Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2020, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and LvArray contributors.
3  * All rights reserved.
4  * See the LICENSE file for details.
5  * SPDX-License-Identifier: (BSD-3-Clause)
6  */
13 #pragma once
15 #include "CRSMatrixView.hpp"
16 #include "arrayManipulation.hpp"
18 namespace LvArray
19 {
21 template< typename COL_TYPE, typename INDEX_TYPE, template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE >
31 template< typename T,
32  typename COL_TYPE,
33  typename INDEX_TYPE,
34  template< typename > class BUFFER_TYPE >
35 class CRSMatrix : protected CRSMatrixView< T, COL_TYPE, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE >
36 {
41 public:
43  using typename ParentClass::EntryType;
44  using typename ParentClass::ColType;
45  using typename ParentClass::IndexType;
58  CRSMatrix( INDEX_TYPE const nrows=0,
59  INDEX_TYPE const ncols=0,
60  INDEX_TYPE const initialRowCapacity=0 ):
61  ParentClass( true )
62  {
63  resize( nrows, ncols, initialRowCapacity );
64  setName( "" );
65  }
71  inline
72  CRSMatrix( CRSMatrix const & src ):
73  ParentClass( true )
74  { *this = src; }
79  inline
80  CRSMatrix( CRSMatrix && ) = default;
86  { ParentClass::free( this->m_entries ); }
100  inline
101  CRSMatrix & operator=( CRSMatrix const & src )
102  {
103  this->m_numCols = src.m_numCols;
105  src.m_offsets[ src.m_numArrays ],
106  src.m_offsets,
107  src.m_sizes,
108  src.m_values,
109  typename ParentClass::template PairOfBuffers< T >( this->m_entries, src.m_entries ) );
110  return *this;
111  }
118  inline
120  {
121  ParentClass::free( this->m_entries );
122  ParentClass::operator=( std::move( src ) );
123  return *this;
124  }
131  template< typename POLICY >
132  inline
134  {
135  // Destroy the current entries.
136  if( !std::is_trivially_destructible< T >::value )
137  {
139  RAJA::forall< POLICY >( RAJA::TypedRangeSegment< INDEX_TYPE >( 0, numRows() ),
140  [view] LVARRAY_HOST_DEVICE ( INDEX_TYPE const row )
141  {
142  INDEX_TYPE const nnz = view.numNonZeros( row );
143  T * const entries = view.getEntries( row );
144  arrayManipulation::destroy( entries, nnz );
145  } );
146  }
148  // Reallocate to the appropriate length
149  bufferManipulation::reserve( this->m_entries, 0, src.nonZeroCapacity() );
154  RAJA::forall< POLICY >( RAJA::TypedRangeSegment< INDEX_TYPE >( 0, numRows() ),
155  [view] LVARRAY_HOST_DEVICE ( INDEX_TYPE const row )
156  {
157  T * const rowEntries = view.getEntries( row );
158  for( INDEX_TYPE i = 0; i < view.numNonZeros( row ); ++i )
159  {
160  new ( rowEntries + i ) T();
161  }
162  } );
164  setName( "" );
165  }
176  template< typename POLICY >
177  void resizeFromRowCapacities( INDEX_TYPE const nRows, INDEX_TYPE const nCols, INDEX_TYPE const * const rowCapacities )
178  {
179  LVARRAY_ERROR_IF( !arrayManipulation::isPositive( nCols ), "nCols must be positive." );
181  "COL_TYPE must be able to hold the range of columns: [0, " << nCols - 1 << "]." );
183  this->m_numCols = nCols;
184  ParentClass::template resizeFromCapacities< POLICY >( nRows, rowCapacities, this->m_entries );
185  }
200  constexpr inline
202  toView() const &
203  { return ParentClass::toView(); }
212  constexpr inline
214  toView() const && = delete;
222  LVARRAY_HOST_DEVICE constexpr inline
225  { return ParentClass::toViewConstSizes(); }
234  LVARRAY_HOST_DEVICE constexpr inline
236  toViewConstSizes() const && = delete;
244  LVARRAY_HOST_DEVICE constexpr inline
246  toViewConst() const &
247  { return ParentClass::toViewConst(); }
256  LVARRAY_HOST_DEVICE constexpr inline
258  toViewConst() const && = delete;
269  LVARRAY_HOST_DEVICE constexpr inline
271  toSparsityPatternView() const && = delete;
280  using ParentClass::numRows;
284  using ParentClass::empty;
308  inline
309  void reserveNonZeros( INDEX_TYPE const nnz )
310  { ParentClass::reserveValues( nnz, this->m_entries ); }
317  inline
318  void reserveNonZeros( INDEX_TYPE const row, INDEX_TYPE const nnz )
319  {
320  if( nonZeroCapacity( row ) >= nnz ) return;
321  setRowCapacity( row, nnz );
322  }
334  inline
335  void setRowCapacity( INDEX_TYPE const row, INDEX_TYPE newCapacity )
336  {
337  if( newCapacity > numColumns() ) newCapacity = numColumns();
338  ParentClass::setCapacityOfArray( row, newCapacity, this->m_entries );
339  }
351  void resize( INDEX_TYPE const nRows, INDEX_TYPE const nCols, INDEX_TYPE const initialRowCapacity )
352  { ParentClass::resize( nRows, nCols, initialRowCapacity, this->m_entries ); }
359  inline
360  void compress()
361  { ParentClass::compress( this->m_entries ); }
377  inline
378  bool insertNonZero( INDEX_TYPE const row, COL_TYPE const col, T const & entry )
379  { return ParentClass::insertIntoSetImpl( row, col, CallBacks( *this, row, &entry ) ); }
391  inline
392  INDEX_TYPE insertNonZeros( INDEX_TYPE const row,
393  COL_TYPE const * const cols,
394  T const * const entriesToInsert,
395  INDEX_TYPE const ncols )
396  { return ParentClass::insertIntoSetImpl( row, cols, cols + ncols, CallBacks( *this, row, entriesToInsert ) ); }
412  template< typename POLICY >
413  inline
414  void setValues( T const & value ) const
415  { ParentClass::template setValues< POLICY >( value ); }
421  template< typename AtomicPolicy >
422  inline
423  void addToRow( INDEX_TYPE const row,
424  COL_TYPE const * const LVARRAY_RESTRICT cols,
425  T const * const LVARRAY_RESTRICT vals,
426  INDEX_TYPE const nCols ) const
427  { ParentClass::template addToRow< AtomicPolicy >( row, cols, vals, nCols ); }
433  template< typename AtomicPolicy >
434  inline
435  void addToRowBinarySearch( INDEX_TYPE const row,
436  COL_TYPE const * const LVARRAY_RESTRICT cols,
437  T const * const LVARRAY_RESTRICT vals,
438  INDEX_TYPE const nCols ) const
439  { ParentClass::template addToRowBinarySearch< AtomicPolicy >( row, cols, vals, nCols ); }
445  template< typename AtomicPolicy >
446  inline
447  void addToRowLinearSearch( INDEX_TYPE const row,
448  COL_TYPE const * const LVARRAY_RESTRICT cols,
449  T const * const LVARRAY_RESTRICT vals,
450  INDEX_TYPE const nCols ) const
451  { ParentClass::template addToRowLinearSearch< AtomicPolicy >( row, cols, vals, nCols ); }
457  template< typename AtomicPolicy >
458  inline
459  void addToRowBinarySearchUnsorted( INDEX_TYPE const row,
460  COL_TYPE const * const LVARRAY_RESTRICT cols,
461  T const * const LVARRAY_RESTRICT vals,
462  INDEX_TYPE const nCols ) const
463  { ParentClass::template addToRowBinarySearchUnsorted< AtomicPolicy >( row, cols, vals, nCols ); }
478  void move( MemorySpace const space, bool const touch=true ) const
479  { return ParentClass::move( space, touch ); }
487  void setName( std::string const & name )
488  { ParentClass::template setName< decltype( *this ) >( name ); }
490 private:
499  void dynamicallyGrowRow( INDEX_TYPE const row, INDEX_TYPE const newNNZ )
500  { setRowCapacity( row, 2 * newNNZ ); }
506  class CallBacks
507  {
508 public:
516  CallBacks( CRSMatrix & crsM,
517  INDEX_TYPE const row, T const * const entriesToInsert ):
518  m_crsM( crsM ),
519  m_row( row ),
520  m_rowNNZ( crsM.numNonZeros( row ) ),
521  m_rowCapacity( crsM.nonZeroCapacity( row ) ),
522  m_entries( nullptr ),
523  m_entriesToInsert( entriesToInsert )
524  {}
534  inline
535  COL_TYPE * incrementSize( COL_TYPE * const curPtr, INDEX_TYPE const nToAdd )
536  {
538  if( m_rowNNZ + nToAdd > m_rowCapacity )
539  {
540  m_crsM.dynamicallyGrowRow( m_row, m_rowNNZ + nToAdd );
541  }
543  m_entries = m_crsM.getEntries( m_row );
544  return m_crsM.getSetValues( m_row );
545  }
553  inline
554  void insert( INDEX_TYPE const pos ) const
555  { arrayManipulation::emplace( m_entries, m_rowNNZ, pos, m_entriesToInsert[0] ); }
564  inline
565  void set( INDEX_TYPE const pos, INDEX_TYPE const colPos ) const
566  { new (&m_entries[pos]) T( m_entriesToInsert[colPos] ); }
579  inline
580  void insert( INDEX_TYPE const nLeftToInsert,
581  INDEX_TYPE const colPos,
582  INDEX_TYPE const pos,
583  INDEX_TYPE const prevPos ) const
584  {
585  arrayManipulation::shiftUp( m_entries, prevPos, pos, nLeftToInsert );
586  new (&m_entries[pos + nLeftToInsert - 1]) T( m_entriesToInsert[colPos] );
587  }
589 private:
591  CRSMatrix & m_crsM;
594  INDEX_TYPE const m_row;
597  INDEX_TYPE const m_rowNNZ;
600  INDEX_TYPE const m_rowCapacity;
603  T * m_entries;
606  T const * const m_entriesToInsert;
607  };
608 };
610 } /* namespace LvArray */
Mark X as an unused variable, used to silence compiler warnings.
Definition: Macros.hpp:51
This class implements a compressed row storage sparsity pattern.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:22
constexpr CRSMatrixView< T, COL_TYPE const, INDEX_TYPE const, BUFFER_TYPE > toViewConstSizes() const
void assimilate(SparsityPattern< COL_TYPE, INDEX_TYPE, BUFFER_TYPE > &&src)
Steal the resources from a SparsityPattern.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:133
This class provides a view into a compressed row storage sparsity pattern.
bool insertNonZero(INDEX_TYPE const row, COL_TYPE const col, T const &entry)
Insert a non-zero entry at the given position.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:378
INDEX_TYPE_NC removeNonZeros(INDEX_TYPE const row, COL_TYPE const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT cols, INDEX_TYPE const ncols) const
Remove non-zero entries from the given row.
constexpr CRSMatrixView< T const, COL_TYPE const, INDEX_TYPE const, BUFFER_TYPE > toViewConst() const &
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:246
constexpr INDEX_TYPE_NC numColumns() const
void resize(INDEX_TYPE const nRows, INDEX_TYPE const nCols, INDEX_TYPE const initialRowCapacity)
Set the dimensions of the matrix.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:351
void reserve(BUFFER &buf, std::ptrdiff_t const size, std::ptrdiff_t const newCapacity)
Reserve space in the buffer for at least the given capacity.
bool insertIntoSetImpl(INDEX_TYPE const i, COL_TYPE const &value, CALLBACKS &&cbacks) const
Helper function to insert a value into the given set.
CRSMatrix(INDEX_TYPE const nrows=0, INDEX_TYPE const ncols=0, INDEX_TYPE const initialRowCapacity=0)
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:58
Abort execution if EXP is true.
Definition: Macros.hpp:101
void setName(std::string const &name)
Set the name associated with this CRSMatrix which is used in the chai callback.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:487
constexpr CRSMatrixView< T const, COL_TYPE const, INDEX_TYPE const, BUFFER_TYPE > toViewConst() const
constexpr CRSMatrixView< T, COL_TYPE, INDEX_TYPE const, BUFFER_TYPE > toView() const
void move(MemorySpace const space, bool const touch=true) const
Move this SparsityPattern to the given memory space and touch the values, sizes and offsets...
void addToRowBinarySearch(INDEX_TYPE const row, COL_TYPE const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT cols, T const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT vals, INDEX_TYPE const nCols) const
Add to the given entries, the entries must already exist in the matrix.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:435
void assimilate(SparsityPatternView &&src)
Steal the resources of src, clearing it in the process.
INDEX_TYPE insertNonZeros(INDEX_TYPE const row, COL_TYPE const *const cols, T const *const entriesToInsert, INDEX_TYPE const ncols)
Insert a non-zero entries into the given row.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:392
void addToRowBinarySearchUnsorted(INDEX_TYPE const row, COL_TYPE const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT cols, T const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT vals, INDEX_TYPE const nCols) const
Add to the given entries, the entries must already exist in the matrix.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:459
CRSMatrix & operator=(CRSMatrix &&src)
Default move assignment operator, performs a shallow copy.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:119
void shiftUp(T *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT ptr, std::ptrdiff_t const size, std::ptrdiff_t const index, std::ptrdiff_t const n)
Shift the values in the array at or above the given position up by the given amount. New uninitialized values take their place.
Holds the size of each array.
constexpr INDEX_TYPE const * getOffsets() const
void compress(BUFFERS &... buffers)
Compress the arrays so that the values of each array are contiguous with no extra capacity in between...
Contains the implementation of LvArray::CRSMatrixView.
constexpr std::enable_if< std::is_signed< INDEX_TYPE >::value, bool >::type isPositive(INDEX_TYPE const i)
void destroy(T *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT ptr, std::ptrdiff_t const size)
Destory the values in the array.
constexpr INDEX_TYPE_NC numRows() const
Destructor, frees the entries, values (columns), sizes and offsets Buffers.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:85
constexpr INDEX_TYPE_NC nonZeroCapacity() const
void reserveNonZeros(INDEX_TYPE const nnz)
Reserve space to hold at least the given total number of non zero entries.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:309
BUFFER_TYPE< T > m_entries
Holds the entries of the matrix, of length numNonZeros().
void resize(INDEX_TYPE const nrows, INDEX_TYPE const ncols, INDEX_TYPE_NC initialRowCapacity, BUFFERS &... buffers)
Resize the SparsityPattern to the given size.
CRSMatrixView & operator=(CRSMatrixView const &)=default
Default copy assignment operator.
constexpr ArraySlice< COL_TYPE const, 1, 0, INDEX_TYPE_NC > getColumns(INDEX_TYPE const row) const
ArraySlice< T, 1, 0, INDEX_TYPE_NC > getEntries(INDEX_TYPE const row) const
void move(MemorySpace const space, bool const touch=true) const
Move this SparsityPattern to the given memory space and touch the values, sizes and offsets...
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:478
The integer type used for indexing.
void emplace(T *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT ptr, std::ptrdiff_t const size, std::ptrdiff_t const index, ARGS &&... args)
Insert into the array constructing the new value in place.
void setValues(T const &value) const
Set all the entries in the matrix to the given value.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:414
void addToRowLinearSearch(INDEX_TYPE const row, COL_TYPE const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT cols, T const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT vals, INDEX_TYPE const nCols) const
Add to the given entries, the entries must already exist in the matrix.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:447
Contains functions for manipulating a contiguous array of values.
constexpr CRSMatrixView< T, COL_TYPE, INDEX_TYPE const, BUFFER_TYPE > toView() const &
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:202
An enum containing the available memory spaces.
The top level namespace.
Definition: Array.hpp:24
CRSMatrix & operator=(CRSMatrix const &src)
Copy assignment operator, performs a deep copy.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:101
The number of columns in the matrix.
void compress()
Compress the CRSMatrix so that the non-zeros and values of each row are contiguous with no extra capa...
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:360
void setEqualTo(INDEX_TYPE const srcNumArrays, INDEX_TYPE const srcMaxOffset, BUFFER_TYPE< INDEX_TYPE > const &srcOffsets, BUFFER_TYPE< INDEX_TYPE > const &srcSizes, BUFFER_TYPE< COL_TYPE > const &srcValues, PAIRS_OF_BUFFERS &&... pairs)
Set this ArrayOfArraysView equal to the provided arrays.
The integer type used to enumerate the columns.
INDEX_TYPE_NC m_numArrays
The number of arrays contained.
void free(BUFFERS &... buffers)
Destroy all the objects held by this array and free all associated memory.
constexpr SparsityPatternView< COL_TYPE const, INDEX_TYPE const, BUFFER_TYPE > toSparsityPatternView() const &
bool removeNonZero(INDEX_TYPE const row, COL_TYPE const col) const
Remove a non-zero entry at the given position.
void setCapacityOfArray(INDEX_TYPE const i, INDEX_TYPE const newCapacity, BUFFERS &... buffers)
Set the capacity of the given array.
CRSMatrix(CRSMatrix const &src)
Copy constructor, performs a deep copy.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:72
void resizeFromRowCapacities(INDEX_TYPE const nRows, INDEX_TYPE const nCols, INDEX_TYPE const *const rowCapacities)
Clears the matrix and creates a new matrix with the given number of rows and columns.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:177
std::string string
String type.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:131
std::pair< BUFFER_TYPE< U > &, BUFFER_TYPE< U > const & > PairOfBuffers
Alias for a std::pair of buffers.
void reserveNonZeros(INDEX_TYPE const row, INDEX_TYPE const nnz)
Reserve space to hold at least the given number of non zero entries in the given row.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:318
void addToRow(INDEX_TYPE const row, COL_TYPE const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT cols, T const *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT vals, INDEX_TYPE const nCols) const
Add to the given entries, the entries must already exist in the matrix. The columns must be sorted...
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:423
constexpr CRSMatrixView< T, COL_TYPE const, INDEX_TYPE const, BUFFER_TYPE > toViewConstSizes() const &
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:224
constexpr std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value, T > max(T const a, T const b)
Definition: math.hpp:46
void setRowCapacity(INDEX_TYPE const row, INDEX_TYPE newCapacity)
Set the non zero capacity of the given row.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:335
void reserveValues(INDEX_TYPE const newValueCapacity, BUFFERS &... buffers)
Reserve space for the given number of values.
void insert(T *const LVARRAY_RESTRICT ptr, std::ptrdiff_t const size, std::ptrdiff_t const index, ITERATOR first, std::ptrdiff_t const n)
Insert the given values into the array at the given position.
constexpr SparsityPatternView< COL_TYPE const, INDEX_TYPE const, BUFFER_TYPE > toSparsityPatternView() const &&=delete
Overload for rvalues that is deleted.
This class implements a compressed row storage matrix.
Definition: CRSMatrix.hpp:35
T EntryType
The type of the entries in the matrix.
Mark a function for both host and device usage.
Definition: Macros.hpp:389
This class provides a view into a compressed row storage matrix.