Datastructure Index¶
Input Schema Definitions¶
Element: Benchmarks¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
lassen | node | unique | Element: lassen |
quartz | node | unique | Element: quartz |
Element: BlackOilFluid¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
componentMolarWeight | real64_array | required | Component molar weights |
componentNames | string_array | {} | List of component names |
fluidType | geosx_constitutive_BlackOilFluid_FluidType | required | Type of black-oil fluid. Valid options:
* DeadOil
* LiveOil
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
phaseNames | string_array | required | List of fluid phases |
surfaceDensities | real64_array | required | List of surface densities for each phase |
tableFiles | path_array | required | List of filenames with input PVT tables |
Element: Blueprint¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
childDirectory | string | Child directory path | |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
outputFullQuadratureData | integer | 0 | If true writes out data associated with every quadrature point. |
parallelThreads | integer | 1 | Number of plot files. |
plotLevel | geosx_dataRepository_PlotLevel | 1 | Determines which fields to write. |
Element: BoundedPlane¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
dimensions | real64_array | required | Length and width of the bounded plane |
lengthVector | R1Tensor | required | Tangent vector defining the orthonormal basis along with the normal. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
normal | R1Tensor | required | Normal (n_x,n_y,n_z) to the plane (will be normalized automatically) |
origin | R1Tensor | required | Origin point (x,y,z) of the plane (basically, any point on the plane) |
widthVector | R1Tensor | required | Tangent vector defining the orthonormal basis along with the normal. |
Element: Box¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
strike | real64 | -90 | The strike angle of the box |
xMax | R1Tensor | required | Maximum (x,y,z) coordinates of the box |
xMin | R1Tensor | required | Minimum (x,y,z) coordinates of the box |
Element: BrooksCoreyBakerRelativePermeability¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
gasOilRelPermExponent | real64_array | {1} | Rel perm power law exponent for the pair (gas phase, oil phase) at residual water saturation |
gasOilRelPermMaxValue | real64_array | {0} | Maximum rel perm value for the pair (gas phase, oil phase) at residual water saturation |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
phaseMinVolumeFraction | real64_array | {0} | Minimum volume fraction value for each phase |
phaseNames | string_array | required | List of fluid phases |
waterOilRelPermExponent | real64_array | {1} | Rel perm power law exponent for the pair (water phase, oil phase) at residual gas saturation |
waterOilRelPermMaxValue | real64_array | {0} | Maximum rel perm value for the pair (water phase, oil phase) at residual gas saturation |
Element: BrooksCoreyCapillaryPressure¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
capPressureEpsilon | real64 | 1e-06 | Wetting-phase saturation at which the max cap. pressure is attained; used to avoid infinite cap. pressure values for saturations close to zero |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
phaseCapPressureExponentInv | real64_array | {2} | Inverse of capillary power law exponent for each phase |
phaseEntryPressure | real64_array | {1} | Entry pressure value for each phase |
phaseMinVolumeFraction | real64_array | {0} | Minimum volume fraction value for each phase |
phaseNames | string_array | required | List of fluid phases |
Element: BrooksCoreyRelativePermeability¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
phaseMinVolumeFraction | real64_array | {0} | Minimum volume fraction value for each phase |
phaseNames | string_array | required | List of fluid phases |
phaseRelPermExponent | real64_array | {1} | MinimumRel perm power law exponent for each phase |
phaseRelPermMaxValue | real64_array | {0} | Maximum rel perm value for each phase |
Element: CellElementRegion¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cellBlocks | string_array | {} | (no description available) |
coarseningRatio | real64 | 0 | (no description available) |
materialList | string_array | required | List of materials present in this region |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
Element: ChomboIO¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
beginCycle | real64 | required | Cycle at which the coupling will commence. |
childDirectory | string | Child directory path | |
inputPath | string | /INVALID_INPUT_PATH | Path at which the chombo to geosx file will be written. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
outputPath | string | required | Path at which the geosx to chombo file will be written. |
parallelThreads | integer | 1 | Number of plot files. |
useChomboPressures | integer | 0 | True iff geosx should use the pressures chombo writes out. |
waitForInput | integer | required | True iff geosx should wait for chombo to write out a file. When true the inputPath must be set. |
Element: CompositeFunction¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
expression | string | Composite math expression | |
functionNames | string_array | {} | List of source functions. The order must match the variableNames argument. |
inputVarNames | string_array | {} | Name of fields are input to function. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
variableNames | string_array | {} | List of variables in expression |
Element: CompositionalMultiphaseFlow¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
allowLocalCompDensityChopping | integer | 1 | Flag indicating whether local (cell-wise) chopping of negative compositions is allowed |
capPressureNames | string_array | {} | Name of the capillary pressure constitutive model to use |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object to use for this solver. |
fluidNames | string_array | required | Names of fluid constitutive models for each region. |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
inputFluxEstimate | real64 | 1 | Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
maxCompFractionChange | real64 | 1 | Maximum (absolute) change in a component fraction between two Newton iterations |
meanPermCoeff | real64 | 1 | Coefficient to move between harmonic mean (1.0) and arithmetic mean (0.0) for the calculation of permeability between elements. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
relPermNames | string_array | required | Name of the relative permeability constitutive model to use |
solidNames | string_array | required | Names of solid constitutive models for each region. |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
temperature | real64 | required | Temperature |
useMass | integer | 0 | Use mass formulation instead of molar |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: CompositionalMultiphaseFluid¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
componentAcentricFactor | real64_array | required | Component acentric factors |
componentBinaryCoeff | real64_array2d | {{0}} | Table of binary interaction coefficients |
componentCriticalPressure | real64_array | required | Component critical pressures |
componentCriticalTemperature | real64_array | required | Component critical temperatures |
componentMolarWeight | real64_array | required | Component molar weights |
componentNames | string_array | required | List of component names |
componentVolumeShift | real64_array | {0} | Component volume shifts |
equationsOfState | string_array | required | List of equation of state types for each phase |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
phaseNames | string_array | required | List of fluid phases |
Element: CompositionalMultiphaseReservoir¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
flowSolverName | string | required | Name of the flow solver to use in the reservoir-well system solver |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
wellSolverName | string | required | Name of the well solver to use in the reservoir-well system solver |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: CompositionalMultiphaseWell¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
allowLocalCompDensityChopping | integer | 1 | Flag indicating whether local (cell-wise) chopping of negative compositions is allowed |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
fluidNames | string_array | required | Name of fluid constitutive object to use for this solver. |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
maxCompFractionChange | real64 | 1 | Maximum (absolute) change in a component fraction between two Newton iterations |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
relPermNames | string_array | required | Names of relative permeability constitutive models to use |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
useMass | integer | 0 | Use mass formulation instead of molar |
wellTemperature | real64 | required | Temperature |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
WellControls | node | Element: WellControls |
Element: CompressibleSinglePhaseFluid¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
compressibility | real64 | 0 | Fluid compressibility |
defaultDensity | real64 | required | Default value for density. |
defaultViscosity | real64 | required | Default value for viscosity. |
densityModelType | geosx_constitutive_ExponentApproximationType | linear | Type of density model. Valid options:
* exponential
* linear
* quadratic
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
referenceDensity | real64 | 1000 | Reference fluid density |
referencePressure | real64 | 0 | Reference pressure |
referenceViscosity | real64 | 0.001 | Reference fluid viscosity |
viscosibility | real64 | 0 | Fluid viscosity exponential coefficient |
viscosityModelType | geosx_constitutive_ExponentApproximationType | linear | Type of viscosity model. Valid options:
* exponential
* linear
* quadratic
Element: Constitutive¶
Element: Contact¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
apertureTolerance | real64 | 1e-09 | Value to be used to avoid floating point errors in expressions involving aperture. For example in the case of dividing by the actual aperture (not the effective aperture that results from the aperture function) this value may be used to avoid 1/0 errors. Note that this value may have some physical significance in its usage, as it may be used to smooth out highly nonlinear behavior associated with 1/0 in addition to avoiding the 1/0 error. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
penaltyStiffness | real64 | 0 | Value of the penetration penalty stiffness. Units of Pressure/length |
TableFunction | node | Element: TableFunction |
Element: Coulomb¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
apertureTolerance | real64 | 1e-09 | Value to be used to avoid floating point errors in expressions involving aperture. For example in the case of dividing by the actual aperture (not the effective aperture that results from the aperture function) this value may be used to avoid 1/0 errors. Note that this value may have some physical significance in its usage, as it may be used to smooth out highly nonlinear behavior associated with 1/0 in addition to avoiding the 1/0 error. |
cohesion | real64 | required | Cohesion |
frictionAngle | real64 | -1 | Friction Angle (in radians) |
frictionCoefficient | real64 | -1 | Friction Coefficient |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
penaltyStiffness | real64 | 0 | Value of the penetration penalty stiffness. Units of Pressure/length |
TableFunction | node | Element: TableFunction |
Element: Cylinder¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
point1 | R1Tensor | required | Center point of one (upper or lower) face of the cylinder |
point2 | R1Tensor | required | Center point of the other face of the cylinder |
radius | real64 | required | Radius of the cylinder |
Element: DamageLinearElasticIsotropic¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
defaultBulkModulus | real64 | -1 | Elastic Bulk Modulus Parameter |
defaultDensity | real64 | required | Default Material Density |
defaultPoissonRatio | real64 | -1 | Poisson’s ratio |
defaultShearModulus | real64 | -1 | Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter |
defaultYoungsModulus | real64 | -1 | Elastic Young’s Modulus. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
Element: Dirichlet¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
bcApplicationTableName | string | Name of table that specifies the on/off application of the bc. | |
beginTime | real64 | -1e+99 | time at which BC will start being applied. |
component | integer | 0 | Component of field (if tensor) to apply boundary condition to |
direction | R1Tensor | 0,0,0 | Direction to apply boundary condition to |
endTime | real64 | 1e+99 | time at which bc will stop being applied |
fieldName | string | Name of field that boundary condition is applied to. | |
functionName | string | Name of function that specifies variation of the BC | |
initialCondition | integer | 0 | BC is applied as an initial condition. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
objectPath | string | Path to the target field | |
scale | real64 | 0 | Scale factor for value of BC. |
setNames | string_array | required | Name of sets that boundary condition is applied to. |
Element: ElementRegions¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
CellElementRegion | node | Element: CellElementRegion | |
SurfaceElementRegion | node | Element: SurfaceElementRegion | |
WellElementRegion | node | Element: WellElementRegion |
Element: EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
fractureRegion | string | FractureRegion | (no description available) |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
solidMaterialNames | string_array | required | Name of the solid material used in solid mechanic solver |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: Events¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
maxCycle | integer | 2147483647 | Maximum simulation cycle for the global event loop. |
maxTime | real64 | 1.79769e+308 | Maximum simulation time for the global event loop. |
HaltEvent | node | Element: HaltEvent | |
PeriodicEvent | node | Element: PeriodicEvent | |
SoloEvent | node | Element: SoloEvent |
Element: FieldSpecification¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
bcApplicationTableName | string | Name of table that specifies the on/off application of the bc. | |
beginTime | real64 | -1e+99 | time at which BC will start being applied. |
component | integer | 0 | Component of field (if tensor) to apply boundary condition to |
direction | R1Tensor | 0,0,0 | Direction to apply boundary condition to |
endTime | real64 | 1e+99 | time at which bc will stop being applied |
fieldName | string | Name of field that boundary condition is applied to. | |
functionName | string | Name of function that specifies variation of the BC | |
initialCondition | integer | 0 | BC is applied as an initial condition. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
objectPath | string | Path to the target field | |
scale | real64 | 0 | Scale factor for value of BC. |
setNames | string_array | required | Name of sets that boundary condition is applied to. |
Element: FieldSpecifications¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Dirichlet | node | Element: Dirichlet | |
FieldSpecification | node | Element: FieldSpecification | |
SourceFlux | node | Element: SourceFlux |
Element: File¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
Element: FiniteElementSpace¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
formulation | string | default | Specifier to indicate any specialized formuations. For instance, one of the many enhanced assumed strain methods of the Hexahedron parent shape would be indicated here |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
order | integer | required | The order of the finite element basis. |
Element: FiniteElements¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
FiniteElementSpace | node | Element: FiniteElementSpace | |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: FiniteVolume¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
TwoPointFluxApproximation | node | Element: TwoPointFluxApproximation |
Element: FlowProppantTransport¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
flowSolverName | string | required | Name of the flow solver to use in the flowProppantTransport solver |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
proppantSolverName | string | required | Name of the proppant transport solver to use in the flowProppantTransport solver |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: Functions¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
CompositeFunction | node | Element: CompositeFunction | |
SymbolicFunction | node | Element: SymbolicFunction | |
TableFunction | node | Element: TableFunction |
Element: Geometry¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
BoundedPlane | node | Element: BoundedPlane | |
Box | node | Element: Box | |
Cylinder | node | Element: Cylinder | |
ThickPlane | node | Element: ThickPlane |
Element: HaltEvent¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
beginTime | real64 | 0 | Start time of this event. |
endTime | real64 | 1e+100 | End time of this event. |
finalDtStretch | real64 | 0.001 | Allow the final dt request for this event to grow by this percentage to match the endTime exactly. |
forceDt | real64 | -1 | While active, this event will request this timestep value (ignoring any children/targets requests). |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
maxEventDt | real64 | -1 | While active, this event will request a timestep <= this value (depending upon any child/target requests). |
maxRuntime | real64 | required | The maximum allowable runtime for the job. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
target | string | Name of the object to be executed when the event criteria are met. | |
targetExactStartStop | integer | 1 | If this option is set, the event will reduce its timestep requests to match any specified beginTime/endTimes exactly. |
HaltEvent | node | Element: HaltEvent | |
PeriodicEvent | node | Element: PeriodicEvent | |
SoloEvent | node | Element: SoloEvent |
Element: Hydrofracture¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
contactRelationName | string | required | Name of contact relation to enforce constraints on fracture boundary. |
couplingTypeOption | geosx_HydrofractureSolver_CouplingTypeOption | required | Coupling method. Valid options:
* SIM_FixedStress
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
fluidSolverName | string | required | Name of the fluid mechanics solver to use in the poroelastic solver |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
maxNumResolves | integer | 10 | Value to indicate how many resolves may be executed to perform surface generation after the execution of flow and mechanics solver. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
solidSolverName | string | required | Name of the solid mechanics solver to use in the poroelastic solver |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: Included¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
File | node | Element: File |
Element: InternalMesh¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cellBlockNames | string_array | required | names of each mesh block |
elementTypes | string_array | required | element types of each mesh block |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
nx | integer_array | required | number of elements in the x-direction within each mesh block |
ny | integer_array | required | number of elements in the y-direction within each mesh block |
nz | integer_array | required | number of elements in the z-direction within each mesh block |
trianglePattern | integer | 0 | pattern by which to decompose the hex mesh into prisms (more explanation required) |
xBias | real64_array | {1} | bias of element sizes in the x-direction within each mesh block (dx_left=(1+b)*L/N, dx_right=(1-b)*L/N) |
xCoords | real64_array | required | x-coordinates of each mesh block vertex |
yBias | real64_array | {1} | bias of element sizes in the y-direction within each mesh block (dy_left=(1+b)*L/N, dx_right=(1-b)*L/N) |
yCoords | real64_array | required | y-coordinates of each mesh block vertex |
zBias | real64_array | {1} | bias of element sizes in the z-direction within each mesh block (dz_left=(1+b)*L/N, dz_right=(1-b)*L/N) |
zCoords | real64_array | required | z-coordinates of each mesh block vertex |
Element: InternalWell¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
meshName | string | required | Name of the reservoir mesh associated with this well |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
numElementsPerSegment | integer | required | Number of well elements per polyline segment |
polylineNodeCoords | real64_array2d | required | Physical coordinates of the well polyline nodes |
polylineSegmentConn | globalIndex_array2d | required | Connectivity of the polyline segments |
radius | real64 | required | Radius of the well |
wellControlsName | string | required | Name of the set of constraints associated with this well |
wellRegionName | string | required | Name of the well element region |
Perforation | node | Element: Perforation |
Element: LagrangianContact¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
activeSetMaxIter | integer | 10 | Maximum number of iteration for the active set strategy in the lagrangian contact solver |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
contactRelationName | string | required | Name of the constitutive law used for fracture elements |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
solidSolverName | string | required | Name of the solid mechanics solver to use in the lagrangian contact solver |
stabilizationName | string | required | Name of the stabilization to use in the lagrangian contact solver |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: LaplaceFEM¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
fieldName | string | required | Name of field variable |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
timeIntegrationOption | geosx_LaplaceFEM_TimeIntegrationOption | required | Time integration method. Options are:
* SteadyState
* ImplicitTransient
* ExplicitTransient
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: LinearElasticAnisotropic¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
defaultDensity | real64 | required | Default Material Density |
defaultStiffness | real64_array2d | required | Default Elastic Stiffness Tensor in Voigt notation (6x6 matrix) |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
Element: LinearElasticIsotropic¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
defaultBulkModulus | real64 | -1 | Elastic Bulk Modulus Parameter |
defaultDensity | real64 | required | Default Material Density |
defaultPoissonRatio | real64 | -1 | Poisson’s ratio |
defaultShearModulus | real64 | -1 | Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter |
defaultYoungsModulus | real64 | -1 | Elastic Young’s Modulus. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
Element: LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
defaultDensity | real64 | required | Default Material Density |
defaultPoissonRatioAxialTransverse | real64 | -1 | Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter |
defaultPoissonRatioTransverse | real64 | -1 | Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter |
defaultShearModulusAxialTransverse | real64 | -1 | Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter |
defaultYoungsModulusAxial | real64 | -1 | Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter |
defaultYoungsModulusTransverse | real64 | -1 | Elastic Bulk Modulus Parameter |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
Element: LinearSolverParameters¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
amgCoarseSolver | string | direct | AMG coarsest level solver/smoother type
Available options are: jacobi, gaussSeidel, blockGaussSeidel, chebyshev, direct
amgNullSpaceType | string | constantModes | AMG near null space approximation |
amgNumSweeps | integer | 2 | AMG smoother sweeps |
amgSmootherType | string | gaussSeidel | AMG smoother type
Available options are: jacobi, blockJacobi, gaussSeidel, blockGaussSeidel, chebyshev, icc, ilu, ilut
amgThreshold | real64 | 0 | AMG strength-of-connection threshold |
directCheckResidual | integer | 0 | Whether to check the linear system solution residual |
directColPerm | geosx_LinearSolverParameters_Direct_ColPerm | metis | How to permute the columns. Available options are:
* none
* MMD_AtplusA
* colAMD
* metis
* parmetis
directEquil | integer | 1 | Whether to scale the rows and columns of the matrix |
directIterRef | integer | 1 | Whether to perform iterative refinement |
directParallel | integer | 1 | Whether to use a parallel solver (instead of a serial one) |
directReplTinyPivot | integer | 1 | Whether to replace tiny pivots by sqrt(epsilon)*norm(A) |
directRowPerm | geosx_LinearSolverParameters_Direct_RowPerm | mc64 | How to permute the rows. Available options are:
* none
* mc64
iluFill | integer | 0 | ILU(K) fill factor |
iluThreshold | real64 | 0 | ILU(T) threshold factor |
krylovAdaptiveTol | integer | 0 | Use Eisenstat-Walker adaptive linear tolerance |
krylovMaxIter | integer | 200 | Maximum iterations allowed for an iterative solver |
krylovMaxRestart | integer | 200 | Maximum iterations before restart (GMRES only) |
krylovTol | real64 | 1e-06 | Relative convergence tolerance of the iterative method
If the method converges, the iterative solution is such that
the relative residual norm satisfies:
krylovTol * |
krylovWeakestTol | real64 | 0.001 | Weakest-allowed tolerance for adaptive method |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
preconditionerType | geosx_LinearSolverParameters_PreconditionerType | iluk | Preconditioner type. Available options are:
* none
* jacobi
* gs
* sgs
* iluk
* ilut
* icc
* ict
* amg
* mgr
* block
solverType | geosx_LinearSolverParameters_SolverType | direct | Linear solver type. Available options are:
* direct
* cg
* gmres
* fgmres
* bicgstab
* preconditioner
stopIfError | integer | 1 | Whether to stop the simulation if the linear solver reports an error |
Element: Mesh¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
InternalMesh | node | Element: InternalMesh | |
InternalWell | node | Element: InternalWell | |
PAMELAMeshGenerator | node | Element: PAMELAMeshGenerator |
Element: MultiPhaseMultiComponentFluid¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
componentMolarWeight | real64_array | {0} | Component molar weights |
componentNames | string_array | {} | List of component names |
flashModelParaFile | path | required | name of the filen including flash calculation function parameters |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
phaseNames | string_array | {} | List of fluid phases |
phasePVTParaFiles | path_array | required | List of the names of the files including PVT function parameters |
Element: NonlinearSolverParameters¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
allowNonConverged | integer | 0 | Allow non-converged solution to be accepted. (i.e. exit from the Newton loop without achieving the desired tolerance) |
dtCutIterLimit | real64 | 0.7 | Fraction of the Max Newton iterations above which the solver asks for the time-step to be cut for the next dt. |
dtIncIterLimit | real64 | 0.4 | Fraction of the Max Newton iterations below which the solver asks for the time-step to be doubled for the next dt. |
lineSearchAction | geosx_NonlinearSolverParameters_LineSearchAction | Attempt | How the line search is to be used. Options are:
* None - Do not use line search.
* Attempt - Use line search. Allow exit from line search without achieving smaller residual than starting residual.
* Require - Use line search. If smaller residual than starting resdual is not achieved, cut time step.
lineSearchCutFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Line search cut factor. For instance, a value of 0.5 will result in the effective application of the last solution by a factor of (0.5, 0.25, 0.125, …) |
lineSearchMaxCuts | integer | 4 | Maximum number of line search cuts. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
maxSubSteps | integer | 10 | Maximum number of time sub-steps allowed for the solver |
maxTimeStepCuts | integer | 2 | Max number of time step cuts |
newtonMaxIter | integer | 5 | Maximum number of iterations that are allowed in a Newton loop. |
newtonMinIter | integer | 1 | Minimum number of iterations that are required before exiting the Newton loop. |
newtonTol | real64 | 1e-06 | The required tolerance in order to exit the Newton iteration loop. |
timestepCutFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor by which the time step will be cut if a timestep cut is required. |
Element: NullModel¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
Element: NumericalMethods¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
FiniteElements | node | unique | Element: FiniteElements |
FiniteVolume | node | unique | Element: FiniteVolume |
Element: Outputs¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Blueprint | node | Element: Blueprint | |
ChomboIO | node | Element: ChomboIO | |
Restart | node | Element: Restart | |
Silo | node | Element: Silo | |
TimeHistory | node | Element: TimeHistory | |
VTK | node | Element: VTK |
Element: PAMELAMeshGenerator¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fieldNamesInGEOSX | string_array | {} | Name of the fields within GEOSX |
fieldsToImport | string_array | {} | Fields to be imported from the external mesh file |
file | path | required | path to the mesh file |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
reverseZ | integer | 0 | 0 : Z coordinate is upward, 1 : Z coordinate is downward |
scale | real64 | 1 | Scale the coordinates of the vertices |
Element: PackCollection¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
fieldName | string | required | The name of the (packable) field associated with the specified object to retrieve data from |
minSetSize | localIndex | -1 | The minimum size of the set(s) to be collected (use for sets that expand during the simulation). |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
objectPath | string | required | The name of the object from which to retrieve field values. |
setNames | string_array | {} | The set(s) for which to retrieve data. |
Element: Parameter¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
value | string | required | Input parameter definition for the preprocessor |
Element: Parameters¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Parameter | node | Element: Parameter |
Element: ParticleFluid¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
collisionAlpha | real64 | 1.27 | Collision alpha coefficient |
collisionBeta | real64 | 1.5 | Collision beta coefficient |
fluidViscosity | real64 | 0.001 | Fluid viscosity |
hinderedSettlingCoefficient | real64 | 5.9 | Hindered settling coefficient |
isCollisionalSlip | integer | 0 | Whether the collisional component of the slip velocity is considered |
maxProppantConcentration | real64 | 0.6 | Max proppant concentration |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
particleSettlingModel | geosx_constitutive_ParticleSettlingModel | required | Particle settling velocity model. Valid options:
* Stokes
* Intermediate
* Turbulence
proppantDensity | real64 | 1400 | Proppant density |
proppantDiameter | real64 | 0.0002 | Proppant diameter |
slipConcentration | real64 | 0.1 | Slip concentration |
sphericity | real64 | 1 | Sphericity |
Element: Perforation¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
distanceFromHead | real64 | required | Linear distance from well head to the perforation |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
transmissibility | real64 | -1 | Perforation transmissibility |
Element: PeriodicEvent¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
beginTime | real64 | 0 | Start time of this event. |
cycleFrequency | integer | 1 | Event application frequency (cycle, default) |
endTime | real64 | 1e+100 | End time of this event. |
finalDtStretch | real64 | 0.001 | Allow the final dt request for this event to grow by this percentage to match the endTime exactly. |
forceDt | real64 | -1 | While active, this event will request this timestep value (ignoring any children/targets requests). |
function | string | Name of an optional function to evaluate when the time/cycle criteria are met.If the result is greater than the specified eventThreshold, the function will continue to execute. | |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
maxEventDt | real64 | -1 | While active, this event will request a timestep <= this value (depending upon any child/target requests). |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
object | string | If the optional function requires an object as an input, specify its path here. | |
set | string | If the optional function is applied to an object, specify the setname to evaluate (default = everything). | |
stat | integer | 0 | If the optional function is applied to an object, specify the statistic to compare to the eventThreshold.The current options include: min, avg, and max. |
target | string | Name of the object to be executed when the event criteria are met. | |
targetExactStartStop | integer | 1 | If this option is set, the event will reduce its timestep requests to match any specified beginTime/endTimes exactly. |
targetExactTimestep | integer | 1 | If this option is set, the event will reduce its timestep requests to match the specified timeFrequency perfectly: dt_request = min(dt_request, t_last + time_frequency - time)). |
threshold | real64 | 0 | If the optional function is used, the event will execute if the value returned by the function exceeds this threshold. |
timeFrequency | real64 | -1 | Event application frequency (time). Note: if this value is specified, it will override any cycle-based behavior. |
HaltEvent | node | Element: HaltEvent | |
PeriodicEvent | node | Element: PeriodicEvent | |
SoloEvent | node | Element: SoloEvent |
Element: PhaseFieldDamageFEM¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
criticalFractureEnergy | real64 | required | critical fracture energy |
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
fieldName | string | required | name of field variable |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
lengthScale | real64 | required | lenght scale l in the phase-field equation |
localDissipation | string | required | Type of local dissipation function. Can be Linear or Quadratic |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
solidMaterialNames | string_array | required | name of solid constitutive model |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
timeIntegrationOption | string | required | option for default time integration method |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: PhaseFieldFracture¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
couplingTypeOption | geosx_PhaseFieldFractureSolver_CouplingTypeOption | required | Coupling option. Valid options:
* FixedStress
* TightlyCoupled
damageSolverName | string | required | Name of the damage mechanics solver to use in the PhaseFieldFracture solver |
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
solidSolverName | string | required | Name of the solid mechanics solver to use in the PhaseFieldFracture solver |
subcycling | integer | required | turn on subcycling on each load step |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: PoreVolumeCompressibleSolid¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
compressibility | real64 | required | Solid compressibility |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
referencePressure | real64 | required | Reference pressure for fluid compressibility |
Element: PoroLinearElasticAnisotropic¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
BiotCoefficient | real64 | 1 | Biot’s coefficient |
compressibility | real64 | 0 | Pore volume compressibilty |
defaultDensity | real64 | required | Default Material Density |
defaultStiffness | real64_array2d | required | Default Elastic Stiffness Tensor in Voigt notation (6x6 matrix) |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
referencePressure | real64 | 0 | ReferencePressure |
Element: PoroLinearElasticIsotropic¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
BiotCoefficient | real64 | 1 | Biot’s coefficient |
compressibility | real64 | 0 | Pore volume compressibilty |
defaultBulkModulus | real64 | -1 | Elastic Bulk Modulus Parameter |
defaultDensity | real64 | required | Default Material Density |
defaultPoissonRatio | real64 | -1 | Poisson’s ratio |
defaultShearModulus | real64 | -1 | Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter |
defaultYoungsModulus | real64 | -1 | Elastic Young’s Modulus. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
referencePressure | real64 | 0 | ReferencePressure |
Element: PoroLinearElasticTransverseIsotropic¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
BiotCoefficient | real64 | 1 | Biot’s coefficient |
compressibility | real64 | 0 | Pore volume compressibilty |
defaultDensity | real64 | required | Default Material Density |
defaultPoissonRatioAxialTransverse | real64 | -1 | Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter |
defaultPoissonRatioTransverse | real64 | -1 | Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter |
defaultShearModulusAxialTransverse | real64 | -1 | Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter |
defaultYoungsModulusAxial | real64 | -1 | Elastic Shear Modulus Parameter |
defaultYoungsModulusTransverse | real64 | -1 | Elastic Bulk Modulus Parameter |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
referencePressure | real64 | 0 | ReferencePressure |
Element: Poroelastic¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
couplingTypeOption | geosx_PoroelasticSolver_CouplingTypeOption | required | Coupling method. Valid options:
* SIM_FixedStress
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
fluidSolverName | string | required | Name of the fluid mechanics solver to use in the poroelastic solver |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
solidSolverName | string | required | Name of the solid mechanics solver to use in the poroelastic solver |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: Problem¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Benchmarks | node | unique | Element: Benchmarks |
Constitutive | node | unique | Element: Constitutive |
ElementRegions | node | unique | Element: ElementRegions |
Events | node | unique, required | Element: Events |
FieldSpecifications | node | unique | Element: FieldSpecifications |
Functions | node | unique | Element: Functions |
Geometry | node | unique | Element: Geometry |
Included | node | unique | Element: Included |
Mesh | node | unique, required | Element: Mesh |
NumericalMethods | node | unique | Element: NumericalMethods |
Outputs | node | unique, required | Element: Outputs |
Parameters | node | unique | Element: Parameters |
Solvers | node | unique, required | Element: Solvers |
Tasks | node | unique | Element: Tasks |
Element: ProppantSlurryFluid¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
componentNames | string_array | {} | List of fluid component names |
compressibility | real64 | 0 | Fluid compressibility |
defaultCompressibility | real64_array | {0} | Default value for compressibility. |
defaultDensity | real64_array | {0} | Default value for density. |
defaultViscosity | real64_array | {0} | Default value for viscosity. |
flowBehaviorIndex | real64_array | {0} | Flow behavior index |
flowConsistencyIndex | real64_array | {0} | Flow consistency index |
maxProppantConcentration | real64 | 0.6 | Maximum proppant concentration |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
referenceDensity | real64 | 1000 | Reference fluid density |
referencePressure | real64 | 100000 | Reference pressure |
referenceProppantDensity | real64 | 1400 | Reference proppant density |
referenceViscosity | real64 | 0.001 | Reference fluid viscosity |
Element: ProppantTransport¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
bridgingFactor | real64 | 0 | Bridging factor used for bridging/screen-out calculation |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
criticalShieldsNumber | real64 | 0 | Critical Shields number |
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object to use for this solver. |
fluidNames | string_array | required | Names of fluid constitutive models for each region. |
frictionCoefficient | real64 | 0.03 | Friction coefficient |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
inputFluxEstimate | real64 | 1 | Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
maxProppantConcentration | real64 | 0.6 | Maximum proppant concentration |
meanPermCoeff | real64 | 1 | Coefficient to move between harmonic mean (1.0) and arithmetic mean (0.0) for the calculation of permeability between elements. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
proppantDensity | real64 | 2500 | Proppant density |
proppantDiameter | real64 | 0.0004 | Proppant diameter |
proppantNames | string_array | required | Name of proppant constitutive object to use for this solver. |
solidNames | string_array | required | Names of solid constitutive models for each region. |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
updateProppantPacking | integer | 0 | Flag that enables/disables proppant-packing update |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: Restart¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
childDirectory | string | Child directory path | |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
parallelThreads | integer | 1 | Number of plot files. |
Element: Run¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
args | string | Any extra command line arguments to pass to GEOSX. | |
autoPartition | string | May be ‘Off’ or ‘On’, if ‘On’ partitioning arguments are created automatically. Default is Off. | |
name | string | required | The name of this benchmark. |
nodes | integer | required | The number of nodes needed to run the benchmark. |
strongScaling | integer_array | {0} | Repeat the benchmark N times, scaling the number of nodes in the benchmark by these values. |
tasksPerNode | integer | required | The number of tasks per node to run the benchmark with. |
threadsPerTask | integer | 0 | The number of threads per task to run the benchmark with. |
timeLimit | integer | 0 | The time limit of the benchmark. |
Element: Silo¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
childDirectory | string | Child directory path | |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
parallelThreads | integer | 1 | Number of plot files. |
plotFileRoot | string | plot | (no description available) |
plotLevel | integer | 1 | (no description available) |
writeCellElementMesh | integer | 1 | (no description available) |
writeEdgeMesh | integer | 0 | (no description available) |
writeFEMFaces | integer | 0 | (no description available) |
writeFaceElementMesh | integer | 1 | (no description available) |
Element: SinglePhaseFVM¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object to use for this solver. |
fluidNames | string_array | required | Names of fluid constitutive models for each region. |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
inputFluxEstimate | real64 | 1 | Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
meanPermCoeff | real64 | 1 | Coefficient to move between harmonic mean (1.0) and arithmetic mean (0.0) for the calculation of permeability between elements. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
solidNames | string_array | required | Names of solid constitutive models for each region. |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: SinglePhaseHybridFVM¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object to use for this solver. |
fluidNames | string_array | required | Names of fluid constitutive models for each region. |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
inputFluxEstimate | real64 | 1 | Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
meanPermCoeff | real64 | 1 | Coefficient to move between harmonic mean (1.0) and arithmetic mean (0.0) for the calculation of permeability between elements. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
solidNames | string_array | required | Names of solid constitutive models for each region. |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: SinglePhaseProppantFVM¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object to use for this solver. |
fluidNames | string_array | required | Names of fluid constitutive models for each region. |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
inputFluxEstimate | real64 | 1 | Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
meanPermCoeff | real64 | 1 | Coefficient to move between harmonic mean (1.0) and arithmetic mean (0.0) for the calculation of permeability between elements. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
solidNames | string_array | required | Names of solid constitutive models for each region. |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: SinglePhaseReservoir¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
flowSolverName | string | required | Name of the flow solver to use in the reservoir-well system solver |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
wellSolverName | string | required | Name of the well solver to use in the reservoir-well system solver |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: SinglePhaseWell¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
fluidNames | string_array | required | Name of fluid constitutive object to use for this solver. |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
WellControls | node | Element: WellControls |
Element: SolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
contactRelationName | string | required | Name of contact relation to enforce constraints on fracture boundary. |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
solidSolverName | string | required | Name of the solid mechanics solver in the rock matrix |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
contactRelationName | string | NOCONTACT | Name of contact relation to enforce constraints on fracture boundary. |
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
effectiveStress | integer | 0 | Apply fluid pressure to produce effective stress when integrating stress. |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
massDamping | real64 | 0 | Value of mass based damping coefficient. |
maxNumResolves | integer | 10 | Value to indicate how many resolves may be executed after some other event is executed. For example, if a SurfaceGenerator is specified, it will be executed after the mechanics solve. However if a new surface is generated, then the mechanics solve must be executed again due to the change in topology. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
newmarkBeta | real64 | 0.25 | Value of in the Newmark Method for Implicit Dynamic time integration option. This should be pow(newmarkGamma+0.5,2.0)/4.0 unless you know what you are doing. |
newmarkGamma | real64 | 0.5 | Value of in the Newmark Method for Implicit Dynamic time integration option |
solidMaterialNames | string_array | required | The name of the material that should be used in the constitutive updates |
stiffnessDamping | real64 | 0 | Value of stiffness based damping coefficient. |
strainTheory | integer | 0 | Indicates whether or not to use Infinitesimal Strain Theory, or Finite Strain Theory. Valid Inputs are:
0 - Infinitesimal Strain
1 - Finite Strain
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
timeIntegrationOption | geosx_SolidMechanicsLagrangianFEM_TimeIntegrationOption | ExplicitDynamic | Time integration method. Options are:
* QuasiStatic
* ImplicitDynamic
* ExplicitDynamic
useVelocityForQS | integer | 0 | Flag to indicate the use of the incremental displacement from the previous step as an initial estimate for the incremental displacement of the current step. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
contactRelationName | string | NOCONTACT | Name of contact relation to enforce constraints on fracture boundary. |
discretization | string | required | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
effectiveStress | integer | 0 | Apply fluid pressure to produce effective stress when integrating stress. |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
massDamping | real64 | 0 | Value of mass based damping coefficient. |
maxNumResolves | integer | 10 | Value to indicate how many resolves may be executed after some other event is executed. For example, if a SurfaceGenerator is specified, it will be executed after the mechanics solve. However if a new surface is generated, then the mechanics solve must be executed again due to the change in topology. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
newmarkBeta | real64 | 0.25 | Value of in the Newmark Method for Implicit Dynamic time integration option. This should be pow(newmarkGamma+0.5,2.0)/4.0 unless you know what you are doing. |
newmarkGamma | real64 | 0.5 | Value of in the Newmark Method for Implicit Dynamic time integration option |
solidMaterialNames | string_array | required | The name of the material that should be used in the constitutive updates |
stiffnessDamping | real64 | 0 | Value of stiffness based damping coefficient. |
strainTheory | integer | 0 | Indicates whether or not to use Infinitesimal Strain Theory, or Finite Strain Theory. Valid Inputs are:
0 - Infinitesimal Strain
1 - Finite Strain
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
timeIntegrationOption | geosx_SolidMechanicsLagrangianFEM_TimeIntegrationOption | ExplicitDynamic | Time integration method. Options are:
* QuasiStatic
* ImplicitDynamic
* ExplicitDynamic
useVelocityForQS | integer | 0 | Flag to indicate the use of the incremental displacement from the previous step as an initial estimate for the incremental displacement of the current step. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: SoloEvent¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
beginTime | real64 | 0 | Start time of this event. |
endTime | real64 | 1e+100 | End time of this event. |
finalDtStretch | real64 | 0.001 | Allow the final dt request for this event to grow by this percentage to match the endTime exactly. |
forceDt | real64 | -1 | While active, this event will request this timestep value (ignoring any children/targets requests). |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
maxEventDt | real64 | -1 | While active, this event will request a timestep <= this value (depending upon any child/target requests). |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
target | string | Name of the object to be executed when the event criteria are met. | |
targetCycle | integer | -1 | Targeted cycle to execute the event. |
targetExactStartStop | integer | 1 | If this option is set, the event will reduce its timestep requests to match any specified beginTime/endTimes exactly. |
targetExactTimestep | integer | 1 | If this option is set, the event will reduce its timestep requests to match the specified execution time exactly: dt_request = min(dt_request, t_target - time)). |
targetTime | real64 | -1 | Targeted time to execute the event. |
HaltEvent | node | Element: HaltEvent | |
PeriodicEvent | node | Element: PeriodicEvent | |
SoloEvent | node | Element: SoloEvent |
Element: Solvers¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
gravityVector | R1Tensor | 0,0,-9.81 | Gravity vector used in the physics solvers |
CompositionalMultiphaseFlow | node | Element: CompositionalMultiphaseFlow | |
CompositionalMultiphaseReservoir | node | Element: CompositionalMultiphaseReservoir | |
CompositionalMultiphaseWell | node | Element: CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator | node | Element: EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator | |
FlowProppantTransport | node | Element: FlowProppantTransport | |
Hydrofracture | node | Element: Hydrofracture | |
LagrangianContact | node | Element: LagrangianContact | |
LaplaceFEM | node | Element: LaplaceFEM | |
PhaseFieldDamageFEM | node | Element: PhaseFieldDamageFEM | |
PhaseFieldFracture | node | Element: PhaseFieldFracture | |
Poroelastic | node | Element: Poroelastic | |
ProppantTransport | node | Element: ProppantTransport | |
SinglePhaseFVM | node | Element: SinglePhaseFVM | |
SinglePhaseHybridFVM | node | Element: SinglePhaseHybridFVM | |
SinglePhaseProppantFVM | node | Element: SinglePhaseProppantFVM | |
SinglePhaseReservoir | node | Element: SinglePhaseReservoir | |
SinglePhaseWell | node | Element: SinglePhaseWell | |
SolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures | node | Element: SolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures | |
SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE | node | Element: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE | |
SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM | node | Element: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM | |
SurfaceGenerator | node | Element: SurfaceGenerator |
Element: SourceFlux¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
bcApplicationTableName | string | Name of table that specifies the on/off application of the bc. | |
beginTime | real64 | -1e+99 | time at which BC will start being applied. |
component | integer | 0 | Component of field (if tensor) to apply boundary condition to |
direction | R1Tensor | 0,0,0 | Direction to apply boundary condition to |
endTime | real64 | 1e+99 | time at which bc will stop being applied |
fieldName | string | Name of field that boundary condition is applied to. | |
functionName | string | Name of function that specifies variation of the BC | |
initialCondition | integer | 0 | BC is applied as an initial condition. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
objectPath | string | Path to the target field | |
scale | real64 | 0 | Scale factor for value of BC. |
setNames | string_array | required | Name of sets that boundary condition is applied to. |
Element: SurfaceElementRegion¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
defaultAperture | real64 | required | The default aperture of newly formed surface elements. |
materialList | string_array | required | List of materials present in this region |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
subRegionType | geosx_SurfaceElementRegion_SurfaceSubRegionType | faceElement | Type of surface element subregion. Valid options:
* faceElement
* embeddedElement
Element: SurfaceGenerator¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cflFactor | real64 | 0.5 | Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1] |
fractureRegion | string | Fracture | (no description available) |
initialDt | real64 | 1e+99 | Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager. |
logLevel | integer | 0 | Log level |
mpiCommOrder | integer | 0 | Flag to enable MPI consistent communication ordering |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
nodeBasedSIF | integer | 0 | Rock toughness of the solid material |
rockToughness | real64 | required | Rock toughness of the solid material |
solidMaterialNames | string_array | required | Name of the solid material used in solid mechanic solver |
targetRegions | string_array | required | Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | unique | Element: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Element: SymbolicFunction¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
expression | string | required | Symbolic math expression |
inputVarNames | string_array | {} | Name of fields are input to function. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
variableNames | string_array | required | List of variables in expression. The order must match the evaluate argument |
Element: TableFunction¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
coordinateFiles | path_array | {} | List of coordinate file names for ND Table |
coordinates | real64_array | {0} | Coordinates inputs for 1D tables |
inputVarNames | string_array | {} | Name of fields are input to function. |
interpolation | geosx_TableFunction_InterpolationType | linear | Interpolation method. Valid options:
* linear
* nearest
* upper
* lower
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
values | real64_array | {0} | Values for 1D tables |
voxelFile | path | Voxel file name for ND Table |
Element: Tasks¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
PackCollection | node | Element: PackCollection |
Element: ThickPlane¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
normal | R1Tensor | required | Normal (n_x,n_y,n_z) to the plane (will be normalized automatically) |
origin | R1Tensor | required | Origin point (x,y,z) of the plane (basically, any point on the plane) |
thickness | real64 | required | The total thickness of the plane (with half to each side) |
Element: TimeHistory¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
childDirectory | string | Child directory path | |
filename | string | TimeHistory | The filename to which to write time history output. |
format | string | hdf | The output file format for time history output. |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
parallelThreads | integer | 1 | Number of plot files. |
sources | string_array | required | A list of collectors from which to collect and output time history information. |
Element: TwoPointFluxApproximation¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
areaRelTol | real64 | 1e-08 | Relative tolerance for area calculations. |
coefficientName | string | required | Name of coefficient field |
fieldName | string | required | Name of primary solution field |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
targetRegions | string_array | {} | List of regions to build the stencil for |
Element: VTK¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
childDirectory | string | Child directory path | |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
parallelThreads | integer | 1 | Number of plot files. |
plotFileRoot | string | (no description available) | |
plotLevel | integer | 1 | (no description available) |
writeBinaryData | integer | 1 | Output the data in binary format |
writeFEMFaces | integer | 0 | (no description available) |
Element: VanGenuchtenBakerRelativePermeability¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
gasOilRelPermExponentInv | real64_array | {0.5} | Rel perm power law exponent inverse for the pair (gas phase, oil phase) at residual water saturation |
gasOilRelPermMaxValue | real64_array | {0} | Maximum rel perm value for the pair (gas phase, oil phase) at residual water saturation |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
phaseMinVolumeFraction | real64_array | {0} | Minimum volume fraction value for each phase |
phaseNames | string_array | required | List of fluid phases |
waterOilRelPermExponentInv | real64_array | {0.5} | Rel perm power law exponent inverse for the pair (water phase, oil phase) at residual gas saturation |
waterOilRelPermMaxValue | real64_array | {0} | Maximum rel perm value for the pair (water phase, oil phase) at residual gas saturation |
Element: VanGenuchtenCapillaryPressure¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
capPressureEpsilon | real64 | 1e-06 | Saturation at which the extremum capillary pressure is attained; used to avoid infinite capillary pressure values for saturations close to 0 and 1 |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
phaseCapPressureExponentInv | real64_array | {0.5} | Inverse of capillary power law exponent for each phase |
phaseCapPressureMultiplier | real64_array | {1} | Entry pressure value for each phase |
phaseMinVolumeFraction | real64_array | {0} | Minimum volume fraction value for each phase |
phaseNames | string_array | required | List of fluid phases |
Element: WellControls¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
control | geosx_WellControls_Control | required | Well control. Valid options:
* gasRate
* oilRate
* waterRate
* liquidRate
injectionStream | real64_array | {-1} | Global component densities for the injection stream |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
targetBHP | real64 | required | Target bottom-hole pressure |
targetRate | real64 | required | Target rate |
type | geosx_WellControls_Type | required | Well type. Valid options:
* producer
* injector
Element: WellElementRegion¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
materialList | string_array | required | List of materials present in this region |
name | string | required | A name is required for any non-unique nodes |
Element: lassen¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Run | node | unique | Element: Run |
Element: quartz¶
Name | Type | Default | Description |
Run | node | unique | Element: Run |
Datastructure Definitions¶
Datastructure: Benchmarks¶
Name | Type | Description |
lassen | node | Datastructure: lassen |
quartz | node | Datastructure: quartz |
Datastructure: BlackOilFluid¶
Name | Type | Description |
dPhaseCompFraction_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseCompFraction_dPressure | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseCompFraction_dTemperature | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseDensity_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseDensity_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseDensity_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseFraction_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseFraction_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseFraction_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseMassDensity_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseMassDensity_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseMassDensity_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseViscosity_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseViscosity_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseViscosity_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dTotalDensity_dGlobalCompFraction | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dTotalDensity_dPressure | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
dTotalDensity_dTemperature | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
phaseCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
phaseDensity | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseFraction | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseMassDensity | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseViscosity | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
totalDensity | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
useMass | integer | (no description available) |
Datastructure: Blueprint¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: BoundedPlane¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: Box¶
Name | Type | Description |
center | R1Tensor | (no description available) |
cosStrike | real64 | (no description available) |
sinStrike | real64 | (no description available) |
Datastructure: BrooksCoreyBakerRelativePermeability¶
Name | Type | Description |
dPhaseRelPerm_dPhaseVolFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
phaseOrder | integer_array | (no description available) |
phaseRelPerm | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseTypes | integer_array | (no description available) |
volFracScale | real64 | Factor used to scale the phase capillary pressure, defined as: one minus the sum of the phase minimum volume fractions. |
Datastructure: BrooksCoreyCapillaryPressure¶
Name | Type | Description |
dPhaseCapPressure_dPhaseVolFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
phaseCapPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseOrder | integer_array | (no description available) |
phaseTypes | integer_array | (no description available) |
volFracScale | real64 | Factor used to scale the phase capillary pressure, defined as: one minus the sum of the phase minimum volume fractions. |
Datastructure: BrooksCoreyRelativePermeability¶
Name | Type | Description |
dPhaseRelPerm_dPhaseVolFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
phaseOrder | integer_array | (no description available) |
phaseRelPerm | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseTypes | integer_array | (no description available) |
volFracScale | real64 | Factor used to scale the phase capillary pressure, defined as: one minus the sum of the phase minimum volume fractions. |
Datastructure: CellElementRegion¶
Name | Type | Description |
domainBoundaryIndicator | integer_array | (no description available) |
ghostRank | integer_array | (no description available) |
globalToLocalMap | geosx_mapBase< long long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > | (no description available) |
isExternal | integer_array | (no description available) |
localToGlobalMap | globalIndex_array | Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex. |
elementSubRegions | node | Datastructure: elementSubRegions |
neighborData | node | Datastructure: neighborData |
sets | node | Datastructure: sets |
Datastructure: ChomboIO¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: CompositeFunction¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseFlow¶
Name | Type | Description |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseFluid¶
Name | Type | Description |
dPhaseCompFraction_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseCompFraction_dPressure | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseCompFraction_dTemperature | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseDensity_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseDensity_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseDensity_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseFraction_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseFraction_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseFraction_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseMassDensity_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseMassDensity_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseMassDensity_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseViscosity_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseViscosity_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseViscosity_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dTotalDensity_dGlobalCompFraction | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dTotalDensity_dPressure | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
dTotalDensity_dTemperature | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
phaseCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
phaseDensity | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseFraction | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseMassDensity | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseViscosity | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
totalDensity | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
useMass | integer | (no description available) |
Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseReservoir¶
Name | Type | Description |
discretization | string | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: CompositionalMultiphaseWell¶
Name | Type | Description |
discretization | string | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
WellControls | node | Datastructure: WellControls |
Datastructure: CompressibleSinglePhaseFluid¶
Name | Type | Description |
dDensity_dPressure | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
dViscosity_dPressure | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
density | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
viscosity | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
Datastructure: Constitutive¶
Datastructure: ConstitutiveModels¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: Contact¶
Name | Type | Description |
TableFunction | node | Datastructure: TableFunction |
Datastructure: Coulomb¶
Name | Type | Description |
TableFunction | node | Datastructure: TableFunction |
Datastructure: Cylinder¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: DamageLinearElasticIsotropic¶
Name | Type | Description |
BulkModulus | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
ShearModulus | real64_array | Elastic Shear Modulus |
damage | real64_array2d | Material Damage Variable |
density | real64_array2d | Material Density |
strainEnergyDensity | real64_array2d | Stress Deviator |
stress | real64_array3d | Material Stress |
Datastructure: Dirichlet¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: ElementRegions¶
Name | Type | Description |
domainBoundaryIndicator | integer_array | (no description available) |
ghostRank | integer_array | (no description available) |
globalToLocalMap | geosx_mapBase< long long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > | (no description available) |
isExternal | integer_array | (no description available) |
localToGlobalMap | globalIndex_array | Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex. |
CellElementRegion | node | Datastructure: CellElementRegion |
SurfaceElementRegion | node | Datastructure: SurfaceElementRegion |
WellElementRegion | node | Datastructure: WellElementRegion |
elementRegionsGroup | node | Datastructure: elementRegionsGroup |
neighborData | node | Datastructure: neighborData |
sets | node | Datastructure: sets |
Datastructure: EmbeddedSurfaceGenerator¶
Name | Type | Description |
discretization | string | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: Events¶
Name | Type | Description |
currentSubEvent | integer | Index of the current subevent. |
cycle | integer | Current simulation cycle number. |
dt | real64 | Current simulation timestep. |
time | real64 | Current simulation time. |
HaltEvent | node | Datastructure: HaltEvent |
PeriodicEvent | node | Datastructure: PeriodicEvent |
SoloEvent | node | Datastructure: SoloEvent |
Datastructure: FaceManager¶
Name | Type | Registered By | Description |
domainBoundaryIndicator | integer_array | (no description available) | |
edgeList | geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > | (no description available) | |
elemList | localIndex_array2d | (no description available) | |
elemRegionList | localIndex_array2d | (no description available) | |
elemSubRegionList | localIndex_array2d | (no description available) | |
faceArea | real64_array | (no description available) | |
faceCenter | real64_array2d | (no description available) | |
faceNormal | real64_array2d | (no description available) | |
ghostRank | integer_array | (no description available) | |
globalToLocalMap | geosx_mapBase< long long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > | (no description available) | |
gravityCoefficient | real64_array | (no description available) | |
isExternal | integer_array | (no description available) | |
localToGlobalMap | globalIndex_array | Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex. | |
nodeList | geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > | (no description available) | |
K_IC | real64_array2d | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Critical Stress Intensity Factor in the plane of the face. |
SIFonFace | real64_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Calculated Stress Intensity Factor on the face. |
TransMultiplier | real64_array | Datastructure: TwoPointFluxApproximation | An array that holds the transmissibility multipliers |
childIndex | localIndex_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Index of child within the mesh object it is registered on. |
degreeFromCrackTip | integer_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Distance to the crack tip in terms of topological distance. (i.e. how many nodes are along the path to the closest node that is on the crack surface. |
deltaFacePressure | real64_array | Datastructure: SinglePhaseHybridFVM | An array that holds the accumulated pressure updates at the faces. |
facePressure | real64_array | Datastructure: SinglePhaseFVM, Datastructure: SinglePhaseHybridFVM, Datastructure: SinglePhaseProppantFVM | An array that holds the pressures at the faces. |
isFaceSeparable | integer_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | A flag to mark if the face is separable. |
parentIndex | localIndex_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Index of parent within the mesh object it is registered on. |
primaryCandidateFace | localIndex_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | ?? |
ruptureState | integer_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Rupture state of the face:
0=not ready for rupture
1=ready for rupture
ruptureTime | real64_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Time that the object was ruptured/split. |
neighborData | node | Datastructure: neighborData | |
sets | node | Datastructure: sets |
Datastructure: FieldSpecification¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: FieldSpecifications¶
Name | Type | Description |
Dirichlet | node | Datastructure: Dirichlet |
FieldSpecification | node | Datastructure: FieldSpecification |
SourceFlux | node | Datastructure: SourceFlux |
Datastructure: File¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: FiniteElementSpace¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: FiniteElements¶
Name | Type | Description |
FiniteElementSpace | node | Datastructure: FiniteElementSpace |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: FiniteVolume¶
Name | Type | Description |
TwoPointFluxApproximation | node | Datastructure: TwoPointFluxApproximation |
Datastructure: FlowProppantTransport¶
Name | Type | Description |
discretization | string | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: Functions¶
Name | Type | Description |
CompositeFunction | node | Datastructure: CompositeFunction |
SymbolicFunction | node | Datastructure: SymbolicFunction |
TableFunction | node | Datastructure: TableFunction |
Datastructure: Geometry¶
Name | Type | Description |
BoundedPlane | node | Datastructure: BoundedPlane |
Box | node | Datastructure: Box |
Cylinder | node | Datastructure: Cylinder |
ThickPlane | node | Datastructure: ThickPlane |
Datastructure: HaltEvent¶
Name | Type | Description |
currentSubEvent | integer | Index of the current subevent |
eventForecast | integer | Indicates when the event is expected to execute |
isTargetExecuting | integer | Index of the current subevent |
lastCycle | integer | Last event occurrence (cycle) |
lastTime | real64 | Last event occurrence (time) |
HaltEvent | node | Datastructure: HaltEvent |
PeriodicEvent | node | Datastructure: PeriodicEvent |
SoloEvent | node | Datastructure: SoloEvent |
Datastructure: Hydrofracture¶
Name | Type | Description |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: Included¶
Name | Type | Description |
File | node | Datastructure: File |
Datastructure: InternalMesh¶
Name | Type | Description |
meshLevels | integer | (no description available) |
Level0 | node | Datastructure: Level0 |
Datastructure: InternalWell¶
Name | Type | Description |
meshLevels | integer | (no description available) |
Level0 | node | Datastructure: Level0 |
Perforation | node | Datastructure: Perforation |
Datastructure: LagrangianContact¶
Name | Type | Description |
discretization | string | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: LaplaceFEM¶
Name | Type | Description |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: Level0¶
Name | Type | Description |
meshLevel | integer | (no description available) |
ElementRegions | node | Datastructure: ElementRegions |
FaceManager | node | Datastructure: FaceManager |
edgeManager | node | Datastructure: edgeManager |
embeddedSurfacesEdgeManager | node | Datastructure: embeddedSurfacesEdgeManager |
finiteVolumeStencils | node | Datastructure: finiteVolumeStencils |
nodeManager | node | Datastructure: nodeManager |
Datastructure: LinearElasticAnisotropic¶
Name | Type | Description |
density | real64_array2d | Material Density |
stiffness | real64_array3d | Fully Anisotropic Elastic Stiffness Field in Voigt notation (6x6 matrix) |
stress | real64_array3d | Material Stress |
Datastructure: LinearElasticIsotropic¶
Name | Type | Description |
BulkModulus | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
ShearModulus | real64_array | Elastic Shear Modulus |
density | real64_array2d | Material Density |
stress | real64_array3d | Material Stress |
Datastructure: LinearElasticTransverseIsotropic¶
Name | Type | Description |
c11 | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
c13 | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
c33 | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
c44 | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
c66 | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
density | real64_array2d | Material Density |
stress | real64_array3d | Material Stress |
Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: Mesh¶
Name | Type | Description |
InternalMesh | node | Datastructure: InternalMesh |
InternalWell | node | Datastructure: InternalWell |
PAMELAMeshGenerator | node | Datastructure: PAMELAMeshGenerator |
Datastructure: MeshBodies¶
Name | Type | Description |
InternalMesh | node | Datastructure: InternalMesh |
InternalWell | node | Datastructure: InternalWell |
PAMELAMeshGenerator | node | Datastructure: PAMELAMeshGenerator |
Datastructure: MultiPhaseMultiComponentFluid¶
Name | Type | Description |
dPhaseCompFraction_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 5, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l, 4l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseCompFraction_dPressure | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseCompFraction_dTemperature | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseDensity_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseDensity_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseDensity_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseFraction_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseFraction_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseFraction_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseMassDensity_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseMassDensity_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseMassDensity_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseViscosity_dGlobalCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dPhaseViscosity_dPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dPhaseViscosity_dTemperature | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dTotalDensity_dGlobalCompFraction | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dTotalDensity_dPressure | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
dTotalDensity_dTemperature | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
phaseCompFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
phaseDensity | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseFraction | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseMassDensity | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseViscosity | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
totalDensity | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
useMass | integer | (no description available) |
Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters¶
Name | Type | Description |
newtonNumberOfIterations | integer | Number of Newton’s iterations. |
Datastructure: NullModel¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: NumericalMethods¶
Name | Type | Description |
FiniteElements | node | Datastructure: FiniteElements |
FiniteVolume | node | Datastructure: FiniteVolume |
Datastructure: Outputs¶
Name | Type | Description |
Blueprint | node | Datastructure: Blueprint |
ChomboIO | node | Datastructure: ChomboIO |
Restart | node | Datastructure: Restart |
Silo | node | Datastructure: Silo |
TimeHistory | node | Datastructure: TimeHistory |
VTK | node | Datastructure: VTK |
Datastructure: PAMELAMeshGenerator¶
Name | Type | Description |
meshLevels | integer | (no description available) |
Level0 | node | Datastructure: Level0 |
Datastructure: PackCollection¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: Parameter¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: Parameters¶
Name | Type | Description |
Parameter | node | Datastructure: Parameter |
Datastructure: ParticleFluid¶
Name | Type | Description |
collisionFactor | real64_array | (no description available) |
dCollisionFactor_dProppantConcentration | real64_array | (no description available) |
dSettlingFactor_dComponentConcentration | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
dSettlingFactor_dPressure | real64_array | (no description available) |
dSettlingFactor_dProppantConcentration | real64_array | (no description available) |
proppantPackPermeability | real64_array | (no description available) |
settlingFactor | real64_array | (no description available) |
Datastructure: Perforation¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: PeriodicEvent¶
Name | Type | Description |
currentSubEvent | integer | Index of the current subevent |
eventForecast | integer | Indicates when the event is expected to execute |
isTargetExecuting | integer | Index of the current subevent |
lastCycle | integer | Last event occurrence (cycle) |
lastTime | real64 | Last event occurrence (time) |
HaltEvent | node | Datastructure: HaltEvent |
PeriodicEvent | node | Datastructure: PeriodicEvent |
SoloEvent | node | Datastructure: SoloEvent |
Datastructure: PhaseFieldDamageFEM¶
Name | Type | Description |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: PhaseFieldFracture¶
Name | Type | Description |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: PoreVolumeCompressibleSolid¶
Name | Type | Description |
dPVMult_dDensity | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
poreVolumeMultiplier | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
Datastructure: PoroLinearElasticAnisotropic¶
Name | Type | Description |
dPVMult_dDensity | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
density | real64_array2d | Material Density |
poreVolumeMultiplier | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
stiffness | real64_array3d | Fully Anisotropic Elastic Stiffness Field in Voigt notation (6x6 matrix) |
stress | real64_array3d | Material Stress |
Datastructure: PoroLinearElasticIsotropic¶
Name | Type | Description |
BulkModulus | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
ShearModulus | real64_array | Elastic Shear Modulus |
dPVMult_dDensity | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
density | real64_array2d | Material Density |
poreVolumeMultiplier | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
stress | real64_array3d | Material Stress |
Datastructure: PoroLinearElasticTransverseIsotropic¶
Name | Type | Description |
c11 | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
c13 | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
c33 | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
c44 | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
c66 | real64_array | Elastic Bulk Modulus Field |
dPVMult_dDensity | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
density | real64_array2d | Material Density |
poreVolumeMultiplier | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
stress | real64_array3d | Material Stress |
Datastructure: Poroelastic¶
Name | Type | Description |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: Problem¶
Name | Type | Description |
Benchmarks | node | Datastructure: Benchmarks |
Constitutive | node | Datastructure: Constitutive |
ElementRegions | node | Datastructure: ElementRegions |
Events | node | Datastructure: Events |
FieldSpecifications | node | Datastructure: FieldSpecifications |
Functions | node | Datastructure: Functions |
Geometry | node | Datastructure: Geometry |
Included | node | Datastructure: Included |
Mesh | node | Datastructure: Mesh |
NumericalMethods | node | Datastructure: NumericalMethods |
Outputs | node | Datastructure: Outputs |
Parameters | node | Datastructure: Parameters |
Solvers | node | Datastructure: Solvers |
Tasks | node | Datastructure: Tasks |
commandLine | node | Datastructure: commandLine |
domain | node | Datastructure: domain |
Datastructure: ProppantSlurryFluid¶
Name | Type | Description |
FluidDensity | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
FluidViscosity | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
componentDensity | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dCompDens_dCompConc | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
dCompDens_dPres | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dDens_dCompConc | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dDens_dPres | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
dDens_dProppantConc | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
dFluidDens_dCompConc | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dFluidDens_dPres | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
dFluidVisc_dCompConc | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dFluidVisc_dPres | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
dVisc_dCompConc | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
dVisc_dPres | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
dVisc_dProppantConc | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
density | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
viscosity | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
Datastructure: ProppantTransport¶
Name | Type | Description |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: Restart¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: Run¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: Silo¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: SinglePhaseFVM¶
Name | Type | Registered On | Description |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. | |
facePressure | real64_array | Datastructure: FaceManager | An array that holds the pressures at the faces. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters | |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: SinglePhaseHybridFVM¶
Name | Type | Registered On | Description |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. | |
deltaFacePressure | real64_array | Datastructure: FaceManager | An array that holds the accumulated pressure updates at the faces. |
facePressure | real64_array | Datastructure: FaceManager | An array that holds the pressures at the faces. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters | |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: SinglePhaseProppantFVM¶
Name | Type | Registered On | Description |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. | |
facePressure | real64_array | Datastructure: FaceManager | An array that holds the pressures at the faces. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters | |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: SinglePhaseReservoir¶
Name | Type | Description |
discretization | string | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: SinglePhaseWell¶
Name | Type | Description |
discretization | string | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
WellControls | node | Datastructure: WellControls |
Datastructure: SolidMechanicsEmbeddedFractures¶
Name | Type | Description |
discretization | string | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE¶
Name | Type | Registered On | Description |
maxForce | real64 | The maximum force contribution in the problem domain. | |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. | |
Acceleration | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the current acceleration on the nodes. This array also is used to hold the summation of nodal forces resulting from the governing equations. |
IncrementalDisplacement | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the incremental displacements for the current time step on the nodes. |
Mass | real64_array | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the mass on the nodes. |
TotalDisplacement | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the total displacements on the nodes. |
Velocity | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the current velocity on the nodes. |
contactForce | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the contact force. |
externalForce | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the external forces on the nodes. This includes any boundary conditions as well as coupling forces such as hydraulic forces. |
uhatTilde | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the incremental displacement predictors on the nodes. |
velocityTilde | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the velocity predictors on the nodes. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters | |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM¶
Name | Type | Registered On | Description |
maxForce | real64 | The maximum force contribution in the problem domain. | |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. | |
Acceleration | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the current acceleration on the nodes. This array also is used to hold the summation of nodal forces resulting from the governing equations. |
IncrementalDisplacement | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the incremental displacements for the current time step on the nodes. |
Mass | real64_array | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the mass on the nodes. |
TotalDisplacement | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the total displacements on the nodes. |
Velocity | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the current velocity on the nodes. |
contactForce | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the contact force. |
externalForce | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the external forces on the nodes. This includes any boundary conditions as well as coupling forces such as hydraulic forces. |
uhatTilde | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the incremental displacement predictors on the nodes. |
velocityTilde | real64_array2d | Datastructure: nodeManager | An array that holds the velocity predictors on the nodes. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters | |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: SoloEvent¶
Name | Type | Description |
currentSubEvent | integer | Index of the current subevent |
eventForecast | integer | Indicates when the event is expected to execute |
isTargetExecuting | integer | Index of the current subevent |
lastCycle | integer | Last event occurrence (cycle) |
lastTime | real64 | Last event occurrence (time) |
HaltEvent | node | Datastructure: HaltEvent |
PeriodicEvent | node | Datastructure: PeriodicEvent |
SoloEvent | node | Datastructure: SoloEvent |
Datastructure: Solvers¶
Datastructure: SourceFlux¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: SurfaceElementRegion¶
Name | Type | Description |
domainBoundaryIndicator | integer_array | (no description available) |
ghostRank | integer_array | (no description available) |
globalToLocalMap | geosx_mapBase< long long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > | (no description available) |
isExternal | integer_array | (no description available) |
localToGlobalMap | globalIndex_array | Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex. |
elementSubRegions | node | Datastructure: elementSubRegions |
neighborData | node | Datastructure: neighborData |
sets | node | Datastructure: sets |
Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator¶
Name | Type | Registered On | Description |
discretization | string | Name of discretization object (defined in the Numerical Methods) to use for this solver. For instance, if this is a Finite Element Solver, the name of a FiniteElement should be specified. If this is a Finite Volume Method, the name of a FiniteVolume discretization should be specified. | |
failCriterion | integer | (no description available) | |
maxStableDt | real64 | Value of the Maximum Stable Timestep for this solver. | |
tipEdges | LvArray_SortedArray< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | Set containing all the tip edges | |
tipFaces | LvArray_SortedArray< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | Set containing all the tip faces | |
tipNodes | LvArray_SortedArray< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | Set containing all the nodes at the fracture tip | |
trailingFaces | LvArray_SortedArray< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | Set containing all the trailing faces | |
K_IC | real64_array2d | Datastructure: FaceManager | Critical Stress Intensity Factor in the plane of the face. |
SIFNode | real64_array | Datastructure: nodeManager | Calculated Stress Intensity Factor on the node. |
SIF_I | real64_array | Datastructure: edgeManager | Calculated mode 1 Stress Intensity Factor on the node. |
SIF_II | real64_array | Datastructure: edgeManager | Calculated mode 2 Stress Intensity Factor on the node. |
SIF_III | real64_array | Datastructure: edgeManager | Calculated mode 3 Stress Intensity Factor on the node. |
SIFonFace | real64_array | Datastructure: FaceManager | Calculated Stress Intensity Factor on the face. |
childIndex | localIndex_array | Datastructure: edgeManager | Index of child within the mesh object it is registered on. |
degreeFromCrack | integer_array | Datastructure: nodeManager | Distance to the crack in terms of topological distance. (i.e. how many nodes are along the path to the closest node that is on the crack surface. |
degreeFromCrackTip | integer_array | Datastructure: nodeManager | Distance to the crack tip in terms of topological distance. (i.e. how many nodes are along the path to the closest node that is on the crack surface. |
isFaceSeparable | integer_array | Datastructure: FaceManager | A flag to mark if the face is separable. |
parentIndex | localIndex_array | Datastructure: edgeManager | Index of parent within the mesh object it is registered on. |
primaryCandidateFace | localIndex_array | Datastructure: FaceManager | ?? |
ruptureState | integer_array | Datastructure: FaceManager | Rupture state of the face:
0=not ready for rupture
1=ready for rupture
ruptureTime | real64_array | Datastructure: nodeManager | Time that the object was ruptured/split. |
LinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: LinearSolverParameters | |
NonlinearSolverParameters | node | Datastructure: NonlinearSolverParameters |
Datastructure: SymbolicFunction¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: TableFunction¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: Tasks¶
Name | Type | Description |
PackCollection | node | Datastructure: PackCollection |
Datastructure: ThickPlane¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: TimeHistory¶
Name | Type | Description |
restart | integer | The current history record to be written, on restart from an earlier time allows use to remove invalid future history. |
Datastructure: TwoPointFluxApproximation¶
Name | Type | Registered On | Description |
cellStencil | geosx_CellElementStencilTPFA | (no description available) | |
fractureStencil | geosx_FaceElementStencil | (no description available) | |
TransMultiplier | real64_array | Datastructure: FaceManager | An array that holds the transmissibility multipliers |
Datastructure: VTK¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: VanGenuchtenBakerRelativePermeability¶
Name | Type | Description |
dPhaseRelPerm_dPhaseVolFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
phaseOrder | integer_array | (no description available) |
phaseRelPerm | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseTypes | integer_array | (no description available) |
volFracScale | real64 | Factor used to scale the phase capillary pressure, defined as: one minus the sum of the phase minimum volume fractions. |
Datastructure: VanGenuchtenCapillaryPressure¶
Name | Type | Description |
dPhaseCapPressure_dPhaseVolFraction | LvArray_Array< double, 4, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l, 2l, 3l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
phaseCapPressure | real64_array3d | (no description available) |
phaseOrder | integer_array | (no description available) |
phaseTypes | integer_array | (no description available) |
volFracScale | real64 | Factor used to scale the phase capillary pressure, defined as: one minus the sum of the phase minimum volume fractions. |
Datastructure: WellControls¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: WellElementRegion¶
Name | Type | Description |
domainBoundaryIndicator | integer_array | (no description available) |
ghostRank | integer_array | (no description available) |
globalToLocalMap | geosx_mapBase< long long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > | (no description available) |
isExternal | integer_array | (no description available) |
localToGlobalMap | globalIndex_array | Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex. |
wellControlsName | string | (no description available) |
wellGeneratorName | string | (no description available) |
elementSubRegions | node | Datastructure: elementSubRegions |
neighborData | node | Datastructure: neighborData |
sets | node | Datastructure: sets |
Datastructure: WellElementRegionuniqueSubRegion¶
Name | Type | Description |
domainBoundaryIndicator | integer_array | (no description available) |
elementCenter | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
elementVolume | real64_array | (no description available) |
ghostRank | integer_array | (no description available) |
globalToLocalMap | geosx_mapBase< long long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > | (no description available) |
isExternal | integer_array | (no description available) |
localToGlobalMap | globalIndex_array | Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex. |
nextWellElementIndex | localIndex_array | (no description available) |
nextWellElementIndexGlobal | localIndex_array | (no description available) |
nodeList | geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_Array< long, 2, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > | (no description available) |
numEdgesPerElement | localIndex | (no description available) |
numFacesPerElement | localIndex | (no description available) |
numNodesPerElement | localIndex | (no description available) |
radius | real64_array | (no description available) |
topRank | integer | (no description available) |
topWellElementIndex | localIndex | (no description available) |
wellControlsName | string | (no description available) |
ConstitutiveModels | node | Datastructure: ConstitutiveModels |
neighborData | node | Datastructure: neighborData |
sets | node | Datastructure: sets |
wellElementSubRegion | node | Datastructure: wellElementSubRegion |
Datastructure: cellBlocks¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: cellManager¶
Name | Type | Description |
domainBoundaryIndicator | integer_array | (no description available) |
ghostRank | integer_array | (no description available) |
globalToLocalMap | geosx_mapBase< long long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > | (no description available) |
isExternal | integer_array | (no description available) |
localToGlobalMap | globalIndex_array | Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex. |
cellBlocks | node | Datastructure: cellBlocks |
neighborData | node | Datastructure: neighborData |
sets | node | Datastructure: sets |
Datastructure: commandLine¶
Name | Type | Description |
beginFromRestart | integer | Flag to indicate restart run. |
inputFileName | string | Name of the input xml file. |
outputDirectory | string | Directory in which to put the output files, if not specified defaults to the current directory. |
overridePartitionNumbers | integer | Flag to indicate partition number override |
problemName | string | Used in writing the output files, if not specified defaults to the name of the input file. |
restartFileName | string | Name of the restart file. |
schemaFileName | string | Name of the output schema |
suppressPinned | integer | Whether to disallow using pinned memory allocations for MPI communication buffers. |
useNonblockingMPI | integer | Whether to prefer using non-blocking MPI communication where implemented (results in non-deterministic DOF numbering). |
xPartitionsOverride | integer | Number of partitions in the x-direction |
yPartitionsOverride | integer | Number of partitions in the y-direction |
zPartitionsOverride | integer | Number of partitions in the z-direction |
Datastructure: domain¶
Name | Type | Description |
Neighbors | std_vector< geosx_NeighborCommunicator, std_allocator< geosx_NeighborCommunicator > > | (no description available) |
partitionManager | geosx_PartitionBase | (no description available) |
Constitutive | node | Datastructure: Constitutive |
MeshBodies | node | Datastructure: MeshBodies |
cellManager | node | Datastructure: cellManager |
Datastructure: edgeManager¶
Name | Type | Registered By | Description |
domainBoundaryIndicator | integer_array | (no description available) | |
edgesToFractureConnectors | geosx_mapBase< long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > | A map of edge local indices to the fracture connector local indices. | |
faceList | geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfSets< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > | (no description available) | |
fractureConnectorsToEdges | localIndex_array | A map of fracture connector local indices to edge local indices. | |
fractureConnectorsToElementIndex | LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | A map of fracture connector local indices face element local indices | |
ghostRank | integer_array | (no description available) | |
globalToLocalMap | geosx_mapBase< long long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > | (no description available) | |
isExternal | integer_array | (no description available) | |
localToGlobalMap | globalIndex_array | Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex. | |
nodeList | geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_Array< long, 2, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > | (no description available) | |
SIF_I | real64_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Calculated mode 1 Stress Intensity Factor on the node. |
SIF_II | real64_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Calculated mode 2 Stress Intensity Factor on the node. |
SIF_III | real64_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Calculated mode 3 Stress Intensity Factor on the node. |
childIndex | localIndex_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Index of child within the mesh object it is registered on. |
parentIndex | localIndex_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Index of parent within the mesh object it is registered on. |
neighborData | node | Datastructure: neighborData | |
sets | node | Datastructure: sets |
Datastructure: elementRegionsGroup¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: elementSubRegions¶
Name | Type | Description |
WellElementRegionuniqueSubRegion | node | Datastructure: WellElementRegionuniqueSubRegion |
Datastructure: embeddedSurfacesEdgeManager¶
Name | Type | Description |
domainBoundaryIndicator | integer_array | (no description available) |
edgesToFractureConnectors | geosx_mapBase< long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, true > > | A map of edge local indices to the fracture connector local indices. |
faceList | geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfSets< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > | (no description available) |
fractureConnectorsToEdges | localIndex_array | A map of fracture connector local indices to edge local indices. |
fractureConnectorsToElementIndex | LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | A map of fracture connector local indices face element local indices |
ghostRank | integer_array | (no description available) |
globalToLocalMap | geosx_mapBase< long long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > | (no description available) |
isExternal | integer_array | (no description available) |
localToGlobalMap | globalIndex_array | Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex. |
nodeList | geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_Array< long, 2, camp_int_seq< long, 0l, 1l >, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > | (no description available) |
neighborData | node | Datastructure: neighborData |
sets | node | Datastructure: sets |
Datastructure: finiteVolumeStencils¶
Name | Type | Description |
TwoPointFluxApproximation | node | Datastructure: TwoPointFluxApproximation |
Datastructure: lassen¶
Name | Type | Description |
Run | node | Datastructure: Run |
Datastructure: neighborData¶
Name | Type | Description |
Datastructure: nodeManager¶
Name | Type | Registered By | Description |
EmbSurfNodesPosition | real64_array2d | (no description available) | |
ReferencePosition | real64_array2d | (no description available) | |
domainBoundaryIndicator | integer_array | (no description available) | |
edgeList | geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfSets< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > | (no description available) | |
elemList | LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) | |
elemRegionList | LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) | |
elemSubRegionList | LvArray_ArrayOfArrays< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) | |
faceList | geosx_InterObjectRelation< LvArray_ArrayOfSets< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > > | (no description available) | |
ghostRank | integer_array | (no description available) | |
globalToLocalMap | geosx_mapBase< long long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > | (no description available) | |
isExternal | integer_array | (no description available) | |
localToGlobalMap | globalIndex_array | Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex. | |
primaryField | real64_array | Primary field variable | |
Acceleration | real64_array2d | Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE, Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM | An array that holds the current acceleration on the nodes. This array also is used to hold the summation of nodal forces resulting from the governing equations. |
IncrementalDisplacement | real64_array2d | Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE, Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM | An array that holds the incremental displacements for the current time step on the nodes. |
Mass | real64_array | Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE, Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM | An array that holds the mass on the nodes. |
SIFNode | real64_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Calculated Stress Intensity Factor on the node. |
TotalDisplacement | real64_array2d | Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE, Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM | An array that holds the total displacements on the nodes. |
Velocity | real64_array2d | Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE, Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM | An array that holds the current velocity on the nodes. |
childIndex | localIndex_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Index of child within the mesh object it is registered on. |
contactForce | real64_array2d | Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE, Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM | An array that holds the contact force. |
degreeFromCrack | integer_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Distance to the crack in terms of topological distance. (i.e. how many nodes are along the path to the closest node that is on the crack surface. |
degreeFromCrackTip | integer_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Distance to the crack tip in terms of topological distance. (i.e. how many nodes are along the path to the closest node that is on the crack surface. |
externalForce | real64_array2d | Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE, Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM | An array that holds the external forces on the nodes. This includes any boundary conditions as well as coupling forces such as hydraulic forces. |
parentIndex | localIndex_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Index of parent within the mesh object it is registered on. |
ruptureTime | real64_array | Datastructure: SurfaceGenerator | Time that the object was ruptured/split. |
uhatTilde | real64_array2d | Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE, Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM | An array that holds the incremental displacement predictors on the nodes. |
velocityTilde | real64_array2d | Datastructure: SolidMechanicsLagrangianSSLE, Datastructure: SolidMechanics_LagrangianFEM | An array that holds the velocity predictors on the nodes. |
neighborData | node | Datastructure: neighborData | |
sets | node | Datastructure: sets |
Datastructure: quartz¶
Name | Type | Description |
Run | node | Datastructure: Run |
Datastructure: sets¶
Name | Type | Description |
externalSet | LvArray_SortedArray< long, long, LvArray_ChaiBuffer > | (no description available) |
Datastructure: wellElementSubRegion¶
Name | Type | Description |
domainBoundaryIndicator | integer_array | (no description available) |
ghostRank | integer_array | (no description available) |
globalToLocalMap | geosx_mapBase< long long, long, std_integral_constant< bool, false > > | (no description available) |
isExternal | integer_array | (no description available) |
localToGlobalMap | globalIndex_array | Array that contains a map from localIndex to globalIndex. |
location | real64_array2d | (no description available) |
numPerforationsGlobal | globalIndex | (no description available) |
reservoirElementIndex | localIndex_array | (no description available) |
reservoirElementRegion | localIndex_array | (no description available) |
reservoirElementSubregion | localIndex_array | (no description available) |
wellElementIndex | localIndex_array | (no description available) |
wellTransmissibility | real64_array | (no description available) |
neighborData | node | Datastructure: neighborData |
sets | node | Datastructure: sets |