Datastructure Index

Input Schema Definitions

XML Schema

Element: AcousticFirstOrderSEM

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
dtSeismoTrace real64 0 Time step for output pressure at receivers
forward integer 1 Set to 1 to compute forward propagation
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
lifoOnDevice integer 0 Set the capacity of the lifo device storage
lifoOnHost integer 0 Set the capacity of the lifo host storage
lifoSize integer 0 Set the capacity of the lifo storage
linearDASGeometry real64_array2d {{0}} Geometry parameters for a linear DAS fiber (dip, azimuth, gauge length)
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
outputSeismoTrace integer 0 Flag that indicates if we write the seismo trace in a file .txt, 0 no output, 1 otherwise
receiverCoordinates real64_array2d required Coordinates (x,y,z) of the receivers
rickerOrder integer 2 Flag that indicates the order of the Ricker to be used o, 1 or 2. Order 2 by default
saveFields integer 0 Set to 1 to save fields during forward and restore them during backward
shotIndex integer 0 Set the current shot for temporary files
sourceCoordinates real64_array2d required Coordinates (x,y,z) of the sources
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
timeSourceFrequency real32 required Central frequency for the time source
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: AcousticSEM

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
dtSeismoTrace real64 0 Time step for output pressure at receivers
forward integer 1 Set to 1 to compute forward propagation
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
lifoOnDevice integer 0 Set the capacity of the lifo device storage
lifoOnHost integer 0 Set the capacity of the lifo host storage
lifoSize integer 0 Set the capacity of the lifo storage
linearDASGeometry real64_array2d {{0}} Geometry parameters for a linear DAS fiber (dip, azimuth, gauge length)
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
outputSeismoTrace integer 0 Flag that indicates if we write the seismo trace in a file .txt, 0 no output, 1 otherwise
receiverCoordinates real64_array2d required Coordinates (x,y,z) of the receivers
rickerOrder integer 2 Flag that indicates the order of the Ricker to be used o, 1 or 2. Order 2 by default
saveFields integer 0 Set to 1 to save fields during forward and restore them during backward
shotIndex integer 0 Set the current shot for temporary files
sourceCoordinates real64_array2d required Coordinates (x,y,z) of the sources
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
timeSourceFrequency real32 required Central frequency for the time source
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: Aquifer

Name Type Default Description
allowAllPhasesIntoAquifer integer 0
Flag to allow all phases to flow into the aquifer.
This flag only matters for the configuration in which flow is from reservoir to aquifer.
- If the flag is equal to 1, then all phases, including non-aqueous phases, are allowed to flow into the aquifer.
- If the flag is equal to 0, then only the water phase is allowed to flow into the aquifer.
If you are in a configuration in which flow is from reservoir to aquifer and you expect non-aqueous phases to saturate the reservoir cells next to the aquifer, set this flag to 1.
This keyword is ignored for single-phase flow simulations
aquiferAngle real64 required Angle subtended by the aquifer boundary from the center of the reservoir [degress]
aquiferElevation real64 required Aquifer elevation (positive going upward) [m]
aquiferInitialPressure real64 required Aquifer initial pressure [Pa]
aquiferInnerRadius real64 required Aquifer inner radius [m]
aquiferPermeability real64 required Aquifer permeability [m^2]
aquiferPorosity real64 required Aquifer porosity
aquiferThickness real64 required Aquifer thickness [m]
aquiferTotalCompressibility real64 required Aquifer total compressibility (rock and fluid) [Pa^-1]
aquiferWaterDensity real64 required Aquifer water density [kg.m^-3]
aquiferWaterPhaseComponentFraction real64_array {0} Aquifer water phase component fraction. This keyword is ignored for single-phase flow simulations.
aquiferWaterPhaseComponentNames string_array {} Aquifer water phase component names. This keyword is ignored for single-phase flow simulations.
aquiferWaterViscosity real64 required Aquifer water viscosity [Pa.s]
bcApplicationTableName string   Name of table that specifies the on/off application of the boundary condition.
beginTime real64 -1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will start being applied.
direction R1Tensor {0,0,0} Direction to apply boundary condition to.
endTime real64 1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will stop being applied.
functionName string   Name of function that specifies variation of the boundary condition.
initialCondition integer 0 Boundary condition is applied as an initial condition.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
pressureInfluenceFunctionName string  
Name of the table describing the pressure influence function
. If not provided, we use a default pressure influence function
scale real64 0 Scale factor for value of the boundary condition.
setNames string_array required Name of sets that boundary condition is applied to.

Element: Benchmarks

Name Type Default Description
lassen node unique Element: lassen
quartz node unique Element: quartz

Element: BiotPorosity

Name Type Default Description
defaultReferencePorosity real64 required Default value of the reference porosity
grainBulkModulus real64 required Grain bulk modulus
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: BlackOilFluid

Name Type Default Description
componentMolarWeight real64_array required Component molar weights
componentNames string_array {} List of component names
hydrocarbonFormationVolFactorTableNames string_array {}
List of formation volume factor TableFunction names from the Functions block.
The user must provide one TableFunction per hydrocarbon phase, in the order provided in “phaseNames”.
For instance, if “oil” is before “gas” in “phaseNames”, the table order should be: oilTableName, gasTableName
hydrocarbonViscosityTableNames string_array {}
List of viscosity TableFunction names from the Functions block.
The user must provide one TableFunction per hydrocarbon phase, in the order provided in “phaseNames”.
For instance, if “oil” is before “gas” in “phaseNames”, the table order should be: oilTableName, gasTableName
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases
surfaceDensities real64_array required List of surface mass densities for each phase
tableFiles path_array {} List of filenames with input PVT tables (one per phase)
waterCompressibility real64 0 Water compressibility
waterFormationVolumeFactor real64 0 Water formation volume factor
waterReferencePressure real64 0 Water reference pressure
waterViscosity real64 0 Water viscosity

Element: Blueprint

Name Type Default Description
childDirectory string   Child directory path
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
outputFullQuadratureData integer 0 If true writes out data associated with every quadrature point.
parallelThreads integer 1 Number of plot files.
plotLevel geosx_dataRepository_PlotLevel 1 Determines which fields to write.

Element: BoundedPlane

Name Type Default Description
dimensions real64_array required Length and width of the bounded plane
lengthVector R1Tensor required Tangent vector defining the orthonormal basis along with the normal.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
normal R1Tensor required Normal (n_x,n_y,n_z) to the plane (will be normalized automatically)
origin R1Tensor required Origin point (x,y,z) of the plane (basically, any point on the plane)
tolerance real64 1e-05 Tolerance to determine if a point sits on the plane or not. It is relative to the maximum dimension of the plane.
widthVector R1Tensor required Tangent vector defining the orthonormal basis along with the normal.

Element: Box

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
strike real64 -90 The strike angle of the box
xMax R1Tensor required Maximum (x,y,z) coordinates of the box
xMin R1Tensor required Minimum (x,y,z) coordinates of the box

Element: BrooksCoreyBakerRelativePermeability

Name Type Default Description
gasOilRelPermExponent real64_array {1}
Rel perm power law exponent for the pair (gas phase, oil phase) at residual water saturation
The expected format is “{ gasExp, oilExp }”, in that order
gasOilRelPermMaxValue real64_array {0}
Maximum rel perm value for the pair (gas phase, oil phase) at residual water saturation
The expected format is “{ gasMax, oilMax }”, in that order
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseMinVolumeFraction real64_array {0} Minimum volume fraction value for each phase
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases
waterOilRelPermExponent real64_array {1}
Rel perm power law exponent for the pair (water phase, oil phase) at residual gas saturation
The expected format is “{ waterExp, oilExp }”, in that order
waterOilRelPermMaxValue real64_array {0}
Maximum rel perm value for the pair (water phase, oil phase) at residual gas saturation
The expected format is “{ waterMax, oilMax }”, in that order

Element: BrooksCoreyCapillaryPressure

Name Type Default Description
capPressureEpsilon real64 1e-06 Wetting-phase saturation at which the max cap. pressure is attained; used to avoid infinite cap. pressure values for saturations close to zero
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseCapPressureExponentInv real64_array {2} Inverse of capillary power law exponent for each phase
phaseEntryPressure real64_array {1} Entry pressure value for each phase
phaseMinVolumeFraction real64_array {0} Minimum volume fraction value for each phase
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases

Element: BrooksCoreyRelativePermeability

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseMinVolumeFraction real64_array {0} Minimum volume fraction value for each phase
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases
phaseRelPermExponent real64_array {1} Minimum relative permeability power law exponent for each phase
phaseRelPermMaxValue real64_array {0} Maximum relative permeability value for each phase

Element: CO2BrineEzrokhiFluid

Name Type Default Description
componentMolarWeight real64_array {0} Component molar weights
componentNames string_array {} List of component names
flashModelParaFile path required Name of the file defining the parameters of the flash model
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array {} List of fluid phases
phasePVTParaFiles path_array required Names of the files defining the parameters of the viscosity and density models

Element: CO2BrineEzrokhiThermalFluid

Name Type Default Description
componentMolarWeight real64_array {0} Component molar weights
componentNames string_array {} List of component names
flashModelParaFile path required Name of the file defining the parameters of the flash model
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array {} List of fluid phases
phasePVTParaFiles path_array required Names of the files defining the parameters of the viscosity and density models

Element: CO2BrinePhillipsFluid

Name Type Default Description
componentMolarWeight real64_array {0} Component molar weights
componentNames string_array {} List of component names
flashModelParaFile path required Name of the file defining the parameters of the flash model
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array {} List of fluid phases
phasePVTParaFiles path_array required Names of the files defining the parameters of the viscosity and density models

Element: CO2BrinePhillipsThermalFluid

Name Type Default Description
componentMolarWeight real64_array {0} Component molar weights
componentNames string_array {} List of component names
flashModelParaFile path required Name of the file defining the parameters of the flash model
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array {} List of fluid phases
phasePVTParaFiles path_array required Names of the files defining the parameters of the viscosity and density models

Element: CarmanKozenyPermeability

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
particleDiameter real64 required Diameter of the spherical particles.
sphericity real64 required Sphericity of the particles.

Element: CellElementRegion

Name Type Default Description
cellBlocks string_array {} (no description available)
coarseningRatio real64 0 (no description available)
materialList string_array required List of materials present in this region
meshBody string   Mesh body that contains this region
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: ChomboIO

Name Type Default Description
beginCycle real64 required Cycle at which the coupling will commence.
childDirectory string   Child directory path
inputPath string /INVALID_INPUT_PATH Path at which the chombo to geosx file will be written.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
outputPath string required Path at which the geosx to chombo file will be written.
parallelThreads integer 1 Number of plot files.
useChomboPressures integer 0 True iff geosx should use the pressures chombo writes out.
waitForInput integer required True iff geosx should wait for chombo to write out a file. When true the inputPath must be set.

Element: CompositeFunction

Name Type Default Description
expression string   Composite math expression
functionNames string_array {} List of source functions. The order must match the variableNames argument.
inputVarNames string_array {} Name of fields are input to function.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
variableNames string_array {} List of variables in expression

Element: CompositionalMultiphaseFVM

Name Type Default Description
allowLocalCompDensityChopping integer 1 Flag indicating whether local (cell-wise) chopping of negative compositions is allowed
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
inputFluxEstimate real64 1 Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt.
isThermal integer 0 Flag indicating whether the problem is thermal or not.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxCompFractionChange real64 0.5 Maximum (absolute) change in a component fraction in a Newton iteration
maxRelativePressureChange real64 0.5 Maximum (relative) change in pressure in a Newton iteration (expected value between 0 and 1)
maxRelativeTemperatureChange real64 0.5 Maximum (relative) change in temperature in a Newton iteration (expected value between 0 and 1)
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
solutionChangeScalingFactor real64 0.5 Damping factor for solution change targets
targetPhaseVolFractionChangeInTimeStep real64 0.2 Target (absolute) change in phase volume fraction in a time step
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
targetRelativePressureChangeInTimeStep real64 0.2 Target (relative) change in pressure in a time step (expected value between 0 and 1)
targetRelativeTemperatureChangeInTimeStep real64 0.2 Target (relative) change in temperature in a time step (expected value between 0 and 1)
temperature real64 required Temperature
useMass integer 0 Use mass formulation instead of molar
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: CompositionalMultiphaseFluid

Name Type Default Description
componentAcentricFactor real64_array required Component acentric factors
componentBinaryCoeff real64_array2d {{0}} Table of binary interaction coefficients
componentCriticalPressure real64_array required Component critical pressures
componentCriticalTemperature real64_array required Component critical temperatures
componentMolarWeight real64_array required Component molar weights
componentNames string_array required List of component names
componentVolumeShift real64_array {0} Component volume shifts
equationsOfState string_array required List of equation of state types for each phase
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases

Element: CompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM

Name Type Default Description
allowLocalCompDensityChopping integer 1 Flag indicating whether local (cell-wise) chopping of negative compositions is allowed
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
inputFluxEstimate real64 1 Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt.
isThermal integer 0 Flag indicating whether the problem is thermal or not.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxCompFractionChange real64 0.5 Maximum (absolute) change in a component fraction in a Newton iteration
maxRelativePressureChange real64 0.5 Maximum (relative) change in pressure in a Newton iteration (expected value between 0 and 1)
maxRelativeTemperatureChange real64 0.5 Maximum (relative) change in temperature in a Newton iteration (expected value between 0 and 1)
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
solutionChangeScalingFactor real64 0.5 Damping factor for solution change targets
targetPhaseVolFractionChangeInTimeStep real64 0.2 Target (absolute) change in phase volume fraction in a time step
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
targetRelativePressureChangeInTimeStep real64 0.2 Target (relative) change in pressure in a time step (expected value between 0 and 1)
targetRelativeTemperatureChangeInTimeStep real64 0.2 Target (relative) change in temperature in a time step (expected value between 0 and 1)
temperature real64 required Temperature
useMass integer 0 Use mass formulation instead of molar
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: CompositionalMultiphaseReservoir

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
flowSolverName string required Name of the flow solver used by the coupled solver
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
wellSolverName string required Name of the well solver used by the coupled solver
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: CompositionalMultiphaseStatistics

Name Type Default Description
computeCFLNumbers integer 0 Flag to decide whether CFL numbers are computed or not
computeRegionStatistics integer 1 Flag to decide whether region statistics are computed or not
flowSolverName string required Name of the flow solver
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
relpermThreshold real64 1e-06 Flag to decide whether a phase is considered mobile (when the relperm is above the threshold) or immobile (when the relperm is below the threshold) in metric 2

Element: CompositionalMultiphaseWell

Name Type Default Description
allowLocalCompDensityChopping integer 1 Flag indicating whether local (cell-wise) chopping of negative compositions is allowed
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxCompFractionChange real64 1 Maximum (absolute) change in a component fraction between two Newton iterations
maxRelativePressureChange real64 1 Maximum (relative) change in pressure between two Newton iterations (recommended with rate control)
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
useMass integer 0 Use mass formulation instead of molar
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters
WellControls node   Element: WellControls

Element: CompressibleSinglePhaseFluid

Name Type Default Description
compressibility real64 0 Fluid compressibility
defaultDensity real64 required Default value for density.
defaultViscosity real64 required Default value for viscosity.
densityModelType geosx_constitutive_ExponentApproximationType linear
Type of density model. Valid options:
* exponential
* linear
* quadratic
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
referenceDensity real64 1000 Reference fluid density
referencePressure real64 0 Reference pressure
referenceViscosity real64 0.001 Reference fluid viscosity
viscosibility real64 0 Fluid viscosity exponential coefficient
viscosityModelType geosx_constitutive_ExponentApproximationType linear
Type of viscosity model. Valid options:
* exponential
* linear
* quadratic

Element: CompressibleSolidCarmanKozenyPermeability

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: CompressibleSolidConstantPermeability

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: CompressibleSolidParallelPlatesPermeability

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: CompressibleSolidSlipDependentPermeability

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: CompressibleSolidWillisRichardsPermeability

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: ConstantPermeability

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityComponents R1Tensor required xx, yy and zz components of a diagonal permeability tensor.

Element: Constitutive

Name Type Default Description
BiotPorosity node   Element: BiotPorosity
BlackOilFluid node   Element: BlackOilFluid
BrooksCoreyBakerRelativePermeability node   Element: BrooksCoreyBakerRelativePermeability
BrooksCoreyCapillaryPressure node   Element: BrooksCoreyCapillaryPressure
BrooksCoreyRelativePermeability node   Element: BrooksCoreyRelativePermeability
CO2BrineEzrokhiFluid node   Element: CO2BrineEzrokhiFluid
CO2BrineEzrokhiThermalFluid node   Element: CO2BrineEzrokhiThermalFluid
CO2BrinePhillipsFluid node   Element: CO2BrinePhillipsFluid
CO2BrinePhillipsThermalFluid node   Element: CO2BrinePhillipsThermalFluid
CarmanKozenyPermeability node   Element: CarmanKozenyPermeability
CompositionalMultiphaseFluid node   Element: CompositionalMultiphaseFluid
CompressibleSinglePhaseFluid node   Element: CompressibleSinglePhaseFluid
CompressibleSolidCarmanKozenyPermeability node   Element: CompressibleSolidCarmanKozenyPermeability
CompressibleSolidConstantPermeability node   Element: CompressibleSolidConstantPermeability
CompressibleSolidParallelPlatesPermeability node   Element: CompressibleSolidParallelPlatesPermeability
CompressibleSolidSlipDependentPermeability node   Element: CompressibleSolidSlipDependentPermeability
CompressibleSolidWillisRichardsPermeability node   Element: CompressibleSolidWillisRichardsPermeability
ConstantPermeability node   Element: ConstantPermeability
Coulomb node   Element: Coulomb
DamageElasticIsotropic node   Element: DamageElasticIsotropic
DamageSpectralElasticIsotropic node   Element: DamageSpectralElasticIsotropic
DamageVolDevElasticIsotropic node   Element: DamageVolDevElasticIsotropic
DeadOilFluid node   Element: DeadOilFluid
DelftEgg node   Element: DelftEgg
DruckerPrager node   Element: DruckerPrager
ElasticIsotropic node   Element: ElasticIsotropic
ElasticIsotropicPressureDependent node   Element: ElasticIsotropicPressureDependent
ElasticOrthotropic node   Element: ElasticOrthotropic
ElasticTransverseIsotropic node   Element: ElasticTransverseIsotropic
ExtendedDruckerPrager node   Element: ExtendedDruckerPrager
FrictionlessContact node   Element: FrictionlessContact
JFunctionCapillaryPressure node   Element: JFunctionCapillaryPressure
ModifiedCamClay node   Element: ModifiedCamClay
MultiPhaseConstantThermalConductivity node   Element: MultiPhaseConstantThermalConductivity
MultiPhaseVolumeWeightedThermalConductivity node   Element: MultiPhaseVolumeWeightedThermalConductivity
NullModel node   Element: NullModel
ParallelPlatesPermeability node   Element: ParallelPlatesPermeability
ParticleFluid node   Element: ParticleFluid
PermeabilityBase node   Element: PermeabilityBase
PorousDelftEgg node   Element: PorousDelftEgg
PorousDruckerPrager node   Element: PorousDruckerPrager
PorousElasticIsotropic node   Element: PorousElasticIsotropic
PorousElasticOrthotropic node   Element: PorousElasticOrthotropic
PorousElasticTransverseIsotropic node   Element: PorousElasticTransverseIsotropic
PorousExtendedDruckerPrager node   Element: PorousExtendedDruckerPrager
PorousModifiedCamClay node   Element: PorousModifiedCamClay
PressurePorosity node   Element: PressurePorosity
ProppantPermeability node   Element: ProppantPermeability
ProppantPorosity node   Element: ProppantPorosity
ProppantSlurryFluid node   Element: ProppantSlurryFluid
ProppantSolidProppantPermeability node   Element: ProppantSolidProppantPermeability
ReactiveBrine node   Element: ReactiveBrine
ReactiveBrineThermal node   Element: ReactiveBrineThermal
SinglePhaseConstantThermalConductivity node   Element: SinglePhaseConstantThermalConductivity
SlipDependentPermeability node   Element: SlipDependentPermeability
SolidInternalEnergy node   Element: SolidInternalEnergy
TableCapillaryPressure node   Element: TableCapillaryPressure
TableRelativePermeability node   Element: TableRelativePermeability
TableRelativePermeabilityHysteresis node   Element: TableRelativePermeabilityHysteresis
ThermalCompressibleSinglePhaseFluid node   Element: ThermalCompressibleSinglePhaseFluid
VanGenuchtenBakerRelativePermeability node   Element: VanGenuchtenBakerRelativePermeability
VanGenuchtenCapillaryPressure node   Element: VanGenuchtenCapillaryPressure
WillisRichardsPermeability node   Element: WillisRichardsPermeability

Element: Coulomb

Name Type Default Description
apertureTableName string required Name of the aperture table
apertureTolerance real64 1e-09 Value to be used to avoid floating point errors in expressions involving aperture. For example in the case of dividing by the actual aperture (not the effective aperture that results from the aperture function) this value may be used to avoid the 1/0 error. Note that this value may have some physical significance in its usage, as it may be used to smooth out highly nonlinear behavior associated with 1/0 in addition to avoiding the 1/0 error.
cohesion real64 required Cohesion
displacementJumpThreshold real64 2.22045e-16 A threshold valued to determine whether a fracture is open or not.
frictionCoefficient real64 required Friction coefficient
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
penaltyStiffness real64 0 Value of the penetration penalty stiffness. Units of Pressure/length
shearStiffness real64 0 Value of the shear elastic stiffness. Units of Pressure/length

Element: Cylinder

Name Type Default Description
innerRadius real64 -1 Inner radius of the anulus
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
point1 R1Tensor required Center point of one (upper or lower) face of the cylinder
point2 R1Tensor required Center point of the other face of the cylinder
radius real64 required Radius of the cylinder

Element: DamageElasticIsotropic

Name Type Default Description
compressiveStrength real64 0 Compressive strength from the uniaxial compression test
criticalFractureEnergy real64 required Critical fracture energy
criticalStrainEnergy real64 required Critical stress in a 1d tension test
defaultBulkModulus real64 -1 Default Bulk Modulus Parameter
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultPoissonRatio real64 -1 Default Poisson’s Ratio
defaultShearModulus real64 -1 Default Shear Modulus Parameter
defaultThermalExpansionCoefficient real64 0 Default Thermal Expansion Coefficient
defaultYoungModulus real64 -1 Default Young’s Modulus
degradationLowerLimit real64 0 The lower limit of the degradation function
deltaCoefficient real64 -1 Coefficient in the calculation of the external driving force
extDrivingForceFlag integer 0 Whether to have external driving force. Can be 0 or 1
lengthScale real64 required Length scale l in the phase-field equation
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
tensileStrength real64 0 Tensile strength from the uniaxial tension test

Element: DamageSpectralElasticIsotropic

Name Type Default Description
compressiveStrength real64 0 Compressive strength from the uniaxial compression test
criticalFractureEnergy real64 required Critical fracture energy
criticalStrainEnergy real64 required Critical stress in a 1d tension test
defaultBulkModulus real64 -1 Default Bulk Modulus Parameter
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultPoissonRatio real64 -1 Default Poisson’s Ratio
defaultShearModulus real64 -1 Default Shear Modulus Parameter
defaultThermalExpansionCoefficient real64 0 Default Thermal Expansion Coefficient
defaultYoungModulus real64 -1 Default Young’s Modulus
degradationLowerLimit real64 0 The lower limit of the degradation function
deltaCoefficient real64 -1 Coefficient in the calculation of the external driving force
extDrivingForceFlag integer 0 Whether to have external driving force. Can be 0 or 1
lengthScale real64 required Length scale l in the phase-field equation
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
tensileStrength real64 0 Tensile strength from the uniaxial tension test

Element: DamageVolDevElasticIsotropic

Name Type Default Description
compressiveStrength real64 0 Compressive strength from the uniaxial compression test
criticalFractureEnergy real64 required Critical fracture energy
criticalStrainEnergy real64 required Critical stress in a 1d tension test
defaultBulkModulus real64 -1 Default Bulk Modulus Parameter
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultPoissonRatio real64 -1 Default Poisson’s Ratio
defaultShearModulus real64 -1 Default Shear Modulus Parameter
defaultThermalExpansionCoefficient real64 0 Default Thermal Expansion Coefficient
defaultYoungModulus real64 -1 Default Young’s Modulus
degradationLowerLimit real64 0 The lower limit of the degradation function
deltaCoefficient real64 -1 Coefficient in the calculation of the external driving force
extDrivingForceFlag integer 0 Whether to have external driving force. Can be 0 or 1
lengthScale real64 required Length scale l in the phase-field equation
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
tensileStrength real64 0 Tensile strength from the uniaxial tension test

Element: DeadOilFluid

Name Type Default Description
componentMolarWeight real64_array required Component molar weights
componentNames string_array {} List of component names
hydrocarbonFormationVolFactorTableNames string_array {}
List of formation volume factor TableFunction names from the Functions block.
The user must provide one TableFunction per hydrocarbon phase, in the order provided in “phaseNames”.
For instance, if “oil” is before “gas” in “phaseNames”, the table order should be: oilTableName, gasTableName
hydrocarbonViscosityTableNames string_array {}
List of viscosity TableFunction names from the Functions block.
The user must provide one TableFunction per hydrocarbon phase, in the order provided in “phaseNames”.
For instance, if “oil” is before “gas” in “phaseNames”, the table order should be: oilTableName, gasTableName
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases
surfaceDensities real64_array required List of surface mass densities for each phase
tableFiles path_array {} List of filenames with input PVT tables (one per phase)
waterCompressibility real64 0 Water compressibility
waterFormationVolumeFactor real64 0 Water formation volume factor
waterReferencePressure real64 0 Water reference pressure
waterViscosity real64 0 Water viscosity

Element: DelftEgg

Name Type Default Description
defaultBulkModulus real64 -1 Default Bulk Modulus Parameter
defaultCslSlope real64 1 Slope of the critical state line
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultPoissonRatio real64 -1 Default Poisson’s Ratio
defaultPreConsolidationPressure real64 -1.5 Initial preconsolidation pressure
defaultRecompressionIndex real64 0.002 Recompresion Index
defaultShapeParameter real64 1 Shape parameter for the yield surface
defaultShearModulus real64 -1 Default Shear Modulus Parameter
defaultThermalExpansionCoefficient real64 0 Default Thermal Expansion Coefficient
defaultVirginCompressionIndex real64 0.005 Virgin compression index
defaultYoungModulus real64 -1 Default Young’s Modulus
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: Dirichlet

Name Type Default Description
bcApplicationTableName string   Name of table that specifies the on/off application of the boundary condition.
beginTime real64 -1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will start being applied.
component integer -1 Component of field (if tensor) to apply boundary condition to.
direction R1Tensor {0,0,0} Direction to apply boundary condition to.
endTime real64 1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will stop being applied.
fieldName string   Name of field that boundary condition is applied to.
functionName string   Name of function that specifies variation of the boundary condition.
initialCondition integer 0 Boundary condition is applied as an initial condition.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
objectPath string   Path to the target field
scale real64 0 Scale factor for value of the boundary condition.
setNames string_array required Name of sets that boundary condition is applied to.

Element: DruckerPrager

Name Type Default Description
defaultBulkModulus real64 -1 Default Bulk Modulus Parameter
defaultCohesion real64 0 Initial cohesion
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultDilationAngle real64 30 Dilation angle (degrees)
defaultFrictionAngle real64 30 Friction angle (degrees)
defaultHardeningRate real64 0 Cohesion hardening/softening rate
defaultPoissonRatio real64 -1 Default Poisson’s Ratio
defaultShearModulus real64 -1 Default Shear Modulus Parameter
defaultThermalExpansionCoefficient real64 0 Default Thermal Expansion Coefficient
defaultYoungModulus real64 -1 Default Young’s Modulus
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: ElasticIsotropic

Name Type Default Description
defaultBulkModulus real64 -1 Default Bulk Modulus Parameter
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultPoissonRatio real64 -1 Default Poisson’s Ratio
defaultShearModulus real64 -1 Default Shear Modulus Parameter
defaultThermalExpansionCoefficient real64 0 Default Thermal Expansion Coefficient
defaultYoungModulus real64 -1 Default Young’s Modulus
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: ElasticIsotropicPressureDependent

Name Type Default Description
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultRecompressionIndex real64 0.002 Recompresion Index
defaultRefPressure real64 -1 Reference Pressure
defaultRefStrainVol real64 0 Reference Volumetric Strain
defaultShearModulus real64 -1 Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter
defaultThermalExpansionCoefficient real64 0 Default Thermal Expansion Coefficient
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: ElasticOrthotropic

Name Type Default Description
defaultC11 real64 -1 Default C11 Component of Voigt Stiffness Tensor
defaultC12 real64 -1 Default C12 Component of Voigt Stiffness Tensor
defaultC13 real64 -1 Default C13 Component of Voigt Stiffness Tensor
defaultC22 real64 -1 Default C22 Component of Voigt Stiffness Tensor
defaultC23 real64 -1 Default C23 Component of Voigt Stiffness Tensor
defaultC33 real64 -1 Default C33 Component of Voigt Stiffness Tensor
defaultC44 real64 -1 Default C44 Component of Voigt Stiffness Tensor
defaultC55 real64 -1 Default C55 Component of Voigt Stiffness Tensor
defaultC66 real64 -1 Default C66 Component of Voigt Stiffness Tensor
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultE1 real64 -1 Default Young’s Modulus E1
defaultE2 real64 -1 Default Young’s Modulus E2
defaultE3 real64 -1 Default Young’s Modulus E3
defaultG12 real64 -1 Default Shear Modulus G12
defaultG13 real64 -1 Default Shear Modulus G13
defaultG23 real64 -1 Default Shear Modulus G23
defaultNu12 real64 -1 Default Poission’s Ratio Nu12
defaultNu13 real64 -1 Default Poission’s Ratio Nu13
defaultNu23 real64 -1 Default Poission’s Ratio Nu23
defaultThermalExpansionCoefficient real64 0 Default Thermal Expansion Coefficient
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: ElasticSEM

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
dtSeismoTrace real64 0 Time step for output pressure at receivers
forward integer 1 Set to 1 to compute forward propagation
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
lifoOnDevice integer 0 Set the capacity of the lifo device storage
lifoOnHost integer 0 Set the capacity of the lifo host storage
lifoSize integer 0 Set the capacity of the lifo storage
linearDASGeometry real64_array2d {{0}} Geometry parameters for a linear DAS fiber (dip, azimuth, gauge length)
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
outputSeismoTrace integer 0 Flag that indicates if we write the seismo trace in a file .txt, 0 no output, 1 otherwise
receiverCoordinates real64_array2d required Coordinates (x,y,z) of the receivers
rickerOrder integer 2 Flag that indicates the order of the Ricker to be used o, 1 or 2. Order 2 by default
saveFields integer 0 Set to 1 to save fields during forward and restore them during backward
shotIndex integer 0 Set the current shot for temporary files
sourceCoordinates real64_array2d required Coordinates (x,y,z) of the sources
sourceForce R1Tensor {0,0,0} Force of the source: 3 real values for a vector source, and 6 real values for a tensor source (in Voigt notation).The default value is { 0, 0, 0 } (no net force).
sourceMoment R2SymTensor {1,1,1,0,0,0} Moment of the source: 6 real values describing a symmetric tensor in Voigt notation.The default value is { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 } (diagonal moment, corresponding to a pure explosion).
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
timeSourceFrequency real32 required Central frequency for the time source
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: ElasticTransverseIsotropic

Name Type Default Description
defaultC11 real64 -1 Default Stiffness Parameter C11
defaultC13 real64 -1 Default Stiffness Parameter C13
defaultC33 real64 -1 Default Stiffness Parameter C33
defaultC44 real64 -1 Default Stiffness Parameter C44
defaultC66 real64 -1 Default Stiffness Parameter C66
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultPoissonRatioAxialTransverse real64 -1 Default Axial-Transverse Poisson’s Ratio
defaultPoissonRatioTransverse real64 -1 Default Transverse Poisson’s Ratio
defaultShearModulusAxialTransverse real64 -1 Default Axial-Transverse Shear Modulus
defaultThermalExpansionCoefficient real64 0 Default Thermal Expansion Coefficient
defaultYoungModulusAxial real64 -1 Default Axial Young’s Modulus
defaultYoungModulusTransverse real64 -1 Default Transverse Young’s Modulus
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: ElementRegions

Name Type Default Description
CellElementRegion node   Element: CellElementRegion
SurfaceElementRegion node   Element: SurfaceElementRegion
WellElementRegion node   Element: WellElementRegion

Element: EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
fractureRegion string FractureRegion (no description available)
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
mpiCommOrder integer 0 Flag to enable MPI consistent communication ordering
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: Events

Name Type Default Description
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxCycle integer 2147483647 Maximum simulation cycle for the global event loop.
maxTime real64 1.79769e+308 Maximum simulation time for the global event loop.
minTime real64 0 Start simulation time for the global event loop.
HaltEvent node   Element: HaltEvent
PeriodicEvent node   Element: PeriodicEvent
SoloEvent node   Element: SoloEvent

Element: ExtendedDruckerPrager

Name Type Default Description
defaultBulkModulus real64 -1 Default Bulk Modulus Parameter
defaultCohesion real64 0 Initial cohesion
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultDilationRatio real64 1 Dilation ratio [0,1] (ratio = tan dilationAngle / tan frictionAngle)
defaultHardening real64 0 Hardening parameter (hardening rate is faster for smaller values)
defaultInitialFrictionAngle real64 30 Initial friction angle (degrees)
defaultPoissonRatio real64 -1 Default Poisson’s Ratio
defaultResidualFrictionAngle real64 30 Residual friction angle (degrees)
defaultShearModulus real64 -1 Default Shear Modulus Parameter
defaultThermalExpansionCoefficient real64 0 Default Thermal Expansion Coefficient
defaultYoungModulus real64 -1 Default Young’s Modulus
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: FieldSpecification

Name Type Default Description
bcApplicationTableName string   Name of table that specifies the on/off application of the boundary condition.
beginTime real64 -1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will start being applied.
component integer -1 Component of field (if tensor) to apply boundary condition to.
direction R1Tensor {0,0,0} Direction to apply boundary condition to.
endTime real64 1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will stop being applied.
fieldName string   Name of field that boundary condition is applied to.
functionName string   Name of function that specifies variation of the boundary condition.
initialCondition integer 0 Boundary condition is applied as an initial condition.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
objectPath string   Path to the target field
scale real64 0 Scale factor for value of the boundary condition.
setNames string_array required Name of sets that boundary condition is applied to.

Element: FieldSpecifications

Name Type Default Description
Aquifer node   Element: Aquifer
Dirichlet node   Element: Dirichlet
FieldSpecification node   Element: FieldSpecification
HydrostaticEquilibrium node   Element: HydrostaticEquilibrium
PML node   Element: PML
SourceFlux node   Element: SourceFlux
Traction node   Element: Traction

Element: File

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: FiniteElementSpace

Name Type Default Description
formulation string default Specifier to indicate any specialized formuations. For instance, one of the many enhanced assumed strain methods of the Hexahedron parent shape would be indicated here
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
order integer required The order of the finite element basis.
useVirtualElements integer 0 Specifier to indicate whether to force the use of VEM

Element: FiniteElements

Name Type Default Description
FiniteElementSpace node   Element: FiniteElementSpace
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: FiniteVolume

Name Type Default Description
HybridMimeticDiscretization node   Element: HybridMimeticDiscretization
TwoPointFluxApproximation node   Element: TwoPointFluxApproximation

Element: FlowProppantTransport

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
flowSolverName string required Name of the flow solver used by the coupled solver
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
proppantSolverName string required Name of the proppant solver used by the coupled solver
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: FrictionlessContact

Name Type Default Description
apertureTableName string required Name of the aperture table
apertureTolerance real64 1e-09 Value to be used to avoid floating point errors in expressions involving aperture. For example in the case of dividing by the actual aperture (not the effective aperture that results from the aperture function) this value may be used to avoid the 1/0 error. Note that this value may have some physical significance in its usage, as it may be used to smooth out highly nonlinear behavior associated with 1/0 in addition to avoiding the 1/0 error.
displacementJumpThreshold real64 2.22045e-16 A threshold valued to determine whether a fracture is open or not.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
penaltyStiffness real64 0 Value of the penetration penalty stiffness. Units of Pressure/length
shearStiffness real64 0 Value of the shear elastic stiffness. Units of Pressure/length

Element: Functions

Name Type Default Description
CompositeFunction node   Element: CompositeFunction
MultivariableTableFunction node   Element: MultivariableTableFunction
SymbolicFunction node   Element: SymbolicFunction
TableFunction node   Element: TableFunction

Element: Geometry

Name Type Default Description
BoundedPlane node   Element: BoundedPlane
Box node   Element: Box
Cylinder node   Element: Cylinder
ThickPlane node   Element: ThickPlane

Element: HaltEvent

Name Type Default Description
beginTime real64 0 Start time of this event.
endTime real64 1e+100 End time of this event.
finalDtStretch real64 0.001 Allow the final dt request for this event to grow by this percentage to match the endTime exactly.
forceDt real64 -1 While active, this event will request this timestep value (ignoring any children/targets requests).
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxEventDt real64 -1 While active, this event will request a timestep <= this value (depending upon any child/target requests).
maxRuntime real64 required The maximum allowable runtime for the job.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
target string   Name of the object to be executed when the event criteria are met.
targetExactStartStop integer 1 If this option is set, the event will reduce its timestep requests to match any specified beginTime/endTimes exactly.
HaltEvent node   Element: HaltEvent
PeriodicEvent node   Element: PeriodicEvent
SoloEvent node   Element: SoloEvent

Element: HybridMimeticDiscretization

Name Type Default Description
innerProductType string required Type of inner product used in the hybrid FVM solver
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: Hydrofracture

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
contactRelationName string required Name of contact relation to enforce constraints on fracture boundary.
flowSolverName string required Name of the flow solver used by the coupled solver
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxNumResolves integer 10 Value to indicate how many resolves may be executed to perform surface generation after the execution of flow and mechanics solver.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
solidSolverName string required Name of the solid solver used by the coupled solver
surfaceGeneratorName string required Name of the surface generator to use in the hydrofracture solver
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: HydrostaticEquilibrium

Name Type Default Description
bcApplicationTableName string   Name of table that specifies the on/off application of the boundary condition.
beginTime real64 -1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will start being applied.
componentFractionVsElevationTableNames string_array {} Names of the tables specifying the (component fraction vs elevation) relationship for each component
componentNames string_array {} Names of the fluid components
datumElevation real64 required Datum elevation [m]
datumPressure real64 required Datum pressure [Pa]
direction R1Tensor {0,0,0} Direction to apply boundary condition to.
elevationIncrementInHydrostaticPressureTable real64 0.6096 Elevation increment [m] in the hydrostatic pressure table constructed internally
endTime real64 1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will stop being applied.
equilibrationTolerance real64 0.001 Tolerance in the fixed-point iteration scheme used for hydrostatic initialization
functionName string   Name of function that specifies variation of the boundary condition.
initialPhaseName string   Name of the phase initially saturating the reservoir
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxNumberOfEquilibrationIterations integer 5 Maximum number of equilibration iterations
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
objectPath string   Path to the target field
scale real64 0 Scale factor for value of the boundary condition.
temperatureVsElevationTableName string   Name of the table specifying the (temperature [K] vs elevation) relationship

Element: Included

Name Type Default Description
File node   Element: File

Element: InternalMesh

Name Type Default Description
cellBlockNames string_array required Names of each mesh block
elementTypes string_array required Element types of each mesh block
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
nx integer_array required Number of elements in the x-direction within each mesh block
ny integer_array required Number of elements in the y-direction within each mesh block
nz integer_array required Number of elements in the z-direction within each mesh block
positionTolerance real64 1e-10 A position tolerance to verify if a node belong to a nodeset
trianglePattern integer 0 Pattern by which to decompose the hex mesh into wedges
xBias real64_array {1} Bias of element sizes in the x-direction within each mesh block (dx_left=(1+b)*L/N, dx_right=(1-b)*L/N)
xCoords real64_array required x-coordinates of each mesh block vertex
yBias real64_array {1} Bias of element sizes in the y-direction within each mesh block (dy_left=(1+b)*L/N, dx_right=(1-b)*L/N)
yCoords real64_array required y-coordinates of each mesh block vertex
zBias real64_array {1} Bias of element sizes in the z-direction within each mesh block (dz_left=(1+b)*L/N, dz_right=(1-b)*L/N)
zCoords real64_array required z-coordinates of each mesh block vertex

Element: InternalWell

Name Type Default Description
logLevel integer 0 Log level
meshName string required Name of the reservoir mesh associated with this well
minElementLength real64 0.001 Minimum length of a well element, computed as (segment length / number of elements per segment ) [m]
minSegmentLength real64 0.01 Minimum length of a well segment [m]
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
numElementsPerSegment integer required Number of well elements per polyline segment
polylineNodeCoords real64_array2d required Physical coordinates of the well polyline nodes
polylineSegmentConn globalIndex_array2d required Connectivity of the polyline segments
radius real64 required Radius of the well [m]
wellControlsName string required Name of the set of constraints associated with this well
wellRegionName string required Name of the well element region
Perforation node   Element: Perforation

Element: InternalWellbore

Name Type Default Description
autoSpaceRadialElems real64_array {-1} Automatically set number and spacing of elements in the radial direction. This overrides the values of nr!Value in each block indicates factor to scale the radial increment.Larger numbers indicate larger radial elements.
cartesianMappingInnerRadius real64 1e+99 If using a Cartesian aligned outer boundary, this is inner radius at which to start the mapping.
cellBlockNames string_array required Names of each mesh block
elementTypes string_array required Element types of each mesh block
hardRadialCoords real64_array {0} Sets the radial spacing to specified values
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
nr integer_array required Number of elements in the radial direction
nt integer_array required Number of elements in the tangent direction
nz integer_array required Number of elements in the z-direction within each mesh block
positionTolerance real64 1e-10 A position tolerance to verify if a node belong to a nodeset
rBias real64_array {-0.8} Bias of element sizes in the radial direction
radius real64_array required Wellbore radius
theta real64_array required Tangent angle defining geometry size: 90 for quarter, 180 for half and 360 for full wellbore geometry
trajectory real64_array2d {{0}} Coordinates defining the wellbore trajectory
trianglePattern integer 0 Pattern by which to decompose the hex mesh into wedges
useCartesianOuterBoundary integer 1000000 Enforce a Cartesian aligned outer boundary on the outer block starting with the radial block specified in this value
xBias real64_array {1} Bias of element sizes in the x-direction within each mesh block (dx_left=(1+b)*L/N, dx_right=(1-b)*L/N)
yBias real64_array {1} Bias of element sizes in the y-direction within each mesh block (dy_left=(1+b)*L/N, dx_right=(1-b)*L/N)
zBias real64_array {1} Bias of element sizes in the z-direction within each mesh block (dz_left=(1+b)*L/N, dz_right=(1-b)*L/N)
zCoords real64_array required z-coordinates of each mesh block vertex

Element: JFunctionCapillaryPressure

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
nonWettingIntermediateJFunctionTableName string  
J-function table (dimensionless) for the pair (non-wetting phase, intermediate phase)
Note that this input is only used for three-phase flow.
If you want to do a two-phase simulation, please use instead wettingNonWettingJFunctionTableName to specify the table names.
nonWettingIntermediateSurfaceTension real64 0
Surface tension [N/m] for the pair (non-wetting phase, intermediate phase)
If you have a value in [dyne/cm], divide it by 1000 to obtain the value in [N/m]
Note that this input is only used for three-phase flow.
If you want to do a two-phase simulation, please use instead wettingNonWettingSurfaceTension to specify the surface tensions.
permeabilityDirection geosx_constitutive_JFunctionCapillaryPressure_PermeabilityDirection required
Permeability direction. Options are:
XY - use the average of the permeabilities in the x and y directions,
X - only use the permeability in the x direction,
Y - only use the permeability in the y direction,
Z - only use the permeability in the z direction.
permeabilityExponent real64 0.5 Permeability exponent
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases
porosityExponent real64 0.5 Porosity exponent
wettingIntermediateJFunctionTableName string  
J-function table (dimensionless) for the pair (wetting phase, intermediate phase)
Note that this input is only used for three-phase flow.
If you want to do a two-phase simulation, please use instead wettingNonWettingJFunctionTableName to specify the table names.
wettingIntermediateSurfaceTension real64 0
Surface tension [N/m] for the pair (wetting phase, intermediate phase)
If you have a value in [dyne/cm], divide it by 1000 to obtain the value in [N/m]
Note that this input is only used for three-phase flow.
If you want to do a two-phase simulation, please use instead wettingNonWettingSurfaceTension to specify the surface tensions.
wettingNonWettingJFunctionTableName string  
J-function table (dimensionless) for the pair (wetting phase, non-wetting phase)
Note that this input is only used for two-phase flow.
If you want to do a three-phase simulation, please use instead wettingIntermediateJFunctionTableName and nonWettingIntermediateJFunctionTableName to specify the table names.
wettingNonWettingSurfaceTension real64 0
Surface tension [N/m] for the pair (wetting phase, non-wetting phase)
If you have a value in [dyne/cm], divide it by 1000 to obtain the value in [N/m]
Note that this input is only used for two-phase flow.
If you want to do a three-phase simulation, please use instead wettingIntermediateSurfaceTension and nonWettingIntermediateSurfaceTension to specify the surface tensions.

Element: LagrangianContact

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
contactRelationName string required Name of contact relation to enforce constraints on fracture boundary.
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
fractureRegionName string required Name of the fracture region.
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
solidSolverName string required Name of the solid mechanics solver in the rock matrix
stabilizationName string required Name of the stabilization to use in the lagrangian contact solver
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: LaplaceFEM

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
fieldName string required Name of field variable
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
timeIntegrationOption geosx_LaplaceBaseH1_TimeIntegrationOption required
Time integration method. Options are:
* SteadyState
* ImplicitTransient
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: LinearSolverParameters

Name Type Default Description
amgAggresiveCoarseningLevels integer 0
AMG number levels for aggressive coarsening
Available options are: TODO
amgCoarseSolver geosx_LinearSolverParameters_AMG_CoarseType direct AMG coarsest level solver/smoother type. Available options are: default\|jacobi\|l1jacobi\|fgs\|sgs\|l1sgs\|chebyshev\|direct\|bgs
amgCoarseningType string HMIS
AMG coarsening algorithm
Available options are: TODO
amgInterpolationType integer 6
AMG interpolation algorithm
Available options are: TODO
amgNullSpaceType geosx_LinearSolverParameters_AMG_NullSpaceType constantModes AMG near null space approximation. Available options are:constantModes\|rigidBodyModes
amgNumFunctions integer 1
AMG number of functions
Available options are: TODO
amgNumSweeps integer 2 AMG smoother sweeps
amgSmootherType geosx_LinearSolverParameters_AMG_SmootherType fgs AMG smoother type. Available options are: default\|jacobi\|l1jacobi\|fgs\|bgs\|sgs\|l1sgs\|chebyshev\|ilu0\|ilut\|ic0\|ict
amgThreshold real64 0 AMG strength-of-connection threshold
directCheckResidual integer 0 Whether to check the linear system solution residual
directColPerm geosx_LinearSolverParameters_Direct_ColPerm metis How to permute the columns. Available options are: none\|MMD_AtplusA\|MMD_AtA\|colAMD\|metis\|parmetis
directEquil integer 1 Whether to scale the rows and columns of the matrix
directIterRef integer 1 Whether to perform iterative refinement
directParallel integer 1 Whether to use a parallel solver (instead of a serial one)
directReplTinyPivot integer 1 Whether to replace tiny pivots by sqrt(epsilon)*norm(A)
directRowPerm geosx_LinearSolverParameters_Direct_RowPerm mc64 How to permute the rows. Available options are: none\|mc64
iluFill integer 0 ILU(K) fill factor
iluThreshold real64 0 ILU(T) threshold factor
krylovAdaptiveTol integer 0 Use Eisenstat-Walker adaptive linear tolerance
krylovMaxIter integer 200 Maximum iterations allowed for an iterative solver
krylovMaxRestart integer 200 Maximum iterations before restart (GMRES only)
krylovTol real64 1e-06
Relative convergence tolerance of the iterative method
If the method converges, the iterative solution \mathsf{x}_k is such that
the relative residual norm satisfies:
\left\lVert \mathsf{b} - \mathsf{A} \mathsf{x}_k \right\rVert_2 < krylovTol * \left\lVert\mathsf{b}\right\rVert_2
krylovWeakestTol real64 0.001 Weakest-allowed tolerance for adaptive method
logLevel integer 0 Log level
preconditionerType geosx_LinearSolverParameters_PreconditionerType iluk Preconditioner type. Available options are: none\|jacobi\|l1jacobi\|fgs\|sgs\|l1sgs\|chebyshev\|iluk\|ilut\|icc\|ict\|amg\|mgr\|block\|direct\|bgs
solverType geosx_LinearSolverParameters_SolverType direct Linear solver type. Available options are: direct\|cg\|gmres\|fgmres\|bicgstab\|preconditioner
stopIfError integer 1 Whether to stop the simulation if the linear solver reports an error

Element: Mesh

Name Type Default Description
InternalMesh node   Element: InternalMesh
InternalWell node   Element: InternalWell
InternalWellbore node   Element: InternalWellbore
VTKMesh node   Element: VTKMesh

Element: ModifiedCamClay

Name Type Default Description
defaultCslSlope real64 1 Slope of the critical state line
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultPreConsolidationPressure real64 -1.5 Initial preconsolidation pressure
defaultRecompressionIndex real64 0.002 Recompresion Index
defaultRefPressure real64 -1 Reference Pressure
defaultRefStrainVol real64 0 Reference Volumetric Strain
defaultShearModulus real64 -1 Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter
defaultThermalExpansionCoefficient real64 0 Default Thermal Expansion Coefficient
defaultVirginCompressionIndex real64 0.005 Virgin compression index
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: MultiPhaseConstantThermalConductivity

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases
thermalConductivityComponents R1Tensor required xx, yy, and zz components of a diagonal thermal conductivity tensor [J/(s.m.K)]

Element: MultiPhaseVolumeWeightedThermalConductivity

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases
phaseThermalConductivity real64_array required Phase thermal conductivity [W/(m.K)]
rockThermalConductivityComponents R1Tensor required xx, yy, and zz components of a diagonal rock thermal conductivity tensor [W/(m.K)]

Element: MultiphasePoromechanics

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
flowSolverName string required Name of the flow solver used by the coupled solver
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
solidSolverName string required Name of the solid solver used by the coupled solver
stabilizationMultiplier real64 1 Constant multiplier of stabilization strength.
stabilizationRegionNames string_array {} Regions where stabilization is applied.
stabilizationType geosx_MultiphasePoromechanicsSolver_StabilizationType None
Stabilization type. Options are:
None - Add no stabilization to mass equation,
Global - Add stabilization to all faces,
Local - Add stabilization only to interiors of macro elements.
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: MultiphasePoromechanicsInitialization

Name Type Default Description
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
performStressInitialization integer required Flag to indicate that the solver is going to perform stress initialization
poromechanicsSolverName string required Name of the poromechanics solver

Element: MultiphasePoromechanicsReservoir

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
poromechanicsSolverName string required Name of the poromechanics solver used by the coupled solver
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
wellSolverName string required Name of the well solver used by the coupled solver
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: MultivariableTableFunction

Name Type Default Description
inputVarNames string_array {} Name of fields are input to function.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Name Type Default Description
allowNonConverged integer 0 Allow non-converged solution to be accepted. (i.e. exit from the Newton loop without achieving the desired tolerance)
couplingType geosx_NonlinearSolverParameters_CouplingType FullyImplicit Type of coupling. Options are: Sequential and FullyImplicit
lineSearchAction geosx_NonlinearSolverParameters_LineSearchAction Attempt
How the line search is to be used. Options are:
* None - Do not use line search.
* Attempt - Use line search. Allow exit from line search without achieving smaller residual than starting residual.
* Require - Use line search. If smaller residual than starting resdual is not achieved, cut time step.
lineSearchCutFactor real64 0.5 Line search cut factor. For instance, a value of 0.5 will result in the effective application of the last solution by a factor of (0.5, 0.25, 0.125, …)
lineSearchInterpolationType geosx_NonlinearSolverParameters_LineSearchInterpolationType Linear
Strategy to cut the solution update during the line search. Options are:
* Linear
* Parabolic
lineSearchMaxCuts integer 4 Maximum number of line search cuts.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxAllowedResidualNorm real64 1e+09 Maximum value of residual norm that is allowed in a Newton loop
maxNumConfigurationAttempts integer 10 Max number of times that the configuration can be changed
maxSubSteps integer 10 Maximum number of time sub-steps allowed for the solver
maxTimeStepCuts integer 2 Max number of time step cuts
newtonMaxIter integer 5 Maximum number of iterations that are allowed in a Newton loop.
newtonMinIter integer 1 Minimum number of iterations that are required before exiting the Newton loop.
newtonTol real64 1e-06 The required tolerance in order to exit the Newton iteration loop.
subcycling integer 0 Flag to decide whether to iterate between sequentially coupled solvers or not.
timeStepCutFactor real64 0.5 Factor by which the time step will be cut if a timestep cut is required.
timeStepDecreaseFactor real64 0.5 Factor by which the time step is decreased when the number of Newton iterations is large.
timeStepDecreaseIterLimit real64 0.7 Fraction of the max Newton iterations above which the solver asks for the time-step to be decreased for the next time step.
timeStepIncreaseFactor real64 2 Factor by which the time step is increased when the number of Newton iterations is small.
timeStepIncreaseIterLimit real64 0.4 Fraction of the max Newton iterations below which the solver asks for the time-step to be increased for the next time step.

Element: NullModel

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: NumericalMethods

Name Type Default Description
FiniteElements node unique Element: FiniteElements
FiniteVolume node unique Element: FiniteVolume

Element: Outputs

Name Type Default Description
Blueprint node   Element: Blueprint
ChomboIO node   Element: ChomboIO
Python node   Element: Python
Restart node   Element: Restart
Silo node   Element: Silo
TimeHistory node   Element: TimeHistory
VTK node   Element: VTK

Element: PML

Name Type Default Description
bcApplicationTableName string   Name of table that specifies the on/off application of the boundary condition.
beginTime real64 -1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will start being applied.
component integer -1 Component of field (if tensor) to apply boundary condition to.
direction R1Tensor {0,0,0} Direction to apply boundary condition to.
endTime real64 1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will stop being applied.
functionName string   Name of function that specifies variation of the boundary condition.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
objectPath string   Path to the target field
reflectivity real32 0.001 Desired reflectivity of the PML region, used to compute the damping profile
scale real64 0 Scale factor for value of the boundary condition.
setNames string_array required Name of sets that boundary condition is applied to.
thicknessMaxXYZ R1Tensor32 {-1,-1,-1} Thickness of the PML region, at right, back, and bottom sides, used to compute the damping profile
thicknessMinXYZ R1Tensor32 {-1,-1,-1} Thickness of the PML region, at left, front, and top sides, used to compute the damping profile
waveSpeedMaxXYZ R1Tensor32 {-1,-1,-1} Wave speed in the PML, at right, back, and bottom sides, used to compute the damping profile
waveSpeedMinXYZ R1Tensor32 {-1,-1,-1} Wave speed in the PML, at left, front, and top sides, used to compute the damping profile
xMax R1Tensor32 {3.40282e+38,3.40282e+38,3.40282e+38} Maximum (x,y,z) coordinates of the inner PML boundaries
xMin R1Tensor32 {-3.40282e+38,-3.40282e+38,-3.40282e+38} Minimum (x,y,z) coordinates of the inner PML boundaries

Element: PVTDriver

Name Type Default Description
baseline path none Baseline file
feedComposition real64_array required Feed composition array [mol fraction]
fluid string required Fluid to test
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
output string none Output file
pressureControl string required Function controlling pressure time history
steps integer required Number of load steps to take
temperatureControl string required Function controlling temperature time history

Element: PackCollection

Name Type Default Description
fieldName string required The name of the (packable) field associated with the specified object to retrieve data from
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
objectPath string required The name of the object from which to retrieve field values.
onlyOnSetChange integer 0 Whether or not to only collect when the collected sets of indices change in any way.
setNames string_array {} The set(s) for which to retrieve data.

Element: ParallelPlatesPermeability

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: Parameter

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
value string required Input parameter definition for the preprocessor

Element: Parameters

Name Type Default Description
Parameter node   Element: Parameter

Element: ParticleFluid

Name Type Default Description
collisionAlpha real64 1.27 Collision alpha coefficient
collisionBeta real64 1.5 Collision beta coefficient
fluidViscosity real64 0.001 Fluid viscosity
hinderedSettlingCoefficient real64 5.9 Hindered settling coefficient
isCollisionalSlip integer 0 Whether the collisional component of the slip velocity is considered
maxProppantConcentration real64 0.6 Max proppant concentration
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
particleSettlingModel geosx_constitutive_ParticleSettlingModel required
Particle settling velocity model. Valid options:
* Stokes
* Intermediate
* Turbulence
proppantDensity real64 1400 Proppant density
proppantDiameter real64 0.0002 Proppant diameter
slipConcentration real64 0.1 Slip concentration
sphericity real64 1 Sphericity

Element: Perforation

Name Type Default Description
distanceFromHead real64 required Linear distance from well head to the perforation
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
transmissibility real64 -1 Perforation transmissibility

Element: PeriodicEvent

Name Type Default Description
beginTime real64 0 Start time of this event.
cycleFrequency integer 1 Event application frequency (cycle, default)
endTime real64 1e+100 End time of this event.
finalDtStretch real64 0.001 Allow the final dt request for this event to grow by this percentage to match the endTime exactly.
forceDt real64 -1 While active, this event will request this timestep value (ignoring any children/targets requests).
function string   Name of an optional function to evaluate when the time/cycle criteria are met.If the result is greater than the specified eventThreshold, the function will continue to execute.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxEventDt real64 -1 While active, this event will request a timestep <= this value (depending upon any child/target requests).
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
object string   If the optional function requires an object as an input, specify its path here.
set string   If the optional function is applied to an object, specify the setname to evaluate (default = everything).
stat integer 0 If the optional function is applied to an object, specify the statistic to compare to the eventThreshold.The current options include: min, avg, and max.
target string   Name of the object to be executed when the event criteria are met.
targetExactStartStop integer 1 If this option is set, the event will reduce its timestep requests to match any specified beginTime/endTimes exactly.
targetExactTimestep integer 1 If this option is set, the event will reduce its timestep requests to match the specified timeFrequency perfectly: dt_request = min(dt_request, t_last + time_frequency - time)).
threshold real64 0 If the optional function is used, the event will execute if the value returned by the function exceeds this threshold.
timeFrequency real64 -1 Event application frequency (time). Note: if this value is specified, it will override any cycle-based behavior.
HaltEvent node   Element: HaltEvent
PeriodicEvent node   Element: PeriodicEvent
SoloEvent node   Element: SoloEvent

Element: PermeabilityBase

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: PhaseFieldDamageFEM

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
damageUpperBound real64 1.5 The upper bound of the damage
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
fieldName string required name of field variable
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
irreversibilityFlag integer 0 The flag to indicate whether to apply the irreversibility constraint
localDissipation string required Type of local dissipation function. Can be Linear or Quadratic
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
timeIntegrationOption string required option for default time integration method
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: PhaseFieldFracture

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
damageSolverName string required Name of the damage solver used by the coupled solver
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
solidSolverName string required Name of the solid solver used by the coupled solver
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: PorousDelftEgg

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: PorousDruckerPrager

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: PorousElasticIsotropic

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: PorousElasticOrthotropic

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: PorousElasticTransverseIsotropic

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: PorousExtendedDruckerPrager

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: PorousModifiedCamClay

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: PressurePorosity

Name Type Default Description
compressibility real64 required Solid compressibility
defaultReferencePorosity real64 required Default value of the reference porosity
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
referencePressure real64 required Reference pressure for solid compressibility

Element: Problem

Name Type Default Description
Benchmarks node unique Element: Benchmarks
Constitutive node unique Element: Constitutive
ElementRegions node unique Element: ElementRegions
Events node unique, required Element: Events
FieldSpecifications node unique Element: FieldSpecifications
Functions node unique Element: Functions
Geometry node unique Element: Geometry
Included node unique Element: Included
Mesh node unique, required Element: Mesh
NumericalMethods node unique Element: NumericalMethods
Outputs node unique, required Element: Outputs
Parameters node unique Element: Parameters
Solvers node unique, required Element: Solvers
Tasks node unique Element: Tasks

Element: ProppantPermeability

Name Type Default Description
maxProppantConcentration real64 required Maximum proppant concentration.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
proppantDiameter real64 required Proppant diameter.

Element: ProppantPorosity

Name Type Default Description
defaultReferencePorosity real64 required Default value of the reference porosity
maxProppantConcentration real64 required Maximum proppant concentration
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: ProppantSlurryFluid

Name Type Default Description
componentNames string_array {} List of fluid component names
compressibility real64 0 Fluid compressibility
defaultComponentDensity real64_array {0} Default value for the component density.
defaultComponentViscosity real64_array {0} Default value for the component viscosity.
defaultCompressibility real64_array {0} Default value for the component compressibility.
flowBehaviorIndex real64_array {0} Flow behavior index
flowConsistencyIndex real64_array {0} Flow consistency index
maxProppantConcentration real64 0.6 Maximum proppant concentration
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
referenceDensity real64 1000 Reference fluid density
referencePressure real64 100000 Reference pressure
referenceProppantDensity real64 1400 Reference proppant density
referenceViscosity real64 0.001 Reference fluid viscosity

Element: ProppantSolidProppantPermeability

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
permeabilityModelName string required Name of the permeability model.
porosityModelName string required Name of the porosity model.
solidInternalEnergyModelName string   Name of the solid internal energy model.
solidModelName string required Name of the solid model.

Element: ProppantTransport

Name Type Default Description
bridgingFactor real64 0 Bridging factor used for bridging/screen-out calculation
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
criticalShieldsNumber real64 0 Critical Shields number
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
frictionCoefficient real64 0.03 Friction coefficient
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
inputFluxEstimate real64 1 Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt.
isThermal integer 0 Flag indicating whether the problem is thermal or not.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxProppantConcentration real64 0.6 Maximum proppant concentration
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
proppantDensity real64 2500 Proppant density
proppantDiameter real64 0.0004 Proppant diameter
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
updateProppantPacking integer 0 Flag that enables/disables proppant-packing update
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: Python

Name Type Default Description
childDirectory string   Child directory path
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
parallelThreads integer 1 Number of plot files.

Element: ReactiveBrine

Name Type Default Description
componentMolarWeight real64_array {0} Component molar weights
componentNames string_array {} List of component names
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array {} List of fluid phases
phasePVTParaFiles path_array required Names of the files defining the parameters of the viscosity and density models

Element: ReactiveBrineThermal

Name Type Default Description
componentMolarWeight real64_array {0} Component molar weights
componentNames string_array {} List of component names
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array {} List of fluid phases
phasePVTParaFiles path_array required Names of the files defining the parameters of the viscosity and density models

Element: ReactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL

Name Type Default Description
OBLOperatorsTableFile path required File containing OBL operator values
allowLocalOBLChopping integer 1 Allow keeping solution within OBL limits
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
componentNames string_array {} List of component names
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
enableEnergyBalance integer required Enable energy balance calculation and temperature degree of freedom
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
inputFluxEstimate real64 1 Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt.
isThermal integer 0 Flag indicating whether the problem is thermal or not.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxCompFractionChange real64 1 Maximum (absolute) change in a component fraction between two Newton iterations
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
numComponents integer required Number of components
numPhases integer required Number of phases
phaseNames string_array {} List of fluid phases
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
transMultExp real64 1 Exponent of dynamic transmissibility multiplier
useDARTSL2Norm integer 1 Use L2 norm calculation similar to one used DARTS
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: ReactiveFluidDriver

Name Type Default Description
baseline path none Baseline file
feedComposition real64_array required Feed composition array: total concentration of the primary species
fluid string required Fluid to test
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
output string none Output file
pressureControl string required Function controlling pressure time history
steps integer required Number of load steps to take
temperatureControl string required Function controlling temperature time history

Element: RelpermDriver

Name Type Default Description
baseline path none Baseline file
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
output string none Output file
relperm string required Relperm model to test
steps integer required Number of saturation steps to take

Element: Restart

Name Type Default Description
childDirectory string   Child directory path
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
parallelThreads integer 1 Number of plot files.

Element: Run

Name Type Default Description
args string   Any extra command line arguments to pass to GEOSX.
autoPartition string   May be ‘Off’ or ‘On’, if ‘On’ partitioning arguments are created automatically. Default is Off.
name string required The name of this benchmark.
nodes integer required The number of nodes needed to run the benchmark.
strongScaling integer_array {0} Repeat the benchmark N times, scaling the number of nodes in the benchmark by these values.
tasksPerNode integer required The number of tasks per node to run the benchmark with.
threadsPerTask integer 0 The number of threads per task to run the benchmark with.
timeLimit integer 0 The time limit of the benchmark.

Element: Silo

Name Type Default Description
childDirectory string   Child directory path
fieldNames string_array {} Names of the fields to output. If this attribute is specified, GEOSX outputs all (and only) the fields specified by the user, regardless of their plotLevel
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
onlyPlotSpecifiedFieldNames integer 0 If this flag is equal to 1, then we only plot the fields listed in fieldNames. Otherwise, we plot all the fields with the required plotLevel, plus the fields listed in fieldNames
parallelThreads integer 1 Number of plot files.
plotFileRoot string plot (no description available)
plotLevel integer 1 (no description available)
writeCellElementMesh integer 1 (no description available)
writeEdgeMesh integer 0 (no description available)
writeFEMFaces integer 0 (no description available)
writeFaceElementMesh integer 1 (no description available)

Element: SinglePhaseConstantThermalConductivity

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
thermalConductivityComponents R1Tensor required xx, yy, and zz components of a diagonal thermal conductivity tensor [J/(s.m.K)]

Element: SinglePhaseFVM

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
inputFluxEstimate real64 1 Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt.
isThermal integer 0 Flag indicating whether the problem is thermal or not.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
temperature real64 0 Temperature
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SinglePhaseHybridFVM

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
inputFluxEstimate real64 1 Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt.
isThermal integer 0 Flag indicating whether the problem is thermal or not.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
temperature real64 0 Temperature
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SinglePhasePoromechanics

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
flowSolverName string required Name of the flow solver used by the coupled solver
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
isThermal integer 0 Flag indicating whether the problem is thermal or not.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
solidSolverName string required Name of the solid solver used by the coupled solver
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures

Name Type Default Description
LagrangianContactSolverName string required Name of the LagrangianContact solver used by the coupled solver
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
poromechanicsSolverName string required Name of the poromechanics solver used by the coupled solver
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
flowSolverName string required Name of the flow solver used by the coupled solver
fracturesSolverName string required Name of the fractures solver to use in the fractured poroelastic solver
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
isThermal integer 0 Flag indicating whether the problem is thermal or not.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
solidSolverName string required Name of the solid solver used by the coupled solver
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SinglePhasePoromechanicsInitialization

Name Type Default Description
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
performStressInitialization integer required Flag to indicate that the solver is going to perform stress initialization
poromechanicsSolverName string required Name of the poromechanics solver

Element: SinglePhasePoromechanicsReservoir

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
poromechanicsSolverName string required Name of the poromechanics solver used by the coupled solver
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
wellSolverName string required Name of the well solver used by the coupled solver
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SinglePhaseProppantFVM

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
inputFluxEstimate real64 1 Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt.
isThermal integer 0 Flag indicating whether the problem is thermal or not.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
temperature real64 0 Temperature
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SinglePhaseReservoir

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
flowSolverName string required Name of the flow solver used by the coupled solver
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
wellSolverName string required Name of the well solver used by the coupled solver
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SinglePhaseStatistics

Name Type Default Description
flowSolverName string required Name of the flow solver
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: SinglePhaseWell

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters
WellControls node   Element: WellControls

Element: SlipDependentPermeability

Name Type Default Description
initialPermeability R1Tensor required initial permeability of the fracture.
maxPermMultiplier real64 required Maximum permeability multiplier.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
shearDispThreshold real64 required Threshold of shear displacement.

Element: SolidInternalEnergy

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
referenceInternalEnergy real64 required Internal energy at the reference temperature [J/kg]
referenceTemperature real64 required Reference temperature [K]
volumetricHeatCapacity real64 required Solid volumetric heat capacity [J/(kg.K)]

Element: SolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
contactRelationName string required Name of contact relation to enforce constraints on fracture boundary.
fractureRegionName string required Name of the fracture region.
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
solidSolverName string required Name of the solid mechanics solver in the rock matrix
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
useStaticCondensation integer 0 Defines whether to use static condensation or not.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
contactRelationName string NOCONTACT Name of contact relation to enforce constraints on fracture boundary.
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
massDamping real64 0 Value of mass based damping coefficient.
maxNumResolves integer 10 Value to indicate how many resolves may be executed after some other event is executed. For example, if a SurfaceGenerator is specified, it will be executed after the mechanics solve. However if a new surface is generated, then the mechanics solve must be executed again due to the change in topology.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
newmarkBeta real64 0.25 Value of \beta in the Newmark Method for Implicit Dynamic time integration option. This should be pow(newmarkGamma+0.5,2.0)/4.0 unless you know what you are doing.
newmarkGamma real64 0.5 Value of \gamma in the Newmark Method for Implicit Dynamic time integration option
stiffnessDamping real64 0 Value of stiffness based damping coefficient.
strainTheory integer 0
Indicates whether or not to use Infinitesimal Strain Theory, or Finite Strain Theory. Valid Inputs are:
0 - Infinitesimal Strain
1 - Finite Strain
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
timeIntegrationOption geosx_SolidMechanicsLagrangianFEM_TimeIntegrationOption ExplicitDynamic
Time integration method. Options are:
* QuasiStatic
* ImplicitDynamic
* ExplicitDynamic
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SolidMechanicsStateReset

Name Type Default Description
disableInelasticity integer 0 Flag to enable/disable inelastic behavior
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
resetDisplacements integer 1 Flag to reset displacements (and velocities)
solidSolverName string required Name of the solid mechanics solver

Element: SolidMechanicsStatistics

Name Type Default Description
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
solidSolverName string required Name of the solid solver

Element: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
contactRelationName string NOCONTACT Name of contact relation to enforce constraints on fracture boundary.
discretization string required Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
massDamping real64 0 Value of mass based damping coefficient.
maxNumResolves integer 10 Value to indicate how many resolves may be executed after some other event is executed. For example, if a SurfaceGenerator is specified, it will be executed after the mechanics solve. However if a new surface is generated, then the mechanics solve must be executed again due to the change in topology.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
newmarkBeta real64 0.25 Value of \beta in the Newmark Method for Implicit Dynamic time integration option. This should be pow(newmarkGamma+0.5,2.0)/4.0 unless you know what you are doing.
newmarkGamma real64 0.5 Value of \gamma in the Newmark Method for Implicit Dynamic time integration option
stiffnessDamping real64 0 Value of stiffness based damping coefficient.
strainTheory integer 0
Indicates whether or not to use Infinitesimal Strain Theory, or Finite Strain Theory. Valid Inputs are:
0 - Infinitesimal Strain
1 - Finite Strain
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
timeIntegrationOption geosx_SolidMechanicsLagrangianFEM_TimeIntegrationOption ExplicitDynamic
Time integration method. Options are:
* QuasiStatic
* ImplicitDynamic
* ExplicitDynamic
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SoloEvent

Name Type Default Description
beginTime real64 0 Start time of this event.
endTime real64 1e+100 End time of this event.
finalDtStretch real64 0.001 Allow the final dt request for this event to grow by this percentage to match the endTime exactly.
forceDt real64 -1 While active, this event will request this timestep value (ignoring any children/targets requests).
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxEventDt real64 -1 While active, this event will request a timestep <= this value (depending upon any child/target requests).
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
target string   Name of the object to be executed when the event criteria are met.
targetCycle integer -1 Targeted cycle to execute the event.
targetExactStartStop integer 1 If this option is set, the event will reduce its timestep requests to match any specified beginTime/endTimes exactly.
targetExactTimestep integer 1 If this option is set, the event will reduce its timestep requests to match the specified execution time exactly: dt_request = min(dt_request, t_target - time)).
targetTime real64 -1 Targeted time to execute the event.
HaltEvent node   Element: HaltEvent
PeriodicEvent node   Element: PeriodicEvent
SoloEvent node   Element: SoloEvent

Element: Solvers

Name Type Default Description
gravityVector R1Tensor {0,0,-9.81} Gravity vector used in the physics solvers
AcousticFirstOrderSEM node   Element: AcousticFirstOrderSEM
AcousticSEM node   Element: AcousticSEM
CompositionalMultiphaseFVM node   Element: CompositionalMultiphaseFVM
CompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM node   Element: CompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM
CompositionalMultiphaseReservoir node   Element: CompositionalMultiphaseReservoir
CompositionalMultiphaseWell node   Element: CompositionalMultiphaseWell
ElasticSEM node   Element: ElasticSEM
EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator node   Element: EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator
FlowProppantTransport node   Element: FlowProppantTransport
Hydrofracture node   Element: Hydrofracture
LagrangianContact node   Element: LagrangianContact
LaplaceFEM node   Element: LaplaceFEM
MultiphasePoromechanics node   Element: MultiphasePoromechanics
MultiphasePoromechanicsReservoir node   Element: MultiphasePoromechanicsReservoir
PhaseFieldDamageFEM node   Element: PhaseFieldDamageFEM
PhaseFieldFracture node   Element: PhaseFieldFracture
ProppantTransport node   Element: ProppantTransport
ReactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL node   Element: ReactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL
SinglePhaseFVM node   Element: SinglePhaseFVM
SinglePhaseHybridFVM node   Element: SinglePhaseHybridFVM
SinglePhasePoromechanics node   Element: SinglePhasePoromechanics
SinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures node   Element: SinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures
SinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures node   Element: SinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures
SinglePhasePoromechanicsReservoir node   Element: SinglePhasePoromechanicsReservoir
SinglePhaseProppantFVM node   Element: SinglePhaseProppantFVM
SinglePhaseReservoir node   Element: SinglePhaseReservoir
SinglePhaseWell node   Element: SinglePhaseWell
SolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures node   Element: SolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures
SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE node   Element: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE
SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM node   Element: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM
SurfaceGenerator node   Element: SurfaceGenerator

Element: SourceFlux

Name Type Default Description
bcApplicationTableName string   Name of table that specifies the on/off application of the boundary condition.
beginTime real64 -1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will start being applied.
component integer -1 Component of field (if tensor) to apply boundary condition to.
direction R1Tensor {0,0,0} Direction to apply boundary condition to.
endTime real64 1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will stop being applied.
functionName string   Name of function that specifies variation of the boundary condition.
initialCondition integer 0 Boundary condition is applied as an initial condition.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
objectPath string   Path to the target field
scale real64 0 Scale factor for value of the boundary condition.
setNames string_array required Name of sets that boundary condition is applied to.

Element: SurfaceElementRegion

Name Type Default Description
defaultAperture real64 required The default aperture of newly formed surface elements.
faceBlock string FractureSubRegion The name of the face block in the mesh, or the embedded surface.
materialList string_array required List of materials present in this region
meshBody string   Mesh body that contains this region
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
subRegionType geosx_SurfaceElementRegion_SurfaceSubRegionType faceElement Type of surface element subregion. Valid options: {faceElement, embeddedElement}.

Element: SurfaceGenerator

Name Type Default Description
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
fractureRegion string Fracture (no description available)
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
mpiCommOrder integer 0 Flag to enable MPI consistent communication ordering
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
nodeBasedSIF integer 0 Flag for choosing between node or edge based criteria: 1 for node based criterion
rockToughness real64 required Rock toughness of the solid material
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

Element: SymbolicFunction

Name Type Default Description
expression string required Symbolic math expression
inputVarNames string_array {} Name of fields are input to function.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
variableNames string_array required List of variables in expression. The order must match the evaluate argument

Element: TableCapillaryPressure

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
nonWettingIntermediateCapPressureTableName string  
Capillary pressure table [Pa] for the pair (non-wetting phase, intermediate phase)
Note that this input is only used for three-phase flow.
If you want to do a two-phase simulation, please use instead wettingNonWettingCapPressureTableName to specify the table names
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases
wettingIntermediateCapPressureTableName string  
Capillary pressure table [Pa] for the pair (wetting phase, intermediate phase)
Note that this input is only used for three-phase flow.
If you want to do a two-phase simulation, please use instead wettingNonWettingCapPressureTableName to specify the table names
wettingNonWettingCapPressureTableName string  
Capillary pressure table [Pa] for the pair (wetting phase, non-wetting phase)
Note that this input is only used for two-phase flow.
If you want to do a three-phase simulation, please use instead wettingIntermediateCapPressureTableName and nonWettingIntermediateCapPressureTableName to specify the table names

Element: TableFunction

Name Type Default Description
coordinateFiles path_array {} List of coordinate file names for ND Table
coordinates real64_array {0} Coordinates inputs for 1D tables
inputVarNames string_array {} Name of fields are input to function.
interpolation geosx_TableFunction_InterpolationType linear
Interpolation method. Valid options:
* linear
* nearest
* upper
* lower
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
values real64_array {0} Values for 1D tables
voxelFile path   Voxel file name for ND Table

Element: TableRelativePermeability

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
nonWettingIntermediateRelPermTableNames string_array {}
List of relative permeability tables for the pair (non-wetting phase, intermediate phase)
The expected format is “{ nonWettingPhaseRelPermTableName, intermediatePhaseRelPermTableName }”, in that order
Note that this input is only used for three-phase flow.
If you want to do a two-phase simulation, please use instead wettingNonWettingRelPermTableNames to specify the table names
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases
wettingIntermediateRelPermTableNames string_array {}
List of relative permeability tables for the pair (wetting phase, intermediate phase)
The expected format is “{ wettingPhaseRelPermTableName, intermediatePhaseRelPermTableName }”, in that order
Note that this input is only used for three-phase flow.
If you want to do a two-phase simulation, please use instead wettingNonWettingRelPermTableNames to specify the table names
wettingNonWettingRelPermTableNames string_array {}
List of relative permeability tables for the pair (wetting phase, non-wetting phase)
The expected format is “{ wettingPhaseRelPermTableName, nonWettingPhaseRelPermTableName }”, in that order
Note that this input is only used for two-phase flow.
If you want to do a three-phase simulation, please use instead wettingIntermediateRelPermTableNames and nonWettingIntermediateRelPermTableNames to specify the table names

Element: TableRelativePermeabilityHysteresis

Name Type Default Description
drainageNonWettingIntermediateRelPermTableNames string_array {}
List of drainage relative permeability tables for the pair (non-wetting phase, intermediate phase)
The expected format is “{ nonWettingPhaseRelPermTableName, intermediatePhaseRelPermTableName }”, in that order
Note that this input is only used for three-phase flow.
If you want to do a two-phase simulation, please use instead drainageWettingNonWettingRelPermTableNames to specify the table names
drainageWettingIntermediateRelPermTableNames string_array {}
List of drainage relative permeability tables for the pair (wetting phase, intermediate phase)
The expected format is “{ wettingPhaseRelPermTableName, intermediatePhaseRelPermTableName }”, in that order
Note that this input is only used for three-phase flow.
If you want to do a two-phase simulation, please use instead drainageWettingNonWettingRelPermTableNames to specify the table names
drainageWettingNonWettingRelPermTableNames string_array {}
List of drainage relative permeability tables for the pair (wetting phase, non-wetting phase)
The expected format is “{ wettingPhaseRelPermTableName, nonWettingPhaseRelPermTableName }”, in that order
Note that this input is only used for two-phase flow.
If you want to do a three-phase simulation, please use instead drainageWettingIntermediateRelPermTableNames and drainageNonWettingIntermediateRelPermTableNames to specify the table names
imbibitionNonWettingRelPermTableName string  
Imbibition relative permeability table name for the non-wetting phase.
To neglect hysteresis on this phase, just use the same table name for the drainage and imbibition curves
imbibitionWettingRelPermTableName string  
Imbibition relative permeability table name for the wetting phase.
To neglect hysteresis on this phase, just use the same table name for the drainage and imbibition curves
jerauldParameterA real64 0.1 First parameter (modification parameter) introduced by Jerauld in the Land trapping model (see RTD documentation).
jerauldParameterB real64 0 Second parameter introduced by Jerauld in the Land trapping model (see RTD documentation).
killoughCurvatureParameter real64 1 Curvature parameter introduced by Killough for wetting-phase hysteresis (see RTD documentation).
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases

Element: Tasks

Name Type Default Description
CompositionalMultiphaseStatistics node   Element: CompositionalMultiphaseStatistics
MultiphasePoromechanicsInitialization node   Element: MultiphasePoromechanicsInitialization
PVTDriver node   Element: PVTDriver
PackCollection node   Element: PackCollection
ReactiveFluidDriver node   Element: ReactiveFluidDriver
RelpermDriver node   Element: RelpermDriver
SinglePhasePoromechanicsInitialization node   Element: SinglePhasePoromechanicsInitialization
SinglePhaseStatistics node   Element: SinglePhaseStatistics
SolidMechanicsStateReset node   Element: SolidMechanicsStateReset
SolidMechanicsStatistics node   Element: SolidMechanicsStatistics
TriaxialDriver node   Element: TriaxialDriver

Element: ThermalCompressibleSinglePhaseFluid

Name Type Default Description
compressibility real64 0 Fluid compressibility
defaultDensity real64 required Default value for density.
defaultViscosity real64 required Default value for viscosity.
densityModelType geosx_constitutive_ExponentApproximationType linear
Type of density model. Valid options:
* exponential
* linear
* quadratic
internalEnergyModelType geosx_constitutive_ExponentApproximationType linear
Type of internal energy model. Valid options:
* exponential
* linear
* quadratic
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
referenceDensity real64 1000 Reference fluid density
referenceInternalEnergy real64 0.001 Reference fluid internal energy
referencePressure real64 0 Reference pressure
referenceTemperature real64 0 Reference temperature
referenceViscosity real64 0.001 Reference fluid viscosity
thermalExpansionCoeff real64 0 Fluid thermal expansion coefficient. Unit: 1/K
viscosibility real64 0 Fluid viscosity exponential coefficient
viscosityModelType geosx_constitutive_ExponentApproximationType linear
Type of viscosity model. Valid options:
* exponential
* linear
* quadratic
volumetricHeatCapacity real64 0 Fluid volumetric heat capacity. Unit: J/kg/K

Element: ThickPlane

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
normal R1Tensor required Normal (n_x,n_y,n_z) to the plane (will be normalized automatically)
origin R1Tensor required Origin point (x,y,z) of the plane (basically, any point on the plane)
thickness real64 required The total thickness of the plane (with half to each side)

Element: TimeHistory

Name Type Default Description
childDirectory string   Child directory path
filename string TimeHistory The filename to which to write time history output.
format string hdf The output file format for time history output.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
parallelThreads integer 1 Number of plot files.
sources string_array required A list of collectors from which to collect and output time history information.

Element: Traction

Name Type Default Description
bcApplicationTableName string   Name of table that specifies the on/off application of the boundary condition.
beginTime real64 -1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will start being applied.
direction R1Tensor {0,0,0} Direction to apply boundary condition to.
endTime real64 1e+99 Time at which the boundary condition will stop being applied.
functionName string   Name of function that specifies variation of the boundary condition.
initialCondition integer 0 Boundary condition is applied as an initial condition.
inputStress R2SymTensor {0,0,0,0,0,0} Input stress for tractionType = stress
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
objectPath string   Path to the target field
scale real64 0 Scale factor for value of the boundary condition.
setNames string_array required Name of sets that boundary condition is applied to.
tractionType geosx_TractionBoundaryCondition_TractionType vector
Type of traction boundary condition. Options are:
vector - traction is applied to the faces as specified from the scale and direction,
normal - traction is applied to the faces as a pressure specified from the product of scale and the outward face normal,
stress - traction is applied to the faces as specified by the inner product of input stress and face normal.

Element: TriaxialDriver

Name Type Default Description
axialControl string required Function controlling axial stress or strain (depending on test mode)
baseline path none Baseline file
initialStress real64 required Initial stress (scalar used to set an isotropic stress state)
logLevel integer 0 Log level
material string required Solid material to test
mode string required Test mode [stressControl, strainControl, mixedControl]
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
output string none Output file
radialControl string required Function controlling radial stress or strain (depending on test mode)
steps integer required Number of load steps to take

Element: TwoPointFluxApproximation

Name Type Default Description
areaRelTol real64 1e-08 Relative tolerance for area calculations.
meanPermCoefficient real64 1 (no description available)
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
usePEDFM integer 0 (no description available)

Element: VTK

Name Type Default Description
childDirectory string   Child directory path
fieldNames string_array {} Names of the fields to output. If this attribute is specified, GEOSX outputs all the fields specified by the user, regardless of their plotLevel
format geosx_vtk_VTKOutputMode binary Output data format. Valid options: binary, ascii
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
onlyPlotSpecifiedFieldNames integer 0 If this flag is equal to 1, then we only plot the fields listed in fieldNames. Otherwise, we plot all the fields with the required plotLevel, plus the fields listed in fieldNames
outputRegionType geosx_vtk_VTKRegionTypes all Output region types. Valid options: cell, well, surface, all
parallelThreads integer 1 Number of plot files.
plotFileRoot string VTK Name of the root file for this output.
plotLevel integer 1 Level detail plot. Only fields with lower of equal plot level will be output.
writeFEMFaces integer 0 (no description available)
writeGhostCells integer 0 Should the vtk files contain the ghost cells or not.

Element: VTKMesh

Name Type Default Description
faceBlocks string_array {} Names of the VTK faces to import
fieldNamesInGEOSX string_array {} Names of fields in GEOSX to import into
fieldsToImport string_array {} Fields to be imported from the external mesh file
file path required Path to the mesh file
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
nodesetNames string_array {} Names of the VTK nodesets to import
partitionMethod geosx_vtk_PartitionMethod parmetis Method (library) used to partition the mesh
partitionRefinement integer 1 Number of partitioning refinement iterations (defaults to 1, recommended value).A value of 0 disables graph partitioning and keeps simple kd-tree partitions (not recommended). Values higher than 1 may lead to slightly improved partitioning, but yield diminishing returns.
regionAttribute string attribute Name of the VTK cell attribute to use as region marker
scale R1Tensor {1,1,1} Scale the coordinates of the vertices by given scale factors (after translation)
translate R1Tensor {0,0,0} Translate the coordinates of the vertices by a given vector (prior to scaling)
useGlobalIds integer 0 Controls the use of global IDs in the input file for cells and points. If set to 0 (default value), the GlobalId arrays in the input mesh are used if available, and generated otherwise. If set to a negative value, the GlobalId arrays in the input mesh are not used, and generated global Ids are automatically generated. If set to a positive value, the GlobalId arrays in the input mesh are used and required, and the simulation aborts if they are not available

Element: VanGenuchtenBakerRelativePermeability

Name Type Default Description
gasOilRelPermExponentInv real64_array {0.5}
Rel perm power law exponent inverse for the pair (gas phase, oil phase) at residual water saturation
The expected format is “{ gasExp, oilExp }”, in that order
gasOilRelPermMaxValue real64_array {0}
Maximum rel perm value for the pair (gas phase, oil phase) at residual water saturation
The expected format is “{ gasMax, oilMax }”, in that order
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseMinVolumeFraction real64_array {0} Minimum volume fraction value for each phase
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases
waterOilRelPermExponentInv real64_array {0.5}
Rel perm power law exponent inverse for the pair (water phase, oil phase) at residual gas saturation
The expected format is “{ waterExp, oilExp }”, in that order
waterOilRelPermMaxValue real64_array {0}
Maximum rel perm value for the pair (water phase, oil phase) at residual gas saturation
The expected format is “{ waterMax, oilMax }”, in that order

Element: VanGenuchtenCapillaryPressure

Name Type Default Description
capPressureEpsilon real64 1e-06 Saturation at which the extremum capillary pressure is attained; used to avoid infinite capillary pressure values for saturations close to 0 and 1
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseCapPressureExponentInv real64_array {0.5} Inverse of capillary power law exponent for each phase
phaseCapPressureMultiplier real64_array {1} Entry pressure value for each phase
phaseMinVolumeFraction real64_array {0} Minimum volume fraction value for each phase
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases

Element: WellControls

Name Type Default Description
control geosx_WellControls_Control required
Well control. Valid options:
* phaseVolRate
* totalVolRate
* uninitialized
enableCrossflow integer 1
Flag to enable crossflow. Currently only supported for injectors:
- If the flag is set to 1, both reservoir-to-well flow and well-to-reservoir flow are allowed at the perforations.
- If the flag is set to 0, we only allow well-to-reservoir flow at the perforations.
initialPressureCoefficient real64 0.1
Tuning coefficient for the initial well pressure of rate-controlled wells:
- Injector pressure at reference depth initialized as: (1+initialPressureCoefficient)*reservoirPressureAtClosestPerforation + density*g*( zRef - zPerf )
- Producer pressure at reference depth initialized as: (1-initialPressureCoefficient)*reservoirPressureAtClosestPerforation + density*g*( zRef - zPerf )
injectionStream real64_array {-1} Global component densities of the injection stream [moles/m^3 or kg/m^3]
injectionTemperature real64 -1 Temperature of the injection stream [K]
logLevel integer 0 Log level
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
referenceElevation real64 required Reference elevation where BHP control is enforced [m]
statusTableName string  
Name of the well status table when the status of the well is a time dependent function.
If the status function evaluates to a positive value at the current time, the well will be open otherwise the well will be shut.
surfacePressure real64 0 Surface pressure used to compute volumetric rates when surface conditions are used [Pa]
surfaceTemperature real64 0 Surface temperature used to compute volumetric rates when surface conditions are used [K]
targetBHP real64 0 Target bottom-hole pressure [Pa]
targetBHPTableName string   Name of the BHP table when the rate is a time dependent function
targetPhaseName string   Name of the target phase
targetPhaseRate real64 0 Target phase volumetric rate (if useSurfaceConditions: [surface m^3/s]; else [reservoir m^3/s])
targetPhaseRateTableName string   Name of the phase rate table when the rate is a time dependent function
targetTotalRate real64 0 Target total volumetric rate (if useSurfaceConditions: [surface m^3/s]; else [reservoir m^3/s])
targetTotalRateTableName string   Name of the total rate table when the rate is a time dependent function
type geosx_WellControls_Type required
Well type. Valid options:
* producer
* injector
useSurfaceConditions integer 0
Flag to specify whether rates are checked at surface or reservoir conditions.
Equal to 1 for surface conditions, and to 0 for reservoir conditions

Element: WellElementRegion

Name Type Default Description
materialList string_array required List of materials present in this region
meshBody string   Mesh body that contains this region
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes

Element: WillisRichardsPermeability

Name Type Default Description
dilationCoefficient real64 required Dilation coefficient (tan of dilation angle).
maxFracAperture real64 required Maximum fracture aperture at zero contact stress.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
refClosureStress real64 required Effective normal stress causes 90% reduction in aperture.

Element: lassen

Name Type Default Description
Run node unique Element: Run

Element: quartz

Name Type Default Description
Run node unique Element: Run

Datastructure Definitions

Datastructure: AcousticFirstOrderSEM

Name Type Description
indexSeismoTrace integer Count for output pressure at receivers
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
pressureNp1AtReceivers real32_array2d Pressure value at each receiver for each timestep
rcvElem integer_array Element containing the receivers
receiverIsLocal integer_array Flag that indicates whether the receiver is local to this MPI rank
receiverNodeIds integer_array2d Indices of the nodes (in the right order) for each receiver point
sourceConstants real64_array2d Constant part of the receiver for the nodes listed in m_receiverNodeIds
sourceElem integer_array Element containing the sources
sourceIsAccessible integer_array Flag that indicates whether the source is local to this MPI rank
sourceNodeIds integer_array2d Indices of the nodes (in the right order) for each source point
sourceValue real32_array2d Source Value of the sources
useDAS integer Flag to indicate if DAS type of data will be modeled
usePML integer Flag to apply PML
uxNp1AtReceivers real32_array2d Ux value at each receiver for each timestep
uyNp1AtReceivers real32_array2d Uy value at each receiver for each timestep
uzNp1AtReceivers real32_array2d Uz value at each receiver for each timestep
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: AcousticSEM

Name Type Description
indexSeismoTrace integer Count for output pressure at receivers
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
pressureNp1AtReceivers real32_array2d Pressure value at each receiver for each timestep
receiverConstants real64_array2d Constant part of the receiver for the nodes listed in m_receiverNodeIds
receiverIsLocal integer_array Flag that indicates whether the receiver is local to this MPI rank
receiverNodeIds integer_array2d Indices of the nodes (in the right order) for each receiver point
sourceConstants real64_array2d Constant part of the source for the nodes listed in m_sourceNodeIds
sourceIsAccessible integer_array Flag that indicates whether the source is accessible to this MPI rank
sourceNodeIds integer_array2d Indices of the nodes (in the right order) for each source point
sourceValue real32_array2d Source Value of the sources
useDAS integer Flag to indicate if DAS type of data will be modeled
usePML integer Flag to apply PML
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: Aquifer

Name Type Description
component integer Component of field (if tensor) to apply boundary condition to.
cumulativeFlux real64 (no description available)
fieldName string Name of field that boundary condition is applied to.
objectPath string Path to the target field

Datastructure: Benchmarks

Name Type Description
lassen node Datastructure: lassen
quartz node Datastructure: quartz

Datastructure: BiotPorosity

Name Type Description
biotCoefficient real64_array Biot coefficient
dPorosity_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of rock porosity with respect to pressure
initialPorosity real64_array2d Initial porosity
porosity real64_array2d Rock porosity
porosity_n real64_array2d Rock porosity at the previous converged time step
referencePorosity real64_array Reference porosity

Datastructure: BlackOilFluid

Name Type Description
PVTO geosx_constitutive_PVTOData (no description available)
dPhaseCompFraction LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Derivative of phase component fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseEnthalpy real64_array4d Derivative of phase enthalpy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseInternalEnergy real64_array4d Derivative of phase internal energy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseMassDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase mass density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseViscosity real64_array4d Derivative of phase viscosity with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dTotalDensity real64_array3d Derivative of total density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
formationVolFactorTableWrappers LvArray_Array< geosx_TableFunction_KernelWrapper, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)
hydrocarbonPhaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseCompFraction real64_array4d Phase component fraction
phaseCompFraction_n real64_array4d Phase component fraction at the previous converged time step
phaseDensity real64_array3d Phase density
phaseDensity_n real64_array3d Phase density at the previous converged time step
phaseEnthalpy real64_array3d Phase enthalpy
phaseEnthalpy_n real64_array3d Phase enthalpy at the previous converged time step
phaseFraction real64_array3d Phase fraction
phaseInternalEnergy real64_array3d Phase internal energy
phaseInternalEnergy_n real64_array3d Phase internal energy at the previous converged time step
phaseMassDensity real64_array3d Phase mass density
phaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseTypes integer_array (no description available)
phaseViscosity real64_array3d Phase viscosity
totalDensity real64_array2d Total density
totalDensity_n real64_array2d Total density at the previous converged time step
useMass integer (no description available)
viscosityTableWrappers LvArray_Array< geosx_TableFunction_KernelWrapper, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)

Datastructure: Blueprint

Name Type Description

Datastructure: BoundedPlane

Name Type Description

Datastructure: Box

Name Type Description
center R1Tensor (no description available)
cosStrike real64 (no description available)
sinStrike real64 (no description available)

Datastructure: BrooksCoreyBakerRelativePermeability

Name Type Description
dPhaseRelPerm_dPhaseVolFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase relative permeability with respect to phase volume fraction
phaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseRelPerm real64_array3d Phase relative permeability
phaseRelPerm_n real64_array3d Phase relative permeability at previous time
phaseTrappedVolFraction real64_array3d Phase trapped volume fraction
phaseTypes integer_array (no description available)
volFracScale real64 Factor used to scale the phase capillary pressure, defined as: one minus the sum of the phase minimum volume fractions.

Datastructure: BrooksCoreyCapillaryPressure

Name Type Description
dPhaseCapPressure_dPhaseVolFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase capillary pressure with respect to phase volume fraction
phaseCapPressure real64_array3d Phase capillary pressure
phaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseTypes integer_array (no description available)
volFracScale real64 Factor used to scale the phase capillary pressure, defined as: one minus the sum of the phase minimum volume fractions.

Datastructure: BrooksCoreyRelativePermeability

Name Type Description
dPhaseRelPerm_dPhaseVolFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase relative permeability with respect to phase volume fraction
phaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseRelPerm real64_array3d Phase relative permeability
phaseRelPerm_n real64_array3d Phase relative permeability at previous time
phaseTrappedVolFraction real64_array3d Phase trapped volume fraction
phaseTypes integer_array (no description available)
volFracScale real64 Factor used to scale the phase relative permeability, defined as: one minus the sum of the phase minimum volume fractions.

Datastructure: CO2BrineEzrokhiFluid

Name Type Description
dPhaseCompFraction LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Derivative of phase component fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseEnthalpy real64_array4d Derivative of phase enthalpy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseInternalEnergy real64_array4d Derivative of phase internal energy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseMassDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase mass density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseViscosity real64_array4d Derivative of phase viscosity with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dTotalDensity real64_array3d Derivative of total density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
phaseCompFraction real64_array4d Phase component fraction
phaseCompFraction_n real64_array4d Phase component fraction at the previous converged time step
phaseDensity real64_array3d Phase density
phaseDensity_n real64_array3d Phase density at the previous converged time step
phaseEnthalpy real64_array3d Phase enthalpy
phaseEnthalpy_n real64_array3d Phase enthalpy at the previous converged time step
phaseFraction real64_array3d Phase fraction
phaseInternalEnergy real64_array3d Phase internal energy
phaseInternalEnergy_n real64_array3d Phase internal energy at the previous converged time step
phaseMassDensity real64_array3d Phase mass density
phaseViscosity real64_array3d Phase viscosity
totalDensity real64_array2d Total density
totalDensity_n real64_array2d Total density at the previous converged time step
useMass integer (no description available)

Datastructure: CO2BrineEzrokhiThermalFluid

Name Type Description
dPhaseCompFraction LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Derivative of phase component fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseEnthalpy real64_array4d Derivative of phase enthalpy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseInternalEnergy real64_array4d Derivative of phase internal energy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseMassDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase mass density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseViscosity real64_array4d Derivative of phase viscosity with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dTotalDensity real64_array3d Derivative of total density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
phaseCompFraction real64_array4d Phase component fraction
phaseCompFraction_n real64_array4d Phase component fraction at the previous converged time step
phaseDensity real64_array3d Phase density
phaseDensity_n real64_array3d Phase density at the previous converged time step
phaseEnthalpy real64_array3d Phase enthalpy
phaseEnthalpy_n real64_array3d Phase enthalpy at the previous converged time step
phaseFraction real64_array3d Phase fraction
phaseInternalEnergy real64_array3d Phase internal energy
phaseInternalEnergy_n real64_array3d Phase internal energy at the previous converged time step
phaseMassDensity real64_array3d Phase mass density
phaseViscosity real64_array3d Phase viscosity
totalDensity real64_array2d Total density
totalDensity_n real64_array2d Total density at the previous converged time step
useMass integer (no description available)

Datastructure: CO2BrinePhillipsFluid

Name Type Description
dPhaseCompFraction LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Derivative of phase component fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseEnthalpy real64_array4d Derivative of phase enthalpy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseInternalEnergy real64_array4d Derivative of phase internal energy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseMassDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase mass density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseViscosity real64_array4d Derivative of phase viscosity with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dTotalDensity real64_array3d Derivative of total density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
phaseCompFraction real64_array4d Phase component fraction
phaseCompFraction_n real64_array4d Phase component fraction at the previous converged time step
phaseDensity real64_array3d Phase density
phaseDensity_n real64_array3d Phase density at the previous converged time step
phaseEnthalpy real64_array3d Phase enthalpy
phaseEnthalpy_n real64_array3d Phase enthalpy at the previous converged time step
phaseFraction real64_array3d Phase fraction
phaseInternalEnergy real64_array3d Phase internal energy
phaseInternalEnergy_n real64_array3d Phase internal energy at the previous converged time step
phaseMassDensity real64_array3d Phase mass density
phaseViscosity real64_array3d Phase viscosity
totalDensity real64_array2d Total density
totalDensity_n real64_array2d Total density at the previous converged time step
useMass integer (no description available)

Datastructure: CO2BrinePhillipsThermalFluid

Name Type Description
dPhaseCompFraction LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Derivative of phase component fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseEnthalpy real64_array4d Derivative of phase enthalpy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseInternalEnergy real64_array4d Derivative of phase internal energy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseMassDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase mass density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseViscosity real64_array4d Derivative of phase viscosity with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dTotalDensity real64_array3d Derivative of total density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
phaseCompFraction real64_array4d Phase component fraction
phaseCompFraction_n real64_array4d Phase component fraction at the previous converged time step
phaseDensity real64_array3d Phase density
phaseDensity_n real64_array3d Phase density at the previous converged time step
phaseEnthalpy real64_array3d Phase enthalpy
phaseEnthalpy_n real64_array3d Phase enthalpy at the previous converged time step
phaseFraction real64_array3d Phase fraction
phaseInternalEnergy real64_array3d Phase internal energy
phaseInternalEnergy_n real64_array3d Phase internal energy at the previous converged time step
phaseMassDensity real64_array3d Phase mass density
phaseViscosity real64_array3d Phase viscosity
totalDensity real64_array2d Total density
totalDensity_n real64_array2d Total density at the previous converged time step
useMass integer (no description available)

Datastructure: CarmanKozenyPermeability

Name Type Description
dPerm_dPorosity real64_array3d (no description available)
dPerm_dPressure real64_array3d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to pressure
permeability real64_array3d Rock permeability

Datastructure: CellElementRegion

Name Type Description
domainBoundaryIndicator integer_array (no description available)
ghostRank integer_array (no description available)
globalToLocalMap geosx_mapBase< long long, int, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > (no description available)
isExternal integer_array (no description available)
localToGlobalMap globalIndex_array Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex.
elementSubRegions node Datastructure: elementSubRegions
neighborData node Datastructure: neighborData
sets node Datastructure: sets

Datastructure: ChomboIO

Name Type Description

Datastructure: CompositeFunction

Name Type Description

Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseFVM

Name Type Description
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseFluid

Name Type Description
dPhaseCompFraction LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Derivative of phase component fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseEnthalpy real64_array4d Derivative of phase enthalpy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseInternalEnergy real64_array4d Derivative of phase internal energy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseMassDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase mass density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseViscosity real64_array4d Derivative of phase viscosity with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dTotalDensity real64_array3d Derivative of total density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
phaseCompFraction real64_array4d Phase component fraction
phaseCompFraction_n real64_array4d Phase component fraction at the previous converged time step
phaseDensity real64_array3d Phase density
phaseDensity_n real64_array3d Phase density at the previous converged time step
phaseEnthalpy real64_array3d Phase enthalpy
phaseEnthalpy_n real64_array3d Phase enthalpy at the previous converged time step
phaseFraction real64_array3d Phase fraction
phaseInternalEnergy real64_array3d Phase internal energy
phaseInternalEnergy_n real64_array3d Phase internal energy at the previous converged time step
phaseMassDensity real64_array3d Phase mass density
phaseViscosity real64_array3d Phase viscosity
totalDensity real64_array2d Total density
totalDensity_n real64_array2d Total density at the previous converged time step
useMass integer (no description available)

Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM

Name Type Registered On Description
maxStableDt real64   Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > >   MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
facePressure_n real64_array Datastructure: faceManager Face pressure at the previous converged time step
mimGravityCoefficient real64_array Datastructure: faceManager Mimetic gravity coefficient
LinearSolverParameters node   Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node   Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node   Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseReservoir

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseStatistics

Name Type Description

Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseWell

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics
WellControls node Datastructure: WellControls

Datastructure: CompressibleSinglePhaseFluid

Name Type Description
dDensity_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of density with respect to pressure
dDensity_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of density with respect to temperature
dEnthalpy_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of enthalpy with respect to pressure
dEnthalpy_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of enthalpy with respect to temperature
dInternalEnergy_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of internal energy with respect to pressure
dInternalEnergy_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of internal energy with respect to temperature
dViscosity_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of viscosity with respect to pressure
dViscosity_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of viscosity with respect to temperature
density real64_array2d Density
density_n real64_array2d Density at the previous converged time step
enthalpy real64_array2d Enthalpy
internalEnergy real64_array2d Internal energy
internalEnergy_n real64_array2d Fluid internal energy at the previous converged step
viscosity real64_array2d Viscosity

Datastructure: CompressibleSolidCarmanKozenyPermeability

Name Type Description

Datastructure: CompressibleSolidConstantPermeability

Name Type Description

Datastructure: CompressibleSolidParallelPlatesPermeability

Name Type Description

Datastructure: CompressibleSolidSlipDependentPermeability

Name Type Description

Datastructure: CompressibleSolidWillisRichardsPermeability

Name Type Description

Datastructure: ConstantPermeability

Name Type Description
dPerm_dPressure real64_array3d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to pressure
permeability real64_array3d Rock permeability

Datastructure: Constitutive

Name Type Description
BiotPorosity node Datastructure: BiotPorosity
BlackOilFluid node Datastructure: BlackOilFluid
BrooksCoreyBakerRelativePermeability node Datastructure: BrooksCoreyBakerRelativePermeability
BrooksCoreyCapillaryPressure node Datastructure: BrooksCoreyCapillaryPressure
BrooksCoreyRelativePermeability node Datastructure: BrooksCoreyRelativePermeability
CO2BrineEzrokhiFluid node Datastructure: CO2BrineEzrokhiFluid
CO2BrineEzrokhiThermalFluid node Datastructure: CO2BrineEzrokhiThermalFluid
CO2BrinePhillipsFluid node Datastructure: CO2BrinePhillipsFluid
CO2BrinePhillipsThermalFluid node Datastructure: CO2BrinePhillipsThermalFluid
CarmanKozenyPermeability node Datastructure: CarmanKozenyPermeability
CompositionalMultiphaseFluid node Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseFluid
CompressibleSinglePhaseFluid node Datastructure: CompressibleSinglePhaseFluid
CompressibleSolidCarmanKozenyPermeability node Datastructure: CompressibleSolidCarmanKozenyPermeability
CompressibleSolidConstantPermeability node Datastructure: CompressibleSolidConstantPermeability
CompressibleSolidParallelPlatesPermeability node Datastructure: CompressibleSolidParallelPlatesPermeability
CompressibleSolidSlipDependentPermeability node Datastructure: CompressibleSolidSlipDependentPermeability
CompressibleSolidWillisRichardsPermeability node Datastructure: CompressibleSolidWillisRichardsPermeability
ConstantPermeability node Datastructure: ConstantPermeability
Coulomb node Datastructure: Coulomb
DamageElasticIsotropic node Datastructure: DamageElasticIsotropic
DamageSpectralElasticIsotropic node Datastructure: DamageSpectralElasticIsotropic
DamageVolDevElasticIsotropic node Datastructure: DamageVolDevElasticIsotropic
DeadOilFluid node Datastructure: DeadOilFluid
DelftEgg node Datastructure: DelftEgg
DruckerPrager node Datastructure: DruckerPrager
ElasticIsotropic node Datastructure: ElasticIsotropic
ElasticIsotropicPressureDependent node Datastructure: ElasticIsotropicPressureDependent
ElasticOrthotropic node Datastructure: ElasticOrthotropic
ElasticTransverseIsotropic node Datastructure: ElasticTransverseIsotropic
ExtendedDruckerPrager node Datastructure: ExtendedDruckerPrager
FrictionlessContact node Datastructure: FrictionlessContact
JFunctionCapillaryPressure node Datastructure: JFunctionCapillaryPressure
ModifiedCamClay node Datastructure: ModifiedCamClay
MultiPhaseConstantThermalConductivity node Datastructure: MultiPhaseConstantThermalConductivity
MultiPhaseVolumeWeightedThermalConductivity node Datastructure: MultiPhaseVolumeWeightedThermalConductivity
NullModel node Datastructure: NullModel
ParallelPlatesPermeability node Datastructure: ParallelPlatesPermeability
ParticleFluid node Datastructure: ParticleFluid
PermeabilityBase node Datastructure: PermeabilityBase
PorousDelftEgg node Datastructure: PorousDelftEgg
PorousDruckerPrager node Datastructure: PorousDruckerPrager
PorousElasticIsotropic node Datastructure: PorousElasticIsotropic
PorousElasticOrthotropic node Datastructure: PorousElasticOrthotropic
PorousElasticTransverseIsotropic node Datastructure: PorousElasticTransverseIsotropic
PorousExtendedDruckerPrager node Datastructure: PorousExtendedDruckerPrager
PorousModifiedCamClay node Datastructure: PorousModifiedCamClay
PressurePorosity node Datastructure: PressurePorosity
ProppantPermeability node Datastructure: ProppantPermeability
ProppantPorosity node Datastructure: ProppantPorosity
ProppantSlurryFluid node Datastructure: ProppantSlurryFluid
ProppantSolidProppantPermeability node Datastructure: ProppantSolidProppantPermeability
ReactiveBrine node Datastructure: ReactiveBrine
ReactiveBrineThermal node Datastructure: ReactiveBrineThermal
SinglePhaseConstantThermalConductivity node Datastructure: SinglePhaseConstantThermalConductivity
SlipDependentPermeability node Datastructure: SlipDependentPermeability
SolidInternalEnergy node Datastructure: SolidInternalEnergy
TableCapillaryPressure node Datastructure: TableCapillaryPressure
TableRelativePermeability node Datastructure: TableRelativePermeability
TableRelativePermeabilityHysteresis node Datastructure: TableRelativePermeabilityHysteresis
ThermalCompressibleSinglePhaseFluid node Datastructure: ThermalCompressibleSinglePhaseFluid
VanGenuchtenBakerRelativePermeability node Datastructure: VanGenuchtenBakerRelativePermeability
VanGenuchtenCapillaryPressure node Datastructure: VanGenuchtenCapillaryPressure
WillisRichardsPermeability node Datastructure: WillisRichardsPermeability

Datastructure: ConstitutiveModels

Name Type Description

Datastructure: Coulomb

Name Type Description
elasticSlip real64_array2d Elastic Slip

Datastructure: Cylinder

Name Type Description

Datastructure: DamageElasticIsotropic

Name Type Description
bulkModulus real64_array Elastic Bulk Modulus Field
damage real64_array2d Material Damage Variable
density real64_array2d Material Density
extDrivingForce real64_array2d External Driving Force
oldStress real64_array3d Previous Material Stress
shearModulus real64_array Elastic Shear Modulus Field
strainEnergyDensity real64_array2d Strain Energy Density
stress real64_array3d Current Material Stress
thermalExpansionCoefficient real64_array Thermal Expansion Coefficient Field

Datastructure: DamageSpectralElasticIsotropic

Name Type Description
bulkModulus real64_array Elastic Bulk Modulus Field
damage real64_array2d Material Damage Variable
density real64_array2d Material Density
extDrivingForce real64_array2d External Driving Force
oldStress real64_array3d Previous Material Stress
shearModulus real64_array Elastic Shear Modulus Field
strainEnergyDensity real64_array2d Strain Energy Density
stress real64_array3d Current Material Stress
thermalExpansionCoefficient real64_array Thermal Expansion Coefficient Field

Datastructure: DamageVolDevElasticIsotropic

Name Type Description
bulkModulus real64_array Elastic Bulk Modulus Field
damage real64_array2d Material Damage Variable
density real64_array2d Material Density
extDrivingForce real64_array2d External Driving Force
oldStress real64_array3d Previous Material Stress
shearModulus real64_array Elastic Shear Modulus Field
strainEnergyDensity real64_array2d Strain Energy Density
stress real64_array3d Current Material Stress
thermalExpansionCoefficient real64_array Thermal Expansion Coefficient Field

Datastructure: DeadOilFluid

Name Type Description
dPhaseCompFraction LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Derivative of phase component fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseEnthalpy real64_array4d Derivative of phase enthalpy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseInternalEnergy real64_array4d Derivative of phase internal energy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseMassDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase mass density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseViscosity real64_array4d Derivative of phase viscosity with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dTotalDensity real64_array3d Derivative of total density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
formationVolFactorTableWrappers LvArray_Array< geosx_TableFunction_KernelWrapper, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)
hydrocarbonPhaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseCompFraction real64_array4d Phase component fraction
phaseCompFraction_n real64_array4d Phase component fraction at the previous converged time step
phaseDensity real64_array3d Phase density
phaseDensity_n real64_array3d Phase density at the previous converged time step
phaseEnthalpy real64_array3d Phase enthalpy
phaseEnthalpy_n real64_array3d Phase enthalpy at the previous converged time step
phaseFraction real64_array3d Phase fraction
phaseInternalEnergy real64_array3d Phase internal energy
phaseInternalEnergy_n real64_array3d Phase internal energy at the previous converged time step
phaseMassDensity real64_array3d Phase mass density
phaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseTypes integer_array (no description available)
phaseViscosity real64_array3d Phase viscosity
totalDensity real64_array2d Total density
totalDensity_n real64_array2d Total density at the previous converged time step
useMass integer (no description available)
viscosityTableWrappers LvArray_Array< geosx_TableFunction_KernelWrapper, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)

Datastructure: DelftEgg

Name Type Description
bulkModulus real64_array Elastic Bulk Modulus Field
cslSlope real64_array Slope of the critical state line
density real64_array2d Material Density
oldPreConsolidationPressure real64_array2d Old preconsolidation pressure
oldStress real64_array3d Previous Material Stress
preConsolidationPressure real64_array2d New preconsolidation pressure
recompressionIndex real64_array Recompression index
shapeParameter real64_array Shape parameter for the yield surface
shearModulus real64_array Elastic Shear Modulus Field
stress real64_array3d Current Material Stress
thermalExpansionCoefficient real64_array Thermal Expansion Coefficient Field
virginCompressionIndex real64_array Virgin compression index

Datastructure: Dirichlet

Name Type Description

Datastructure: DruckerPrager

Name Type Description
bulkModulus real64_array Elastic Bulk Modulus Field
cohesion real64_array2d New cohesion state
density real64_array2d Material Density
dilation real64_array Plastic potential slope
friction real64_array Yield surface slope
hardening real64_array Hardening rate
oldCohesion real64_array2d Old cohesion state
oldStress real64_array3d Previous Material Stress
shearModulus real64_array Elastic Shear Modulus Field
stress real64_array3d Current Material Stress
thermalExpansionCoefficient real64_array Thermal Expansion Coefficient Field

Datastructure: ElasticIsotropic

Name Type Description
bulkModulus real64_array Elastic Bulk Modulus Field
density real64_array2d Material Density
oldStress real64_array3d Previous Material Stress
shearModulus real64_array Elastic Shear Modulus Field
stress real64_array3d Current Material Stress
thermalExpansionCoefficient real64_array Thermal Expansion Coefficient Field

Datastructure: ElasticIsotropicPressureDependent

Name Type Description
density real64_array2d Material Density
oldStress real64_array3d Previous Material Stress
recompressionIndex real64_array Recompression Index Field
refPressure real64 Reference Pressure Field
refStrainVol real64 Reference Volumetric Strain
shearModulus real64_array Elastic Shear Modulus
stress real64_array3d Current Material Stress
thermalExpansionCoefficient real64_array Thermal Expansion Coefficient Field

Datastructure: ElasticOrthotropic

Name Type Description
c11 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C11
c12 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C12
c13 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C13
c22 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C22
c23 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C23
c33 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C33
c44 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C44
c55 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C55
c66 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C66
density real64_array2d Material Density
oldStress real64_array3d Previous Material Stress
stress real64_array3d Current Material Stress
thermalExpansionCoefficient real64_array Thermal Expansion Coefficient Field

Datastructure: ElasticSEM

Name Type Description
displacementXNp1AtReceivers real32_array2d Displacement value at each receiver for each timestep (x-component)
displacementYNp1AtReceivers real32_array2d Displacement value at each receiver for each timestep (y-component)
displacementZNp1AtReceivers real32_array2d Displacement value at each receiver for each timestep (z-component)
indexSeismoTrace integer Count for output pressure at receivers
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
receiverIsLocal integer_array Flag that indicates whether the receiver is local to this MPI rank
receiverNodeIds integer_array2d Indices of the nodes (in the right order) for each receiver point
sourceConstants real64_array2d Constant part of the receiver for the nodes listed in m_receiverNodeIds
sourceIsAccessible integer_array Flag that indicates whether the source is accessible to this MPI rank
sourceNodeIds integer_array2d Indices of the nodes (in the right order) for each source point
sourceValue real32_array2d Source Value of the sources
useDAS integer Flag to indicate if DAS type of data will be modeled
usePML integer Flag to apply PML
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: ElasticTransverseIsotropic

Name Type Description
c11 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C11
c13 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C13
c33 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C33
c44 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C44
c66 real64_array Elastic Stiffness Field C66
density real64_array2d Material Density
oldStress real64_array3d Previous Material Stress
stress real64_array3d Current Material Stress
thermalExpansionCoefficient real64_array Thermal Expansion Coefficient Field

Datastructure: ElementRegions

Name Type Description
domainBoundaryIndicator integer_array (no description available)
ghostRank integer_array (no description available)
globalToLocalMap geosx_mapBase< long long, int, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > (no description available)
isExternal integer_array (no description available)
localToGlobalMap globalIndex_array Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex.
CellElementRegion node Datastructure: CellElementRegion
SurfaceElementRegion node Datastructure: SurfaceElementRegion
WellElementRegion node Datastructure: WellElementRegion
elementRegionsGroup node Datastructure: elementRegionsGroup
neighborData node Datastructure: neighborData
sets node Datastructure: sets

Datastructure: EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator

Name Type Registered On Description
maxStableDt real64   Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > >   MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
parentEdgeIndex integer_array Datastructure: embeddedSurfacesNodeManager Index of parent edge within the mesh object it is registered on.
LinearSolverParameters node   Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node   Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node   Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: Events

Name Type Description
currentSubEvent integer Index of the current subevent.
cycle integer Current simulation cycle number.
dt real64 Current simulation timestep.
time real64 Current simulation time.
HaltEvent node Datastructure: HaltEvent
PeriodicEvent node Datastructure: PeriodicEvent
SoloEvent node Datastructure: SoloEvent

Datastructure: ExtendedDruckerPrager

Name Type Description
bulkModulus real64_array Elastic Bulk Modulus Field
density real64_array2d Material Density
dilationRatio real64_array Plastic potential slope ratio
hardening real64_array Hardening parameter
initialFriction real64_array Initial yield surface slope
oldStateVariable real64_array2d Old equivalent plastic shear strain
oldStress real64_array3d Previous Material Stress
pressureIntercept real64_array Pressure point at cone vertex
residualFriction real64_array Residual yield surface slope
shearModulus real64_array Elastic Shear Modulus Field
stateVariable real64_array2d New equivalent plastic shear strain
stress real64_array3d Current Material Stress
thermalExpansionCoefficient real64_array Thermal Expansion Coefficient Field

Datastructure: FieldSpecification

Name Type Description

Datastructure: FieldSpecifications

Name Type Description
Aquifer node Datastructure: Aquifer
Dirichlet node Datastructure: Dirichlet
FieldSpecification node Datastructure: FieldSpecification
HydrostaticEquilibrium node Datastructure: HydrostaticEquilibrium
PML node Datastructure: PML
SourceFlux node Datastructure: SourceFlux
Traction node Datastructure: Traction

Datastructure: File

Name Type Description

Datastructure: FiniteElementSpace

Name Type Description

Datastructure: FiniteElements

Name Type Description
FiniteElementSpace node Datastructure: FiniteElementSpace
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters

Datastructure: FiniteVolume

Name Type Description
HybridMimeticDiscretization node Datastructure: HybridMimeticDiscretization
TwoPointFluxApproximation node Datastructure: TwoPointFluxApproximation

Datastructure: FlowProppantTransport

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: FrictionlessContact

Name Type Description

Datastructure: Functions

Name Type Description
CompositeFunction node Datastructure: CompositeFunction
MultivariableTableFunction node Datastructure: MultivariableTableFunction
SymbolicFunction node Datastructure: SymbolicFunction
TableFunction node Datastructure: TableFunction

Datastructure: Geometry

Name Type Description
BoundedPlane node Datastructure: BoundedPlane
Box node Datastructure: Box
Cylinder node Datastructure: Cylinder
ThickPlane node Datastructure: ThickPlane

Datastructure: HaltEvent

Name Type Description
currentSubEvent integer Index of the current subevent
eventForecast integer Indicates when the event is expected to execute
isTargetExecuting integer Index of the current subevent
lastCycle integer Last event occurrence (cycle)
lastTime real64 Last event occurrence (time)
HaltEvent node Datastructure: HaltEvent
PeriodicEvent node Datastructure: PeriodicEvent
SoloEvent node Datastructure: SoloEvent

Datastructure: HybridMimeticDiscretization

Name Type Description

Datastructure: Hydrofracture

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: HydrostaticEquilibrium

Name Type Description
component integer Component of field (if tensor) to apply boundary condition to.
fieldName string Name of field that boundary condition is applied to.
initialCondition integer Boundary condition is applied as an initial condition.
setNames string_array Name of sets that boundary condition is applied to.

Datastructure: Included

Name Type Description
File node Datastructure: File

Datastructure: InternalMesh

Name Type Description
meshLevels node Datastructure: meshLevels

Datastructure: InternalWell

Name Type Description
Perforation node Datastructure: Perforation

Datastructure: InternalWellbore

Name Type Description
nx integer_array Number of elements in the x-direction within each mesh block
ny integer_array Number of elements in the y-direction within each mesh block
xCoords real64_array x-coordinates of each mesh block vertex
yCoords real64_array y-coordinates of each mesh block vertex
meshLevels node Datastructure: meshLevels

Datastructure: JFunctionCapillaryPressure

Name Type Description
dPhaseCapPressure_dPhaseVolFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase capillary pressure with respect to phase volume fraction
jFuncMultiplier real64_array2d Multiplier for the Leverett J-function
jFunctionWrappers LvArray_Array< geosx_TableFunction_KernelWrapper, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)
phaseCapPressure real64_array3d Phase capillary pressure
phaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseTypes integer_array (no description available)

Datastructure: LagrangianContact

Name Type Description
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: LaplaceFEM

Name Type Description
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: Level0

Name Type Description
meshLevel integer (no description available)
ElementRegions node Datastructure: ElementRegions
edgeManager node Datastructure: edgeManager
embeddedSurfacesEdgeManager node Datastructure: embeddedSurfacesEdgeManager
embeddedSurfacesNodeManager node Datastructure: embeddedSurfacesNodeManager
faceManager node Datastructure: faceManager
nodeManager node Datastructure: nodeManager

Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters

Name Type Description

Datastructure: Mesh

Name Type Description
InternalMesh node Datastructure: InternalMesh
InternalWell node Datastructure: InternalWell
InternalWellbore node Datastructure: InternalWellbore
VTKMesh node Datastructure: VTKMesh

Datastructure: MeshBodies

Name Type Description
InternalMesh node Datastructure: InternalMesh
InternalWellbore node Datastructure: InternalWellbore
VTKMesh node Datastructure: VTKMesh

Datastructure: ModifiedCamClay

Name Type Description
cslSlope real64_array Slope of the critical state line
density real64_array2d Material Density
oldPreConsolidationPressure real64_array2d Old preconsolidation pressure
oldStress real64_array3d Previous Material Stress
preConsolidationPressure real64_array2d New preconsolidation pressure
recompressionIndex real64_array Recompression Index Field
refPressure real64 Reference Pressure Field
refStrainVol real64 Reference Volumetric Strain
shearModulus real64_array Elastic Shear Modulus
stress real64_array3d Current Material Stress
thermalExpansionCoefficient real64_array Thermal Expansion Coefficient Field
virginCompressionIndex real64_array Virgin compression index

Datastructure: MultiPhaseConstantThermalConductivity

Name Type Description
dEffectiveConductivity_dPhaseVolFraction real64_array4d Derivative of effective conductivity with respect to phase volume fraction
effectiveConductivity real64_array3d Effective conductivity

Datastructure: MultiPhaseVolumeWeightedThermalConductivity

Name Type Description
dEffectiveConductivity_dPhaseVolFraction real64_array4d Derivative of effective conductivity with respect to phase volume fraction
effectiveConductivity real64_array3d Effective conductivity
rockThermalConductivity real64_array3d Rock thermal conductivity

Datastructure: MultiphasePoromechanics

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
performStressInitialization integer Flag to indicate that the solver is going to perform stress initialization
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: MultiphasePoromechanicsInitialization

Name Type Description

Datastructure: MultiphasePoromechanicsReservoir

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: MultivariableTableFunction

Name Type Description

Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters

Name Type Description
newtonNumberOfIterations integer Number of Newton’s iterations.

Datastructure: NullModel

Name Type Description

Datastructure: NumericalMethods

Name Type Description
FiniteElements node Datastructure: FiniteElements
FiniteVolume node Datastructure: FiniteVolume

Datastructure: Outputs

Name Type Description
Blueprint node Datastructure: Blueprint
ChomboIO node Datastructure: ChomboIO
Python node Datastructure: Python
Restart node Datastructure: Restart
Silo node Datastructure: Silo
TimeHistory node Datastructure: TimeHistory
VTK node Datastructure: VTK

Datastructure: PML

Name Type Description
fieldName string Name of field that boundary condition is applied to.
initialCondition integer Boundary condition is applied as an initial condition.

Datastructure: PVTDriver

Name Type Description

Datastructure: PackCollection

Name Type Description

Datastructure: ParallelPlatesPermeability

Name Type Description
dPerm_dDispJump real64_array4d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to displacement jump
dPerm_dPressure real64_array3d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to pressure
permeability real64_array3d Rock permeability

Datastructure: Parameter

Name Type Description

Datastructure: Parameters

Name Type Description
Parameter node Datastructure: Parameter

Datastructure: ParticleFluid

Name Type Description
collisionFactor real64_array Collision factor
dCollisionFactor_dProppantConcentration real64_array Derivative of collision factor with respect to proppant concentration
dSettlingFactor_dComponentConcentration real64_array2d Derivative of settling factor with respect to component concentration
dSettlingFactor_dPressure real64_array Derivative of settling factor with respect to pressure
dSettlingFactor_dProppantConcentration real64_array Derivative of settling factor with respect to proppant concentration
proppantPackPermeability real64_array Proppant pack permeability
settlingFactor real64_array Settling factor

Datastructure: Perforation

Name Type Description

Datastructure: PeriodicEvent

Name Type Description
currentSubEvent integer Index of the current subevent
eventForecast integer Indicates when the event is expected to execute
isTargetExecuting integer Index of the current subevent
lastCycle integer Last event occurrence (cycle)
lastTime real64 Last event occurrence (time)
HaltEvent node Datastructure: HaltEvent
PeriodicEvent node Datastructure: PeriodicEvent
SoloEvent node Datastructure: SoloEvent

Datastructure: PermeabilityBase

Name Type Description
dPerm_dPressure real64_array3d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to pressure
permeability real64_array3d Rock permeability

Datastructure: PhaseFieldDamageFEM

Name Type Description
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: PhaseFieldFracture

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: PorousDelftEgg

Name Type Description

Datastructure: PorousDruckerPrager

Name Type Description

Datastructure: PorousElasticIsotropic

Name Type Description

Datastructure: PorousElasticOrthotropic

Name Type Description

Datastructure: PorousElasticTransverseIsotropic

Name Type Description

Datastructure: PorousExtendedDruckerPrager

Name Type Description

Datastructure: PorousModifiedCamClay

Name Type Description

Datastructure: PressurePorosity

Name Type Description
dPorosity_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of rock porosity with respect to pressure
initialPorosity real64_array2d Initial porosity
porosity real64_array2d Rock porosity
porosity_n real64_array2d Rock porosity at the previous converged time step
referencePorosity real64_array Reference porosity

Datastructure: Problem

Name Type Description
Benchmarks node Datastructure: Benchmarks
Constitutive node Datastructure: Constitutive
ElementRegions node Datastructure: ElementRegions
Events node Datastructure: Events
FieldSpecifications node Datastructure: FieldSpecifications
Functions node Datastructure: Functions
Geometry node Datastructure: Geometry
Included node Datastructure: Included
Mesh node Datastructure: Mesh
NumericalMethods node Datastructure: NumericalMethods
Outputs node Datastructure: Outputs
Parameters node Datastructure: Parameters
Solvers node Datastructure: Solvers
Tasks node Datastructure: Tasks
commandLine node Datastructure: commandLine
domain node Datastructure: domain

Datastructure: ProppantPermeability

Name Type Description
dPerm_dDispJump real64_array4d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to displacement jump
dPerm_dPressure real64_array3d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to pressure
permeability real64_array3d Rock permeability
permeabilityMultiplier real64_array3d Rock permeability multiplier
proppantPackPermeability real64 (no description available)

Datastructure: ProppantPorosity

Name Type Description
dPorosity_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of rock porosity with respect to pressure
initialPorosity real64_array2d Initial porosity
porosity real64_array2d Rock porosity
porosity_n real64_array2d Rock porosity at the previous converged time step
referencePorosity real64_array Reference porosity

Datastructure: ProppantSlurryFluid

Name Type Description
FluidDensity real64_array2d Fluid density
FluidViscosity real64_array2d Fluid viscosity
componentDensity real64_array3d Component density
dCompDens_dCompConc real64_array4d Derivative of component density with respect to component concentration
dCompDens_dPres real64_array3d Derivative of component density with respect to pressure
dDens_dCompConc real64_array3d Derivative of density with respect to component concentration
dDens_dProppantConc real64_array2d Derivative of density with respect to proppant concentration
dDensity_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of density with respect to pressure
dDensity_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of density with respect to temperature
dEnthalpy_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of enthalpy with respect to pressure
dEnthalpy_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of enthalpy with respect to temperature
dFluidDens_dCompConc real64_array3d Derivative of fluid density with respect to component concentration
dFluidDens_dPres real64_array2d Derivative of fluid density with respect to pressure
dFluidVisc_dCompConc real64_array3d Derivative of fluid viscosity with respect to component concentration
dFluidVisc_dPres real64_array2d Derivative of fluid viscosity with respect to pressure
dInternalEnergy_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of internal energy with respect to pressure
dInternalEnergy_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of internal energy with respect to temperature
dVisc_dCompConc real64_array3d Derivative of viscosity with respect to component concentration
dVisc_dProppantConc real64_array2d Derivative of viscosity with respect to proppant concentration
dViscosity_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of viscosity with respect to pressure
dViscosity_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of viscosity with respect to temperature
density real64_array2d Density
density_n real64_array2d Density at the previous converged time step
enthalpy real64_array2d Enthalpy
internalEnergy real64_array2d Internal energy
internalEnergy_n real64_array2d Fluid internal energy at the previous converged step
viscosity real64_array2d Viscosity

Datastructure: ProppantSolidProppantPermeability

Name Type Description

Datastructure: ProppantTransport

Name Type Description
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: Python

Name Type Description

Datastructure: ReactiveBrine

Name Type Description
dPhaseCompFraction LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Derivative of phase component fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseEnthalpy real64_array4d Derivative of phase enthalpy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseInternalEnergy real64_array4d Derivative of phase internal energy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseMassDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase mass density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseViscosity real64_array4d Derivative of phase viscosity with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dTotalDensity real64_array3d Derivative of total density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
kineticReactionRates real64_array2d kineticReactionRates
phaseCompFraction real64_array4d Phase component fraction
phaseCompFraction_n real64_array4d Phase component fraction at the previous converged time step
phaseDensity real64_array3d Phase density
phaseDensity_n real64_array3d Phase density at the previous converged time step
phaseEnthalpy real64_array3d Phase enthalpy
phaseEnthalpy_n real64_array3d Phase enthalpy at the previous converged time step
phaseFraction real64_array3d Phase fraction
phaseInternalEnergy real64_array3d Phase internal energy
phaseInternalEnergy_n real64_array3d Phase internal energy at the previous converged time step
phaseMassDensity real64_array3d Phase mass density
phaseViscosity real64_array3d Phase viscosity
primarySpeciesConcentration real64_array2d primarySpeciesConcentration
primarySpeciesTotalConcentration real64_array2d primarySpeciesTotalConcentration
secondarySpeciesConcentration real64_array2d secondarySpeciesConcentration
totalDensity real64_array2d Total density
totalDensity_n real64_array2d Total density at the previous converged time step
useMass integer (no description available)

Datastructure: ReactiveBrineThermal

Name Type Description
dPhaseCompFraction LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Derivative of phase component fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseEnthalpy real64_array4d Derivative of phase enthalpy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase fraction with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseInternalEnergy real64_array4d Derivative of phase internal energy with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseMassDensity real64_array4d Derivative of phase mass density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dPhaseViscosity real64_array4d Derivative of phase viscosity with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
dTotalDensity real64_array3d Derivative of total density with respect to pressure, temperature, and global component fractions
kineticReactionRates real64_array2d kineticReactionRates
phaseCompFraction real64_array4d Phase component fraction
phaseCompFraction_n real64_array4d Phase component fraction at the previous converged time step
phaseDensity real64_array3d Phase density
phaseDensity_n real64_array3d Phase density at the previous converged time step
phaseEnthalpy real64_array3d Phase enthalpy
phaseEnthalpy_n real64_array3d Phase enthalpy at the previous converged time step
phaseFraction real64_array3d Phase fraction
phaseInternalEnergy real64_array3d Phase internal energy
phaseInternalEnergy_n real64_array3d Phase internal energy at the previous converged time step
phaseMassDensity real64_array3d Phase mass density
phaseViscosity real64_array3d Phase viscosity
primarySpeciesConcentration real64_array2d primarySpeciesConcentration
primarySpeciesTotalConcentration real64_array2d primarySpeciesTotalConcentration
secondarySpeciesConcentration real64_array2d secondarySpeciesConcentration
totalDensity real64_array2d Total density
totalDensity_n real64_array2d Total density at the previous converged time step
useMass integer (no description available)

Datastructure: ReactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL

Name Type Description
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: ReactiveFluidDriver

Name Type Description

Datastructure: RelpermDriver

Name Type Description

Datastructure: Restart

Name Type Description

Datastructure: Run

Name Type Description

Datastructure: Silo

Name Type Description

Datastructure: SinglePhaseConstantThermalConductivity

Name Type Description
effectiveConductivity real64_array3d Effective conductivity

Datastructure: SinglePhaseFVM

Name Type Description
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SinglePhaseHybridFVM

Name Type Registered On Description
maxStableDt real64   Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > >   MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
facePressure_n real64_array Datastructure: faceManager Face pressure at the previous converged time step
LinearSolverParameters node   Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node   Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node   Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SinglePhasePoromechanics

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
performStressInitialization integer Flag to indicate that the solver is going to perform stress initialization
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
performStressInitialization integer Flag to indicate that the solver is going to perform stress initialization
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SinglePhasePoromechanicsInitialization

Name Type Description

Datastructure: SinglePhasePoromechanicsReservoir

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SinglePhaseProppantFVM

Name Type Description
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SinglePhaseReservoir

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SinglePhaseStatistics

Name Type Description

Datastructure: SinglePhaseWell

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics
WellControls node Datastructure: WellControls

Datastructure: SlipDependentPermeability

Name Type Description
dPerm_dDispJump real64_array4d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to displacement jump
dPerm_dPressure real64_array3d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to pressure
permeability real64_array3d Rock permeability

Datastructure: SolidInternalEnergy

Name Type Description
dInternalEnergy_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of the solid internal energy w.r.t. temperature [J/(m^3.K)]
internalEnergy real64_array2d Internal energy of the solid per unit volume [J/m^3]
internalEnergy_n real64_array2d Internal energy of the solid per unit volume at the previous time-step [J/m^3]

Datastructure: SolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE

Name Type Description
maxForce real64 The maximum force contribution in the problem domain.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SolidMechanicsStateReset

Name Type Description

Datastructure: SolidMechanicsStatistics

Name Type Description

Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM

Name Type Description
maxForce real64 The maximum force contribution in the problem domain.
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SoloEvent

Name Type Description
currentSubEvent integer Index of the current subevent
eventForecast integer Indicates when the event is expected to execute
isTargetExecuting integer Index of the current subevent
lastCycle integer Last event occurrence (cycle)
lastTime real64 Last event occurrence (time)
HaltEvent node Datastructure: HaltEvent
PeriodicEvent node Datastructure: PeriodicEvent
SoloEvent node Datastructure: SoloEvent

Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Name Type Description
numDiscardedLinearIterations integer Cumulative number of discarded linear iterations
numDiscardedNonlinearIterations integer Cumulative number of discarded nonlinear iterations
numDiscardedOuterLoopIterations integer Cumulative number of discarded outer loop iterations
numSuccessfulLinearIterations integer Cumulative number of successful linear iterations
numSuccessfulNonlinearIterations integer Cumulative number of successful nonlinear iterations
numSuccessfulOuterLoopIterations integer Cumulative number of successful outer loop iterations
numTimeStepCuts integer Number of time step cuts
numTimeSteps integer Number of time steps

Datastructure: Solvers

Name Type Description
AcousticFirstOrderSEM node Datastructure: AcousticFirstOrderSEM
AcousticSEM node Datastructure: AcousticSEM
CompositionalMultiphaseFVM node Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseFVM
CompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM node Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM
CompositionalMultiphaseReservoir node Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseReservoir
CompositionalMultiphaseWell node Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseWell
ElasticSEM node Datastructure: ElasticSEM
EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator node Datastructure: EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator
FlowProppantTransport node Datastructure: FlowProppantTransport
Hydrofracture node Datastructure: Hydrofracture
LagrangianContact node Datastructure: LagrangianContact
LaplaceFEM node Datastructure: LaplaceFEM
MultiphasePoromechanics node Datastructure: MultiphasePoromechanics
MultiphasePoromechanicsReservoir node Datastructure: MultiphasePoromechanicsReservoir
PhaseFieldDamageFEM node Datastructure: PhaseFieldDamageFEM
PhaseFieldFracture node Datastructure: PhaseFieldFracture
ProppantTransport node Datastructure: ProppantTransport
ReactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL node Datastructure: ReactiveCompositionalMultiphaseOBL
SinglePhaseFVM node Datastructure: SinglePhaseFVM
SinglePhaseHybridFVM node Datastructure: SinglePhaseHybridFVM
SinglePhasePoromechanics node Datastructure: SinglePhasePoromechanics
SinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures node Datastructure: SinglePhasePoromechanicsConformingFractures
SinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures node Datastructure: SinglePhasePoromechanicsEmbeddedFractures
SinglePhasePoromechanicsReservoir node Datastructure: SinglePhasePoromechanicsReservoir
SinglePhaseProppantFVM node Datastructure: SinglePhaseProppantFVM
SinglePhaseReservoir node Datastructure: SinglePhaseReservoir
SinglePhaseWell node Datastructure: SinglePhaseWell
SolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures node Datastructure: SolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures
SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE node Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE
SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM node Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM
SurfaceGenerator node Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator

Datastructure: SourceFlux

Name Type Description
fieldName string Name of field that boundary condition is applied to.

Datastructure: SurfaceElementRegion

Name Type Description
domainBoundaryIndicator integer_array (no description available)
ghostRank integer_array (no description available)
globalToLocalMap geosx_mapBase< long long, int, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > (no description available)
isExternal integer_array (no description available)
localToGlobalMap globalIndex_array Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex.
elementSubRegions node Datastructure: elementSubRegions
neighborData node Datastructure: neighborData
sets node Datastructure: sets

Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator

Name Type Description
discretization string Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a Finite Element Discretization should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a Finite Volume Discretization discretization should be specified.
failCriterion integer (no description available)
maxStableDt real64 Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver.
meshTargets geosx_mapBase< std_pair< string, string >, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > MeshBody/Region combinations that the solver will be applied to.
tipEdges LvArray_SortedArray< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Set containing all the tip edges
tipFaces LvArray_SortedArray< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Set containing all the tip faces
tipNodes LvArray_SortedArray< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Set containing all the nodes at the fracture tip
trailingFaces LvArray_SortedArray< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > Set containing all the trailing faces
LinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters
SolverStatistics node Datastructure: SolverStatistics

Datastructure: SymbolicFunction

Name Type Description

Datastructure: TableCapillaryPressure

Name Type Description
capPresWrappers LvArray_Array< geosx_TableFunction_KernelWrapper, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)
dPhaseCapPressure_dPhaseVolFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase capillary pressure with respect to phase volume fraction
phaseCapPressure real64_array3d Phase capillary pressure
phaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseTypes integer_array (no description available)

Datastructure: TableFunction

Name Type Description

Datastructure: TableRelativePermeability

Name Type Description
dPhaseRelPerm_dPhaseVolFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase relative permeability with respect to phase volume fraction
phaseMinVolumeFraction real64_array (no description available)
phaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseRelPerm real64_array3d Phase relative permeability
phaseRelPerm_n real64_array3d Phase relative permeability at previous time
phaseTrappedVolFraction real64_array3d Phase trapped volume fraction
phaseTypes integer_array (no description available)
relPermWrappers LvArray_Array< geosx_TableFunction_KernelWrapper, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)

Datastructure: TableRelativePermeabilityHysteresis

Name Type Description
dPhaseRelPerm_dPhaseVolFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase relative permeability with respect to phase volume fraction
drainagePhaseMaxVolumeFraction real64_array (no description available)
drainagePhaseMinVolumeFraction real64_array (no description available)
drainagePhaseRelPermEndPoint real64_array (no description available)
drainageRelPermWrappers LvArray_Array< geosx_TableFunction_KernelWrapper, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)
imbibitionPhaseMaxVolumeFraction real64_array (no description available)
imbibitionPhaseMinVolumeFraction real64_array (no description available)
imbibitionPhaseRelPermEndPoint real64_array (no description available)
imbibitionRelPermWrappers LvArray_Array< geosx_TableFunction_KernelWrapper, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)
landParameter real64_array (no description available)
phaseHasHysteresis integer_array (no description available)
phaseMaxHistoricalVolFraction real64_array2d Phase max historical phase volume fraction
phaseMinHistoricalVolFraction real64_array2d Phase min historical phase volume fraction
phaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseRelPerm real64_array3d Phase relative permeability
phaseRelPerm_n real64_array3d Phase relative permeability at previous time
phaseTrappedVolFraction real64_array3d Phase trapped volume fraction
phaseTypes integer_array (no description available)

Datastructure: Tasks

Name Type Description
CompositionalMultiphaseStatistics node Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseStatistics
MultiphasePoromechanicsInitialization node Datastructure: MultiphasePoromechanicsInitialization
PVTDriver node Datastructure: PVTDriver
PackCollection node Datastructure: PackCollection
ReactiveFluidDriver node Datastructure: ReactiveFluidDriver
RelpermDriver node Datastructure: RelpermDriver
SinglePhasePoromechanicsInitialization node Datastructure: SinglePhasePoromechanicsInitialization
SinglePhaseStatistics node Datastructure: SinglePhaseStatistics
SolidMechanicsStateReset node Datastructure: SolidMechanicsStateReset
SolidMechanicsStatistics node Datastructure: SolidMechanicsStatistics
TriaxialDriver node Datastructure: TriaxialDriver

Datastructure: ThermalCompressibleSinglePhaseFluid

Name Type Description
dDensity_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of density with respect to pressure
dDensity_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of density with respect to temperature
dEnthalpy_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of enthalpy with respect to pressure
dEnthalpy_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of enthalpy with respect to temperature
dInternalEnergy_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of internal energy with respect to pressure
dInternalEnergy_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of internal energy with respect to temperature
dViscosity_dPressure real64_array2d Derivative of viscosity with respect to pressure
dViscosity_dTemperature real64_array2d Derivative of viscosity with respect to temperature
density real64_array2d Density
density_n real64_array2d Density at the previous converged time step
enthalpy real64_array2d Enthalpy
internalEnergy real64_array2d Internal energy
internalEnergy_n real64_array2d Fluid internal energy at the previous converged step
viscosity real64_array2d Viscosity

Datastructure: ThickPlane

Name Type Description

Datastructure: TimeHistory

Name Type Description
restart integer The current history record to be written, on restart from an earlier time allows use to remove invalid future history.

Datastructure: Traction

Name Type Description
component integer Component of field (if tensor) to apply boundary condition to.
fieldName string Name of field that boundary condition is applied to.

Datastructure: TriaxialDriver

Name Type Description

Datastructure: TwoPointFluxApproximation

Name Type Description
cellStencil geosx_CellElementStencilTPFA (no description available)
coefficientName string Name of coefficient field
edfmStencil geosx_EmbeddedSurfaceToCellStencil (no description available)
faceElementToCellStencil geosx_FaceElementToCellStencil (no description available)
fieldName string Name of primary solution field
fractureStencil geosx_SurfaceElementStencil (no description available)
targetRegions geosx_mapBase< string, LvArray_Array< string, 1, camp_int_seq< long, 0l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > List of regions to build the stencil for

Datastructure: VTK

Name Type Description

Datastructure: VTKMesh

Name Type Description
meshLevels node Datastructure: meshLevels

Datastructure: VanGenuchtenBakerRelativePermeability

Name Type Description
dPhaseRelPerm_dPhaseVolFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase relative permeability with respect to phase volume fraction
phaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseRelPerm real64_array3d Phase relative permeability
phaseRelPerm_n real64_array3d Phase relative permeability at previous time
phaseTrappedVolFraction real64_array3d Phase trapped volume fraction
phaseTypes integer_array (no description available)
volFracScale real64 Factor used to scale the phase capillary pressure, defined as: one minus the sum of the phase minimum volume fractions.

Datastructure: VanGenuchtenCapillaryPressure

Name Type Description
dPhaseCapPressure_dPhaseVolFraction real64_array4d Derivative of phase capillary pressure with respect to phase volume fraction
phaseCapPressure real64_array3d Phase capillary pressure
phaseOrder integer_array (no description available)
phaseTypes integer_array (no description available)
volFracScale real64 Factor used to scale the phase capillary pressure, defined as: one minus the sum of the phase minimum volume fractions.

Datastructure: WellControls

Name Type Description
currentControl geosx_WellControls_Control Current well control

Datastructure: WellElementRegion

Name Type Description
domainBoundaryIndicator integer_array (no description available)
ghostRank integer_array (no description available)
globalToLocalMap geosx_mapBase< long long, int, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > (no description available)
isExternal integer_array (no description available)
localToGlobalMap globalIndex_array Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex.
wellControlsName string (no description available)
wellGeneratorName string (no description available)
elementSubRegions node Datastructure: elementSubRegions
neighborData node Datastructure: neighborData
sets node Datastructure: sets

Datastructure: WellElementRegionUniqueSubRegion

Name Type Description
domainBoundaryIndicator integer_array (no description available)
elementCenter real64_array2d (no description available)
elementVolume real64_array (no description available)
ghostRank integer_array (no description available)
globalToLocalMap geosx_mapBase< long long, int, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > (no description available)
isExternal integer_array (no description available)
localToGlobalMap globalIndex_array Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex.
nextWellElementIndex integer_array (no description available)
nextWellElementIndexGlobal integer_array (no description available)
nodeList geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_Array< int, 2, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > (no description available)
numEdgesPerElement integer (no description available)
numFacesPerElement integer (no description available)
numNodesPerElement integer (no description available)
radius real64_array (no description available)
topRank integer (no description available)
topWellElementIndex integer (no description available)
wellControlsName string (no description available)
ConstitutiveModels node Datastructure: ConstitutiveModels
neighborData node Datastructure: neighborData
sets node Datastructure: sets
wellElementSubRegion node Datastructure: wellElementSubRegion

Datastructure: WillisRichardsPermeability

Name Type Description
dPerm_dDispJump real64_array4d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to displacement jump
dPerm_dPressure real64_array3d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to pressure
dPerm_dTraction real64_array4d Derivative of rock permeability with respect to the traction vector
permeability real64_array3d Rock permeability

Datastructure: commandLine

Name Type Description
beginFromRestart integer Flag to indicate restart run.
inputFileName string Name of the input xml file.
outputDirectory string Directory in which to put the output files, if not specified defaults to the current directory.
overridePartitionNumbers integer Flag to indicate partition number override
problemName string Used in writing the output files, if not specified defaults to the name of the input file.
restartFileName string Name of the restart file.
schemaFileName string Name of the output schema
suppressPinned integer Whether to disallow using pinned memory allocations for MPI communication buffers.
useNonblockingMPI integer Whether to prefer using non-blocking MPI communication where implemented (results in non-deterministic DOF numbering).
xPartitionsOverride integer Number of partitions in the x-direction
yPartitionsOverride integer Number of partitions in the y-direction
zPartitionsOverride integer Number of partitions in the z-direction

Datastructure: domain

Name Type Description
Neighbors std_vector< geosx_NeighborCommunicator, std_allocator< geosx_NeighborCommunicator > > (no description available)
partitionManager geosx_PartitionBase (no description available)
Constitutive node Datastructure: Constitutive
MeshBodies node Datastructure: MeshBodies

Datastructure: edgeManager

Name Type Description
domainBoundaryIndicator integer_array (no description available)
faceList geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfSets< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > (no description available)
ghostRank integer_array (no description available)
globalToLocalMap geosx_mapBase< long long, int, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > (no description available)
isExternal integer_array (no description available)
localToGlobalMap globalIndex_array Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex.
nodeList geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_Array< int, 2, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > (no description available)
neighborData node Datastructure: neighborData
sets node Datastructure: sets

Datastructure: elementRegionsGroup

Name Type Description

Datastructure: elementSubRegions

Name Type Description
WellElementRegionUniqueSubRegion node Datastructure: WellElementRegionUniqueSubRegion

Datastructure: embeddedSurfacesEdgeManager

Name Type Description
domainBoundaryIndicator integer_array (no description available)
faceList geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfSets< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > (no description available)
ghostRank integer_array (no description available)
globalToLocalMap geosx_mapBase< long long, int, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > (no description available)
isExternal integer_array (no description available)
localToGlobalMap globalIndex_array Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex.
nodeList geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_Array< int, 2, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l >, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > (no description available)
neighborData node Datastructure: neighborData
sets node Datastructure: sets

Datastructure: embeddedSurfacesNodeManager

Name Type Registered By Description
domainBoundaryIndicator integer_array   (no description available)
edgeList geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfSets< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > >   (no description available)
elemList LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >   (no description available)
elemRegionList LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >   (no description available)
elemSubRegionList LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer >   (no description available)
ghostRank integer_array   (no description available)
globalToLocalMap geosx_mapBase< long long, int, std_integral_constant< bool, false > >   (no description available)
isExternal integer_array   (no description available)
localToGlobalMap globalIndex_array   Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex.
parentEdgeGlobalIndex globalIndex_array   (no description available)
referencePosition real64_array2d   (no description available)
parentEdgeIndex integer_array Datastructure: EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator Index of parent edge within the mesh object it is registered on.
neighborData node   Datastructure: neighborData
sets node   Datastructure: sets

Datastructure: faceManager

Name Type Registered By Description
domainBoundaryIndicator integer_array   (no description available)
edgeList geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > >   (no description available)
elemList integer_array2d   (no description available)
elemRegionList integer_array2d   (no description available)
elemSubRegionList integer_array2d   (no description available)
faceArea real64_array   (no description available)
faceCenter real64_array2d   (no description available)
faceNormal real64_array2d   (no description available)
ghostRank integer_array   (no description available)
globalToLocalMap geosx_mapBase< long long, int, std_integral_constant< bool, false > >   (no description available)
isExternal integer_array   (no description available)
localToGlobalMap globalIndex_array   Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex.
nodeList geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > >   (no description available)
facePressure_n real64_array Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM, Datastructure: SinglePhaseHybridFVM Face pressure at the previous converged time step
mimGravityCoefficient real64_array Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseHybridFVM Mimetic gravity coefficient
neighborData node   Datastructure: neighborData
sets node   Datastructure: sets

Datastructure: lassen

Name Type Description
Run node Datastructure: Run

Datastructure: meshLevels

Name Type Description
Level0 node Datastructure: Level0

Datastructure: neighborData

Name Type Description

Datastructure: nodeManager

Name Type Description
ReferencePosition real64_array2d (no description available)
domainBoundaryIndicator integer_array (no description available)
edgeList geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfSets< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > (no description available)
elemList LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)
elemRegionList LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)
elemSubRegionList LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)
faceList geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfSets< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > (no description available)
ghostRank integer_array (no description available)
globalToLocalMap geosx_mapBase< long long, int, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > (no description available)
isExternal integer_array (no description available)
localToGlobalMap globalIndex_array Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex.
primaryField real64_array Primary field variable
neighborData node Datastructure: neighborData
sets node Datastructure: sets

Datastructure: quartz

Name Type Description
Run node Datastructure: Run

Datastructure: sets

Name Type Description
externalSet LvArray_SortedArray< int, int, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > (no description available)

Datastructure: wellElementSubRegion

Name Type Description
domainBoundaryIndicator integer_array (no description available)
ghostRank integer_array (no description available)
globalToLocalMap geosx_mapBase< long long, int, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > (no description available)
isExternal integer_array (no description available)
localToGlobalMap globalIndex_array Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex.
location real64_array2d For each perforation, physical location (x,y,z coordinates)
numPerforationsGlobal globalIndex (no description available)
reservoirElementIndex integer_array For each perforation, element index of the perforated element
reservoirElementRegion integer_array For each perforation, elementRegion index of the perforated element
reservoirElementSubregion integer_array For each perforation, elementSubRegion index of the perforated element
wellElementIndex integer_array For each perforation, index of the well element
wellTransmissibility real64_array For each perforation, well transmissibility
neighborData node Datastructure: neighborData
sets node Datastructure: sets