Proppant Transport Solver


The ProppantTransport solver applies the finite volume method to solve the equations of proppant transport in hydraulic fractures. The behavior of proppant transport is described by a continuum formulation. Here we briefly outline the usage, governing equations and numerical implementation of the proppant transport model in GEOSX.


The following mass balance and constitutive equations are solved inside fractures,

Proppant-fluid Slurry Flow

\frac{\partial}{\partial t}(\rho_m) + \boldsymbol{\nabla} \cdot (\rho_m \boldsymbol{u_m}) = 0,

where the proppant-fluid mixture velocity \boldsymbol{u_m} is approximated by the Darcy’s law as,

\boldsymbol{u}_m = -\frac{K_f}{\mu_m}(\nabla p - \rho_m \boldsymbol{g}),

and p is pressure, \rho_m and \mu_m are density and viscosity of the mixed fluid , respectively, and \boldsymbol{g} is the gravity vector. The fracture permeability K_f is determined based on fracture aperture a as

K_f =  \frac{a^2}{12}

Proppant Transport

\frac{\partial}{\partial t}(c) + \boldsymbol{\nabla} \cdot (c \boldsymbol{u}_p) = 0,

in which c and \boldsymbol{u}_p represent the volume fraction and velocity of the proppant particles.

Multi-component Fluid Transport

\frac{\partial}{\partial t} [ \rho_i \omega_i (1 - c) ] + \boldsymbol{\nabla} \cdot [ \rho_i \omega_i (1 - c) \boldsymbol{u}_f ] = 0.

Here \boldsymbol{u}_f represents the carrying fluid velocity. \rho_i and \omega_i denote the density and concentration of i-th component in fluid, respectively. The fluid density \rho_f can now be readily written as

\rho_f = \sum_{i=1}^{N_c} \rho_i \omega_i,

where N_c is the number of components in fluid. Similarly, the fluid viscosity \mu_f can be calculated by the mass fraction weighted average of the component viscosities.

The density and velocity of the slurry fluid are further expressed as,

\rho_m = (1 - c) \rho_f + c \rho_p,


\rho_m \boldsymbol{u}_m = (1 - c) \rho_f \boldsymbol{u}_f + c \rho_p \boldsymbol{u}_p,

in which \rho_f and \boldsymbol{u}_f are the density and velocity of the carrying fluid, and \rho_p is the density of the proppant particles.

Proppant Slip Velocity

The proppant particle and carrying fluid velocities are related by the slip velocity \boldsymbol{u}_{slip},

\boldsymbol{u}_{slip} = \boldsymbol{u}_p - \boldsymbol{u}_f.

The slip velocity between the proppant and carrying fluid includes gravitational and collisional components, which take account of particle settling and collision effects, respectively.

The gravitational component of the slip velocity \boldsymbol{u}_{slipG} is written as a form as

\boldsymbol{u}_{slipG} = F(c) \boldsymbol{u}_{settling},

where \boldsymbol{u}_{settling} is the settling velocity for a single particle, d_p is the particle diameter, and F(c) is the correction factor to the particle settling velocity in order to account for hindered settling effects as a result of particle-particle interactions,

F(c) = e^{-\lambda_s c},

with the hindered settling coefficient \lambda_s as an empirical constant set to 5.9 by default (Barree & Conway, 1995).

The settling velocity for a single particle, \boldsymbol{u}_{settling} , is calculated based on the Stokes drag law by default,

\boldsymbol{u}_{settling} = ( \rho_p - \rho_f)  \frac{d{_p}^{2}}{18 \mu_f}\boldsymbol{g}.

Single-particle settling under intermediate Reynolds-number and turbulent flow conditions can also be described respectively by the Allen’s equation (Barree & Conway, 1995),

\boldsymbol{u}_{settling} = 0.2 d_{p}^{1.18} \left [ \frac{g ( \rho_p - \rho_f)}{\rho_f} \right ]^{0.72} \left ( \frac{\rho_f}{\mu_f} \right )^{0.45} \boldsymbol{e},

and Newton’s equation(Barree & Conway, 1995),

\boldsymbol{u}_{settling} = 1.74 d{_p}^{0.5}\left [ \frac{g ( \rho_p - \rho_f)}{\rho_f}\right]^{0.5} \boldsymbol{e}.

\boldsymbol{e} is the unit gravity vector and d_p is the particle diameter.

The collisional component of the slip velocity is modeled by defining \lambda, the ratio of the particle velocity to the volume averaged mixture velocity as a function of the proppant concentration. From this the particle slip velocity in horizontal direction is related to the mixed fluid velocity by,

\boldsymbol{u}_{slipH} =  \frac{\lambda - 1}{1 - c} \boldsymbol{v}_{m}

with \boldsymbol{v}_{m} denoting volume averaged mixture velocity. We use a simple expression of \lambda proposed by Barree & Conway (1995) to correct the particle slip velocity in horizontal direction,

\lambda=  \left[\alpha - |c - c_{slip} |^{\beta} \right]\,

where \alpha and \beta are empirical constants, c_{slip} is the volume fraction exhibiting the greatest particle slip. By default the model parameters are set to the values given in (Barree & Conway, 1995): \alpha= 1.27, c_{slip} =0.1 and \beta =  1.5. This model can be extended to account for the transition to the particle pack as the proppant concentration approaches the jamming transition.

Proppant Bed Build-up and Load Transport

In addition to suspended particle flow the GEOSX has the option to model proppant settling into an immobile bed at the bottom of the fracture. As the proppant cannot settle further down the proppant bed starts to form and develop at the element that is either at the bottom of the fracture or has an underlying element already filled with particles. Such an “inter-facial” element is divided into proppant flow and immobile bed regions based on the proppant-pack height.

Although proppant becomes immobile fluid can continue to flow through the settled proppant pack. The pack permeability K is defined based on the Kozeny-Carmen relationship:

K = \frac{(sd_p)^2}{180}\frac{\phi^{3}}{(1-\phi)^{2}}


\phi = 1 - c_{s}

where \phi is the porosity of particle pack and c_{s} is the saturation or maximum fraction for proppant packing, s is the sphericity and d_p is the particle diameter.

The growth of the settled pack in an “inter-facial” element is controlled by the interplay between proppant gravitational settling and shear-force induced lifting as (Hu et al., 2018),

\frac{d H}{d t} =  \frac{c u_{settling} F(c)}{c_{s}} - \frac{Q_{lift}}{A c_{s}},

where H, t, c_{s}, Q_{lift}, and A represent the height of the proppant bed, time, saturation or maximum proppant concnetration in the proppant bed, proppant-bed load (wash-out) flux, and cross-sectional area, respectively.

The rate of proppant bed load transport (or wash out) due to shear force is calculated by the correlation proposed by Wiberg and Smith (1989) and McClure (2018),

Q_{lift} = a \left ( d{_p} \sqrt{\frac{g d{_p} ( \rho_p - \rho_f)}{\rho_f}} \right ) (9.64 N_{sh}^{0.166})(N_{sh} - N_{sh, c})^{1.5}.

a is fracture aperture, and N_{sh} is the Shields number measuring the relative importance of the shear force to the gravitational force on a particle of sediment (Miller et al., 1977; Biot & Medlin, 1985; McClure, 2018) as

N_{sh} = \frac{\tau}{d{_p} g ( \rho_p - \rho_f)},


\tau = 0.125 f \rho_f u_{m}^2

where \tau is the shear stress acting on the top of the proppant bed and f is the Darcy friction coefficient. N_{sh, c} is the critical Shields number for the onset of bed load transport.

Proppant Bridging and Screenout

Proppant bridging occurs when proppant particle size is close to or larger than fracture aperture. The aperture at which bridging occurs, h_{b}, is defined simply by

h_{b} = \lambda_{b} d_p,

in which \lambda_{b} is the bridging factor.

Slurry Fluid Viscosity

The viscosity of the bulk fluid, \mu_m, is calculated as a function of proppant concentration as (Keck et al., 1992),

\mu_{m} =  \mu_{f}\left [1 + 1.25 \left ( \frac{c}{1-c/c_{s}} \right) \right ]^{2}.

Note that continued model development and improvement are underway and additional empirical correlations or functions will be added to support the above calculations.

Spatial Discretization

The above governing equations are discretized using a cell-centered two-point flux approximation (TPFA) finite volume method. We use an upwind scheme to approximate proppant and component transport across cell interfaces.

Solution Strategy

The discretized non-linear slurry flow and proppant/component transport equations at each time step are separately solved by the Newton-Raphson method. The coupling between them is achieved by a time-marching sequential (operator-splitting) solution approach.


The solver is enabled by adding a <ProppantTransport> node and a <SurfaceGenerator> node in the Solvers section. Like any solver, time stepping is driven by events, see Event Management.

The following attributes are supported:

Name Type Default Description
bridgingFactor real64 0 Bridging factor used for bridging/screen-out calculation
cflFactor real64 0.5 Factor to apply to the CFL condition when calculating the maximum allowable time step. Values should be in the interval (0,1]
criticalShieldsNumber real64 0 Critical Shields number
discretization string required Name of discretization object to use for this solver.
fluidNames string_array required Names of fluid constitutive models for each region.
frictionCoefficient real64 0.03 Friction coefficient
initialDt real64 1e+99 Initial time-step value required by the solver to the event manager.
inputFluxEstimate real64 1 Initial estimate of the input flux used only for residual scaling. This should be essentially equivalent to the input flux * dt.
logLevel integer 0 Log level
maxProppantConcentration real64 0.6 Maximum proppant concentration
meanPermCoeff real64 1 Coefficient to move between harmonic mean (1.0) and arithmetic mean (0.0) for the calculation of permeability between elements.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
proppantDensity real64 2500 Proppant density
proppantDiameter real64 0.0004 Proppant diameter
proppantNames string_array required Name of proppant constitutive object to use for this solver.
solidNames string_array required Names of solid constitutive models for each region.
targetRegions string_array required Allowable regions that the solver may be applied to. Note that this does not indicate that the solver will be applied to these regions, only that allocation will occur such that the solver may be applied to these regions. The decision about what regions this solver will beapplied to rests in the EventManager.
updateProppantPacking integer 0 Flag that enables/disables proppant-packing update
LinearSolverParameters node unique Element: LinearSolverParameters
NonlinearSolverParameters node unique Element: NonlinearSolverParameters

In particular:

  • discretization must point to a Finite Volume flux approximation scheme defined in the Numerical Methods section of the input file (see Finite Volume Discretization)
  • proppantName must point to a particle fluid model defined in the Constitutive section of the input file (see Constitutive Models)
  • fluidName must point to a slurry fluid model defined in the Constitutive section of the input file (see Constitutive Models)
  • solidName must point to a solid mechanics model defined in the Constitutive section of the input file (see Constitutive Models)
  • targetRegions attribute is currently not supported, the solver is always applied to all regions.

Primary solution field labels are proppantConcentration and pressure. Initial conditions must be prescribed on these field in every region, and boundary conditions must be prescribed on these fields on cell or face sets of interest. For static (non-propagating) fracture problems, the fields ruptureState and elementAperture should be provided in the initial conditions.

In addition, the solver declares a scalar field named referencePorosity and a vector field named permeability, that contains principal values of the symmetric rank-2 permeability tensor (tensor axis are assumed aligned with the global coordinate system). These fields must be populated via FieldSpecification section and permeability should be supplied as the value of coefficientName attribute of the flux approximation scheme used.


First, we specify the proppant transport solver itself and apply it to the fracture region:

      targetRegions="{ Fracture }"
      fluidNames="{ water }"
      proppantNames="{ sand }"
      solidNames="{ rock }">

Then, we specify a compatible flow solver (currently a specialized SinglePhaseProppantFVM solver must be used):

      targetRegions="{ Fracture }"
      fluidNames="{ water }"
      solidNames="{ rock }">

Finally, we couple them through a coupled solver that references the two above:

      targetRegions="{ Fracture }"


      1. Barree & M. W. Conway. “Experimental and numerical modeling of convective proppant transport”, JPT. Journal of petroleum technology, 47(3):216-222, 1995.
      1. Biot & W. L. Medlin. “Theory of Sand Transport in Thin Fluids”, Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Las Vegas, NV, 1985.
    1. Hu, K. Wu, X. Song, W. Yu, J. Tang, G. Li, & Z. Shen. “A new model for simulating particle transport in a low-viscosity fluid for fluid-driven fracturing”, AIChE J. 64 (9), 35423552, 2018.
      1. Keck, W. L. Nehmer, & G. S. Strumolo. “A new method for predicting friction pressures and rheology of proppant-laden fracturing fluids”, SPE Prod. Eng., 7(1):21-28, 1992.
    1. McClure. “Bed load proppant transport during slickwater hydraulic fracturing: insights from comparisons between published laboratory data and correlations for sediment and pipeline slurry transport”, J. Pet. Sci. Eng. 161 (2), 599610, 2018.
      1. Miller, I. N. McCave, & P. D. Komar. “Threshold of sediment motion under unidirectional currents”, Sedimentology 24 (4), 507527, 1977.
      1. Wiberg & J. D. Smith. “Model for calculating bed load transport of sediment”, J. Hydraul. Eng. 115 (1), 101123, 1989.