22 #include "common/GEOS_RAJA_Interface.hpp"
30 #if defined(GEOS_USE_PYGEOSX)
31 #include "LvArray/src/python/python.hpp"
46 namespace dataRepository
72 string const & rtTypeName );
160 virtual void erase( std::set< localIndex >
const & indicesToErase ) = 0;
167 virtual void move( LvArray::MemorySpace
const space,
bool const touch )
const = 0;
225 string const & topology,
226 std::vector< string >
const & componentNames = {} )
const = 0;
234 virtual void populateMCArray( conduit::Node & node, std::vector< string >
const & componentNames = {} )
const = 0;
302 template<
306 parallelDeviceEvents & events )
308 return DO_PACKING ? packPrivate( buffer, withMetadata, onDevice, events ) : packSizePrivate( withMetadata, onDevice, events );
324 template<
329 parallelDeviceEvents & events )
331 return DO_PACKING ? packByIndexPrivate( buffer, packList, withMetadata, onDevice, events ) : packByIndexSizePrivate( packList, withMetadata, onDevice, events );
348 parallelDeviceEvents & events ) = 0;
367 parallelDeviceEvents & events,
368 MPI_Op op=MPI_REPLACE ) = 0;
574 virtual std::unique_ptr< WrapperBase >
string const & name,
Group & parent ) = 0;
632 #if defined(USE_TOTALVIEW_OUTPUT)
638 virtual string totalviewTypeName()
const = 0;
645 virtual int setTotalviewDisplay()
649 #if defined(GEOS_USE_PYGEOSX)
654 virtual PyObject * createPythonObject( ) = 0;
661 conduit::Node & getConduitNode()
727 virtual localIndex packPrivate(
buffer_unit_type * & buffer,
bool withMetadata,
bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents & events )
const = 0;
740 virtual localIndex packSizePrivate(
bool withMetadata,
bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents & events )
const = 0;
759 parallelDeviceEvents & events )
const = 0;
775 parallelDeviceEvents & events )
const = 0;
A minimal class to specify information about time history information being collected and output.
Lightweight non-owning wrapper over a contiguous range of elements.
Base class for all wrappers containing common operations.
InputFlags getInputFlag() const
Get the InputFlag of the wrapper.
virtual localIndex unpack(buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, bool withMetadata, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events)=0
Unpack the entire wrapped object from a buffer.
virtual bool hasDefaultValue() const =0
Return true iff this wrapper has a valid default value.
string const & getName() const
Get name of the wrapper.
string const & getDescription() const
Get the description string of the wrapper.
virtual localIndex size() const =0
Calls T::size()
virtual localIndex numArrayComp() const =0
Return the number of components in a multidimensional array.
localIndex packByIndex(buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, bool withMetadata, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const
Concrete implementation of the packing by index method.
PlotLevel m_plotLevel
Flag to store the plotLevel.
std::set< string > const & getRegisteringObjects() const
Get the list of names of groups that registered this wrapper.
string const & getRTTypeName() const
virtual void populateMCArray(conduit::Node &node, std::vector< string > const &componentNames={}) const =0
Push the data in the wrapper into a Conduit Blueprint mcarray.
virtual bool processInputFile(xmlWrapper::xmlNode const &targetNode, xmlWrapper::xmlNodePos const &nodePos)=0
Initialize the wrapper from the input xml node.
int sizedFromParent() const
Check whether this wrapper is resized when its parent is resized.
RestartFlags getRestartFlags() const
Get the RestartFlags of the wrapper.
WrapperBase & setInputFlag(InputFlags const input)
Set the InputFlag of the wrapper.
virtual void resize(localIndex newsize)=0
Calls T::resize(newsize) if it exists.
WrapperBase(string const &name, Group &parent, string const &rtTypeName)
conduit::Node & m_conduitNode
A reference to the corresponding conduit::Node.
virtual void move(LvArray::MemorySpace const space, bool const touch) const =0
Calls T::move(space, touch)
Group * m_parent
Pointer to Group that holds this WrapperBase.
virtual void erase(std::set< localIndex > const &indicesToErase)=0
Calls T::erase(indicesToErase)
virtual void finishWriting() const =0
Write the wrapped data into Conduit.
int m_sizedFromParent
Integer to indicate whether or not this wrapped object should be resized when m_parent is resized.
DataContext const & getDataContext() const
WrapperBase & setDescription(string const &description)
Set the description string of the wrapper.
virtual void reserve(localIndex const newCapacity)=0
Calls T::reserve( newCapacity ) if it exists, otherwise a no-op.
virtual WrapperBase & setDimLabels(integer dim, Span< string const > labels)=0
Set dimension labels for an array.
virtual void copyData(WrapperBase const &source)=0
Copy the the data contained in another wrapper into this wrapper.
virtual bool loadFromConduit()=0
Read the wrapped data from Conduit.
WrapperBase & setSizedFromParent(int val)
Set whether this wrapper is resized when its parent is resized.
virtual void resize(int num_dims, localIndex const *const dims)=0
Calls T::resize( num_dims, dims )
virtual localIndex elementByteSize() const =0
virtual void copyWrapperAttributes(WrapperBase const &source)
Copy attributes from another wrapper.
WrapperBase & setRegisteringObjects(string const &objectName)
Add a new name to the list of groups that register this wrapper.
virtual void registerToWrite() const =0
Register the wrapper's data for writing with Conduit.
WrapperBase & setRestartFlags(RestartFlags flags)
Set the RestartFlags of the wrapper.
Group const & getParent() const
string m_rtTypeName
A string regex to validate the input values string to parse for the wrapped object.
WrapperBase & appendDescription(string const &description)
Add up more text to the existing description string of the wrapper.
virtual localIndex unpackByIndex(buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &unpackIndices, bool withMetadata, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events, MPI_Op op=MPI_REPLACE)=0
For indexable types, unpack selected indices of wrapped object from a buffer.
virtual localIndex capacity() const =0
std::unique_ptr< DataContext > m_dataContext
A DataContext object that can helps to contextualize this Group.
virtual std::unique_ptr< WrapperBase > averageOverSecondDim(string const &name, Group &group) const =0
Create a new Wrapper with values averaged over the second dimension.
void createDataContext(xmlWrapper::xmlNode const &targetNode, xmlWrapper::xmlNodePos const &nodePos)
Sets the m_dataContext to a DataFileContext by retrieving the attribute file line.
bool getSuccessfulReadFromInput() const
Returns flag that indicates whether the contents of the wrapper have been successfully read from the ...
virtual size_t bytesAllocated() const =0
string m_description
A string description of the wrapped object.
PlotLevel getPlotLevel() const
Get PlotLevel for this wrapper.
void resize()
Calls resize(newsize) where newsize is taken from the parent Group.
virtual ~WrapperBase()
Default destructor.
virtual void copy(localIndex const sourceIndex, localIndex const destIndex)=0
Calls T::copy(sourceIndex, destIndex)
bool m_successfulReadFromInput
Flag to indicate if wrapped object was successfully read from input.
virtual bool isPackable(bool onDevice) const =0
Check whether wrapped type is can be packed into a buffer on host or device.
std::set< string > m_registeringObjects
A vector of the names of the objects that created this Wrapper.
virtual Regex const & getTypeRegex() const =0
virtual string getDefaultValueString() const =0
Return a string representing the default value.
virtual std::type_info const & getTypeId() const =0
Get the typeid of T.
virtual void const * voidPointer() const =0
virtual void copyWrapper(WrapperBase const &source)=0
Copies the contents of a Wrapper into *this.
virtual int numArrayDims() const =0
Return the number of dimensions of the array.
WrapperBase & setRTTypeName(string_view rtTypeName)
override the rtType to use when parsing an input value to the wrapped object. It can be useful to cha...
virtual HistoryMetadata getHistoryMetadata(localIndex const packCount) const =0
Get a description of the wrapped data for time history collection/output.
virtual Span< string const > getDimLabels(integer dim) const =0
Get dimension labels of an array.
localIndex pack(buffer_unit_type *&buffer, bool withMetadata, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const
Concrete implementation of the packing method.
InputFlags m_inputFlag
Flag to store if this wrapped object should be read from input.
string m_name
Name of the object that is being wrapped.
WrapperBase & setPlotLevel(PlotLevel const flag)
Set the PlotLevel of the wrapper.
virtual void addBlueprintField(conduit::Node &fields, string const &name, string const &topology, std::vector< string > const &componentNames={}) const =0
Push the data in the wrapper into a Conduit blueprint field.
RestartFlags m_restart_flags
Flag to determine the restart behavior for this wrapped object.
string getPath() const
Return the path to this Wrapper in the data repository.
virtual std::unique_ptr< WrapperBase > clone(string const &name, Group &parent)=0
Creates a clone of *this WrapperBase.
Optional in input.
Required in input.
Write into restart.
ArrayView< T, 1 > arrayView1d
Alias for 1D array view.
Local index type (for indexing objects within an MPI partition).
std::int32_t integer
Signed integer type.
@ Node
location is node (like displacements in finite elements)
signed char buffer_unit_type
Type stored in communication buffers.
std::string_view string_view
String type.