class | mapBase |
| Base template for ordered and unordered maps. More...
struct | OpEqual |
| OpEqual Operator that sets a value. More...
struct | OpAdd |
| OpAdd Operator that adds a value. More...
struct | FieldSpecificationOp |
| FieldSpecificationOp. More...
struct | FieldSpecificationEqual |
struct | FieldSpecificationAdd |
class | FixedSizeDeque |
| Implement a double ended queue with fixed number of fixed size buffer to be stored. More...
class | FixedSizeDequeWithMutexes |
| Associate mutexes with the fixedSizeDeque. More...
struct | EnumStrings |
| Provides enum <-> string conversion facilities. More...
class | TableData |
| Class for managing table data. More...
class | TableData2D |
| Class for managing 2D table m_data. More...
class | TableFormatter |
| abstract class for formatting table data More...
class | TableCSVFormatter |
| class for CSV formatting More...
class | TableTextFormatter |
| class for log formatting More...
class | TableLayout |
| Class for setup the table layout. More...
struct | CommandLineOptions |
class | LifoStorage |
class | LifoStorageCommon |
class | LifoStorageCuda |
class | LifoStorageHost |
struct | InputError |
| Exception class used to report errors in user input. More...
struct | SimulationError |
| Exception class used to report errors in user input. More...
struct | BadTypeError |
| Exception class used to report errors from type conversion. More...
class | NotAnError |
| Exception class used for special control flow. More...
class | MemoryInfos |
| Class to fetch and store memory information for different resource types. More...
struct | MpiWrapper |
class | MultiMutexesLock |
| Class to handle locks using 2 mutexes. More...
class | Path |
| Class describing a file Path. More...
class | Span |
| Lightweight non-owning wrapper over a contiguous range of elements. More...
class | Stopwatch |
| Class defining a simple stopwatch for interval timing. More...
class | Tensor |
| Lightweight wrapper around a c-array. More...
class | Timer |
| Object that times the duration of its existence. More...
struct | get_value_type |
| Trait to retrieve the value_type or ValueType of a type T . More...
struct | get_value_type< T, std::enable_if_t< internal::has_value_type< T >::value > > |
| Specialization of get_value_type for types with a value_type member.
struct | get_value_type< T, std::enable_if_t< !internal::has_value_type< T >::value &&internal::has_ValueType< T >::value > > |
| Specialization of get_value_type for types with a ValueType member.
class | InterObjectRelation |
class | ExecutableGroup |
class | HistoryMetadata |
| A minimal class to specify information about time history information being collected and output. More...
class | LogLevelsRegistry |
| Keep track of log level documention for a group. More...
class | MappedVector |
class | ReferenceWrapper |
class | ChomboCoupler |
| A class managing data exchange with CHOMBO. More...
class | BlueprintOutput |
| A class for creating Conduit blueprint-based outputs. More...
class | ChomboIO |
class | OutputBase |
class | OutputManager |
class | PythonOutput |
| Performs no actual output but returns control to the Python interpreter. More...
class | RestartOutput |
class | SiloOutput |
class | TimeHistoryOutput |
class | VTKOutput |
| A class for creating vtk outputs. More...
class | SiloFile |
class | BufferedHistoryIO |
| An abstract class for performing buffered history output. More...
class | HDFFile |
class | HDFHistoryIO |
| Perform buffered history I/O for a single type(really just output) on using HDF5. More...
class | HistoryCollection |
class | HistoryCollectionBase |
| Intermediate class for code factorisation. It mainly deals with collector and buffer management. It delegates the actual collection to derived classes. More...
class | PackCollection |
class | LinearOperator |
| Abstract base class for linear operators. More...
class | LinearSolverBase |
| Simple interface for linear solvers that allows to extract solution results. More...
class | PreconditionerBase |
| Common interface for preconditioning operators. More...
class | DofManager |
| The DoFManager is responsible for allocating global dofs, constructing sparsity patterns, and generally simplifying the interaction between PhysicsSolvers and linear algebra operations. More...
class | SuiteSparse |
| Wrapper for UMFPACK direct solver from SuiteSparse package. More...
class | SuperLUDist |
| Wrapper for SuperLU_Dist parallel direct solver. More...
class | HypreExport |
| Facilitates exporting Hypre matrix and associated vector objects (either in parallel or serial). More...
class | HypreInterface |
| This class holds aliases based on the Hypre library. More...
class | HypreMatrix |
| Wrapper class for hypre's ParCSRMatrix. More...
struct | HypreMGRData |
| Container for hypre preconditioner auxiliary data for MGR. More...
class | HyprePreconditioner |
| Wrapper around hypre-based preconditioners. More...
class | HypreSolver |
| This class creates and provides basic support for Hypre solvers. More...
struct | HyprePrecWrapper |
| Container for hypre preconditioner function pointers. More...
class | HypreVector |
| Wrapper class for hypre's ParVector. More...
class | MatrixBase |
| Common base template for all matrix wrapper types. More...
class | PetscExport |
| Facilitates exporting Petsc matrix and associated vector objects (either in parallel or serial). More...
class | PetscInterface |
| This class holds aliases based on the Petsc library. More...
class | PetscMatrix |
| This class creates and provides basic support for the Mat matrix object type used in PETSc. More...
class | PetscPreconditioner |
| Wrapper around PETSc-based preconditioners. More...
class | PetscSolver |
| This class creates and provides basic support for PETSc solvers. More...
class | PetscVector |
| This class creates and provides basic support for Vec vector object type used in PETSc. More...
class | EpetraExport |
| Facilitates exporting Epetra matrix and associated vector objects (either in parallel or serial). More...
class | EpetraMatrix |
| Wrapper class for Epetra's CrsMatrix. More...
class | EpetraVector |
| Wrapper around Trilinos' Epetra_Vector object. More...
class | TrilinosInterface |
| This class holds aliases based on the Trilinos library. More...
class | TrilinosPreconditioner |
| Wrapper around Trilinos-based preconditioners. More...
class | TrilinosSolver |
| This class creates and provides basic support for AztecOO, Amesos and ML libraries. More...
class | VectorBase |
| Common base template for all vector wrapper types. More...
class | BicgstabSolver |
| This class implements Bi-Conjugate Gradient Stabilized method (right-preconditioned) for monolithic and block linear operators. More...
class | BlockPreconditioner |
| General 2x2 block preconditioner. More...
class | CgSolver |
| This class implements Conjugate Gradient method for monolithic and block linear operators. More...
class | GmresSolver |
| This class implements Generalized Minimized RESidual method (right-preconditioned) for monolithic and block linear operators. More...
class | KrylovSolver |
| Base class for Krylov solvers. More...
class | PreconditionerBlockJacobi |
| Common interface for identity preconditioning operator. More...
class | PreconditionerIdentity |
| Common interface for identity preconditioning operator. More...
class | PreconditionerJacobi |
| Common interface for identity preconditioning operator. More...
class | SeparateComponentPreconditioner |
| Separate component filter implemented as a compound preconditioner. More...
class | BlockOperator |
| Concrete representation of a block operator. More...
class | BlockOperatorView |
| Abstract view of a block operator. More...
class | BlockOperatorWrapper |
| "Shallow" representation of a block operator. More...
class | BlockVector |
| Concrete representation of a block vector. More...
class | BlockVectorView |
| Abstract view of a block vector. More...
class | BlockVectorWrapper |
| "Shallow" representation of a block vector. More...
class | ComponentMask |
| Utility class that represents a mask for included/excluded component of a mask. More...
class | InverseNormalOperator |
| Wraps a matrix A and represents A^{-1} * A^{-T} as a linear operator. More...
struct | LinearSolverParameters |
| Set of parameters for a linear solver or preconditioner. More...
struct | LinearSolverResult |
| Results/stats of a linear solve. More...
class | NormalOperator |
| Wraps a matrix A and represents A^T * A as a linear operator. More...
class | TransposeOperator |
| Simple class that wraps a matrix and represents its transpose as a linear operator. More...
class | CellElementRegion |
class | CellElementRegionSelector |
class | CellElementSubRegion |
class | DomainPartition |
| Partition of the decomposed physical domain. It also manages the connexion information to its neighbors. More...
class | EdgeManager |
| This class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage edge data. More...
class | ElementRegionBase |
| The ElementRegionBase is the base class to manage the data stored at the element level. More...
class | ElementRegionManager |
| The ElementRegionManager class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage ElementRegion data. More...
class | ElementSubRegionBase |
class | EmbeddedSurfaceNodeManager |
| The EmbeddedSurfaceNodeManager class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage node data. More...
struct | surfaceWithGhostNodes |
| Struct defining an embedded element which has at least on node which is a ghost on this rank. More...
class | EmbeddedSurfaceSubRegion |
class | ExternalDataSourceBase |
| The ExternalDataSourceBase class provides an abstract base class implementation for different mesh types. The ExternalDataSourceBase is the Group specialization for different type of mesh handling. More...
class | ExternalDataSourceManager |
| This class manages a data repository whereof objects can be imported to GEOS (reservoir mesh, well mesh) More...
class | FaceElementSubRegion |
class | FaceManager |
| The FaceManager class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage face data. More...
class | FieldIdentifiers |
class | CellBlock |
class | CellBlockABC |
class | CellBlockManager |
| The CellBlockManager class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage CellBlock data. More...
class | CellBlockManagerABC |
| Abstract base class for CellBlockManager. More...
struct | ToCellRelation |
| Container for maps from a mesh object (node, edge or face) to cells. More...
class | ExternalMeshGeneratorBase |
| Base class for external mesh generators (importers). More...
class | FaceBlock |
| Simple implementation of the FaceBlockABC contract. More...
class | FaceBlockABC |
| Block of 2d elements (geometrical surfaces in 3d). More...
class | InternalMeshGenerator |
| The InternalMeshGenerator class is a class handling GEOSX generated meshes. More...
class | InternalWellboreGenerator |
| The InternalWellboreGenerator class is a class generating internal wellbore mesh. More...
class | InternalWellGenerator |
class | LineBlock |
class | LineBlockABC |
class | MeshComponentBase |
class | MeshGeneratorBase |
| The MeshGeneratorBase class provides an abstract base class implementation for different mesh types. The MeshGeneratorBase is the Group specialization for different type of mesh handling. More...
class | ParticleBlock |
class | ParticleBlockABC |
class | ParticleBlockManager |
| The ParticleBlockManager class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage ParticleBlock data. More...
class | ParticleBlockManagerABC |
| Abstract base class for ParticleBlockManager. More...
class | ParticleMeshGenerator |
| The ParticleMeshGenerator class is a class handling import of particle data from an externel particle file. More...
class | PartitionDescriptor |
| Simple utility to retrieve partition information in case of Metis or Spatial partition. More...
class | Region |
| Region parameters with Group capabilities. More...
class | VTKHierarchicalDataSource |
| This class provides an API to access VTKPartitionedDataSetCollection through a vtkDataAssembly. More...
class | VTKMeshGenerator |
| The VTKMeshGenerator class provides a class implementation of VTK generated meshes. More...
class | VTKWellGenerator |
| The VTKWellGenerator class provides a class implementation of VTK generated well. More...
class | WellGeneratorBase |
class | MeshBody |
| The class is used to manage mesh body. More...
class | MeshLevel |
| Class facilitating the representation of a multi-level discretization of a MeshBody. More...
class | MeshManager |
| This class manages the mesh objects in GEOSX (reservoir mesh, well mesh) More...
class | MeshObjectPath |
| Class to hold the path to a collection of mesh objects. More...
class | NodeManager |
| The NodeManager class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage node data. More...
class | ObjectManagerBase |
| The ObjectManagerBase is the base object of all object managers in the mesh data hierachy. More...
class | ParticleManager |
| The ParticleManager class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage ParticleRegion data. More...
class | ParticleRegion |
class | ParticleRegionBase |
| The ParticleRegionBase is the base class to manage the data stored at the particle level. More...
class | ParticleSubRegion |
class | ParticleSubRegionBase |
class | Perforation |
class | PerforationData |
class | Box |
| Class to represent a geometric box in GEOSX. More...
class | CustomPolarObject |
| Class to represent a geometric disc in GEOSX. More...
class | Cylinder |
| Class to represent a geometric cylinder in GEOSX. More...
class | Disc |
| Class to represent a geometric disc in GEOSX. More...
class | GeometricObjectManager |
| Manager of the simple geometric objects. More...
class | PlanarGeometricObject |
| Abstract class to implement functions used by all bounded geometric objects in GEOSX, such as disc or plane. More...
class | Rectangle |
| Class to represent a geometric box in GEOSX. More...
class | SimpleGeometricObjectBase |
| Base class for the geometric objects (box, plane, cylinder). More...
class | ThickPlane |
| Class to represent a geometric thick plane in GEOSX. More...
class | SurfaceElementRegion |
class | SurfaceElementSubRegion |
class | ToElementRelation |
| A relationship to an element. More...
class | ToParticleRelation |
| A relationship to a particle. More...
class | AverageOverQuadraturePointsBase |
class | AverageOverQuadraturePoints1D |
class | AverageOverQuadraturePoints1DKernelFactory |
| Class to create and launch the kernel. More...
class | CIcomputationKernel |
| Kernel to compute EDFM connectivity index. More...
struct | NodeKeyHasher |
| Strucure used to hash interpolation arrays representing high-order nodes. More...
class | WellElementRegion |
| This class specializes the element region for the case of a well. This class is also in charge of starting the construction of the well data structure in GenerateWell. More...
class | WellElementSubRegion |
| This class describes a collection of local well elements and perforations. More...
class | FieldStatisticsBase |
class | CompositionalMultiphaseBase |
class | CompositionalMultiphaseFVM |
class | CompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM |
class | CompositionalMultiphaseStatistics |
class | FlowSolverBase |
class | ProppantTransport |
class | ReactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL |
class | SinglePhaseBase |
class | SinglePhaseFVM |
class | SinglePhaseHybridFVM |
class | SinglePhaseProppantBase |
class | SinglePhaseStatistics |
class | SourceFluxStatsAggregator |
struct | StencilAccessors |
| A struct to automatically construct and store element view accessors. More...
struct | StencilMaterialAccessors |
| A struct to automatically construct and store element view accessors. More...
class | StencilDataCollection |
class | CompositionalMultiphaseWell |
struct | NoOpStuct |
class | SinglePhaseWell |
struct | WellConstants |
| A container for constants used in the well solver. More...
class | WellControls |
| This class describes the controls used to operate a well. More...
class | WellSolverBase |
class | ExplicitQDRateAndState |
class | ImplicitQDRateAndState |
class | QDRateAndStateBase |
class | QuasiDynamicEarthQuake |
class | SeismicityRate |
class | SpringSlider |
class | LinearSolverParametersInput |
| Linear solver parameters with Group capabilities. More...
class | CompositionalMultiphaseReservoirAndWells |
class | CoupledReservoirAndWellsBase |
class | CoupledSolver |
class | FlowProppantTransportSolver |
class | HydrofractureSolver |
class | MultiphasePoromechanics |
class | MultiphasePoromechanicsConformingFractures |
class | OneWayCoupledFractureFlowContactMechanics |
class | PhaseFieldFractureSolver |
struct | DamageInterpolationKernel |
class | PoromechanicsInitialization |
class | PoromechanicsSolver |
class | SinglePhasePoromechanics |
class | SinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures |
class | SinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures |
class | SinglePhaseReservoirAndWells |
class | NonlinearSolverParameters |
class | PhysicsSolverBase |
| Base class for all physics solvers. More...
class | PhysicsSolverManager |
class | LaplaceBaseH1 |
class | LaplaceFEM |
class | LaplaceFEMKernel |
| Implements kernels for solving Laplace's equation. More...
class | PhaseFieldDamageFEM |
class | PhaseFieldDamageKernel |
| Implements kernels for solving the Damage(or phase-field) equation in a phase-field fracture problem. More...
class | ContactSolverBase |
class | SolidMechanicsAugmentedLagrangianContact |
class | SolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures |
class | SolidMechanicsLagrangeContact |
class | SolidMechanicsLagrangeContactBubbleStab |
class | SolidMechanicsPenaltyContact |
class | AverageStrainOverQuadraturePoints |
class | AverageStrainOverQuadraturePointsKernelFactory |
| Class to create and launch the kernel. More...
class | SolidMechanicsLagrangianFEM |
class | SolidMechanicsMPM |
class | SolidMechanicsStateReset |
class | SolidMechanicsStatistics |
class | SolverStatistics |
| This class is used to log the solver statistics. More...
struct | NewObjectLists |
class | EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator |
struct | ModifiedObjectLists |
class | SurfaceGenerator |
class | AcousticFirstOrderWaveEquationSEM |
class | AcousticVTIWaveEquationSEM |
struct | AcousticPMLSEM |
class | AcousticWaveEquationSEM |
struct | AcousticMatricesSEM |
struct | AcousticTimeSchemeSEM |
class | CoupledWaveSolver |
class | AcousticElasticWaveEquationSEM |
struct | AcoustoElasticTimeSchemeSEM |
class | ElasticFirstOrderWaveEquationSEM |
class | ElasticWaveEquationSEM |
struct | ElasticMatricesSEM |
struct | ElasticTimeSchemeSEM |
struct | PreComputeSourcesAndReceivers |
class | WaveSolverBase |
struct | WaveSolverUtils |
class | BoundaryStencilWrapper |
class | BoundaryStencil |
| Provides management of the boundary stencil points (stencils used to prescribe boundary conditions on domain boundaries, i.e. faces) More...
class | CellElementStencilMPFA |
| Provides management of the interior stencil points when using a Multi-point flux approximation. More...
class | CellElementStencilTPFAWrapper |
class | CellElementStencilTPFA |
class | EmbeddedSurfaceToCellStencilWrapper |
| Provide access to the EmbeddedSurfaceToCellStencil that may be called from a kernel function. More...
class | EmbeddedSurfaceToCellStencil |
| Provides management of the interior stencil points for a face elements when using Two-Point flux approximation. More...
class | FaceElementToCellStencilWrapper |
| Provides access to the FaceElementToCellStencil that may be called from a kernel function. More...
class | FaceElementToCellStencil |
class | FiniteVolumeManager |
struct | UpwindingParameters |
class | FluxApproximationBase |
class | HybridMimeticDiscretization |
struct | CellDescriptor |
| A structure containing a single cell (element) identifier triplet. More...
class | ProjectionEDFMHelper |
| A class that contains methods to modify cell and edfm stencils based on projection edfm. More...
struct | StencilTraits |
| A collection of properties of a stencil type. More...
class | StencilWrapperBase |
class | StencilBase |
| Provides management of the interior stencil points when using Two-Point flux approximation. More...
class | SurfaceElementStencilWrapper |
| Provides access to the SurfaceElementStencil that may be called from a kernel function. More...
class | SurfaceElementStencil |
| Provides management of the interior stencil points for a face elements when using Two-Point flux approximation. More...
class | TwoPointFluxApproximation |
class | CompositeFunction |
class | FunctionBase |
class | FunctionManager |
class | MultivariableTableFunction |
class | MultivariableTableFunctionStaticKernel |
class | SymbolicFunction |
class | TableFunction |
class | AquiferBoundaryCondition |
class | DirichletBoundaryCondition |
class | EquilibriumInitialCondition |
class | FieldSpecificationBase |
class | FieldSpecificationManager |
class | PerfectlyMatchedLayer |
class | SourceFluxBoundaryCondition |
class | TractionBoundaryCondition |
class | NumericalMethodsManager |
class | EventBase |
class | EventManager |
class | HaltEvent |
class | PeriodicEvent |
class | SoloEvent |
class | TaskBase |
class | TasksManager |
| A class to manage and execute tasks. More...
class | GeosxState |
| Holds the global GEOSX state. This is a singleton class, no more than one instance exists at at time. After construction the instance can be accessed from anywhere by the free function getGlobalState() . More...
class | ProblemManager |
| This is the class handling the operation flow of the problem being ran in GEOS. More...
template<int NDIM> |
using | defaultLayout = camp::make_idx_seq_t< NDIM > |
| Defaul permutation type for NDIM-dimensional array. More...
using | serialPolicy = RAJA::seq_exec |
using | serialAtomic = RAJA::seq_atomic |
using | serialReduce = RAJA::seq_reduce |
using | serialStream = RAJA::resources::Host |
using | serialEvent = RAJA::resources::HostEvent |
using | parallelHostPolicy = serialPolicy |
using | parallelHostReduce = serialReduce |
using | parallelHostAtomic = serialAtomic |
using | parallelHostStream = serialStream |
using | parallelHostEvent = serialEvent |
template<size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 0> |
using | parallelDevicePolicy = parallelHostPolicy |
template<size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 0> |
using | parallelDeviceAsyncPolicy = parallelHostPolicy |
using | parallelDeviceStream = parallelHostStream |
using | parallelDeviceEvent = parallelHostEvent |
using | parallelDeviceReduce = parallelHostReduce |
using | parallelDeviceAtomic = parallelHostAtomic |
using | parallelDeviceEvents = std::vector< parallelDeviceEvent > |
template<typename POLICY > |
using | ReducePolicy = typename internalRajaInterface::PolicyMap< POLICY >::reduce |
template<typename POLICY > |
using | AtomicPolicy = typename internalRajaInterface::PolicyMap< POLICY >::atomic |
using | LAInterface = GEOS_CONCAT(GEOS_LA_INTERFACE, Interface) |
| Alias for current interface.
using | ParallelMatrix = LAInterface::ParallelMatrix |
| Alias for ParallelMatrix.
using | ParallelVector = LAInterface::ParallelVector |
| Alias for ParallelVector.
using | pmet_idx_t = int64_t |
| Typedef to allow us to specify required parmetis integer type.
typedef InterObjectRelation< array2d< localIndex > > | FixedOneToManyRelation |
| A relationship from single objects to many other objects, where each object is related to the same number of objects.
typedef ToElementRelation< array2d< localIndex > > | FixedToManyElementRelation |
| A ToElementRelation where each object is related to the same number of elements.
typedef ToElementRelation< ArrayOfArrays< localIndex > > | OrderedVariableToManyElementRelation |
| A ToElementRelation where each object is related to an arbitrary number of elements.
typedef ToParticleRelation< array2d< localIndex > > | FixedToManyParticleRelation |
| A ToParticleRelation where each object is related to the same number of particles.
typedef ToParticleRelation< ArrayOfArrays< localIndex > > | OrderedVariableToManyParticleRelation |
| A ToParticleRelation where each object is related to an arbitrary number of particles.
using | LaplaceFEMKernelFactory = finiteElement::KernelFactory< LaplaceFEMKernel, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const, globalIndex const, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const, arrayView1d< real64 > const, real64 const, string const > |
| The factory used to construct a LaplaceFEMKernel.
using | PhaseFieldDamageKernelFactory = finiteElement::KernelFactory< PhaseFieldDamageKernel, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const, globalIndex, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const, arrayView1d< real64 > const, real64 const, string const, PhaseFieldDamageKernelLocalDissipation > |
using | CellElementStencilMPFATraits = StencilTraits< ArrayOfArrays, 2, 18, 1 > |
| Describes properties of CellElementStencilMPFA. More...
using | TwoPointStencilTraits = StencilTraits< array2d, 2, 2, 1 > |
| Describes properties of a standard two-point stencil.
using | SurfaceElementStencilTraits = StencilTraits< ArrayOfArrays, 6, 6, 15 > |
| Describes properties of SurfaceElementStencil. More...
using | size_t = std::size_t |
| Unsigned size type.
using | integer = std::int32_t |
| Signed integer type.
using | localIndex = GEOS_LOCALINDEX_TYPE |
| Local index type (for indexing objects within an MPI partition).
using | globalIndex = GEOS_GLOBALINDEX_TYPE |
| Global index type (for indexing objects across MPI partitions).
using | string = std::string |
| String type.
using | string_view = std::string_view |
| String type.
using | real32 = float |
| 32-bit floating point type.
using | real64 = double |
| 64-bit floating point type.
using | buffer_unit_type = signed char |
| Type stored in communication buffers.
using | buffer_type = std::vector< buffer_unit_type > |
| Type of storage for communication buffers.
using | Timestamp = unsigned long long int |
| Timestamp type (used to perform actions such a sparsity pattern computation after mesh modifications)
template<typename T , int NDIM, typename PERMUTATION = camp::make_idx_seq_t< NDIM >> |
using | Array = LvArray::Array< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, localIndex, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| Multidimensional array type. See LvArray:Array for details.
template<typename T , int NDIM, int USD = NDIM - 1> |
using | ArrayView = LvArray::ArrayView< T, NDIM, USD, localIndex, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| Multidimensional array view type. See LvArray:ArrayView for details.
template<typename T , int NDIM, int USD = NDIM - 1> |
using | ArraySlice = LvArray::ArraySlice< T, NDIM, USD, localIndex > |
| Multidimensional array slice type. See LvArray:ArraySlice for details.
template<typename T , int NDIM, int MAXSIZE, typename PERMUTATION = camp::make_idx_seq_t< NDIM >> |
using | StackArray = LvArray::StackArray< T, NDIM, PERMUTATION, localIndex, MAXSIZE > |
| Multidimensional stack-based array type. See LvArray:StackArray for details.
using | R1Tensor = Tensor< real64, 3 > |
| Alias for a local (stack-based) rank-1 tensor type.
using | R1Tensor32 = Tensor< real32, 3 > |
| Alias for a local (stack-based) rank-1 tensor type using 32 bits integers.
using | R2SymTensor = Tensor< real64, 6 > |
| Alias for a local (stack-based) rank-2 Voigt tensor type.
template<typename T > |
using | array1d = Array< T, 1 > |
| Alias for 1D array.
template<typename T > |
using | arrayView1d = ArrayView< T, 1 > |
| Alias for 1D array view.
template<typename T , int USD = 0> |
using | arraySlice1d = ArraySlice< T, 1, USD > |
| Alias for 1D array slice.
template<typename T , int MAXSIZE> |
using | stackArray1d = StackArray< T, 1, MAXSIZE > |
| Alias for 1D stack array.
template<typename T , typename PERMUTATION = camp::make_idx_seq_t< 2 >> |
using | array2d = Array< T, 2, PERMUTATION > |
| Alias for 2D array.
template<typename T , int USD = 1> |
using | arrayView2d = ArrayView< T, 2, USD > |
| Alias for 2D array view.
template<typename T , int USD = 1> |
using | arraySlice2d = ArraySlice< T, 2, USD > |
| Alias for 2D array slice.
template<typename T , int MAXSIZE> |
using | stackArray2d = StackArray< T, 2, MAXSIZE > |
| Alias for 2D stack array.
template<typename T , typename PERMUTATION = camp::make_idx_seq_t< 3 >> |
using | array3d = Array< T, 3, PERMUTATION > |
| Alias for 3D array.
template<typename T , int USD = 2> |
using | arrayView3d = ArrayView< T, 3, USD > |
| Alias for 3D array view.
template<typename T , int USD = 2> |
using | arraySlice3d = ArraySlice< T, 3, USD > |
| Alias for 3D array slice.
template<typename T , int MAXSIZE> |
using | stackArray3d = StackArray< T, 3, MAXSIZE > |
| Alias for 3D stack array.
template<typename T , typename PERMUTATION = camp::make_idx_seq_t< 4 >> |
using | array4d = Array< T, 4, PERMUTATION > |
| Alias for 4D array.
template<typename T , int USD = 3> |
using | arrayView4d = ArrayView< T, 4, USD > |
| Alias for 4D array view.
template<typename T , int USD = 3> |
using | arraySlice4d = ArraySlice< T, 4, USD > |
| Alias for 4D array slice.
template<typename T , int MAXSIZE> |
using | stackArray4d = StackArray< T, 4, MAXSIZE > |
| Alias for 4D stack array.
template<typename T , typename PERMUTATION = camp::make_idx_seq_t< 5 >> |
using | array5d = Array< T, 5, PERMUTATION > |
| Alias for 5D array.
template<typename T , int USD = 4> |
using | arrayView5d = ArrayView< T, 5, USD > |
| Alias for 5D array view.
template<typename T , int USD = 4> |
using | arraySlice5d = ArraySlice< T, 5, 4 > |
| Alias for 5D array slice.
template<typename T , int MAXSIZE> |
using | stackArray5d = StackArray< T, 5, MAXSIZE > |
| Alias for 5D stack array.
template<typename T > |
using | set = std::set< T > |
| A set of local indices.
template<typename T > |
using | SortedArray = LvArray::SortedArray< T, localIndex, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| A sorted array of local indices.
template<typename T > |
using | SortedArrayView = LvArray::SortedArrayView< T, localIndex, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| A sorted array view of local indices.
template<typename T , typename INDEX_TYPE = localIndex> |
using | ArrayOfArrays = LvArray::ArrayOfArrays< T, INDEX_TYPE, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| Array of variable-sized arrays. See LvArray::ArrayOfArrays for details.
template<typename T , typename INDEX_TYPE = localIndex, bool CONST_SIZES = std::is_const< T >::value> |
using | ArrayOfArraysView = LvArray::ArrayOfArraysView< T, INDEX_TYPE const, CONST_SIZES, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| View of array of variable-sized arrays. See LvArray::ArrayOfArraysView for details.
template<typename T , typename INDEX_TYPE = localIndex> |
using | ArrayOfSets = LvArray::ArrayOfSets< T, INDEX_TYPE, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| Array of variable-sized sets. See LvArray::ArrayOfSets for details.
template<typename T , typename INDEX_TYPE = localIndex> |
using | ArrayOfSetsView = LvArray::ArrayOfSetsView< T, INDEX_TYPE const, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| View of array of variable-sized sets. See LvArray::ArrayOfSetsView for details.
template<typename COL_INDEX , typename INDEX_TYPE = localIndex> |
using | SparsityPattern = LvArray::SparsityPattern< COL_INDEX, INDEX_TYPE, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| Alias for Sparsity pattern class.
template<typename COL_INDEX , typename INDEX_TYPE = localIndex> |
using | SparsityPatternView = LvArray::SparsityPatternView< COL_INDEX, INDEX_TYPE const, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| Alias for Sparsity pattern View.
template<typename T , typename COL_INDEX = globalIndex> |
using | CRSMatrix = LvArray::CRSMatrix< T, COL_INDEX, localIndex, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| Alias for CRS Matrix class.
template<typename T , typename COL_INDEX = globalIndex> |
using | CRSMatrixView = LvArray::CRSMatrixView< T, COL_INDEX, localIndex const, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > |
| Alias for CRS Matrix View.
using | integer_array = array1d< integer > |
| A 1-dimensional array of geos::integer types.
using | real32_array = array1d< real32 > |
| A 1-dimensional array of geos::real32 types.
using | real64_array = array1d< real64 > |
| A 1-dimensional array of geos::real64 types.
using | string_array = std::vector< string > |
| A 1-dimensional array of geos::string types.
using | path_array = array1d< Path > |
| A 1-dimensional array of geos::Path types.
using | localIndex_array = array1d< localIndex > |
| A 1-dimensional array of geos::localIndex types.
using | globalIndex_array = array1d< globalIndex > |
| A 1-dimensional array of geos::globalIndex types.
using | integer_array2d = array2d< integer > |
| A 2-dimensional array of geos::integer types.
using | real32_array2d = array2d< real32 > |
| A 2-dimensional array of geos::real32 types.
using | real64_array2d = array2d< real64 > |
| A 2-dimensional array of geos::real64 types.
using | localIndex_array2d = array2d< localIndex > |
| A 2-dimensional array of geos::localIndex types.
using | globalIndex_array2d = array2d< globalIndex > |
| A 2-dimensional array of geos::globalIndex types.
using | integer_array3d = array3d< integer > |
| A 3-dimensional array of geos::integer types.
using | real32_array3d = array3d< real32 > |
| A 3-dimensional array of geos::real32 types.
using | real64_array3d = array3d< real64 > |
| A 3-dimensional array of geos::real64 types.
using | localIndex_array3d = array3d< localIndex > |
| A 3-dimensional array of geos::localIndex types.
using | globalIndex_array3d = array3d< globalIndex > |
| A 3-dimensional array of geos::globalIndex types.
using | integer_array4d = array4d< integer > |
| A 4-dimensional array of geos::integer types.
using | real32_array4d = array4d< real32 > |
| A 4-dimensional array of geos::real32 types.
using | real64_array4d = array4d< real64 > |
| A 4-dimensional array of geos::real64 types.
using | localIndex_array4d = array4d< localIndex > |
| A 4-dimensional array of geos::localIndex types.
using | globalIndex_array4d = array4d< globalIndex > |
| A 4-dimensional array of geos::globalIndex types.
void RAJA_INLINE | parallelHostSync () |
void RAJA_INLINE | parallelDeviceSync () |
template<typename POLICY , typename RESOURCE , typename LAMBDA > |
RAJA_INLINE parallelDeviceEvent | forAll (RESOURCE &&GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM(stream), const localIndex end, LAMBDA &&body) |
RAJA_INLINE bool | testAllDeviceEvents (parallelDeviceEvents &events) |
RAJA_INLINE void | waitAllDeviceEvents (parallelDeviceEvents &events) |
template<typename POLICY , typename INDEX , typename LAMBDA > |
RAJA_INLINE void | forAll (INDEX const end, LAMBDA &&body) |
template<typename POLICY , typename INDEX , typename LAMBDA > |
RAJA_INLINE void | forRange (INDEX const begin, INDEX const end, LAMBDA &&body) |
void | setupLogger () |
| Initialize the logger.
void | finalizeLogger () |
| Finalize the logger.
void | finalizeCaliper () |
| Finalize Caliper and Adiak.
void | setupLvArray () |
| Setup the LvArray library. This initializes signal handling and the floating point environment.
void | setupMKL () |
| Setup MKL if in use.
void | setupOpenMP () |
| Setup OpenMP.
void | setupMPI (int argc, char *argv[]) |
| Setup MPI. More...
void | finalizeMPI () |
| Finalize MPI.
void | setupEnvironment (int argc, char *argv[]) |
| Setup/init the environment. More...
void | cleanupEnvironment () |
| Cleanup/finalize the environment.
template<typename T > |
void | pushStatsIntoAdiak (string const &name, T const value) |
| Compute the sum, mean, min, and max of value across ranks and push them into Adiak using name . More...
template<typename ... Mutexes> |
auto | make_multilock (Mutexes &&... mutexes) |
| Helper to construct MultiMutexesLock (usage auto lock = make_multilock( mutex1, mutex2, ... )) More...
std::string | getAbsolutePath (std::string const &path) |
| Gets the absolute path of a file. More...
bool | isAbsolutePath (std::string const &path) |
| Tells whether the path is absolute of not. More...
std::istream & | operator>> (std::istream &is, Path &p) |
| Operator use with the class Path while parsing the XML file. More...
std::string | trimPath (std::string const &path) |
| Remove the trailing slash is if present. More...
std::pair< std::string, std::string > | splitPath (std::string const &path) |
| Split the path in two parts: directory name and file name. More...
template<typename ... ARGS> |
std::string | joinPath (ARGS const &... args) |
| Join parts of a path. More...
std::vector< std::string > | readDirectory (std::string const &path) |
| List all the files of one directory. More...
void | makeDirectory (std::string const &path) |
| Create a directory path , where parent directories must already exist. More...
void | makeDirsForPath (std::string const &path) |
| Make directories for path . More...
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< can_history_io< T >, HistoryMetadata >::type | getHistoryMetadata (string const &name, ArrayView< T const, 1, 0 > const &arr, localIndex const numComps, localIndex sizeOverride=-1) |
| Produce a HistoryMetadata object for a supported one-dimensional array type. More...
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< can_history_io< T >, HistoryMetadata >::type | getHistoryMetadata (string const &name, SortedArrayView< T const > const &arr, localIndex const numComps, localIndex sizeOverride=-1) |
| Produce a HistoryMetadata object for a supported one-dimensional array type. More...
template<typename ARRAY_T > |
std::enable_if<(traits::is_array_type< ARRAY_T >) &&(ARRAY_T::NDIM > 1) &&can_history_io< typename ARRAY_T::value_type >, HistoryMetadata >::type | getHistoryMetadata (string const &name, ARRAY_T const &arr, localIndex const numComps, localIndex sizeOverride=-1) |
| Produce a HistoryMetadata object for multi-dimensional LvArray::Array/ArrayView types. More...
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< can_history_io< T >, HistoryMetadata >::type | getHistoryMetadata (string const &name, const T &type, localIndex const numComps, localIndex sizeOverride=-1) |
| Produce a HistoryMetadata object for a fundamental type that can_history_io. More...
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< can_history_io_container< T > &&!can_history_io< typename T::value_type >, HistoryMetadata >::type | getHistoryMetadata (string const &name, const T &type, localIndex const numComps, localIndex sizeOverride) |
| Fall-through implementation to catch attempts to collect history that cannot be collected/output. More...
template<typename T > |
std::enable_if< !can_history_io_container< T > &&!can_history_io< T >, HistoryMetadata >::type | getHistoryMetadata (string const &name, const T &type, localIndex const numComps, localIndex sizeOverride) |
| Fall-through implementation to catch attempts to collect history that cannot be collected/output. More...
template<typename LOG_LEVEL_INFO > |
std::enable_if_t< is_log_level_info< LOG_LEVEL_INFO >, bool > | isLogLevelActive (integer level) |
| Verify if a log level is active. More...
void | setupLAI () |
| High level interface to call the proper LAI initialize function.
void | finalizeLAI () |
| High level interface to call the proper LAI finalize function.
template<typename VECTOR > |
real64 | ArnoldiLargestEigenvalue (LinearOperator< VECTOR > const &op, localIndex const m=4) |
| Function implementing the Arnoldi scheme to compute the largest eigenvalue. More...
template<typename VECTOR > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, BlockVectorView< VECTOR > const &vec) |
| Stream insertion operator. More...
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::SolverType, "direct", "cg", "gmres", "fgmres", "bicgstab", "preconditioner") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::PreconditionerType, "none", "jacobi", "l1jacobi", "fgs", "sgs", "l1sgs", "chebyshev", "iluk", "ilut", "icc", "ict", "amg", "mgr", "block", "direct", "bgs") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::Direct::ColPerm, "none", "MMD_AtplusA", "MMD_AtA", "colAMD", "metis", "parmetis") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::Direct::RowPerm, "none", "mc64") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::MGR::StrategyType, "invalid", "singlePhaseReservoirFVM", "singlePhaseHybridFVM", "singlePhaseReservoirHybridFVM", "singlePhasePoromechanics", "thermalSinglePhasePoromechanics", "hybridSinglePhasePoromechanics", "singlePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures", "singlePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures", "singlePhasePoromechanicsReservoirFVM", "compositionalMultiphaseFVM", "compositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM", "compositionalMultiphaseReservoirFVM", "compositionalMultiphaseReservoirHybridFVM", "reactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL", "thermalCompositionalMultiphaseFVM", "thermalCompositionalMultiphaseReservoirFVM", "multiphasePoromechanics", "multiphasePoromechanicsReservoirFVM", "thermalMultiphasePoromechanics", "hydrofracture", "lagrangianContactMechanics", "augmentedLagrangianContactMechanics", "lagrangianContactMechanicsBubbleStab", "solidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::CycleType, "V", "W") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::PreOrPost, "pre", "post", "both") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::SmootherType, "default", "jacobi", "l1jacobi", "fgs", "bgs", "sgs", "l1sgs", "chebyshev", "ilu0", "ilut", "ic0", "ict") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::CoarseType, "default", "jacobi", "l1jacobi", "fgs", "sgs", "l1sgs", "chebyshev", "direct", "bgs", "gsElimWPivoting", "gsElimWInverse") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::CoarseningType, "default", "CLJP", "RugeStueben", "Falgout", "PMIS", "HMIS") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::InterpType, "default", "modifiedClassical", "direct", "multipass", "extendedI", "standard", "extended", "directBAMG", "modifiedExtended", "modifiedExtendedI", "modifiedExtendedE") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::AggInterpType, "default", "extendedIStage2", "standardStage2", "extendedStage2", "multipass", "modifiedExtended", "modifiedExtendedI", "modifiedExtendedE", "modifiedMultipass") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverParameters::AMG::NullSpaceType, "constantModes", "rigidBodyModes") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (LinearSolverResult::Status, "InProgress", "Success", "NotConverged", "Breakdown") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
constexpr integer | numElementTypes () |
int | getElementDim (ElementType const elementType) |
| Get number of spatial dimensions of element type. More...
| ENUM_STRINGS (ElementType, "Vertex", "BEAM", "C2D3", "C2D4", "Polygon", "C3D4", "C3D5", "C3D6", "C3D8", "PentagonalPrism", "HexagonalPrism", "HeptagonalPrism", "OctagonalPrism", "NonagonalPrism", "DecagonalPrism", "HendecagonalPrism", "Polyhedron") |
| Strings for ElementType.
string | getElementTypeName (ElementType const type) |
| Returns a string describing the element. More...
localIndex | buildEdgeMaps (localIndex numNodes, ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &faceToNodeMap, ArrayOfArrays< localIndex > &faceToEdgeMap, ArrayOfArrays< localIndex > &edgeToFaceMap, array2d< localIndex > &edgeToNodeMap) |
| Free function that generates face to edges, edge to faces and edge to nodes mappings. More...
localIndex | getFaceNodes (ElementType const elementType, localIndex const elemIdx, localIndex const faceNumber, arrayView2d< localIndex const, cells::NODE_MAP_USD > const &elementToNodes, Span< localIndex > const faceNodes) |
| Get the local indices of the nodes in a face of the element. More...
template<typename POLICY , typename T , typename COMP = std::equal_to<>> |
array1d< localIndex > | computeUniqueValueOffsets (ArrayOfArraysView< T const > const &sortedLists, COMP &&comp={}) |
| Find and count ranges of repeated values in an array of sorted arrays and compute offsets. More...
template<localIndex N> |
localIndex | getFaceNodesPrism (localIndex const faceNum, arraySlice1d< localIndex const, cells::NODE_MAP_USD - 1 > const &elemNodes, Span< localIndex > const faceNodes) |
| Get the local indices of the nodes in a face of the prism with N-sided polygon base. More...
real64 | writeNodes (integer const logLevel, vtkDataSet &mesh, string_array &nodesetNames, CellBlockManager &cellBlockManager, const geos::R1Tensor &translate, const geos::R1Tensor &scale) |
| Build all the vertex blocks. More...
void | writeCells (integer const logLevel, vtkDataSet &mesh, const geos::vtk::CellMapType &cellMap, CellBlockManager &cellBlockManager) |
| Build all the cell blocks. More...
void | writeSurfaces (integer const logLevel, vtkDataSet &mesh, const geos::vtk::CellMapType &cellMap, CellBlockManager &cellBlockManager) |
| Build the "surface" node sets from the surface information. More...
template<class POLICY = serialPolicy, typename LAMBDA = void> |
void | forAllElemsInMesh (MeshLevel const &mesh, LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| Loop over all elements in a geos::MeshLevel. More...
template<typename LAMBDA > |
auto | minLocOverElemsInMesh (MeshLevel const &mesh, LAMBDA &&lambda) |
template<typename LAMBDA > |
auto | minLocOverElemsInRegion (ElementRegionBase const ®ion, LAMBDA &&lambda) |
template<typename LAMBDA > |
auto | minLocOverElemsInSubRegion (ElementSubRegionBase const &subRegion, LAMBDA &&lambda) |
| ENUM_STRINGS (MeshObjectPath::ObjectTypes, MeshLevel::groupStructKeys::nodeManagerString(), MeshLevel::groupStructKeys::edgeManagerString(), MeshLevel::groupStructKeys::faceManagerString(), MeshLevel::groupStructKeys::elemManagerString(), "invalid") |
| Create conversion functions for ObjectTypes.
| ENUM_STRINGS (ParticleType, "SinglePoint", "CPDI", "CPTI", "CPDI2") |
| Strings for ParticleType.
| ENUM_STRINGS (SurfaceElementRegion::SurfaceSubRegionType, "faceElement", "embeddedElement") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
void | erase (OrderedVariableToManyElementRelation &relation, localIndex const firstIndex, localIndex const er, localIndex const esr, localIndex const ei) |
| Remove an element relation from an object in the relation. More...
void | insert (OrderedVariableToManyElementRelation &relation, localIndex const firstIndex, localIndex const er, localIndex const esr, localIndex const ei) |
| Insert an element relation for an object in the relation. More...
void | erase (OrderedVariableToManyParticleRelation &relation, localIndex const firstIndex, localIndex const er, localIndex const esr, localIndex const ei) |
| Remove a particle relation from an object in the relation. More...
void | insert (OrderedVariableToManyParticleRelation &relation, localIndex const firstIndex, localIndex const er, localIndex const esr, localIndex const ei) |
| Insert a particle relation for an object in the relation. Checks for existing membership. More...
void | fastInsert (OrderedVariableToManyParticleRelation &relation, localIndex const firstIndex, localIndex const er, localIndex const esr, localIndex const ei) |
| Insert a particle relation for an object in the relation. This is slightly faster than "insert" because it does NOT check for existing membership. More...
void | insertMany (OrderedVariableToManyParticleRelation &relation, localIndex const firstIndex, std::vector< localIndex > const &erArray, std::vector< localIndex > const &esrArray, std::vector< localIndex > const &eiArray) |
| Insert a particle relation for several objects in the relation. Does NOT check for existing membership. More...
void | reserveNeighbors (OrderedVariableToManyParticleRelation &relation, int const numToReserve) |
| Reserve a set number of entities for a particle to relate to. More...
template<typename T > |
static std::array< T, 6 > | createNodeKey (T v) |
template<typename T > |
static std::array< T, 6 > | createNodeKey (T v1, T v2, int a, int order) |
template<typename T > |
static std::array< T, 6 > | createNodeKey (T v1, T v2, T v3, T v4, int a, int b, int order) |
template<typename T > |
static std::array< T, 6 > | createNodeKey (T const (&elemNodes)[8], int q1, int q2, int q3, int order) |
| ENUM_STRINGS (CompositionalMultiphaseFormulationType, "ComponentDensities", "OverallComposition") |
| Strings for options for flow formulation.
| ENUM_STRINGS (GravityDensityScheme, "ArithmeticAverage", "PhasePresence") |
| Strings for options for density treatment in gravity.
| ENUM_STRINGS (WellControls::Type, "producer", "injector") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (WellControls::Control, "BHP", "phaseVolRate", "totalVolRate", "massRate", "uninitialized") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (HydrofractureSolver< SinglePhasePoromechanics< SinglePhaseBase > >::InitializationType, "Pressure", "Displacement") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (NonlinearSolverParameters::LineSearchAction, "None", "Attempt", "Require") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (NonlinearSolverParameters::LineSearchInterpolationType, "Linear", "Parabolic") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (NonlinearSolverParameters::CouplingType, "FullyImplicit", "Sequential") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (NonlinearSolverParameters::SequentialConvergenceCriterion, "ResidualNorm", "NumberOfNonlinearIterations", "SolutionIncrements") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (NonlinearSolverParameters::NonlinearAccelerationType, "None", "Aitken") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (LaplaceBaseH1::TimeIntegrationOption, "SteadyState", "ImplicitTransient") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (PhaseFieldDamageFEM::LocalDissipation, "Linear", "Quadratic") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (PhaseFieldDamageFEM::TimeIntegrationOption, "SteadyState", "ImplicitTransient", "ExplicitTransient") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (SolidMechanicsLagrangianFEM::TimeIntegrationOption, "QuasiStatic", "ImplicitDynamic", "ExplicitDynamic") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (SolidMechanicsMPM::TimeIntegrationOption, "QuasiStatic", "ImplicitDynamic", "ExplicitDynamic") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (SolidMechanicsMPM::BoundaryConditionOption, "Outflow", "Symmetry") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (WaveSolverUtils::DASType, "none", "dipole", "strainIntegration") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (WaveSolverUtils::AttenuationType, "none", "sls") |
| ENUM_STRINGS (UpwindingScheme, "PPU", "C1PPU", "IHU", "HU2PH") |
| Strings for upwinding scheme.
| ENUM_STRINGS (TableFunction::InterpolationType, "linear", "nearest", "upper", "lower") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (TractionBoundaryCondition::TractionType, "vector", "normal", "stress") |
| Declare strings associated with enumeration values.
| ENUM_STRINGS (EventManager::TimeOutputFormat, "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "years", "full") |
| valid strings fort the time output enum.
string | durationToString (std::chrono::system_clock::duration const duration) |
| Return a string representing duration in seconds. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, State const state) |
| Stream printer for a State . More...
GeosxState & | getGlobalState () |
| Return the current GeosxState. More...
std::unique_ptr< CommandLineOptions > | parseCommandLineOptions (int argc, char **argv) |
| Parse the command line options and populate commandLineOptions with the results. More...
std::unique_ptr< CommandLineOptions > | basicSetup (int argc, char *argv[], bool const parseCommandLine=false) |
| Perform the basic GEOSX initialization and optionally parse the command line input. More...
void | basicCleanup () |
| Perform the basic GEOSX cleanup.
std::string | getVersion () |
| Get GEOSX version. More...
void | outputVersionInfo () |
| output version info for dependencies to log