Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only
4  *
5  * Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security LLC
6  * Copyright (c) 2018-2024 TotalEnergies
7  * Copyright (c) 2018-2024 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
8  * Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Chevron
9  * Copyright (c) 2019- GEOS/GEOSX Contributors
10  * All rights reserved
11  *
13  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14  */
23 #include "dataRepository/Group.hpp"
24 #include "common/TimingMacros.hpp"
25 #include "mpiCommunications/NeighborData.hpp"
27 namespace geos
28 {
34 {
35 public:
36  ObjectManagerBase() = delete;
43  explicit ObjectManagerBase( string const & name,
44  dataRepository::Group * const parent );
49  ~ObjectManagerBase() override;
71  virtual string getCatalogName() const = 0;
77  virtual localIndex packSize( string_array const & wrapperNames,
78  arrayView1d< localIndex const > const & packList,
79  integer const recursive,
80  bool onDevice,
81  parallelDeviceEvents & events ) const override;
83  virtual localIndex pack( buffer_unit_type * & buffer,
84  string_array const & wrapperNames,
85  arrayView1d< localIndex const > const & packList,
86  integer const recursive,
87  bool onDevice,
88  parallelDeviceEvents & events ) const override;
90  virtual localIndex unpack( buffer_unit_type const * & buffer,
91  arrayView1d< localIndex > & packList,
92  integer const recursive,
93  bool onDevice,
94  parallelDeviceEvents & events,
95  MPI_Op op=MPI_REPLACE ) override;
106  template< bool DO_PACKING >
108  arrayView1d< localIndex const > const & packList ) const;
121  void excludeWrappersFromPacking( std::set< string > const & wrapperNames );
130  integer const recursive ) const;
140  arrayView1d< localIndex const > const & packList,
141  integer const recursive ) const;
154  {
155  GEOS_UNUSED_VAR( packList );
156  return 0;
157  }
166  arrayView1d< localIndex const > const & packList ) const
167  {
168  GEOS_UNUSED_VAR( buffer );
169  GEOS_UNUSED_VAR( packList );
170  return 0;
171  }
181  virtual localIndex unpackUpDownMaps( buffer_unit_type const * & buffer,
182  array1d< localIndex > & packList,
183  bool const overwriteUpMaps,
184  bool const overwriteDownMaps )
185  {
186  GEOS_UNUSED_VAR( buffer );
187  GEOS_UNUSED_VAR( packList );
188  GEOS_UNUSED_VAR( overwriteUpMaps );
189  GEOS_UNUSED_VAR( overwriteDownMaps );
190  return 0;
191  }
200  virtual localIndex unpackGlobalMaps( buffer_unit_type const * & buffer,
201  localIndex_array & packList,
202  integer const recursive );
210  {
211  buffer_unit_type * buffer = nullptr;
212  return packParentChildMapsImpl< false >( buffer, packList );
213  }
222  arrayView1d< localIndex const > const & packList ) const
223  {
224  return packParentChildMapsImpl< true >( buffer, packList );
225  }
234  localIndex_array & packList );
236 private:
248  template< bool DO_PACKING >
249  localIndex packImpl( buffer_unit_type * & buffer,
250  string_array const & wrapperNames,
251  arrayView1d< localIndex const > const & packList,
252  integer const recursive,
253  bool onDevice,
254  parallelDeviceEvents & events ) const;
264  template< bool DO_PACKING >
265  localIndex packGlobalMapsImpl( buffer_unit_type * & buffer,
266  arrayView1d< localIndex const > const & packList,
267  integer const recursive ) const;
276  template< bool DO_PACKING >
277  localIndex packParentChildMapsImpl( buffer_unit_type * & buffer,
278  arrayView1d< localIndex const > const & packList ) const;
280  //**********************************************************************************************************************
281  // functions for compatibility with old data structure
282  // TODO Deprecate or modernize all these suckers
284 public:
290  void moveSets( LvArray::MemorySpace const targetSpace );
296  localIndex resize( localIndex const newSize,
297  const bool /*assignGlobals*/ )
298  {
300  return 0;
301  }
310  SortedArray< localIndex > & createSet( const string & newSetName );
319  const array2d< localIndex > & map,
320  const string & setName );
329  const string & setName );
338  const string & setName );
360  {
361  GEOS_UNUSED_VAR( nodeManager );
362  return {};
363  }
369  void setGhostRankForSenders( int const neighborRank )
370  {
371  arrayView1d< localIndex const > const ghostsToSend = getNeighborData( neighborRank ).ghostsToSend();
372  array1d< std::pair< globalIndex, int > > & nonLocalGhosts = getNeighborData( neighborRank ).nonLocalGhosts();
373  nonLocalGhosts.clear();
375  for( localIndex const index : ghostsToSend )
376  {
377  integer & owningRank = m_ghostRank[ index ];
378  if( owningRank >= 0 )
379  {
380  nonLocalGhosts.emplace_back( m_localToGlobalMap[ index ], owningRank );
381  }
382  else
383  {
384  owningRank = -1;
385  }
386  }
387  }
408  integer splitObject( localIndex const indexToSplit,
409  int const rank,
410  localIndex & newIndex );
419  void inheritGhostRankFromParent( std::set< localIndex > const & indices );
426  void copyObject( localIndex const source, localIndex const destination );
432  void eraseObject( std::set< localIndex > const & indicesToErase );
437  virtual void setMaxGlobalIndex();
446  template< typename TYPE_RELATION >
447  static void fixUpDownMaps( TYPE_RELATION & relation,
448  map< localIndex, array1d< globalIndex > > & unmappedIndices,
449  bool const clearIfUnmapped );
458  template< typename TYPE_RELATION >
459  static void fixUpDownMaps( TYPE_RELATION & relation,
460  map< localIndex, SortedArray< globalIndex > > & unmappedIndices,
461  bool const clearIfUnmapped );
470  static void fixUpDownMaps( ArrayOfSets< localIndex > & relation,
471  unordered_map< globalIndex, localIndex > const & globalToLocal,
472  map< localIndex, SortedArray< globalIndex > > & unmappedIndices,
473  bool const clearIfUnmapped );
482  static void cleanUpMap( std::set< localIndex > const & targetIndices,
484  arrayView2d< localIndex const > const & downmap );
493  static void cleanUpMap( std::set< localIndex > const & targetIndices,
494  ArrayOfSetsView< localIndex > const & upmap,
495  arrayView2d< localIndex const > const & downmap );
504  static void cleanUpMap( std::set< localIndex > const & targetIndices,
506  arrayView1d< arrayView1d< localIndex const > const > const & downmap );
514  static void cleanUpMap( std::set< localIndex > const & targetIndices,
515  ArrayOfSetsView< localIndex > const & upmap,
516  arrayView1d< arrayView1d< localIndex const > const > const & downmap );
524  static void cleanUpMap( std::set< localIndex > const & targetIndices,
525  ArrayOfSetsView< localIndex > const & upmap,
526  ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const & downmap );
532  virtual void enforceStateFieldConsistencyPostTopologyChange( std::set< localIndex > const & targetIndices );
544  localIndex const lookup )
545  {
546  localIndex rval = lookup;
548  while( parentIndices[rval] != -1 )
549  {
550  rval = parentIndices[rval];
551  }
553  return rval;
554  }
564  template< typename FIELD_TRAIT >
566  registerField( string const & nameOfRegisteringObject )
567  {
568  // These are required to work-around the need for instantiation of
569  // the static constexpr trait components. This will not be required once
570  // we move to c++17.
572  // This is required for the Tensor classes.
573  typename FIELD_TRAIT::dataType defaultValue( FIELD_TRAIT::defaultValue() );
575  return this->registerWrapper< typename FIELD_TRAIT::type >( FIELD_TRAIT::key() ).
576  setApplyDefaultValue( defaultValue ).
577  setPlotLevel( FIELD_TRAIT::plotLevel ).
578  setRestartFlags( FIELD_TRAIT::restartFlag ).
579  setDescription( FIELD_TRAIT::description ).
580  setRegisteringObjects( nameOfRegisteringObject );
581  }
590  template< typename FIELD_TRAIT >
592  typename FIELD_TRAIT::type * newObject )
593  {
594  return registerWrapper( fieldTrait.key(), newObject ).
595  setApplyDefaultValue( fieldTrait.defaultValue() ).
596  setPlotLevel( FIELD_TRAIT::plotLevel ).
597  setRestartFlags( FIELD_TRAIT::restartFlag ).
598  setDescription( FIELD_TRAIT::description );
599  }
613  template< typename FIELD_TRAIT0, typename FIELD_TRAIT1, typename ... FIELD_TRAITS >
614  void registerField( string const & nameOfRegisteringObject )
615  {
616  registerField< FIELD_TRAIT0 >( nameOfRegisteringObject );
617  registerField< FIELD_TRAIT1, FIELD_TRAITS... >( nameOfRegisteringObject );
618  }
626  template< typename FIELD_TRAIT >
628  {
629  return this->getWrapper< typename FIELD_TRAIT::type >( FIELD_TRAIT::key() ).reference();
630  }
638  template< typename FIELD_TRAIT >
640  {
641  return this->getWrapper< typename FIELD_TRAIT::type >( FIELD_TRAIT::key() ).reference();
642  }
650  template< typename FIELD_TRAIT >
651  bool hasField() const
652  {
653  return this->hasWrapper( FIELD_TRAIT::key() );
654  }
656  //**********************************************************************************************************************
663  {
665  static constexpr char const * adjacencyListString() { return "adjacencyList"; }
668  static constexpr char const * domainBoundaryIndicatorString() { return "domainBoundaryIndicator"; }
671  static constexpr char const * externalSetString() { return "externalSet"; }
674  static constexpr char const * ghostRankString() { return "ghostRank"; }
677  static constexpr char const * ghostsToReceiveString() { return "ghostsToReceive"; }
680  static constexpr char const * globalToLocalMapString() { return "globalToLocalMap"; }
683  static constexpr char const * isExternalString() { return "isExternal"; }
686  static constexpr char const * localToGlobalMapString() { return "localToGlobalMap"; }
689  static constexpr char const * localMaxGlobalIndexString() { return "localMaxGlobalIndex"; }
692  static constexpr char const * maxGlobalIndexString() { return "maxGlobalIndex"; }
705  }
714  {
716  static constexpr char const * setsString() { return "sets"; }
719  static constexpr char const * neighborDataString() { return "neighborData"; }
726  }
740  virtual viewKeyStruct const & viewKeys() const { return m_ObjectManagerBaseViewKeys; }
750  virtual groupKeyStruct const & groupKeys() const { return m_ObjectManagerBaseGroupKeys; }
757  { return m_sets; }
763  Group const & sets() const
764  { return m_sets; }
771  SortedArray< localIndex > & getSet( string const & setName )
772  { return m_sets.getReference< SortedArray< localIndex > >( setName ); }
779  SortedArrayView< localIndex const > getSet( string const & setName ) const
780  { return m_sets.getReference< SortedArray< localIndex > >( setName ).toViewConst(); }
801  {
802  globalIndex const gid = m_localToGlobalMap[ lid ];
803  m_localMaxGlobalIndex = std::max( m_localMaxGlobalIndex, gid );
804  m_globalToLocalMap[ gid ] = lid;
805  }
812  { return m_localToGlobalMap; }
819  { return m_localToGlobalMap; }
826  { return m_globalToLocalMap; }
834  { return gid ); }
841  { return this->m_isExternal; }
848  { return this->m_isExternal; }
855  { return this->m_ghostRank; }
862  { return this->m_ghostRank; }
869  NeighborData & getNeighborData( int const rank )
870  { return rank ); }
877  NeighborData const & getNeighborData( int const rank ) const
878  { return rank ); }
884  void addNeighbor( int const rank )
885  {
886  string const & rankString = std::to_string( rank );
887  m_neighborData.emplace( std::piecewise_construct, std::make_tuple( rank ), std::make_tuple( rankString, &m_neighborGroup ) );
888  m_neighborGroup.registerGroup( rankString, &getNeighborData( rank ) );
889  }
895  void removeNeighbor( int const rank )
896  {
898  m_neighborData.erase( rank );
899  }
906  { return m_localMaxGlobalIndex; }
913  { return m_maxGlobalIndex; }
923  {
925  }
929  {
930  return m_domainBoundaryIndicator.toViewConst();
931  }
937  virtual void outputObjectConnectivity() const
938  {
939  GEOS_ERROR( "Called outputObjectConnectivity in ObjectManagerBase. Function should be implemented." );
940  }
942 protected:
947  std::set< string > m_packingExclusionList;
984 };
987 template< typename TYPE_RELATION >
988 void ObjectManagerBase::fixUpDownMaps( TYPE_RELATION & relation,
989  map< localIndex, array1d< globalIndex > > & unmappedIndices,
990  bool const )
991 {
994  bool allValuesMapped = true;
995  unordered_map< globalIndex, localIndex > const & globalToLocal = relation.relatedObjectGlobalToLocal();
996  for( auto & unmappedIndex: unmappedIndices )
997  {
998  localIndex const li = unmappedIndex.first;
999  array1d< globalIndex > const & globalIndices = unmappedIndex.second;
1000  for( localIndex a = 0; a < globalIndices.size(); ++a )
1001  {
1002  if( globalIndices[a] != unmappedLocalIndexValue )
1003  {
1004  if( relation[li][a] == unmappedLocalIndexValue )
1005  {
1006  relation[li][a] = globalIndices[a] );
1007  }
1008  else
1009  {
1010  allValuesMapped = false;
1011  }
1012  }
1013  // temporarily disabled this check to allow for the case where the index is not set
1014  // this entire fixUpDownMaps will be removed in a future PR as the unpacking is modified
1015  // s.t. there are no invalid unpacked values that are not expected.
1016  //GEOS_ERROR_IF( relation[li][a] == unmappedLocalIndexValue, "Index not set" );
1017  }
1018  }
1019  GEOS_ERROR_IF( !allValuesMapped, "some values of unmappedIndices were not used" );
1020  unmappedIndices.clear();
1021 }
1024 template< typename TYPE_RELATION >
1025 void ObjectManagerBase::fixUpDownMaps( TYPE_RELATION & relation,
1026  map< localIndex, SortedArray< globalIndex > > & unmappedIndices,
1027  bool const clearIfUnmapped )
1028 {
1031  unordered_map< globalIndex, localIndex > const & globalToLocal = relation.RelatedObjectGlobalToLocal();
1032  for( map< localIndex, SortedArray< globalIndex > >::iterator iter = unmappedIndices.begin();
1033  iter != unmappedIndices.end();
1034  ++iter )
1035  {
1036  localIndex const li = iter->first;
1037  if( clearIfUnmapped )
1038  {
1039  relation[li].clear();
1040  }
1041  else
1042  {
1043  SortedArray< globalIndex > const & globalIndices = iter->second;
1044  for( auto const newGlobalIndex : globalIndices )
1045  {
1046  // NOTE: This simply ignores if newGlobalIndex is not found. This is OK if this function is
1047  // used for an upmap and the object shouldn't exist on this rank. There should be a better
1048  // way to check this.
1049  auto iterG2L = globalToLocal.find( newGlobalIndex );
1050  if( iterG2L != globalToLocal.end() )
1051  {
1052  relation[li].insert( iterG2L->second );
1053  }
1054  }
1055  }
1056  }
1057  unmappedIndices.clear();
1058 }
1060 inline
1062  unordered_map< globalIndex, localIndex > const & globalToLocal,
1063  map< localIndex, SortedArray< globalIndex > > & unmappedIndices,
1064  bool const clearIfUnmapped )
1065 {
1068  for( map< localIndex, SortedArray< globalIndex > >::iterator iter = unmappedIndices.begin();
1069  iter != unmappedIndices.end();
1070  ++iter )
1071  {
1072  localIndex const li = iter->first;
1073  if( clearIfUnmapped )
1074  {
1075  relation.clearSet( li );
1076  }
1077  else
1078  {
1079  SortedArray< globalIndex > const & globalIndices = iter->second;
1080  for( globalIndex const newGlobalIndex : globalIndices )
1081  {
1082  // NOTE: This simply ignores if newGlobalIndex is not found. This is OK if this function is
1083  // used for an upmap and the object shouldn't exist on this rank. There should be a better
1084  // way to check this.
1085  auto iterG2L = globalToLocal.find( newGlobalIndex );
1086  if( iterG2L != globalToLocal.end() )
1087  {
1088  relation.insertIntoSet( li, iterG2L->second );
1089  }
1090  }
1091  }
1092  }
1093  unmappedIndices.clear();
1094 }
1096 } /* namespace geos */
Doxygen can't parse a decltype( auto ) return type, using this gets around that.
#define GEOS_UNUSED_VAR(...)
Mark an unused variable and silence compiler warnings.
Definition: GeosxMacros.hpp:84
#define GEOS_ERROR(msg)
Raise a hard error and terminate the program.
Definition: Logger.hpp:157
#define GEOS_ERROR_IF(EXP, msg)
Conditionally raise a hard error and terminate the program.
Definition: Logger.hpp:142
geos::ObjectManagerBase ObjectDataStructureBaseT
Alias to ObjectManagerBase.
Mark function with both Caliper and NVTX if enabled.
The ObjectManagerBase is the base object of all object managers in the mesh data hierachy.
array1d< integer > const & ghostRank()
Get the ghost information of each object.
array1d< integer > m_domainBoundaryIndicator
Domain boundary indicator: 1 means the "index" is on the boundary.
SortedArrayView< localIndex const > getSet(string const &setName) const
Get a set by name, const version.
array1d< integer > & getDomainBoundaryIndicator()
Get the domain boundary indicator.
arrayView1d< integer const > ghostRank() const
Get the ghost information of each object, const version.
NeighborData const & getNeighborData(int const rank) const
Get neighbor data for given rank, const version.
localIndex packParentChildMapsSize(arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const
Computes the pack size of the parent/child relations in packList.
array1d< integer > m_isExternal
Array that holds if an object is external.
globalIndex m_localMaxGlobalIndex
The maximum global index of any object of all objects on this rank.
NeighborData & getNeighborData(int const rank)
Get neighbor data for given rank.
virtual viewKeyStruct & viewKeys()
Get the view keys for Group access.
virtual localIndex packUpDownMaps(buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const
Packs the specific elements in the @ packList.
static void cleanUpMap(std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices, ArrayOfSetsView< localIndex > const &upmap, ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &downmap)
Removes from the list of sets of upmap all the elements for which the "mirror target array" of downma...
virtual localIndex packGlobalMapsSize(arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive) const
Computes the pack size of the global maps elements in the @ packList.
globalIndex maxGlobalIndex() const
Get the maximum global index of all objects across all rank. See.
Group m_neighborGroup
Group that holds all the NeighborData objects.
virtual ArrayOfSets< globalIndex > extractMapFromObjectForAssignGlobalIndexNumbers(ObjectManagerBase const &nodeManager)
Extract map from object and assign global indices.
std::set< string > m_packingExclusionList
Names of the wrappers that should not be packed.
static CatalogInterface::CatalogType & getCatalog()
Acessing the unique instance of this catalog.
unordered_map< int, NeighborData > m_neighborData
A map from rank to the associated NeighborData object.
Group m_sets
Group that holds object sets.
Get a view to the field associated with a trait from this ObjectManagerBase.
virtual localIndex pack(buffer_unit_type *&buffer, string_array const &wrapperNames, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const override
Pack a list of indices within a list of wrappers.
globalIndex m_maxGlobalIndex
The maximum global index of all objects across all rank.
localIndex unpackSets(buffer_unit_type const *&buffer)
Unpack the content of buffer into the sets of the instance.
array1d< integer > m_ghostRank
Array that holds the ghost information about each object.
arrayView1d< globalIndex > localToGlobalMap()
Get local to global map.
unordered_map< globalIndex, localIndex > const & globalToLocalMap() const
Get global to local map.
void constructSetFromSetAndMap(SortedArrayView< localIndex const > const &inputSet, const array1d< localIndex_array > &map, const string &setName)
Builds a new set on this instance given another objects set and the map between them.
Group const & sets() const
Get the group holding the object sets, const version.
virtual localIndex unpack(buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex > &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events, MPI_Op op=MPI_REPLACE) override
Unpack a buffer.
virtual void enforceStateFieldConsistencyPostTopologyChange(std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices)
Updates the child and target indices after a topology change.
void setGhostRankForSenders(int const neighborRank)
Defines neighborRank ownership for ghost objects.
struct geos::ObjectManagerBase::groupKeyStruct m_ObjectManagerBaseGroupKeys
groupKey struct for the ObjectManagerBase class
static localIndex getParentRecursive(arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &parentIndices, localIndex const lookup)
Get the upmost parent.
dataRepository::Wrapper< typename FIELD_TRAIT::type > & registerField(FIELD_TRAIT const &fieldTrait, typename FIELD_TRAIT::type *newObject)
Helper function to register fields.
ObjectManagerBase(string const &name, dataRepository::Group *const parent)
virtual string getCatalogName() const =0
Get the name of the catalog.
void constructGlobalToLocalMap()
Constructs the global to local map.
localIndex packParentChildMaps(buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const
Packs the parent/child relations in packList.
virtual localIndex packGlobalMaps(buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive) const
Packs the global maps elements in the @ packList.
Group & sets()
Get the group holding the object sets.
real64 m_overAllocationFactor
Factor by which to overallocate when adding objects.
void moveSets(LvArray::MemorySpace const targetSpace)
Manually move all sets to a memory space.
SortedArray< localIndex > & createSet(const string &newSetName)
Creates a new set.
integer splitObject(localIndex const indexToSplit, int const rank, localIndex &newIndex)
Split object to deal with topology changes.
localIndex globalToLocalMap(globalIndex const gid) const
Retrieves the local index for given global index.
void removeNeighbor(int const rank)
Remove neighbor for rank.
static void cleanUpMap(std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices, ArrayOfSetsView< localIndex > const &upmap, arrayView2d< localIndex const > const &downmap)
Removes from the list of sets of upmap all the elements for which the "mirror target array" of downma...
virtual viewKeyStruct const & viewKeys() const
Get the view keys for Group access, const version.
SortedArray< localIndex > & getSet(string const &setName)
Get a set by name.
static void cleanUpMap(std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices, ArrayOfSetsView< localIndex > const &upmap, arrayView1d< arrayView1d< localIndex const > const > const &downmap)
Removes from the list of sets of upmap all the elements for which the "mirror target array" of downma...
virtual void setMaxGlobalIndex()
Computes the maximum global index allong all the MPI ranks.
virtual localIndex unpackGlobalMaps(buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, localIndex_array &packList, integer const recursive)
Unpacks the global maps from buffer.
localIndex resize(localIndex const newSize, const bool)
Resize the group and all contained wrappers that resize with parent.
localIndex unpackParentChildMaps(buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, localIndex_array &packList)
Unacks the parent/child relations in packList.
static void cleanUpMap(std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices, array1d< SortedArray< localIndex > > &upmap, arrayView1d< arrayView1d< localIndex const > const > const &downmap)
Removes from the list of arrays of upmap all the elements for which the "mirror target array" of down...
void eraseObject(std::set< localIndex > const &indicesToErase)
Erase object from this object manager.
unordered_map< globalIndex, localIndex > m_globalToLocalMap
Map from object global index to the local index.
virtual groupKeyStruct & groupKeys()
Get the group keys for Group access.
virtual localIndex packSize(string_array const &wrapperNames, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const override
Get the size required to pack a list of indices within a list of wrappers.
virtual localIndex packUpDownMapsSize(arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const
Computes the pack size of the specific elements in the @ packList.
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > localToGlobalMap() const
Get local to global map, const version.
virtual localIndex unpackUpDownMaps(buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, array1d< localIndex > &packList, bool const overwriteUpMaps, bool const overwriteDownMaps)
Unpacks the specific elements in the @ packList.
array1d< integer > const & isExternal()
Get the locality information of the objects.
localIndex packSets(buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList) const
Packs the elements of each set that actually are in packList.
virtual groupKeyStruct const & groupKeys() const
Get the group keys for Group access, const version.
void inheritGhostRankFromParent(std::set< localIndex > const &indices)
sets the value of m_ghostRank to the value of the objects parent.
struct geos::ObjectManagerBase::viewKeyStruct m_ObjectManagerBaseViewKeys
viewKey struct for the ObjectManagerBase class
dataRepository::Wrapper< typename FIELD_TRAIT::type > & registerField(string const &nameOfRegisteringObject)
Register field with this ObjectManagerBase using a dataRepository::Wrapper.
void copyObject(localIndex const source, localIndex const destination)
Copy object from source to @ destination.
void excludeWrappersFromPacking(std::set< string > const &wrapperNames)
Registers wrappers that will be excluded from packing.
static void cleanUpMap(std::set< localIndex > const &targetIndices, array1d< SortedArray< localIndex > > &upmap, arrayView2d< localIndex const > const &downmap)
Removes from the list of arrays of upmap all the elements for which the "mirror target array" of down...
static void fixUpDownMaps(TYPE_RELATION &relation, map< localIndex, array1d< globalIndex > > &unmappedIndices, bool const clearIfUnmapped)
Fixing the up/down maps by mapping the unmapped indices.
SortedArrayView< localIndex const > externalSet() const
Get the external set, const version.
arrayView1d< integer const > getDomainBoundaryIndicator() const
Get the domain boundary indicator.
void setReceiveLists()
Clear and redefines the ghosts to receive.
localIndex getNumberOfGhosts() const
Get the number of ghost objects.
SortedArray< localIndex > & externalSet()
Get the external set.
~ObjectManagerBase() override
bool hasField() const
Checks if a field has been registered.
array1d< globalIndex > m_localToGlobalMap
Contains the global index of each object.
localIndex getNumberOfLocalIndices() const
Get the number of locally owned objects.
arrayView1d< integer const > isExternal() const
Get the locality information of the objects.
array1d< globalIndex > constructGlobalListOfBoundaryObjects() const
Computes the (global) index list that are domain boundaries.
void registerField(string const &nameOfRegisteringObject)
Register a collection of fields with this ObjectManagerBase using a dataRepository::Wrapper.
void constructSetFromSetAndMap(SortedArrayView< localIndex const > const &inputSet, ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &map, const string &setName)
Builds a new set on this instance given another objects set and the map between them.
virtual void outputObjectConnectivity() const
Function to output connectivity in order to assist debugging issues with object connectivity.
Get the field associated with a trait from this ObjectManagerBase.
globalIndex localMaxGlobalIndex() const
Get the local maximum global index on this rank.
void updateGlobalToLocalMap(localIndex const lid)
Updates (if needed) the global index for local index lid.
void constructSetFromSetAndMap(SortedArrayView< localIndex const > const &inputSet, const array2d< localIndex > &map, const string &setName)
Builds a new set on this instance given another objects set and the map between them.
void addNeighbor(int const rank)
Add a neighbor for rank.
This class provides the base class/interface for the catalog value objects.
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::unique_ptr< CatalogInterface< BASETYPE, ARGS... > > > CatalogType
This is the type that will be used for the catalog. The catalog is actually instantiated in the BASET...
void deregisterGroup(string const &name)
Removes a child group from this group.
Wrapper< TBASE > & registerWrapper(string const &name, wrapperMap::KeyIndex::index_type *const rkey=nullptr)
Create and register a Wrapper around a new object.
bool hasWrapper(LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) const
Check if a wrapper exists.
Definition: Group.hpp:1204
T & registerGroup(string const &name, std::unique_ptr< T > newObject)
Register a new Group as a sub-group of current Group.
Definition: Group.hpp:200
void setRestartFlags(RestartFlags flags)
Set flags that control restart output of this group.
Definition: Group.hpp:1426
string const & getName() const
Get group name.
Definition: Group.hpp:1331
GEOS_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURN getReference(LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) const
Look up a wrapper and get reference to wrapped object.
Definition: Group.hpp:1275
virtual localIndex packSize(string_array const &wrapperNames, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const
Get the size required to pack a list of wrappers.
virtual localIndex pack(buffer_unit_type *&buffer, string_array const &wrapperNames, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const
Pack a list of wrappers to a buffer.
virtual void resize(localIndex const newSize)
Resize the group and all contained wrappers that resize with parent.
Base template for ordered and unordered maps.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:329
Group::wrapperMap::KeyIndex ViewKey
Type alias for KeyIndexT type used for wrapper lookups.
Definition: Group.hpp:1664
ArrayView< T, 1 > arrayView1d
Alias for 1D array view.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:180
array1d< localIndex > localIndex_array
A 1-dimensional array of geos::localIndex types.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:399
Array< T, 2, PERMUTATION > array2d
Alias for 2D array.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:192
Global index type (for indexing objects across MPI partitions).
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:88
LvArray::ArrayOfSetsView< T, INDEX_TYPE const, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > ArrayOfSetsView
View of array of variable-sized sets. See LvArray::ArrayOfSetsView for details.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:294
constexpr static localIndex unmappedLocalIndexValue
A global variable for the value of a object that has not been assigned a geos::globalIndex.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:461
LvArray::ArrayOfArraysView< T, INDEX_TYPE const, CONST_SIZES, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > ArrayOfArraysView
View of array of variable-sized arrays. See LvArray::ArrayOfArraysView for details.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:286
double real64
64-bit floating point type.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:99
Local index type (for indexing objects within an MPI partition).
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:85
ArraySlice< T, 1, USD > arraySlice1d
Alias for 1D array slice.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:184
std::int32_t integer
Signed integer type.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:82
LvArray::SortedArray< T, localIndex, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > SortedArray
A sorted array of local indices.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:267
LvArray::ArrayOfSets< T, INDEX_TYPE, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > ArrayOfSets
Array of variable-sized sets. See LvArray::ArrayOfSets for details.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:290
LvArray::SortedArrayView< T, localIndex, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > SortedArrayView
A sorted array view of local indices.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:271
signed char buffer_unit_type
Type stored in communication buffers.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:109
ArrayView< T, 2, USD > arrayView2d
Alias for 2D array view.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:196
std::vector< string > string_array
A 1-dimensional array of geos::string types.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:393
Array< T, 1 > array1d
Alias for 1D array.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:176
struct to serve as a container for group strings and keys
static constexpr char const * neighborDataString()
static constexpr char const * setsString()
dataRepository::GroupKey neighborData
View key to the Group holding the neighbor data.
dataRepository::GroupKey sets
View key to the Group holding the object sets.
struct to serve as a container for variable strings and keys
dataRepository::ViewKey localToGlobalMap
View key to the local->global map.
static constexpr char const * domainBoundaryIndicatorString()
dataRepository::ViewKey ghostRank
View key to ghost ranks.
static constexpr char const * ghostsToReceiveString()
static constexpr char const * maxGlobalIndexString()
static constexpr char const * ghostRankString()
static constexpr char const * isExternalString()
dataRepository::ViewKey externalSet
View key to external set.
static constexpr char const * localToGlobalMapString()
static constexpr char const * globalToLocalMapString()
dataRepository::ViewKey globalToLocalMap
View key to global->local map.
static constexpr char const * externalSetString()
static constexpr char const * adjacencyListString()
static constexpr char const * localMaxGlobalIndexString()