Brooks-Corey relative permeability model


The following paragraphs explain how the Brooks-Corey model is used to compute the phase relative permeabilities as a function of volume fraction with the expression:

k_{r\ell} = k_{\textit{r}\ell,\textit{max}} S_{\ell,\textit{scaled}}^{\lambda_{\ell}},

where the scaled volume fraction of phase \ell is computed as:

S_{\ell,\textit{scaled}} = \frac{S_{\ell} - S_{\ell,\textit{min}} }{1 - S_{\textit{w,min}} - S_{\textit{o,min}} - S_{\textit{g,min}} }.

The minimum phase volume fractions S_{\ell,\textit{min}} are model parameters specified by the user.


The relative permeability constitutive model is listed in <Constitutive> block of the input XML file. The relative permeability model must be assigned a unique name via name attribute. This name is used to assign the model to regions of the physical domain via a materialList attribute of the <ElementRegion> node.

The following attributes are supported:

Name Type Default Description
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
phaseMinVolumeFraction real64_array {0} Minimum volume fraction value for each phase
phaseNames string_array required List of fluid phases
phaseRelPermExponent real64_array {1} MinimumRel perm power law exponent for each phase
phaseRelPermMaxValue real64_array {0} Maximum rel perm value for each phase

Below are some comments on the model parameters.

  • phaseNames - The number of phases can be either 2 or 3. The capillary pressure model assumes that oil is always present. Supported phase names are:
Value Phase
oil Oil phase
gas Gas phase
water Water phase
  • phaseMinVolFraction - The list of minimum volume fractions S_{\ell,min} for each phase is specified in the same order as in phaseNames. Below this volume fraction, the phase is assumed to be immobile.
  • phaseRelPermExponent - The list of exponents \lambda_{\ell} for each phase is specified in the same order as in phaseNames.
  • phaseMaxValue - The list of maximum values k_{\textit{r} \ell,\textit{max}} for each phase is specified in the same order as in phaseNames.


   <BrooksCoreyRelativePermeability name="relPerm"
                                    phaseNames="oil water"
                                    phaseMinVolumeFraction="0.02 0.015"
                                    phaseRelPermExponent="2 2.5"
                                    phaseRelPermMaxValue="0.8 1.0"/>