Compressible single phase fluid model


This model represents a compressible single-phase fluid with constant compressibility and pressure-dependent viscosity. These assumptions are valid for slightly compressible fluids, such as water, and some types of oil with negligible amounts of dissolved gas.

Specifically, fluid density is computed as

\rho(p) = \rho_0 e^{c_\rho(p - p_0)}

where c_\rho is compressibility, p_0 is reference pressure, \rho_0 is density at reference pressure. Similarly,

\mu(p) = \mu_0 e^{c_\mu(p - p_0)}

where c_\mu is viscosibility (viscosity compressibility), \mu_0 is reference viscosity.

Either exponent may be approximated by linear (default) or quadratic terms of Taylor series expansion. Currently there is no temperature dependence in the model, although it may be added in future.


The model is represented by <CompressibleSinglePhaseFluid> node in the input.

The following attributes are supported:

Name Type Default Description
compressibility real64 0 Fluid compressibility
defaultDensity real64 required Default value for density.
defaultViscosity real64 required Default value for viscosity.
densityModelType geosx_constitutive_ExponentApproximationType linear
Type of density model. Valid options:
* exponential
* linear
* quadratic
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
referenceDensity real64 1000 Reference fluid density
referencePressure real64 0 Reference pressure
referenceViscosity real64 0.001 Reference fluid viscosity
viscosibility real64 0 Fluid viscosity exponential coefficient
viscosityModelType geosx_constitutive_ExponentApproximationType linear
Type of viscosity model. Valid options:
* exponential
* linear
* quadratic


  <CompressibleSinglePhaseFluid name="water"