enum class | geos::hypre::AMGCoarseningType : HYPRE_Int {
geos::hypre::CLJP = 0
, geos::hypre::Ruge_Stueben = 3
, geos::hypre::Falgout = 6
, geos::hypre::CLJPDebug = 7
geos::hypre::PMIS = 8
, geos::hypre::PMISDebug = 9
, geos::hypre::HMIS = 10
, geos::hypre::CGC = 21
geos::hypre::CGC_E = 22
} |
| This enum class specifies the AMG parallel coarsening algorithm. More...
enum class | geos::hypre::MGRInterpolationType : HYPRE_Int {
geos::hypre::injection = 0
, geos::hypre::l1jacobi = 1
, geos::hypre::jacobi = 2
, geos::hypre::classicalModifiedInterpolation = 3
geos::hypre::approximateInverse = 4
, geos::hypre::blockJacobi = 12
} |
| This enum class specifies the strategy for computing the level intepolation operator in MGR. More...
enum class | geos::hypre::MGRRestrictionType : HYPRE_Int {
geos::hypre::injection = 0
, geos::hypre::jacobi = 2
, geos::hypre::approximateInverse = 3
, geos::hypre::blockJacobi = 12
geos::hypre::cprLike = 13
, geos::hypre::blockColLumped = 14
} |
| This enum class specifies the strategy for computing the level restriction operator in MGR. More...
enum class | geos::hypre::MGRCoarseGridMethod : HYPRE_Int {
geos::hypre::galerkin = 0
, geos::hypre::nonGalerkin = 1
, geos::hypre::cprLikeDiag = 2
, geos::hypre::cprLikeBlockDiag = 3
geos::hypre::approximateInverse = 4
} |
| This enum class specifies the strategy for level coarse grid computation in MGR. More...
enum class | geos::hypre::MGRFRelaxationType : HYPRE_Int {
geos::hypre::none = -1
, geos::hypre::singleVCycleSmoother = 1
, geos::hypre::amgVCycle = 2
, geos::hypre::forwardHybridGaussSeidel = 3
geos::hypre::backwardHybridGaussSeidel = 4
, geos::hypre::hybridSymmetricGaussSeidel = 6
, geos::hypre::jacobi = 7
, geos::hypre::l1hybridSymmetricGaussSeidel = 8
geos::hypre::gsElim = 9
, geos::hypre::l1forwardGaussSeidel = 13
, geos::hypre::l1backwardGaussSeidel = 14
, geos::hypre::l1jacobi = 18
geos::hypre::gsElimWPivoting = 99
, geos::hypre::gsElimWInverse = 199
} |
| This enum class specifies the F-relaxation type. More...
enum class | geos::hypre::MGRGlobalSmootherType : HYPRE_Int {
geos::hypre::none = -1
, geos::hypre::blockJacobi = 0
, geos::hypre::blockGaussSeidel = 1
, geos::hypre::jacobi = 2
geos::hypre::ilu0 = 16
} |
| This enum class specifies the global smoother type. More...
constexpr HYPRE_MemoryLocation | geos::hypre::getMemoryLocation (LvArray::MemorySpace const space) |
constexpr LvArray::MemorySpace | geos::hypre::getLvArrayMemorySpace (HYPRE_MemoryLocation const location) |
void | geos::hypre::checkDeviceErrors (char const *msg, char const *file, int const line) |
HYPRE_BigInt * | geos::hypre::toHypreBigInt (geos::globalIndex *const index) |
| Converts a non-const array from GEOSX globalIndex type to HYPRE_BigInt. More...
HYPRE_BigInt const * | geos::hypre::toHypreBigInt (geos::globalIndex const *const index) |
| Converts a const array from GEOSX globalIndex type to HYPRE_BigInt. More...
HYPRE_Vector | geos::hypre::parVectorToVectorAll (HYPRE_ParVector const vec) |
| Gather a parallel vector on a every rank. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::dummySetup (HYPRE_Solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix, HYPRE_ParVector, HYPRE_ParVector) |
| Dummy function that does nothing but conform to hypre's signature for preconditioner setup/apply functions. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::SuperLUDistSolve (HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x) |
| The missing wrapper compatible with hypre solver solve signature. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::SuperLUDistDestroy (HYPRE_Solver solver) |
| The missing wrapper compatible with hypre solver destroy signature. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::relaxationCreate (HYPRE_Solver &solver, HYPRE_Int const type) |
| Create a relaxation-based smoother. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::relaxationSetup (HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x) |
| Setup a relaxation-based smoother. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::relaxationSolve (HYPRE_Solver solver, HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix A, HYPRE_ParVector b, HYPRE_ParVector x) |
| Solve with a relaxation-based smoother. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::relaxationDestroy (HYPRE_Solver solver) |
| Destroy a relaxation-based smoother. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::getAMGCycleType (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::CycleType const &type) |
| Returns hypre's identifier of the AMG cycle type. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::getAMGRelaxationType (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::SmootherType const &type) |
| Returns hypre's identifier of the AMG smoother type. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::getAMGInterpolationType (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::InterpType const &type) |
| Returns hypre's identifier of the AMG interpolation type. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::getAMGAggressiveInterpolationType (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::AggInterpType const &type) |
| Returns hypre's identifier of the AMG aggressive interpolation type. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::getILUType (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::SmootherType const type) |
| Returns hypre's identifier of the AMG ILU smoother type. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::getAMGCoarseType (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::CoarseType const &type) |
| Returns hypre's identifier of the AMG coarse solver type. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::getAMGCoarseningType (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::CoarseningType const &type) |
| Returns hypre's identifier of the AMG coarsening type. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::getRelaxationType (LinearSolverParameters::PreconditionerType const type) |
| Returns hypre's identifier of the relaxation preconditioner type. More...
HYPRE_Int | geos::hypre::getILUType (LinearSolverParameters::PreconditionerType const type) |
| Returns hypre's identifier of the ILU preconditioner type. More...