371 "singlePhaseReservoirFVM",
372 "singlePhaseHybridFVM",
373 "singlePhaseReservoirHybridFVM",
374 "singlePhasePoromechanics",
375 "thermalSinglePhasePoromechanics",
376 "hybridSinglePhasePoromechanics",
377 "singlePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures",
378 "singlePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures",
379 "singlePhasePoromechanicsReservoirFVM",
380 "compositionalMultiphaseFVM",
381 "compositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM",
382 "compositionalMultiphaseReservoirFVM",
383 "compositionalMultiphaseReservoirHybridFVM",
384 "reactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL",
385 "thermalCompositionalMultiphaseFVM",
386 "thermalCompositionalMultiphaseReservoirFVM",
387 "multiphasePoromechanics",
388 "multiphasePoromechanicsReservoirFVM",
389 "thermalMultiphasePoromechanics",
391 "lagrangianContactMechanics",
392 "augmentedLagrangianContactMechanics",
393 "lagrangianContactMechanicsBubbleStab",
394 "solidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures" );
457 "modifiedExtendedE" );
469 "modifiedMultipass" );
ENUM_STRINGS(LinearSolverParameters::SolverType, "direct", "cg", "gmres", "fgmres", "bicgstab", "preconditioner")
Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
double real64
64-bit floating point type.
std::int32_t integer
Signed integer type.
Algebraic multigrid parameters.
integer numSweeps
Number of smoother sweeps.
AMG interpolation type (HYPRE only)
@ modifiedExtendedI
Modularized extended+i (GPU support)
@ multipass
Multipass (GPU support)
@ default_
Use LAI's default option.
@ extendedI
Extended+i (GPU support)
@ modifiedExtendedE
Modularized extended+e (GPU support)
@ modifiedExtended
Modularized extended classical (GPU support)
@ direct
Direct (GPU support)
@ directBAMG
Direct with separation of weights (GPU support)
@ modifiedClassical
Modified classical.
@ extended
Extended classical (GPU support)
AMG smoother type.
@ jacobi
Jacobi smoothing.
@ default_
Use LAI's default option.
@ chebyshev
Chebyshev polynomial smoothing.
@ l1jacobi
l1-Jacobi smoothing
@ l1sgs
l1-Symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoothing
@ ilut
Incomplete LU with thresholding.
@ sgs
Symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoothing.
@ bgs
Gauss-Seidel smoothing (backward sweep)
@ ict
Incomplete Cholesky with thresholding.
@ ic0
Incomplete Cholesky.
@ fgs
Gauss-Seidel smoothing (forward sweep)
integer aggressiveInterpMaxNonZeros
Aggressive Interpolation - Max. nonzeros/row.
CoarseningType coarseningType
Coarsening algorithm (GPUs)
integer separateComponents
Apply a separate component filter before AMG construction.
integer maxLevels
Maximum number of coarsening levels.
integer interpolationMaxNonZeros
Interpolation - Max. nonzeros/row.
InterpType interpolationType
Interpolation algorithm.
CoarseType coarseType
Coarse-level solver/smoother.
AMG coarsening types (HYPRE only)
A parallel coarsening algorithm using independent sets.
@ default_
Use LAI's default option.
@ Falgout
Ruge-Stueben followed by CLJP.
@ RugeStueben
Classical Ruge-Stueben on each processor, followed by a third pass.
Parallel coarsening as CLJP but with lower complexities (GPU support)
Hybrid PMIS coarsening.
integer numFunctions
Number of amg functions.
Null space type.
@ constantModes
Constant modes.
@ rigidBodyModes
Rigid body modes.
NullSpaceType nullSpaceType
Null space type [constantModes,rigidBodyModes].
SmootherType smootherType
Smoother type (GPUs)
PreOrPost preOrPostSmoothing
Pre and/or post smoothing.
AMG interpolation type for aggressive coarsening levels (HYPRE only)
@ modifiedExtendedI
Modularized Extended+i (GPU support)
@ multipass
Multipass (GPU support)
@ default_
Use LAI's default option.
@ extendedIStage2
Extended+i 2-stage (GPU support)
@ modifiedExtendedE
Modularized Extended+e (GPU support)
@ modifiedExtended
Modularized Extended (GPU support)
@ modifiedMultipass
Modularized Multipass (GPU support)
@ extendedStage2
Extended 2-stage (GPU support)
@ standardStage2
Standard 2-stage.
CycleType cycleType
AMG cycle type.
AMG pre/post smoothing option.
@ post
post-smoothing only
@ both
pre- and post-smoothing
integer aggressiveNumPaths
Number of paths agg. coarsening.
integer aggressiveNumLevels
Number of levels for aggressive coarsening.
AMG coarse solver type.
@ jacobi
Jacobi (GPU support in hypre)
@ default_
Use LAI's default option.
@ chebyshev
Chebyshev polynomial (GPU support in hypre)
@ l1jacobi
l1-Jacobi (GPU support in hypre)
@ gsElimWInverse
Direct inverse with Gaussian Elimination.
@ direct
Direct solver as preconditioner.
@ l1sgs
l1-Symmetric Gauss-Seidel
@ sgs
Symmetric Gauss-Seidel.
@ gsElimWPivoting
Gaussian Elimination with pivoting direct solver.
@ bgs
Gauss-Seidel smoothing (backward sweep)
@ fgs
Gauss-Seidel (forward sweep)
real64 relaxWeight
Relaxation weight.
AggInterpType aggressiveInterpType
Interp. type for agg. coarsening.
Domain decomposition parameters.
integer overlap
Ghost overlap.
Direct solver parameters: used for SuperLU_Dist interface through hypre and PETSc.
integer equilibrate
Whether to scale the rows and columns of the matrix.
RowPerm rowPerm
Rows permutation.
ColPerm colPerm
Columns permutation.
integer iterativeRefine
Whether to perform iterative refinement.
integer replaceTinyPivot
Whether to replace tiny pivots by sqrt(epsilon)*norm(A)
integer parallel
Whether to use a parallel solver (instead of a serial one)
How to permute the columns.
@ MMD_AtplusA
multiple minimum degree on At+A
@ colAMD
approximate minimum degree on columns
multiple minimum degree on At*A (heavy)
integer checkResidual
Whether to check the linear system solution residual.
How to permute the rows.
@ mc64
using HSL routine MC64
Incomplete factorization parameters.
real64 threshold
Dropping threshold.
Krylov-method parameters.
real64 adaptiveGamma
Gamma parameter for adaptive method.
integer maxRestart
Max number of vectors in Krylov basis before restarting (GPUs)
real64 weakestTol
Weakest allowed tolerance when using adaptive method.
real64 relTolerance
Relative convergence tolerance for iterative solvers.
integer maxIterations
Max iterations before declaring convergence failure.
real64 adaptiveExponent
Exponent parameter for adaptive method.
real64 strongestTol
Strongest allowed tolerance when using adaptive method.
integer useAdaptiveTol
Use Eisenstat-Walker adaptive tolerance.
Multigrid reduction parameters.
integer separateComponents
Apply a separate displacement component (SDC) filter before AMG construction.
StrategyType strategy
Predefined MGR solution strategy (solver specific)
MGR available strategies.
@ hybridSinglePhasePoromechanics
single phase poromechanics with hybrid finite volume single phase flow
@ compositionalMultiphaseFVM
finite volume compositional multiphase flow
@ singlePhasePoromechanics
single phase poromechanics with finite volume single phase flow
@ compositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM
hybrid finite volume compositional multiphase flow
@ solidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures
Embedded fractures mechanics.
@ singlePhaseReservoirHybridFVM
hybrid finite volume single-phase flow with wells
@ multiphasePoromechanicsReservoirFVM
multiphase poromechanics with finite volume compositional multiphase flow with wells
@ thermalCompositionalMultiphaseReservoirFVM
finite volume thermal compositional multiphase flow
@ thermalCompositionalMultiphaseFVM
finite volume thermal compositional multiphase flow
@ singlePhaseReservoirFVM
finite volume single-phase flow with wells
@ augmentedLagrangianContactMechanics
Augmented Lagrangian contact mechanics.
@ multiphasePoromechanics
multiphase poromechanics with finite volume compositional multiphase flow
@ singlePhasePoromechanicsReservoirFVM
single phase poromechanics with finite volume single phase flow with wells
@ singlePhaseHybridFVM
hybrid finite volume single-phase flow
@ thermalMultiphasePoromechanics
thermal multiphase poromechanics with finite volume compositional multiphase flow
@ hydrofracture
@ singlePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures
single phase poromechanics with conforming fractures
@ singlePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures
single phase poromechanics with FV embedded fractures
@ reactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL
finite volume reactive compositional flow with OBL
@ thermalSinglePhasePoromechanics
thermal single phase poromechanics with finite volume single phase flow
@ lagrangianContactMechanicsBubbleStab
Lagrangian contact mechanics with bubble stabilization.
@ compositionalMultiphaseReservoirHybridFVM
hybrid finite volume compositional multiphase flow with wells
@ lagrangianContactMechanics
Lagrangian contact mechanics.
@ compositionalMultiphaseReservoirFVM
finite volume compositional multiphase flow with wells
@ invalid
default value, to ensure solver sets something
Matrix-scaling parameters.
integer useRowScaling
Apply row scaling.
integer useRowColScaling
Apply row and column scaling (not yet implemented)
Set of parameters for a linear solver or preconditioner.
Linear solver type.
@ preconditioner
Preconditioner only.
struct geos::LinearSolverParameters::Direct direct
direct solver parameter struct
integer dofsPerNode
Dofs per node (or support location) for non-scalar problems.
struct geos::LinearSolverParameters::IFact ifact
Incomplete factorization parameter struct.
bool isSymmetric
Whether input matrix is symmetric (may affect choice of scheme)
struct geos::LinearSolverParameters::Scaling scaling
Matrix-scaling parameter struct.
struct geos::LinearSolverParameters::DD dd
Domain decomposition parameter struct.
Preconditioner type.
@ amg
Algebraic Multigrid.
@ block
Block preconditioner.
@ jacobi
Jacobi smoothing.
@ chebyshev
Chebyshev polynomial smoothing.
@ mgr
Multigrid reduction (Hypre only)
@ iluk
Incomplete LU with k-level of fill.
@ l1jacobi
l1-Jacobi smoothing
@ direct
Direct solver as preconditioner.
@ l1sgs
l1-Symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoothing
@ ilut
Incomplete LU with thresholding.
@ sgs
Symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoothing.
@ bgs
Gauss-Seidel smoothing (backward sweep)
@ ict
Incomplete Cholesky with thresholding.
@ fgs
Gauss-Seidel smoothing (forward sweep)
integer stopIfError
Whether to stop the simulation if the linear solver reports an error.
PreconditionerType preconditionerType
Preconditioner type.
struct geos::LinearSolverParameters::AMG amg
Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) parameters.
integer logLevel
Output level [0=none, 1=basic, 2=everything].
SolverType solverType
Solver type.
struct geos::LinearSolverParameters::MGR mgr
Multigrid reduction (MGR) parameters.
struct geos::LinearSolverParameters::Krylov krylov
Krylov-method parameter struct.