29 namespace singlePhaseFVMKernels
38 template<
integer NUM_EQN,
integer NUM_DOF,
const & stencilWrapper,
72 DofNumberAccessor
const & dofNumberAccessor,
81 singlePhaseFlowAccessors,
82 singlePhaseFluidAccessors,
83 permeabilityAccessors,
88 m_seri( stencilWrapper.getElementRegionIndices() ),
89 m_sesri( stencilWrapper.getElementSubRegionIndices() ),
90 m_sei( stencilWrapper.getElementIndices() )
149 {
return m_sei[iconn].size(); }
188 template<
typename FUNC = NoOpFunc >
192 FUNC && kernelOp = NoOpFunc{} )
206 for( k[1] = k[0] + 1; k[1] < stack.
numFluxElems; ++k[1] )
209 real64 dFlux_dTrans = 0.0;
215 real64 dFlux_dP[2] = {0.0, 0.0};
217 localIndex const subRegionIndex[2] = {m_sesri( iconn, k[0] ), m_sesri( iconn, k[1] )};
218 localIndex const elementIndex[2] = {m_sei( iconn, k[0] ), m_sei( iconn, k[1] )};
220 singlePhaseFluxKernelsHelper::computeSinglePhaseFlux( regionIndex, subRegionIndex, elementIndex,
240 for(
integer ke = 0; ke < 2; ++ke )
248 kernelOp( k, regionIndex, subRegionIndex, elementIndex, connectionIndex, alpha, mobility, potGrad, fluxVal, dFlux_dP );
260 template<
typename FUNC = NoOpFunc >
264 FUNC && kernelOp = NoOpFunc{} )
271 if(
m_seri( iconn, i )][m_sesri( iconn, i )][m_sei( iconn, i )] < 0 )
279 m_localMatrix.addToRowBinarySearchUnsorted< parallelDeviceAtomic >( localRow,
285 kernelOp( i, localRow );
297 template<
typename POLICY,
typename KERNEL_TYPE >
const & kernelComponent )
306 typename KERNEL_TYPE::StackVariables stack( kernelComponent.stencilSize( iconn ),
307 kernelComponent.numPointsInFlux( iconn ) );
309 kernelComponent.setup( iconn, stack );
310 kernelComponent.computeFlux( iconn, stack );
311 kernelComponent.complete( iconn, stack );
324 typename STENCILWRAPPER::IndexContainerViewConstType
const m_seri;
325 typename STENCILWRAPPER::IndexContainerViewConstType
const m_sesri;
326 typename STENCILWRAPPER::IndexContainerViewConstType
const m_sei;
349 template<
typename POLICY,
352 string const & dofKey,
353 string const & solverName,
const & stencilWrapper,
365 dofNumberAccessor.setName( solverName +
"/accessors/" + dofKey );
368 typename kernelType::SinglePhaseFlowAccessors flowAccessors( elemManager, solverName );
369 typename kernelType::SinglePhaseFluidAccessors fluidAccessors( elemManager, solverName );
370 typename kernelType::PermeabilityAccessors permAccessors( elemManager, solverName );
372 kernelType kernel( rankOffset, stencilWrapper, dofNumberAccessor,
373 flowAccessors, fluidAccessors, permAccessors,
374 dt, localMatrix, localRhs );
375 kernelType::template launch< POLICY >( stencilWrapper.size(), kernel );
Marks a host-device function.
#define GEOS_ASSERT_GT(lhs, rhs)
Assert that one value compares greater than the other in debug builds.
#define GEOS_ASSERT_GE(lhs, rhs)
Assert that one value compares greater than or equal to the other in debug builds.
Mark function with both Caliper and NVTX if enabled.
The ElementRegionManager class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage ElementR...
ElementViewAccessor< ArrayView< T const, NDIM, getUSD< PERM > > > constructArrayViewAccessor(string const &name, string const &neighborName=string()) const
This is a function to construct a ElementViewAccessor to access array data registered on the mesh.
array1d< array1d< VIEWTYPE > > ElementViewAccessor
The ElementViewAccessor at the ElementRegionManager level is an array of array of VIEWTYPE.
A struct to automatically construct and store element view accessors.
A struct to automatically construct and store element view accessors.
Base class for FluxComputeKernel that holds all data not dependent on template parameters (like stenc...
ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const m_mob
Views on fluid mobility.
ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< integer const > > const m_ghostRank
Views on ghost rank numbers and gravity coefficients.
ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< globalIndex const > > const m_dofNumber
Views on dof numbers.
ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const m_pres
Views on pressure.
real64 const m_dt
Time step size.
arrayView1d< real64 > const m_localRhs
View on the local RHS.
ElementViewConst< arrayView3d< real64 const > > m_permeability
Views on permeability.
ElementViewConst< arrayView2d< real64 const, constitutive::singlefluid::USD_FLUID > > const m_dens
Views on fluid density.
globalIndex const m_rankOffset
Offset for my MPI rank.
CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const m_localMatrix
View on the local CRS matrix.
static void createAndLaunch(globalIndex const rankOffset, string const &dofKey, string const &solverName, ElementRegionManager const &elemManager, STENCILWRAPPER const &stencilWrapper, real64 const &dt, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, arrayView1d< real64 > const &localRhs)
Create a new kernel and launch.
Define the interface for the assembly kernel in charge of flux terms.
static constexpr integer numEqn
Compute time value for the number of equations.
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void setup(localIndex const iconn, StackVariables &stack) const
Performs the setup phase for the kernel.
static constexpr localIndex maxNumConns
Maximum number of connections at the face.
static void launch(localIndex const numConnections, KERNEL_TYPE const &kernelComponent)
Performs the kernel launch.
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void complete(localIndex const iconn, StackVariables &stack, FUNC &&kernelOp=NoOpFunc{}) const
Performs the complete phase for the kernel.
static constexpr localIndex maxStencilSize
Maximum number of points in the stencil.
STENCILWRAPPER::IndexContainerViewConstType const m_seri
Connection to element maps.
static constexpr integer numDof
Compute time value for the number of degrees of freedom.
FluxComputeKernel(globalIndex const rankOffset, STENCILWRAPPER const &stencilWrapper, DofNumberAccessor const &dofNumberAccessor, SinglePhaseFlowAccessors const &singlePhaseFlowAccessors, SinglePhaseFluidAccessors const &singlePhaseFluidAccessors, PermeabilityAccessors const &permeabilityAccessors, real64 const &dt, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, arrayView1d< real64 > const &localRhs)
Constructor for the kernel interface.
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE localIndex stencilSize(localIndex const iconn) const
Getter for the stencil size at this connection.
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE localIndex numPointsInFlux(localIndex const iconn) const
Getter for the number of elements at this connection.
STENCILWRAPPER const m_stencilWrapper
Reference to the stencil wrapper.
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void computeFlux(localIndex const iconn, StackVariables &stack, FUNC &&kernelOp=NoOpFunc{}) const
Compute the local flux contributions to the residual and Jacobian.
static constexpr localIndex maxNumElems
Maximum number of elements at the face.
ArrayView< T, 1 > arrayView1d
Alias for 1D array view.
StackArray< T, 2, MAXSIZE > stackArray2d
Alias for 2D stack array.
LvArray::CRSMatrixView< T, COL_INDEX, localIndex const, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > CRSMatrixView
Alias for CRS Matrix View.
Global index type (for indexing objects across MPI partitions).
StackArray< T, 1, MAXSIZE > stackArray1d
Alias for 1D stack array.
double real64
64-bit floating point type.
Local index type (for indexing objects within an MPI partition).
std::int32_t integer
Signed integer type.
Kernel variables (dof numbers, jacobian and residual) located on the stack.
real64 dTrans_dPres[maxNumConns][2]
Derivatives of transmissibility with respect to pressure.
real64 transmissibility[maxNumConns][2]
stackArray1d< globalIndex, maxNumElems *numDof > dofColIndices
Indices of the matrix rows/columns corresponding to the dofs in this face.
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE StackVariables(localIndex const size, localIndex numElems)
Constructor for the stack variables.
stackArray1d< real64, maxNumElems *numEqn > localFlux
Storage for the face local residual vector (all equations except volume balance)
localIndex const stencilSize
Stencil size for a given connection.
stackArray2d< real64, maxNumElems *numEqn *maxStencilSize *numDof > localFluxJacobian
Storage for the face local Jacobian matrix.
localIndex const numFluxElems
Number of elements for a given connection.