Continuous Integration process¶
To save building time, the third party libraries (that do not change so often) and GEOSX are build separately.
Everytime a pull is requested in the TPL repository, docker images are generated and deployed on dockerhub.
The repository names (ubuntu18.04-gcc8,
centos7.7.1908-clang9.0.0, centos7.6.1810-gcc8.3.1-cuda10.1.243 etc.)
obviously reflect the OS and the compiler flavour used.
For each image, the unique ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}-${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}
tag is used so we can connect the related code source in a rather convenient way.
Each docker contains the org.opencontainers.image.created
and org.opencontainers.image.revision
labels to provide additional information.
For the OSX builds, we construct a tarball of the TPLs and save them in a remote cloud storage.
There is currently only one mac osx tested environment (xcode 11.2) and the same ${TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST}-${TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}
pattern is used as an identifier for the build.
An important counterpart to using a tarball and not a docker image is that the tarball does not provide the whole system the precompiled binaries rely on.
Problems may arise since we use the rolling release Homebrew (to install open-mpi in particular).
To circumvent this potential issue, the brew version is fixed to a specific commit (see BREW_HASH variable in third party’s .travis.yml)
and stored as a metainformation of the tarball blob inside the cloud storage.
It is therefore possible for GEOSX to recover this informatiom and build against the same revision of brew packages.
are also stored as metainformation in the same way
(have a look at the OSX build section of GEOSX’s .travis.yml to see how to retrieve these informations).
There thus is only one unique identifier for both dockers and mac osx builds for one TPL code base.
It is necessary to define the global environment GEOSX_TPL_TAG
(e.g. something like 82-254
) to build against one selected version of the TPL.
It must be mentioned that one and only one version of the compiled TPL tarball is stored per pull request (older ones are removed automatically). Therefore, a client building against a work in progress PR may experience a 404 error sooner or later.
Building docker images¶
Our continuous integration process builds the TPL and GEOSX against two operating systems (ubuntu and centos) and two compilers (clang and gcc). The docker files use multi-stage builds in order to minimise the sizes of the images.
- First stage installs and defines all the elements that are commons to both TPL and GEOSX (for example, MPI and c++ compiler, BLAS, LAPACK, path to the installation directory…).
- As a second stage, we install everything needed to build (not run) the TPLs. We keep nothing from this second step for GEOSX, except the compiled TPL themselves. For example, a fortran compiler is needed by the TPL but not by GEOSX: it shall be installed during this step, so GEOSX won’t access a fortran compiler (it does not have to).
- Last stage copies the compiled TPL from second stage and installs the elements only required by GEOSX (there are few).
Docker images contract¶
GEOSX will find a compiled version of the third party libraries.
As part of the contract provided by the TPL, the docker images also defines several environment variables. The
variable contains the absolute path of the installation root directory of the third party libraries. GEOSX must use it when building.
Other variables are classical absolute path compiler variables.
And the absolute path the mpirun (or equivalent) command.
The following openmpi
environment variables allow it to work properly in the docker container.
But there should be no reason to access or use them explicitly.
Using the TPL precompiled binaries¶
For development purposes, you may want to use the publicly available docker images or the OSX tarball instead of compiling them yourself. While this is surely possible, please note that this is not supported by the GEOSX team that reserves the right to modify its workflow or delete elements on which you may have build your own workflow.
There are multiple options to use the exposed docker images.
- A lot of IDE now provide remote development modes (e.g. CLion, VS Code, Eclipse Che and surely others). Depending on your choice, please read their documentation carefully so you can add their own requirements on top the TPL images that are already available. Feel free to share them :)
- Another option is to develop directly inside the container (i.e. not remotely). Install your favorite development inside the image (be mindful of X display issues), connect to the running container and start hacking!
Please use the environment variables provided in the Docker images contract to develop.
Please be aware of how to retrieve back your code: you may want to bind mount volumes (-v
options of docker run).
Think about opening ports too.