Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only
4  *
5  * Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security LLC
6  * Copyright (c) 2018-2024 TotalEnergies
7  * Copyright (c) 2018-2024 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
8  * Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Chevron
9  * Copyright (c) 2019- GEOS/GEOSX Contributors
10  * All rights reserved
11  *
13  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14  */
26 namespace geos
27 {
29 namespace thermalCompositionalMultiphaseWellKernels
30 {
32 using namespace constitutive;
34 /******************************** TotalMassDensityKernel ****************************/
42 template< integer NUM_COMP, integer NUM_PHASE >
44 {
45 public:
47  using Base::m_dCompFrac_dCompDens;
48  using Base::m_dPhaseMassDens;
49  using Base::m_dPhaseVolFrac;
50  using Base::m_dTotalMassDens;
51  using Base::m_phaseMassDens;
52  using Base::m_phaseVolFrac;
53  using Base::m_totalMassDens;
54  using Base::numComp;
55  using Base::numPhase;
63  MultiFluidBase const & fluid )
64  : Base( subRegion, fluid )
65  {}
73  GEOS_HOST_DEVICE inline void compute( localIndex const ei ) const
74  {
75  using Deriv = multifluid::DerivativeOffset;
77  arraySlice1d< real64 const, compflow::USD_PHASE - 1 > phaseVolFrac = m_phaseVolFrac[ei];
78  arraySlice2d< real64 const, compflow::USD_PHASE_DC - 1 > dPhaseVolFrac = m_dPhaseVolFrac[ei];
79  arraySlice1d< real64 const, multifluid::USD_PHASE - 2 > phaseMassDens = m_phaseMassDens[ei][0];
80  arraySlice2d< real64 const, multifluid::USD_PHASE_DC - 2 > dPhaseMassDens = m_dPhaseMassDens[ei][0];
82  real64 & dTotalMassDens_dT = m_dTotalMassDens[ei][Deriv::dT];
84  // Call the base compute the compute the total mass density and derivatives
85  return Base::compute( ei, [&]( localIndex const ip )
86  {
87  dTotalMassDens_dT += dPhaseVolFrac[ip][Deriv::dT] * phaseMassDens[ip] + phaseVolFrac[ip] * dPhaseMassDens[ip][Deriv::dT];
88  } );
89  }
91 protected:
92  // outputs
93  arrayView1d< real64 > m_dTotalMassDens_dTemp;
94 };
100 {
101 public:
110  template< typename POLICY >
111  static void
112  createAndLaunch( integer const numComp,
113  integer const numPhase,
114  ObjectManagerBase & subRegion,
115  MultiFluidBase const & fluid )
116  {
117  if( numPhase == 2 )
118  {
119  isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::internal::kernelLaunchSelectorCompSwitch( numComp, [&]( auto NC )
120  {
121  integer constexpr NUM_COMP = NC();
122  TotalMassDensityKernel< NUM_COMP, 2 > kernel( subRegion, fluid );
123  TotalMassDensityKernel< NUM_COMP, 2 >::template launch< POLICY >( subRegion.size(), kernel );
124  } );
125  }
126  else if( numPhase == 3 )
127  {
128  isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::internal::kernelLaunchSelectorCompSwitch( numComp, [&]( auto NC )
129  {
130  integer constexpr NUM_COMP = NC();
131  TotalMassDensityKernel< NUM_COMP, 3 > kernel( subRegion, fluid );
132  TotalMassDensityKernel< NUM_COMP, 3 >::template launch< POLICY >( subRegion.size(), kernel );
133  } );
134  }
135  }
136 };
138 /******************************** ResidualNormKernel ********************************/
143 template< localIndex NUM_COMP >
145 {
146 public:
149  static constexpr integer numComp = NUM_COMP;
155  using Base::m_minNormalizer;
156  using Base::m_rankOffset;
157  using Base::m_localResidual;
158  using Base::m_dofNumber;
160  ResidualNormKernel( globalIndex const rankOffset,
161  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & localResidual,
162  arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const & dofNumber,
163  arrayView1d< localIndex const > const & ghostRank,
164  integer const targetPhaseIndex,
165  WellElementSubRegion const & subRegion,
166  MultiFluidBase const & fluid,
167  WellControls const & wellControls,
168  real64 const timeAtEndOfStep,
169  real64 const dt,
170  real64 const minNormalizer )
171  : Base( rankOffset,
172  localResidual,
173  dofNumber,
174  ghostRank,
175  minNormalizer ),
176  m_numPhases( fluid.numFluidPhases()),
177  m_targetPhaseIndex( targetPhaseIndex ),
178  m_dt( dt ),
179  m_isLocallyOwned( subRegion.isLocallyOwned() ),
180  m_iwelemControl( subRegion.getTopWellElementIndex() ),
181  m_isProducer( wellControls.isProducer() ),
182  m_currentControl( wellControls.getControl() ),
183  m_targetBHP( wellControls.getTargetBHP( timeAtEndOfStep ) ),
184  m_targetTotalRate( wellControls.getTargetTotalRate( timeAtEndOfStep ) ),
185  m_targetPhaseRate( wellControls.getTargetPhaseRate( timeAtEndOfStep ) ),
186  m_targetMassRate( wellControls.getTargetMassRate( timeAtEndOfStep ) ),
187  m_volume( subRegion.getElementVolume() ),
188  m_phaseDens_n( fluid.phaseDensity_n() ),
189  m_totalDens_n( fluid.totalDensity_n() ),
190  m_phaseVolFraction_n( subRegion.getField< fields::well::phaseVolumeFraction_n >()),
191  m_phaseInternalEnergy_n( fluid.phaseInternalEnergy_n() )
192  {}
196  void computeMassEnergyNormalizers( localIndex const iwelem,
197  real64 & massNormalizer,
198  real64 & energyNormalizer ) const
199  {
200  massNormalizer = LvArray::math::max( m_minNormalizer, m_totalDens_n[iwelem][0] * m_volume[iwelem] );
202  for( integer ip = 0; ip < m_numPhases; ++ip )
203  {
204  energyNormalizer += m_phaseInternalEnergy_n[iwelem][0][ip] * m_phaseDens_n[iwelem][0][ip] * m_phaseVolFraction_n[iwelem][ip] * m_volume[iwelem];
205  }
206  // warning: internal energy can be negative
207  energyNormalizer = LvArray::math::max( m_minNormalizer, LvArray::math::abs( energyNormalizer ) );
208  }
211  virtual void computeLinf( localIndex const iwelem,
212  LinfStackVariables & stack ) const override
213  {
214  real64 normalizer = 0.0;
215  for( integer idof = 0; idof < WJ_ROFFSET::nEqn; ++idof )
216  {
218  // Step 1: compute a normalizer for the control or pressure equation
220  // for the control equation, we distinguish two cases
221  if( idof == WJ_ROFFSET::CONTROL )
222  {
224  // for the top well element, normalize using the current control
225  if( m_isLocallyOwned && iwelem == m_iwelemControl )
226  {
227  if( m_currentControl == WellControls::Control::BHP )
228  {
229  // the residual entry is in pressure units
230  normalizer = m_targetBHP;
231  }
232  else if( m_currentControl == WellControls::Control::TOTALVOLRATE )
233  {
234  // the residual entry is in volume / time units
235  normalizer = LvArray::math::max( LvArray::math::abs( m_targetTotalRate ), m_minNormalizer );
236  }
237  else if( m_currentControl == WellControls::Control::PHASEVOLRATE )
238  {
239  // the residual entry is in volume / time units
240  normalizer = LvArray::math::max( LvArray::math::abs( m_targetPhaseRate ), m_minNormalizer );
241  }
242  else if( m_currentControl == WellControls::Control::MASSRATE )
243  {
244  // the residual entry is in volume / time units
245  normalizer = LvArray::math::max( LvArray::math::abs( m_targetMassRate ), m_minNormalizer );
246  }
247  }
248  // for the pressure difference equation, always normalize by the BHP
249  else
250  {
251  normalizer = m_targetBHP;
252  }
253  }
254  // Step 2: compute a normalizer for the mass balance equations
255  else if( idof >= WJ_ROFFSET::MASSBAL && idof < WJ_ROFFSET::MASSBAL + numComp )
256  {
257  if( m_isProducer ) // only PHASEVOLRATE is supported for now
258  {
259  // the residual is in mass units
260  normalizer = m_dt * LvArray::math::abs( m_targetPhaseRate ) * m_phaseDens_n[iwelem][0][m_targetPhaseIndex];
261  }
262  else // Type::INJECTOR, only TOTALVOLRATE is supported for now
263  {
264  if( m_currentControl == WellControls::Control::MASSRATE )
265  {
266  normalizer = m_dt * LvArray::math::abs( m_targetMassRate );
267  }
268  else
269  {
270  // the residual is in mass units
271  normalizer = m_dt * LvArray::math::abs( m_targetTotalRate ) * m_totalDens_n[iwelem][0];
272  }
274  }
276  // to make sure that everything still works well if the rate is zero, we add this check
277  normalizer = LvArray::math::max( normalizer, m_volume[iwelem] * m_totalDens_n[iwelem][0] );
278  }
279  // Step 3: compute a normalizer for the volume balance equations
280  else if( idof == WJ_ROFFSET::VOLBAL )
281  {
282  if( m_isProducer ) // only PHASEVOLRATE is supported for now
283  {
284  // the residual is in volume units
285  normalizer = m_dt * LvArray::math::abs( m_targetPhaseRate );
286  }
287  else // Type::INJECTOR, only TOTALVOLRATE is supported for now
288  {
289  if( m_currentControl == WellControls::Control::MASSRATE )
290  {
291  normalizer = m_dt * LvArray::math::abs( m_targetMassRate/ m_totalDens_n[iwelem][0] );
292  }
293  else
294  {
295  normalizer = m_dt * LvArray::math::abs( m_targetTotalRate );
296  }
298  }
299  // to make sure that everything still works well if the rate is zero, we add this check
300  normalizer = LvArray::math::max( normalizer, m_volume[iwelem] );
301  }
302  // step 3: energy residual
303  if( idof == WJ_ROFFSET::ENERGYBAL )
304  {
305  real64 massNormalizer = 0.0, energyNormalizer = 0.0;
306  computeMassEnergyNormalizers( iwelem, massNormalizer, energyNormalizer );
307  real64 const valEnergy = LvArray::math::abs( m_localResidual[stack.localRow + WJ_ROFFSET::ENERGYBAL] ) / energyNormalizer;
308  if( valEnergy > stack.localValue[1] )
309  {
310  stack.localValue[1] = valEnergy;
311  }
313  }
314  else
315  {
316  normalizer = LvArray::math::max( m_minNormalizer, normalizer );
317  // Step 4: compute the contribution to the residual
318  real64 const val = LvArray::math::abs( m_localResidual[stack.localRow + idof] ) / normalizer;
319  if( val > stack.localValue[0] )
320  {
321  stack.localValue[0] = val;
322  }
323  }
324  }
325  }
328  virtual void computeL2( localIndex const iwelem,
329  L2StackVariables & stack ) const override
330  {
331  GEOS_UNUSED_VAR( iwelem, stack );
332  GEOS_ERROR( "The L2 norm is not implemented for CompositionalMultiphaseWell" );
333  }
336 protected:
345  real64 const m_dt;
348  bool const m_isLocallyOwned;
354  bool const m_isProducer;
358  real64 const m_targetBHP;
359  real64 const m_targetTotalRate;
360  real64 const m_targetPhaseRate;
361  real64 const m_targetMassRate;
369  arrayView2d< real64 const, compflow::USD_PHASE > const m_phaseVolFraction_n;
370  arrayView3d< real64 const, multifluid::USD_PHASE > const m_phaseInternalEnergy_n;
372 };
374 /*
375  *@class ResidualNormKernelFactory
376  */
378 {
379 public:
397  template< typename POLICY >
398  static void
399  createAndLaunch( integer const numComp,
400  integer const targetPhaseIndex,
401  globalIndex const rankOffset,
402  string const & dofKey,
403  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & localResidual,
404  WellElementSubRegion const & subRegion,
405  MultiFluidBase const & fluid,
406  WellControls const & wellControls,
407  real64 const timeAtEndOfStep,
408  real64 const dt,
409  real64 const minNormalizer,
410  real64 (& residualNorm)[2] )
411  {
412  isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::internal::kernelLaunchSelectorCompSwitch ( numComp, [&]( auto NC )
413  {
415  integer constexpr NUM_COMP = NC();
416  using kernelType = ResidualNormKernel< NUM_COMP >;
417  arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const dofNumber = subRegion.getReference< array1d< globalIndex > >( dofKey );
418  arrayView1d< integer const > const ghostRank = subRegion.ghostRank();
420  kernelType kernel( rankOffset, localResidual, dofNumber, ghostRank,
421  targetPhaseIndex, subRegion, fluid, wellControls, timeAtEndOfStep, dt, minNormalizer );
422  kernelType::template launchLinf< POLICY >( subRegion.size(), kernel, residualNorm );
423  } );
424  }
426 };
428 /******************************** ElementBasedAssemblyKernel ********************************/
436 template< localIndex NUM_COMP >
438 {
439 public:
441  using Base::m_dCompFrac_dCompDens;
442  using Base::m_dofNumber;
443  using Base::m_dPhaseCompFrac;
444  using Base::m_dPhaseDens;
445  using Base::m_dPhaseVolFrac;
446  using Base::m_dPoro_dPres;
447  using Base::m_elemGhostRank;
448  using Base::m_localMatrix;
449  using Base::m_localRhs;
450  using Base::m_numPhases;
451  using Base::m_phaseCompFrac;
452  using Base::m_phaseCompFrac_n;
453  using Base::m_phaseDens;
454  using Base::m_phaseDens_n;
455  using Base::m_phaseVolFrac;
456  using Base::m_phaseVolFrac_n;
457  using Base::m_porosity;
458  using Base::m_porosity_n;
459  using Base::m_rankOffset;
460  using Base::m_volume;
461  using Base::numComp;
462  using Base::numDof;
463  using Base::numEqn;
465  using FLUID_PROP_COFFSET = multifluid::DerivativeOffsetC< NUM_COMP, 1 >;
479  integer const isProducer,
480  globalIndex const rankOffset,
481  string const dofKey,
482  WellElementSubRegion const & subRegion,
483  MultiFluidBase const & fluid,
484  CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const & localMatrix,
485  arrayView1d< real64 > const & localRhs,
486  BitFlags< isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::KernelFlags > const kernelFlags )
487  : Base( numPhases, isProducer, rankOffset, dofKey, subRegion, fluid, localMatrix, localRhs, kernelFlags ),
488  m_phaseInternalEnergy_n( fluid.phaseInternalEnergy_n()),
489  m_phaseInternalEnergy( fluid.phaseInternalEnergy()),
490  m_dPhaseInternalEnergy( fluid.dPhaseInternalEnergy())
491  {}
493  struct StackVariables : public Base::StackVariables
494  {
495 public:
498  : Base::StackVariables()
499  {}
500  using Base::StackVariables::eqnRowIndices;
501  using Base::StackVariables::dofColIndices;
502  using Base::StackVariables::localJacobian;
503  using Base::StackVariables::localResidual;
504  using Base::StackVariables::localRow;
505  using Base::StackVariables::volume;
509  };
516  void setup( localIndex const ei,
517  StackVariables & stack ) const
518  {
519  Base::setup( ei, stack );
523  }
533  StackVariables & stack ) const
534  {
535  using Deriv = multifluid::DerivativeOffset;
537  Base::computeAccumulation( ei, stack, [&]( integer const ip
538  , real64 const & phaseAmount
539  , real64 const & phaseAmount_n
540  , real64 const (&dPhaseAmount)[FLUID_PROP_COFFSET::nDer] )
541  {
542  // We are in the loop over phases, ip provides the current phase index.
543  // We have to do two things:
544  // 1- Assemble the derivatives of the component mass balance equations with respect to temperature
545  // 2- Assemble the phase-dependent part of the accumulation term of the energy equation
547  real64 dPhaseInternalEnergy_dC[numComp]{};
549  // construct the slices
550  arraySlice2d< real64 const, compflow::USD_COMP_DC - 1 > dCompFrac_dCompDens = m_dCompFrac_dCompDens[ei];
551  arraySlice1d< real64 const, multifluid::USD_PHASE - 2 > phaseInternalEnergy_n = m_phaseInternalEnergy_n[ei][0];
552  arraySlice1d< real64 const, multifluid::USD_PHASE - 2 > phaseInternalEnergy = m_phaseInternalEnergy[ei][0];
553  arraySlice2d< real64 const, multifluid::USD_PHASE_DC - 2 > dPhaseInternalEnergy = m_dPhaseInternalEnergy[ei][0];
555  // Step 1: assemble the phase-dependent part of the accumulation term of the energy equation
557  real64 const phaseEnergy = phaseAmount * phaseInternalEnergy[ip];
558  real64 const phaseEnergy_n = phaseAmount_n * phaseInternalEnergy_n[ip];
559  real64 const dPhaseEnergy_dP = dPhaseAmount[FLUID_PROP_COFFSET::dP] * phaseInternalEnergy[ip]
560  + phaseAmount * dPhaseInternalEnergy[ip][Deriv::dP];
561  real64 const dPhaseEnergy_dT = dPhaseAmount[FLUID_PROP_COFFSET::dT] * phaseInternalEnergy[ip]
562  + phaseAmount * dPhaseInternalEnergy[ip][Deriv::dT];
563  // local accumulation
564  stack.localResidual[numEqn-1] += phaseEnergy - phaseEnergy_n;
566  // derivatives w.r.t. pressure and temperature
567  stack.localJacobian[numEqn-1][0] += dPhaseEnergy_dP;
568  stack.localJacobian[numEqn-1][numDof-1] += dPhaseEnergy_dT;
570  // derivatives w.r.t. component densities
571  applyChainRule( numComp, dCompFrac_dCompDens, dPhaseInternalEnergy[ip], dPhaseInternalEnergy_dC, Deriv::dC );
572  for( integer jc = 0; jc < numComp; ++jc )
573  {
574  stack.localJacobian[numEqn-1][jc + 1] += phaseInternalEnergy[ip] * dPhaseAmount[FLUID_PROP_COFFSET::dC+jc]
575  + dPhaseInternalEnergy_dC[jc] * phaseAmount;
576  }
577  } );
580  }
590  StackVariables & stack ) const
591  {
592  Base::computeVolumeBalance( ei, stack );
594  }
597  void complete( localIndex const ei,
598  StackVariables & stack ) const
599  {
600  // Assemble the component mass balance equations and volume balance equations
601  // Energy balance equation updates to solver matrices included in Base class
602  Base::complete( ei, stack );
604  }
606 protected:
615 };
621 {
622 public:
635  template< typename POLICY >
636  static void
637  createAndLaunch( localIndex const numComps,
638  localIndex const numPhases,
639  integer const isProducer,
640  globalIndex const rankOffset,
641  BitFlags< isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::KernelFlags > kernelFlags,
642  string const dofKey,
643  WellElementSubRegion const & subRegion,
644  MultiFluidBase const & fluid,
645  CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const & localMatrix,
646  arrayView1d< real64 > const & localRhs )
647  {
648  isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::
649  internal::kernelLaunchSelectorCompSwitch( numComps, [&]( auto NC )
650  {
651  localIndex constexpr NUM_COMP = NC();
654  kernel( numPhases, isProducer, rankOffset, dofKey, subRegion, fluid, localMatrix, localRhs, kernelFlags );
656  launch< POLICY, ElementBasedAssemblyKernel< NUM_COMP > >( subRegion.size(), kernel );
657  } );
658  }
659 };
665 template< integer NC >
667 {
668 public:
669  static constexpr integer IS_THERMAL = 1;
672  // Well jacobian column and row indicies
676  using CP_Deriv = multifluid::DerivativeOffsetC< NC, IS_THERMAL >;
681  using Base::m_isProducer;
682  using Base::m_dt;
683  using Base::m_localRhs;
684  using Base::m_localMatrix;
685  using Base::m_rankOffset;
686  using Base::maxNumElems;
687  using Base::maxStencilSize;
688  using Base::m_useTotalMassEquation;
691  static constexpr integer numComp = NC;
694  static constexpr integer numDof = WJ_COFFSET::nDer;
697  static constexpr integer numEqn = WJ_ROFFSET::nEqn - 2;
714  globalIndex const rankOffset,
715  string const wellDofKey,
716  WellControls const & wellControls,
717  WellElementSubRegion const & subRegion,
718  MultiFluidBase const & fluid,
719  CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const & localMatrix,
720  arrayView1d< real64 > const & localRhs,
721  BitFlags< isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::KernelFlags > kernelFlags )
722  : Base( dt
723  , rankOffset
724  , wellDofKey
725  , wellControls
726  , subRegion
727  , localMatrix
728  , localRhs
729  , kernelFlags ),
730  m_numPhases ( fluid.numFluidPhases()),
731  m_globalWellElementIndex( subRegion.getGlobalWellElementIndex() ),
732  m_phaseFraction( fluid.phaseFraction()),
733  m_dPhaseFraction( fluid.dPhaseFraction()),
734  m_phaseEnthalpy( fluid.phaseEnthalpy()),
735  m_dPhaseEnthalpy( fluid.dPhaseEnthalpy())
736  { }
739  {
740 public:
743  StackVariables( localIndex const size )
744  : Base::StackVariables( size )
745  {}
753  };
756  inline
757  void setup( localIndex const iwelem, StackVariables & stack ) const
758  {
759  Base::setup ( iwelem, stack );
760  stack.localEnergyFlux.resize( stack.numConnectedElems );
761  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian.resize( stack.numConnectedElems, stack.stencilSize * numDof );
762  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian_dQ.resize( stack.numConnectedElems, 1 );
763  for( integer i=0; i<stack.numConnectedElems; i++ )
764  {
765  stack.localEnergyFlux[i]=0.0;
766  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian_dQ[i][0]=0.0;
767  for( integer j=0; j< stack.stencilSize * numDof; j++ )
768  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[i][j] = 0.0;
769  }
770  }
773  inline
774  void complete( localIndex const iwelem, StackVariables & stack ) const
775  {
776  Base::complete ( iwelem, stack );
778  using namespace compositionalMultiphaseUtilities;
779  if( stack.numConnectedElems ==1 )
780  {
781  // Setup Jacobian global row indicies for energy equation
782  globalIndex oneSidedEqnRowIndices = stack.offsetUp + WJ_ROFFSET::ENERGYBAL - m_rankOffset;
784  if( oneSidedEqnRowIndices >= 0 && oneSidedEqnRowIndices < m_localMatrix.numRows() )
785  {
787  if( !m_isProducer && m_globalWellElementIndex[iwelem] == 0 )
788  {
789  // For top segment energy balance eqn replaced with T(n+1) - T = 0
790  // No other energy balance derivatives
791  // Assumption is global index == 0 is top segment with fixed temp BC
792  for( integer i=0; i< CP_Deriv::nDer; i++ )
793  {
794  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[0][i] = 0.0;
795  }
796  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian_dQ[0][0]=0;
797  stack.localEnergyFlux[0]=0;
798  }
801  // Setup Jacobian global col indicies ( Mapping from local jac order to well jac order)
802  globalIndex oneSidedDofColIndices_dRate = stack.offsetCurrent + WJ_COFFSET::dQ;
803  globalIndex oneSidedDofColIndices_dPresCompTempUp[CP_Deriv::nDer]{};
805  int ioff=0;
806  oneSidedDofColIndices_dPresCompTempUp[ioff++] = stack.offsetUp + WJ_COFFSET::dP;
807  oneSidedDofColIndices_dPresCompTempUp[ioff++] = stack.offsetUp + WJ_COFFSET::dT;
808  for( integer jdof = 0; jdof < NC; ++jdof )
809  {
810  oneSidedDofColIndices_dPresCompTempUp[ioff++] = stack.offsetUp + WJ_COFFSET::dC+ jdof;
811  }
813  m_localMatrix.template addToRow< parallelDeviceAtomic >( oneSidedEqnRowIndices,
814  &oneSidedDofColIndices_dRate,
815  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian_dQ[0],
816  1 );
817  m_localMatrix.template addToRowBinarySearchUnsorted< parallelDeviceAtomic >( oneSidedEqnRowIndices,
818  oneSidedDofColIndices_dPresCompTempUp,
819  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[0],
820  CP_Deriv::nDer );
821  RAJA::atomicAdd( parallelDeviceAtomic{}, &m_localRhs[oneSidedEqnRowIndices], stack.localEnergyFlux[0] );
822  }
823  }
824  else // if ( stack.numConnectedElems == 2 )
825  {
826  globalIndex row_current = stack.offsetCurrent + WJ_ROFFSET::ENERGYBAL - m_rankOffset;
827  globalIndex row_next = stack.offsetNext + WJ_ROFFSET::ENERGYBAL - m_rankOffset;
829  if( !m_isProducer )
830  {
831  if( row_next >= 0 && row_next < m_localMatrix.numRows() )
832  {
833  if( m_globalWellElementIndex[stack.iwelemNext] == 0 )
834  {
835  for( integer i=0; i<CP_Deriv::nDer; i++ )
836  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[TAG::NEXT][i] = 0.0;
837  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian_dQ[TAG::NEXT][0] =0;
838  stack.localEnergyFlux[TAG::NEXT] =0;
839  }
841  }
842  }
843  // Setup Jacobian global row indicies
844  // equations for COMPONENT + ENERGY balances
845  globalIndex eqnRowIndices[2]{};
847  // energy balance equations
848  eqnRowIndices[TAG::CURRENT ] = row_current;
849  eqnRowIndices[TAG::NEXT ] = row_next;
852  // Setup Jacobian global col indicies ( Mapping from local jac order to well jac order)
853  globalIndex dofColIndices[CP_Deriv::nDer]{};
854  globalIndex dofColIndices_dRate = stack.offsetCurrent + WJ_COFFSET::dQ;
856  int ioff=0;
857  // Indice storage order reflects local jac col storage order CP::Deriv order P T DENS
858  // well jacobian order is P DENS Q T
859  dofColIndices[ioff++] = stack.offsetUp + WJ_COFFSET::dP;
861  if constexpr ( IS_THERMAL )
862  {
863  dofColIndices[ioff++] = stack.offsetUp + WJ_COFFSET::dT;
864  }
865  for( integer jdof = 0; jdof < NC; ++jdof )
866  {
867  dofColIndices[ioff++] = stack.offsetUp + WJ_COFFSET::dC+ jdof;
868  }
869  // Note this updates diag and offdiag
870  for( integer i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
871  {
872  if( eqnRowIndices[i] >= 0 && eqnRowIndices[i] < m_localMatrix.numRows() )
873  {
874  m_localMatrix.template addToRow< parallelDeviceAtomic >( eqnRowIndices[i],
875  &dofColIndices_dRate,
876  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian_dQ[i],
877  1 );
878  m_localMatrix.template addToRowBinarySearchUnsorted< parallelDeviceAtomic >( eqnRowIndices[i],
879  dofColIndices,
880  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[i],
881  CP_Deriv::nDer );
882  RAJA::atomicAdd( parallelDeviceAtomic{}, &m_localRhs[eqnRowIndices[i]], stack.localEnergyFlux[i] );
883  }
884  }
885  }
887  }
898  inline
899  void computeFlux( localIndex const iwelem, StackVariables & stack ) const
900  {
901  Base::computeFlux ( iwelem, stack, [&] ( localIndex const & iwelemNext
902  , localIndex const & iwelemUp
903  , real64 const & currentConnRate
904  , real64 const (&dCompFrac_dCompDens)[NC][NC] )
905  {
907  if( iwelemNext < 0 && !m_isProducer ) // exit connection, injector
908  {
909  real64 eflux=0;
910  real64 eflux_dq=0;
911  for( integer ip = 0; ip < m_numPhases; ++ip )
912  {
913  eflux += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]* m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
914  eflux_dq += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip] * m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
916  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[0] [CP_Deriv::dP] += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]*m_dPhaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dP]
917  + m_dPhaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dP]*m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
918  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[0] [CP_Deriv::dT] += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]*m_dPhaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dT]
919  + m_dPhaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dT]*m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
921  real64 dProp1_dC[numComp]{};
922  applyChainRule( numComp, dCompFrac_dCompDens, m_dPhaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip], dProp1_dC, CP_Deriv::dC );
923  real64 dProp2_dC[numComp]{};
924  applyChainRule( numComp, dCompFrac_dCompDens, m_dPhaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip], dProp2_dC, CP_Deriv::dC );
925  for( integer dof=0; dof < numComp; dof++ )
926  {
927  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[0] [CP_Deriv::dC+dof] += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]*dProp2_dC[dof]
928  + dProp1_dC[dof]*m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
929  }
930  }
931  for( integer dof=0; dof < CP_Deriv::nDer; dof++ )
932  {
933  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[0] [dof] *= -m_dt*currentConnRate;
934  }
935  // Energy equation
936  stack.localEnergyFlux[0] = -m_dt * eflux * currentConnRate;
937  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian_dQ[0][0] = -m_dt * eflux_dq;
938  }
939  else if( ( iwelemNext < 0 && m_isProducer ) || currentConnRate < 0 ) // exit connection, producer
940  {
941  real64 eflux=0;
942  real64 eflux_dq=0;
943  for( integer ip = 0; ip < m_numPhases; ++ip )
944  {
945  eflux += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]* m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
946  eflux_dq += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip] * m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
947  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[0] [CP_Deriv::dP] += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]*m_dPhaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dP]
948  + m_dPhaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dP]*m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
949  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[0] [CP_Deriv::dT] += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]*m_dPhaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dT]
950  + m_dPhaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dT]*m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
952  real64 dProp1_dC[numComp]{};
953  applyChainRule( numComp, dCompFrac_dCompDens, m_dPhaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip], dProp1_dC, CP_Deriv::dC );
954  real64 dProp2_dC[numComp]{};
955  applyChainRule( numComp, dCompFrac_dCompDens, m_dPhaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip], dProp2_dC, CP_Deriv::dC );
956  for( integer dof=0; dof < numComp; dof++ )
957  {
958  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[0] [CP_Deriv::dC+dof] += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]*dProp2_dC[dof]
959  + dProp1_dC[dof]*m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
960  }
962  }
964  for( integer dof=0; dof < CP_Deriv::nDer; dof++ )
965  {
966  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[0][dof] *= -m_dt*currentConnRate;
967  }
968  stack.localEnergyFlux[0] = -m_dt * eflux * currentConnRate;
969  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian_dQ[0][0] = -m_dt*eflux_dq;
970  }
971  else
972  {
973  real64 eflux=0;
974  real64 eflux_dq=0;
975  for( integer ip = 0; ip < m_numPhases; ++ip )
976  {
977  eflux += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]* m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
978  eflux_dq += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip] * m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
980  real64 dprop_dp = m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]*m_dPhaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dP]
981  + m_dPhaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dP]*m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
982  real64 dprop_dt = m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]*m_dPhaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dT]
983  + m_dPhaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip][CP_Deriv::dT]*m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
985  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[TAG::NEXT ] [CP_Deriv::dP] += dprop_dp;
986  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[TAG::NEXT] [CP_Deriv::dT] += dprop_dt;
988  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[TAG::CURRENT ] [CP_Deriv::dP] += dprop_dp;
989  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[TAG::CURRENT] [CP_Deriv::dT] += dprop_dt;
991  real64 dPE_dC[numComp]{};
992  applyChainRule( numComp, dCompFrac_dCompDens, m_dPhaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip], dPE_dC, CP_Deriv::dC );
993  real64 dPF_dC[numComp]{};
994  applyChainRule( numComp, dCompFrac_dCompDens, m_dPhaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip], dPF_dC, CP_Deriv::dC );
996  for( integer dof=0; dof < numComp; dof++ )
997  {
998  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[TAG::NEXT ][CP_Deriv::dC+dof] += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]*dPF_dC[dof]
999  +dPE_dC[dof]*m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
1000  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[TAG::CURRENT ][CP_Deriv::dC+dof] += m_phaseEnthalpy[iwelemUp][0][ip]*dPF_dC[dof]
1001  +dPE_dC[dof]*m_phaseFraction[iwelemUp][0][ip];
1002  }
1003  }
1004  stack.localEnergyFlux[TAG::NEXT ] = m_dt * eflux * currentConnRate;
1005  stack.localEnergyFlux[TAG::CURRENT ] = -m_dt * eflux * currentConnRate;
1006  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian_dQ [TAG::NEXT ][0] = m_dt * eflux_dq;
1007  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian_dQ [TAG::CURRENT][0] = -m_dt * eflux_dq;
1008  for( integer dof=0; dof < CP_Deriv::nDer; dof++ )
1009  {
1010  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[TAG::NEXT ][dof] *= m_dt*currentConnRate;
1011  stack.localEnergyFluxJacobian[TAG::CURRENT ][dof] *= -m_dt*currentConnRate;
1012  }
1013  }
1015  } );
1017  }
1028  template< typename POLICY, typename KERNEL_TYPE >
1029  static void
1030  launch( localIndex const numElements,
1031  KERNEL_TYPE const & kernelComponent )
1032  {
1034  forAll< POLICY >( numElements, [=] GEOS_HOST_DEVICE ( localIndex const ie )
1035  {
1036  typename KERNEL_TYPE::StackVariables stack( 1 );
1038  kernelComponent.setup( ie, stack );
1039  kernelComponent.computeFlux( ie, stack );
1040  kernelComponent.complete( ie, stack );
1041  } );
1042  }
1044 protected:
1060 };
1066 {
1067 public:
1082  template< typename POLICY >
1083  static void
1084  createAndLaunch( integer const numComps,
1085  real64 const dt,
1086  globalIndex const rankOffset,
1087  BitFlags< isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::KernelFlags > kernelFlags,
1088  string const dofKey,
1089  WellControls const & wellControls,
1090  WellElementSubRegion const & subRegion,
1091  MultiFluidBase const & fluid,
1092  CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const & localMatrix,
1093  arrayView1d< real64 > const & localRhs )
1094  {
1095  isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::internal::kernelLaunchSelectorCompSwitch( numComps, [&]( auto NC )
1096  {
1097  integer constexpr NUM_COMP = NC();
1099  using kernelType = FaceBasedAssemblyKernel< NUM_COMP >;
1100  kernelType kernel( dt, rankOffset, dofKey, wellControls, subRegion, fluid, localMatrix, localRhs, kernelFlags );
1101  kernelType::template launch< POLICY >( subRegion.size(), kernel );
1102  } );
1103  }
1104 };
1106 } // end namespace thermalCompositionalMultiphaseWellKernels
1108 } // end namespace geos
Marks a host-device function.
Definition: GeosxMacros.hpp:49
#define GEOS_UNUSED_VAR(...)
Mark an unused variable and silence compiler warnings.
Definition: GeosxMacros.hpp:84
#define GEOS_ERROR(msg)
Raise a hard error and terminate the program.
Definition: Logger.hpp:157
Mark function with both Caliper and NVTX if enabled.
The ObjectManagerBase is the base object of all object managers in the mesh data hierachy.
array1d< integer > const & ghostRank()
Get the ghost information of each object.
This class describes the controls used to operate a well.
This class describes a collection of local well elements and perforations.
Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of accumulation and volume balance.
Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms.
Define the interface for the property kernel in charge of computing the total mass density.
GEOS_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURN getReference(LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) const
Look up a wrapper and get reference to wrapped object.
Definition: Group.hpp:1275
localIndex size() const
Get the "size" of the group, which determines the number of elements in resizable wrappers.
Definition: Group.hpp:1317
Define the base interface for the property update kernels.
Define the base interface for the residual calculations.
static void createAndLaunch(localIndex const numComps, localIndex const numPhases, integer const isProducer, globalIndex const rankOffset, BitFlags< isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::KernelFlags > kernelFlags, string const dofKey, WellElementSubRegion const &subRegion, MultiFluidBase const &fluid, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, arrayView1d< real64 > const &localRhs)
Create a new kernel and launch.
Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of thermal accumulation and volume balance.
arrayView2d< real64 const > const m_dPoro_dTemp
View on derivative of porosity w.r.t temperature.
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void computeVolumeBalance(localIndex const ei, StackVariables &stack) const
Compute the local volume balance contributions to the residual and Jacobian.
arrayView3d< real64 const, multifluid::USD_PHASE > m_phaseInternalEnergy_n
Views on phase internal energy.
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void computeAccumulation(localIndex const ei, StackVariables &stack) const
Compute the local accumulation contributions to the residual and Jacobian.
ElementBasedAssemblyKernel(localIndex const numPhases, integer const isProducer, globalIndex const rankOffset, string const dofKey, WellElementSubRegion const &subRegion, MultiFluidBase const &fluid, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, arrayView1d< real64 > const &localRhs, BitFlags< isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::KernelFlags > const kernelFlags)
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void setup(localIndex const ei, StackVariables &stack) const
Performs the setup phase for the kernel.
static void createAndLaunch(integer const numComps, real64 const dt, globalIndex const rankOffset, BitFlags< isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::KernelFlags > kernelFlags, string const dofKey, WellControls const &wellControls, WellElementSubRegion const &subRegion, MultiFluidBase const &fluid, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, arrayView1d< real64 > const &localRhs)
Create a new kernel and launch.
Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms.
FaceBasedAssemblyKernel(real64 const dt, globalIndex const rankOffset, string const wellDofKey, WellControls const &wellControls, WellElementSubRegion const &subRegion, MultiFluidBase const &fluid, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, arrayView1d< real64 > const &localRhs, BitFlags< isothermalCompositionalMultiphaseBaseKernels::KernelFlags > kernelFlags)
Constructor for the kernel interface.
arrayView3d< real64 const, multifluid::USD_PHASE > m_phaseEnthalpy
Views on phase enthalpy.
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void computeFlux(localIndex const iwelem, StackVariables &stack) const
Compute the local flux contributions to the residual and Jacobian.
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > m_globalWellElementIndex
Global index of local element.
arrayView3d< real64 const, multifluid::USD_PHASE > const m_phaseFraction
Element phase fraction.
static void launch(localIndex const numElements, KERNEL_TYPE const &kernelComponent)
Performs the kernel launch.
static void createAndLaunch(integer const numComp, integer const targetPhaseIndex, globalIndex const rankOffset, string const &dofKey, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &localResidual, WellElementSubRegion const &subRegion, MultiFluidBase const &fluid, WellControls const &wellControls, real64 const timeAtEndOfStep, real64 const dt, real64 const minNormalizer, real64(&residualNorm)[2])
Create a new kernel and launch.
arrayView3d< real64 const, multifluid::USD_PHASE > const m_phaseDens_n
View on phase/total density at the previous converged time step.
localIndex const m_iwelemControl
Index of the element where the control is enforced.
virtual GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void computeLinf(localIndex const iwelem, LinfStackVariables &stack) const override
Compute the local values for the Linf norm.
virtual GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void computeL2(localIndex const iwelem, L2StackVariables &stack) const override
Compute the local values and normalizer for the L2 norm.
bool const m_isProducer
Flag indicating whether the well is a producer or an injector.
bool const m_isLocallyOwned
Flag indicating whether the well is locally owned or not.
static void createAndLaunch(integer const numComp, integer const numPhase, ObjectManagerBase &subRegion, MultiFluidBase const &fluid)
Create a new kernel and launch.
Define the interface for the property kernel in charge of computing the total mass density.
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void compute(localIndex const ei) const
Compute the total mass density in an element.
TotalMassDensityKernel(ObjectManagerBase &subRegion, MultiFluidBase const &fluid)
ArrayView< T, 1 > arrayView1d
Alias for 1D array view.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:180
StackArray< T, 2, MAXSIZE > stackArray2d
Alias for 2D stack array.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:204
LvArray::CRSMatrixView< T, COL_INDEX, localIndex const, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > CRSMatrixView
Alias for CRS Matrix View.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:310
Global index type (for indexing objects across MPI partitions).
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:88
StackArray< T, 1, MAXSIZE > stackArray1d
Alias for 1D stack array.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:188
ArraySlice< T, 2, USD > arraySlice2d
Alias for 2D array slice.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:200
double real64
64-bit floating point type.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:99
Local index type (for indexing objects within an MPI partition).
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:85
ArraySlice< T, 1, USD > arraySlice1d
Alias for 1D array slice.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:184
std::int32_t integer
Signed integer type.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:82
ArrayView< T, 4, USD > arrayView4d
Alias for 4D array view.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:228
ArrayView< T, 2, USD > arrayView2d
Alias for 2D array view.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:196
Array< T, 1 > array1d
Alias for 1D array.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:176
ArrayView< T, 3, USD > arrayView3d
Alias for 3D array view.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:212
stackArray1d< real64, maxNumElems > localEnergyFlux
Storage for the face local residual vector (energy equation)
stackArray2d< real64, maxNumElems *maxStencilSize > localEnergyFluxJacobian_dQ
Storage for the face local Jacobian matrix dQ only.
stackArray2d< real64, maxNumElems *maxStencilSize *CP_Deriv::nDer > localEnergyFluxJacobian
Storage for the face local energy Jacobian matrix dC dP dT.