. This overload prevents that from happening.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
Array& LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::operator= ( Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > const &  rhs)

Copy assignment operator, performs a deep copy of rhs.

rhsSource for the assignment.

Definition at line 154 of file Array.hpp.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>

Move assignment operator, performs a shallow copy of rhs.

rhsSource for the assignment.

Definition at line 174 of file Array.hpp.

◆ pop_back()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
template<int _NDIM = NDIM>
std::enable_if_t< _NDIM == 1 > LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::pop_back ( )

Remove the last value in the array.

This method is only available on 1D arrays.

Definition at line 504 of file Array.hpp.

◆ reserve()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
void LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::reserve ( INDEX_TYPE const  newCapacity)

Reserve space in the Array to hold at least the given number of values.

newCapacitythe number of values to reserve space for. After this call capacity() >= newCapacity.

Definition at line 441 of file Array.hpp.

◆ resize() [1/3]

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
template<typename DIMS_TYPE >
void LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::resize ( int const  numDims,
DIMS_TYPE const *const  dims 

Resize the dimensions of the Array to match the given dimensions.

numDimsmust equal NDIMS.
dimsthe new size of the dimensions, must be of length NDIM.
This does not preserve the values in the Array NDIM == 1.

Definition at line 277 of file Array.hpp.

◆ resize() [2/3]

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
template<typename ... DIMS>
std::enable_if_t< sizeof ... ( DIMS ) == NDIM && typeManipulation::all_of_t< std::is_integral< DIMS > ... >::value > LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::resize ( DIMS const ...  newDims)

function to resize the array.

Template Parameters
DIMSVariadic list of integral types.
newDimsThe new dimensions, must be of length NDIM.
This does not preserve the values in the Array unless NDIM == 1.

Definition at line 303 of file Array.hpp.

◆ resize() [3/3]

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
void LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::resize ( INDEX_TYPE const  newdim)

Resize the default dimension of the Array.

newdimthe new size of the default dimension.
This preserves the values in the Array.
The default dimension is given by m_singleParameterResizeIndex.

Definition at line 389 of file Array.hpp.

◆ resizeDefault()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
void LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::resizeDefault ( INDEX_TYPE const  newdim,
T const &  defaultValue 

Resize the default dimension of the Array.

newdimthe new size of the default dimension.
defaultValuethe value to initialize the new values with.
This preserves the values in the Array.
The default dimension is given by m_singleParameterResizeIndex.

Definition at line 400 of file Array.hpp.

◆ resizeDimension()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
template<INDEX_TYPE... INDICES, typename ... DIMS>
void LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::resizeDimension ( DIMS const ...  newDims)

Resize specific dimensions of the array.

Template Parameters
INDICESthe indices of the dimensions to resize, should be sorted an unique.
DIMSvariadic pack containing the dimension types
newDimsthe new dimensions. newDims[ 0 ] will be the new size of dimensions INDICES[ 0 ].
This does not preserve the values in the Array unless NDIM == 1.

Definition at line 361 of file Array.hpp.

◆ resizeWithoutInitializationOrDestruction()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
template<typename ... DIMS>
void LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::resizeWithoutInitializationOrDestruction ( DIMS const ...  newDims)

Resize the array without initializing any new values or destroying any old values. Only safe on POD data, however it is much faster for large allocations.

Template Parameters
DIMSVariadic list of integral types.
newDimsThe new dimensions, must be of length NDIM.
This does not preserve the values in the Array unless NDIM == 1.

Definition at line 330 of file Array.hpp.

◆ setName()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
void LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::setName ( std::string const &  name)

Set the name to be displayed whenever the underlying Buffer's user call back is called.

namethe name of the Array.

Definition at line 530 of file Array.hpp.

◆ setSingleParameterResizeIndex()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
void LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::setSingleParameterResizeIndex ( int const  index)

Set the default resize dimension.

indexThe new default dimension.

Definition at line 422 of file Array.hpp.

◆ toNestedView()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
constexpr NestedViewType LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::toNestedView ( ) const &&

Overload for rvalues that is deleted.

This cannot be called on a rvalue since the ArrayView would contain the buffer of the current Array that is about to be destroyed. This overload prevents that from happening.

◆ toNestedViewConst()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
constexpr NestedViewTypeConst LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::toNestedViewConst ( ) const &&

Overload for rvalues that is deleted.

This cannot be called on a rvalue since the ArrayView would contain the buffer of the current Array that is about to be destroyed. This overload prevents that from happening.

◆ toView()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
constexpr ArrayView< T, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::toView ( ) const &&

Overload for rvalues that is deleted.

This cannot be called on a rvalue since the ArrayView would contain the buffer of the current Array that is about to be destroyed. This overload prevents that from happening.

◆ toViewConst()

template<typename T, int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE>
constexpr ArrayView< T const, NDIM, USD, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >::toViewConst ( ) const &&

Overload for rvalues that is deleted.

This cannot be called on a rvalue since the ArrayView would contain the buffer of the current Array that is about to be destroyed. This overload prevents that from happening.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: