Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only
4  *
5  * Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security LLC
6  * Copyright (c) 2018-2024 TotalEnergies
7  * Copyright (c) 2018-2024 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
8  * Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Chevron
9  * Copyright (c) 2019- GEOS/GEOSX Contributors
10  * All rights reserved
11  *
13  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14  */
23 #include "common/DataTypes.hpp"
24 #include "common/GEOS_RAJA_Interface.hpp"
25 #include "constitutive/fluid/singlefluid/SingleFluidFields.hpp"
26 #include "constitutive/fluid/singlefluid/ParticleFluidBase.hpp"
27 #include "constitutive/fluid/singlefluid/ParticleFluidFields.hpp"
28 #include "constitutive/fluid/singlefluid/SlurryFluidBase.hpp"
29 #include "constitutive/fluid/singlefluid/SlurryFluidFields.hpp"
30 #include "constitutive/permeability/PermeabilityBase.hpp"
31 #include "constitutive/permeability/PermeabilityFields.hpp"
38 namespace geos
39 {
41 namespace proppantTransportKernels
42 {
43 /******************************** FluidUpdateKernel ********************************/
46 {
47  template< typename FLUID_WRAPPER >
48  static void launch( FLUID_WRAPPER const & fluidWrapper,
49  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & pres,
50  arrayView2d< real64 const > const & componentConcentration )
51  {
52  forAll< parallelDevicePolicy<> >( fluidWrapper.numElems(), [=] GEOS_HOST_DEVICE ( localIndex const a )
53  {
54  localIndex const NC = fluidWrapper.numFluidComponents();
57  for( localIndex c = 0; c < NC; ++c )
58  {
59  compConc[c] = componentConcentration[a][c];
60  }
62  for( localIndex q = 0; q < fluidWrapper.numGauss(); ++q )
63  {
64  fluidWrapper.updateFluidProperty( a, q,
65  pres[a],
66  compConc,
67  0.0 );
68  }
69  } );
70  }
71 };
73 /******************************** ComponentDensityUpdateKernel ********************************/
76 {
77  template< typename FLUID_WRAPPER >
78  static void launch( FLUID_WRAPPER const & fluidWrapper,
79  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & pres,
80  arrayView2d< real64 const > const & componentConcentration )
81  {
82  forAll< parallelDevicePolicy<> >( fluidWrapper.numElems(), [=] GEOS_HOST_DEVICE ( localIndex const a )
83  {
84  localIndex const NC = fluidWrapper.numFluidComponents();
87  for( localIndex c = 0; c < NC; ++c )
88  {
89  compConc[c] = componentConcentration[a][c];
90  }
92  for( localIndex q = 0; q < fluidWrapper.numGauss(); ++q )
93  {
94  fluidWrapper.updateComponentDensity( a, q,
95  pres[a],
96  compConc );
97  }
98  } );
99  }
100 };
102 /******************************** ProppantUpdateKernel ********************************/
105 {
106  template< typename PROPPANT_WRAPPER >
107  static void launch( PROPPANT_WRAPPER const & proppantWrapper,
108  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & proppantConc,
110  arrayView2d< real64 const > const & dFluidDens_dPres,
111  arrayView3d< real64 const > const & dFluidDens_dCompConc,
112  arrayView2d< real64 const > const & fluidVisc,
113  arrayView2d< real64 const > const & dFluidVisc_dPres,
114  arrayView3d< real64 const > const & dFluidVisc_dCompConc )
115  {
117  forAll< parallelDevicePolicy<> >( proppantWrapper.numElems(), [=] GEOS_HOST_DEVICE ( localIndex const a )
118  {
119  proppantWrapper.update( a,
120  proppantConc[a],
121  fluidDens[a][0],
122  dFluidDens_dPres[a][0],
123  dFluidDens_dCompConc[a][0],
124  fluidVisc[a][0],
125  dFluidVisc_dPres[a][0],
126  dFluidVisc_dCompConc[a][0] );
127  } );
128  }
129 };
131 /******************************** AccumulationKernel ********************************/
134 {
136  inline
137  static
138  void
139  compute( localIndex const NC,
140  real64 const proppantConc_n,
141  real64 const proppantConcNew,
142  arraySlice1d< real64 const > const & componentDens_n,
143  arraySlice1d< real64 const > const & componentDensNew,
144  arraySlice1d< real64 const > const & GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM( dCompDens_dPres ),
145  arraySlice2d< real64 const > const & dCompDens_dCompConc,
146  real64 const volume,
147  real64 const packPoreVolume,
148  real64 const proppantLiftVolume,
149  arraySlice1d< real64 > const & localAccum,
150  arraySlice2d< real64 > const & localAccumJacobian );
152  static void
153  launch( localIndex const size,
154  localIndex const NC,
155  localIndex const NDOF,
156  globalIndex const rankOffset,
157  arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const & dofNumber,
158  arrayView1d< integer const > const & elemGhostRank,
159  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & proppantConc_n,
160  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & proppantConc,
161  arrayView2d< real64 const > const & componentDens_n,
162  arrayView3d< real64 const > const & componentDens,
163  arrayView3d< real64 const > const & dCompDens_dPres,
164  arrayView4d< real64 const > const & dCompDens_dCompConc,
165  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & volume,
166  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & proppantPackVolFrac,
167  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & proppantLiftFlux,
168  real64 const dt,
169  real64 const maxProppantConcentration,
170  CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const & localMatrix,
171  arrayView1d< real64 > const & localRhs );
172 };
174 /******************************** FluxKernel ********************************/
177 {
178  using FlowAccessors =
181  fields::flow::pressure,
182  fields::flow::gravityCoefficient,
183  fields::proppant::proppantConcentration,
184  fields::proppant::isProppantMobile >;
187  StencilAccessors< fields::flow::pressure,
188  fields::flow::gravityCoefficient,
191  using ParticleFluidAccessors =
192  StencilMaterialAccessors< constitutive::ParticleFluidBase,
193  fields::particlefluid::settlingFactor,
194  fields::particlefluid::dSettlingFactor_dPressure,
195  fields::particlefluid::dSettlingFactor_dProppantConcentration,
196  fields::particlefluid::dSettlingFactor_dComponentConcentration,
197  fields::particlefluid::collisionFactor,
198  fields::particlefluid::dCollisionFactor_dProppantConcentration >;
200  using SlurryFluidAccessors =
201  StencilMaterialAccessors< constitutive::SlurryFluidBase,
202  fields::singlefluid::density,
203  fields::singlefluid::dDensity,
204  fields::slurryfluid::dDensity_dProppantConcentration,
205  fields::slurryfluid::dDensity_dComponentConcentration,
206  fields::singlefluid::viscosity,
207  fields::singlefluid::dViscosity,
208  fields::slurryfluid::dViscosity_dProppantConcentration,
209  fields::slurryfluid::dViscosity_dComponentConcentration,
210  fields::slurryfluid::componentDensity,
211  fields::slurryfluid::dComponentDensity_dPressure,
212  fields::slurryfluid::dComponentDensity_dComponentConcentration,
213  fields::slurryfluid::fluidDensity,
214  fields::slurryfluid::dFluidDensity_dPressure,
215  fields::slurryfluid::dFluidDensity_dComponentConcentration >;
218  StencilMaterialAccessors< constitutive::SlurryFluidBase,
219  fields::singlefluid::density,
220  fields::singlefluid::viscosity >;
222  using PermeabilityAccessors =
223  StencilMaterialAccessors< constitutive::PermeabilityBase,
224  fields::permeability::permeability,
225  fields::permeability::permeabilityMultiplier >;
227  using DerivOffset = constitutive::singlefluid::DerivativeOffsetC< 0 >;
235  template< typename VIEWTYPE >
238  template< typename VIEWTYPE >
239  using ElementView = typename ElementRegionManager::ElementView< VIEWTYPE >;
241  static void
242  launch( SurfaceElementStencilWrapper const & stencilWrapper,
243  localIndex const numDofPerCell,
244  real64 const dt,
245  globalIndex const rankOffset,
246  integer const updateProppantPacking,
247  R1Tensor const & unitGravityVector,
249  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< integer const > > const & ghostRank,
251  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & proppantConc,
252  ElementViewConst< arrayView3d< real64 const > > const & componentDens,
253  ElementViewConst< arrayView3d< real64 const > > const & dComponentDens_dPres,
254  ElementViewConst< arrayView4d< real64 const > > const & dComponentDens_dComponentConc,
255  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & gravDepth,
258  ElementViewConst< arrayView2d< real64 const > > const & dDens_dProppantConc,
259  ElementViewConst< arrayView3d< real64 const > > const & dDens_dComponentConc,
262  ElementViewConst< arrayView2d< real64 const > > const & dVisc_dProppantConc,
263  ElementViewConst< arrayView3d< real64 const > > const & dVisc_dComponentConc,
265  ElementViewConst< arrayView2d< real64 const > > const & dFluidDens_dPres,
266  ElementViewConst< arrayView3d< real64 const > > const & dFluidDens_dComponentConc,
267  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & settlingFactor,
268  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & dSettlingFactor_dPres,
269  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & dSettlingFactor_dProppantConc,
270  ElementViewConst< arrayView2d< real64 const > > const & dSettlingFactor_dComponentConc,
271  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & collisionFactor,
272  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & dCollisionFactor_dProppantConc,
273  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< integer const > > const & isProppantMobile,
274  ElementViewConst< arrayView3d< real64 const > > const & permeability,
275  ElementViewConst< arrayView3d< real64 const > > const & permeabilityMultiplier,
276  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & aperture,
277  CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const & localMatrix,
278  arrayView1d< real64 > const & localRhs );
280  static void
281  launchCellBasedFluxCalculation( SurfaceElementStencilWrapper const & stencilWrapper,
282  R1Tensor const & unitGravityVector,
284  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & gravDepth,
287  ElementViewConst< arrayView3d< real64 const > > const & permeability,
288  ElementViewConst< arrayView3d< real64 const > > const & permeabilityMultiplier,
289  ElementViewConst< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & aperture,
290  ElementView< arrayView2d< real64 > > const & cellBasedFlux );
298  template< localIndex MAX_NUM_FLUX_ELEMS >
300  static void
301  computeJunction( localIndex const numElems,
302  localIndex const numDofPerCell,
303  arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const & stencilElementIndices,
304  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & pres,
305  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & proppantConc,
306  arrayView3d< real64 const > const & componentDens,
307  arrayView3d< real64 const > const & dComponentDens_dPres,
308  arrayView4d< real64 const > const & dComponentDens_dComponentConc,
309  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & gravDepth,
312  arrayView2d< real64 const > const & dDens_dProppantConc,
313  arrayView3d< real64 const > const & dDens_dComponentConc,
316  arrayView2d< real64 const > const & dVisc_dProppantConc,
317  arrayView3d< real64 const > const & dVisc_dComponentConc,
319  arrayView2d< real64 const > const & dFluidDens_dPres,
320  arrayView3d< real64 const > const & dFluidDens_dComponentConc,
321  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & settlingFactor,
322  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & dSettlingFactor_dPres,
323  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & dSettlingFactor_dProppantConc,
324  arrayView2d< real64 const > const & dSettlingFactor_dComponentConc,
325  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & collisionFactor,
326  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & dCollisionFactor_dProppantConc,
327  arrayView1d< integer const > const & isProppantMobile,
328  real64 const (&transmissibility)[MAX_NUM_FLUX_ELEMS],
329  real64 const (&apertureWeight)[MAX_NUM_FLUX_ELEMS],
330  real64 const (&geometricWeight)[MAX_NUM_FLUX_ELEMS],
331  real64 const dt,
332  arraySlice1d< real64 > const & localFlux,
333  arraySlice2d< real64 > const & localFluxJacobian );
336  template< localIndex MAX_NUM_FLUX_ELEMS >
338  static void
339  computeCellBasedFlux( localIndex const numElems,
340  arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const & stencilElementIndices,
341  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & pres_n,
342  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & gravDepth,
345  arraySlice1d< R1Tensor const > const & cellCenterToEdgeCenters,
346  real64 const (&transmissibility)[MAX_NUM_FLUX_ELEMS],
347  real64 const (&apertureWeight)[MAX_NUM_FLUX_ELEMS],
348  real64 const (&geometricWeight)[MAX_NUM_FLUX_ELEMS],
349  arrayView2d< real64 > const & cellBasedFlux );
350 };
353 {
355  using FlowAccessors =
359  fields::proppant::cellBasedFlux,
360  fields::proppant::isProppantMobile,
361  fields::proppant::isProppantBoundary >;
363  using ParticleFluidAccessors =
366  using SlurryFluidAccessors =
367  StencilMaterialAccessors< constitutive::SlurryFluidBase,
368  fields::singlefluid::density,
369  fields::slurryfluid::fluidDensity,
370  fields::slurryfluid::fluidViscosity >;
373  template< typename VIEWTYPE >
376  template< typename VIEWTYPE >
379  static void
380  launchProppantPackVolumeCalculation( SurfaceElementStencil const & stencil,
381  real64 const dt,
382  real64 const proppantDensity,
383  real64 const proppantDiameter,
384  real64 const maxProppantConcentration,
385  R1Tensor const & unitGravityVector,
386  real64 const criticalShieldsNumber,
387  real64 const fricitonCoefficient,
388  ElementView< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & settlingFactor,
390  ElementView< arrayView2d< real64 const, constitutive::singlefluid::USD_FLUID > > const & fluidDensity,
391  ElementView< arrayView1d< integer const > > const & isProppantMobile,
392  ElementView< arrayView1d< integer const > > const & isProppantBoundaryElement,
393  ElementView< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & aperture,
394  ElementView< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & volume,
395  ElementView< arrayView1d< integer const > > const & elemGhostRank,
396  ElementView< arrayView2d< real64 const > > const & cellBasedFlux,
397  ElementView< arrayView1d< real64 > > const & conc,
398  ElementView< arrayView1d< real64 > > const & proppantPackVolFrac,
399  ElementView< arrayView1d< real64 > > const & proppantExcessPackVolume,
400  ElementView< arrayView1d< real64 > > const & proppantLiftFlux );
402  static void
403  launchProppantPackVolumeUpdate( SurfaceElementStencil const & stencil,
404  R1Tensor const & unitGravityVector,
405  real64 const maxProppantConcentration,
406  ElementView< arrayView1d< integer const > > const & isProppantMobile,
407  ElementView< arrayView1d< real64 const > > const & proppantExcessPackVolume,
408  ElementView< arrayView1d< real64 > > const & conc,
409  ElementView< arrayView1d< real64 > > const & proppantPackVolFrac );
412  inline
413  static
414  void
415  computeProppantPackVolume( localIndex const numElems,
416  real64 const dt,
417  real64 const proppantDensity,
418  real64 const proppantDiameter,
419  real64 const maxProppantConcentration,
420  R1Tensor const & unitGravityVector,
421  real64 const criticalShieldsNumber,
422  real64 const frictionCoefficient,
423  arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const & stencilElementIndices,
424  arraySlice1d< real64 const > const & stencilWeights,
425  arraySlice1d< R1Tensor const > const & stencilCellCenterToEdgeCenters,
426  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & settlingFactor,
429  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & volume,
430  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & aperture,
431  arrayView1d< integer const > const & elemGhostRank,
432  arrayView1d< integer const > const & isProppantBoundaryElement,
433  arrayView1d< integer const > const & isProppantMobile,
434  arrayView2d< real64 const > const & cellBasedFlux,
435  arrayView1d< real64 > const & conc,
436  arrayView1d< real64 > const & proppantPackVolFrac,
437  arrayView1d< real64 > const & proppantExcessPackVolume,
438  arrayView1d< real64 > const & proppantLiftFlux );
441  inline
442  static
443  void
444  updateProppantPackVolume( localIndex const numElems,
445  arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const & stencilElementIndices,
446  arraySlice1d< real64 const > const & stencilWeights,
447  arraySlice1d< R1Tensor const > const & stencilCellCenterToEdgeCenters,
448  R1Tensor const & unitGravityVector,
449  real64 const maxProppantConcentration,
450  arrayView1d< integer const > const & isProppantMobile,
451  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & proppantExcessPackVolume,
452  arrayView1d< real64 > const & conc,
453  arrayView1d< real64 > const & proppantPackVolFrac );
454 };
456 /******************************** ResidualNormKernel ********************************/
462 {
463 public:
466  using Base::m_minNormalizer;
467  using Base::m_rankOffset;
468  using Base::m_localResidual;
469  using Base::m_dofNumber;
471  ResidualNormKernel( globalIndex const rankOffset,
472  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & localResidual,
473  arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const & dofNumber,
475  integer const numComp,
476  ElementSubRegionBase const & subRegion,
477  real64 const minNormalizer )
478  : Base( rankOffset,
479  localResidual,
480  dofNumber,
481  ghostRank,
482  minNormalizer ),
483  m_numComp( numComp ),
484  m_volume( subRegion.getElementVolume() )
485  {}
488  virtual void computeLinf( localIndex const ei,
489  LinfStackVariables & stack ) const override
490  {
491  real64 const normalizer = LvArray::math::max( m_minNormalizer, m_volume[ei] );
492  for( integer idof = 0; idof < m_numComp; ++idof )
493  {
494  real64 const valMass = LvArray::math::abs( m_localResidual[stack.localRow + idof] ) / normalizer;
495  if( valMass > stack.localValue[0] )
496  {
497  stack.localValue[0] = valMass;
498  }
499  }
500  }
503  virtual void computeL2( localIndex const ei,
504  L2StackVariables & stack ) const override
505  {
506  real64 const normalizer = LvArray::math::max( m_minNormalizer, m_volume[ei] );
507  for( integer idof = 0; idof < m_numComp; ++idof )
508  {
509  stack.localValue[0] += m_localResidual[stack.localRow + idof] * m_localResidual[stack.localRow + idof];
510  stack.localNormalizer[0] += normalizer;
511  }
512  }
515 protected:
522 };
528 {
529 public:
543  template< typename POLICY >
544  static void
546  integer const numComp,
547  globalIndex const rankOffset,
548  string const & dofKey,
549  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & localResidual,
550  ElementSubRegionBase const & subRegion,
551  real64 const minNormalizer,
552  real64 (& residualNorm)[1],
553  real64 (& residualNormalizer)[1] )
554  {
555  arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const dofNumber = subRegion.getReference< array1d< globalIndex > >( dofKey );
556  arrayView1d< integer const > const ghostRank = subRegion.ghostRank();
558  ResidualNormKernel kernel( rankOffset, localResidual, dofNumber, ghostRank,
559  numComp, subRegion, minNormalizer );
560  if( normType == physicsSolverBaseKernels::NormType::Linf )
561  {
562  ResidualNormKernel::launchLinf< POLICY >( subRegion.size(), kernel, residualNorm );
563  }
564  else // L2 norm
565  {
566  ResidualNormKernel::launchL2< POLICY >( subRegion.size(), kernel, residualNorm, residualNormalizer );
567  }
568  }
570 };
574 } // namespace proppantTransportKernels
576 } // namespace geos
Marks a host-device function.
Definition: GeosxMacros.hpp:49
Mark an unused argument and silence compiler warnings.
Definition: GeosxMacros.hpp:72
Type of norm used to check convergence TODO: find a way to put this inside the class.
typename ElementViewAccessor< VIEWTYPE >::NestedViewType ElementView
The ElementViewAccessor at the ElementRegionManager level is the type resulting from ElementViewAcces...
typename ElementViewAccessor< VIEWTYPE >::NestedViewTypeConst ElementViewConst
The ElementViewAccessor at the ElementRegionManager level is the type resulting from ElementViewAcces...
arrayView1d< real64 const > getElementVolume() const
Get the volume of each element in this subregion.
array1d< integer > const & ghostRank()
Get the ghost information of each object.
A struct to automatically construct and store element view accessors.
A struct to automatically construct and store element view accessors.
Provides management of the interior stencil points for a face elements when using Two-Point flux appr...
Provides access to the SurfaceElementStencil that may be called from a kernel function.
GEOS_DECLTYPE_AUTO_RETURN getReference(LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) const
Look up a wrapper and get reference to wrapped object.
Definition: Group.hpp:1275
localIndex size() const
Get the "size" of the group, which determines the number of elements in resizable wrappers.
Definition: Group.hpp:1317
Define the base interface for the residual calculations.
real64 const m_minNormalizer
Value used to make sure that normalizers are never zero.
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const m_dofNumber
View on the dof numbers.
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE integer ghostRank(localIndex const i) const
Getter for the ghost rank.
arrayView1d< real64 const > const m_localResidual
View on the local residual.
static void createAndLaunch(physicsSolverBaseKernels::NormType const normType, integer const numComp, globalIndex const rankOffset, string const &dofKey, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &localResidual, ElementSubRegionBase const &subRegion, real64 const minNormalizer, real64(&residualNorm)[1], real64(&residualNormalizer)[1])
Create a new kernel and launch.
virtual GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void computeL2(localIndex const ei, L2StackVariables &stack) const override
Compute the local values and normalizer for the L2 norm.
integer const m_numComp
Number of fluid components.
virtual GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void computeLinf(localIndex const ei, LinfStackVariables &stack) const override
Compute the local values for the Linf norm.
arrayView1d< real64 const > const m_volume
View on the element volume.
ArrayView< T, 1 > arrayView1d
Alias for 1D array view.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:180
LvArray::CRSMatrixView< T, COL_INDEX, localIndex const, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > CRSMatrixView
Alias for CRS Matrix View.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:310
Global index type (for indexing objects across MPI partitions).
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:88
StackArray< T, 1, MAXSIZE > stackArray1d
Alias for 1D stack array.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:188
ArraySlice< T, 2, USD > arraySlice2d
Alias for 2D array slice.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:200
double real64
64-bit floating point type.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:99
Local index type (for indexing objects within an MPI partition).
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:85
ArraySlice< T, 1, USD > arraySlice1d
Alias for 1D array slice.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:184
std::int32_t integer
Signed integer type.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:82
ArrayView< T, 4, USD > arrayView4d
Alias for 4D array view.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:228
ArrayView< T, 2, USD > arrayView2d
Alias for 2D array view.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:196
Array< T, 1 > array1d
Alias for 1D array.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:176
ArrayView< T, 3, USD > arrayView3d
Alias for 3D array view.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:212
Trait struct for elementAperture data.
Definition: MeshFields.hpp:116
Trait struct for elementVolume data.
Definition: MeshFields.hpp:108
Trait struct for ghostRank data.
Definition: MeshFields.hpp:100
static GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void computeJunction(localIndex const numElems, localIndex const numDofPerCell, arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &stencilElementIndices, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &pres, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &proppantConc, arrayView3d< real64 const > const &componentDens, arrayView3d< real64 const > const &dComponentDens_dPres, arrayView4d< real64 const > const &dComponentDens_dComponentConc, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &gravDepth, arrayView2d< real64 const, constitutive::singlefluid::USD_FLUID > const &dens, arrayView3d< real64 const, constitutive::singlefluid::USD_FLUID_DER > const &dDens, arrayView2d< real64 const > const &dDens_dProppantConc, arrayView3d< real64 const > const &dDens_dComponentConc, arrayView2d< real64 const, constitutive::singlefluid::USD_FLUID > const &visc, arrayView3d< real64 const, constitutive::singlefluid::USD_FLUID_DER > const &dVisc, arrayView2d< real64 const > const &dVisc_dProppantConc, arrayView3d< real64 const > const &dVisc_dComponentConc, arrayView2d< real64 const, constitutive::singlefluid::USD_FLUID > const &fluidDensity, arrayView2d< real64 const > const &dFluidDens_dPres, arrayView3d< real64 const > const &dFluidDens_dComponentConc, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &settlingFactor, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &dSettlingFactor_dPres, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &dSettlingFactor_dProppantConc, arrayView2d< real64 const > const &dSettlingFactor_dComponentConc, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &collisionFactor, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &dCollisionFactor_dProppantConc, arrayView1d< integer const > const &isProppantMobile, real64 const (&transmissibility)[MAX_NUM_FLUX_ELEMS], real64 const (&apertureWeight)[MAX_NUM_FLUX_ELEMS], real64 const (&geometricWeight)[MAX_NUM_FLUX_ELEMS], real64 const dt, arraySlice1d< real64 > const &localFlux, arraySlice2d< real64 > const &localFluxJacobian)
Compute flux and its derivatives for a given multi-element connector.
typename ElementRegionManager::ElementViewConst< VIEWTYPE > ElementViewConst
The type for element-based non-constitutive data parameters. Consists entirely of ArrayView's.