11. Testing

Testing is a crucial component of writing quality software and the nature LvArray lends itself nicely to unit tests.

11.1. Building and Running the Tests

Tests are built by default, to disable the tests set the CMake variable ENABLE_TESTS to OFF. The tests are output in the tests folder of the build directory.

To run all the tests run make test in the build directory. To run a specific set of tests that match the regular expression REGEX run ctest -V -R REGEX, to run just testCRSMatrix run ./tests/testCRSMatrix. LvArray uses Google Test for the testing framework and each test accepts a number of command line arguments.

  > ./tests/testCRSMatrix --help
  This program contains tests written using Google Test. You can use the
  following command line flags to control its behavior:

  Test Selection:
        List the names of all tests instead of running them. The name of
        TEST(Foo, Bar) is "Foo.Bar".
        Run only the tests whose name matches one of the positive patterns but
        none of the negative patterns. '?' matches any single character; '*'
        matches any substring; ':' separates two patterns.
        Run all disabled tests too.

  Test Execution:
        Run the tests repeatedly; use a negative count to repeat forever.
        Randomize tests' orders on every iteration.
        Random number seed to use for shuffling test orders (between 1 and
        99999, or 0 to use a seed based on the current time).

  Test Output:
        Enable/disable colored output. The default is auto.
        Don't print the elapsed time of each test.
        Generate a JSON or XML report in the given directory or with the given
        file name. FILE_PATH defaults to test_detail.xml.
        Stream test results to the given server.

  Assertion Behavior:
        Set the default death test style.
        Turn assertion failures into debugger break-points.
        Turn assertion failures into C++ exceptions for use by an external
        test framework.
        Do not report exceptions as test failures. Instead, allow them
        to crash the program or throw a pop-up (on Windows).

Except for --gtest_list_tests, you can alternatively set the corresponding
environment variable of a flag (all letters in upper-case). For example, to
disable colored text output, you can either specify --gtest_color=no or set
the GTEST_COLOR environment variable to no.

For more information, please read the Google Test documentation at
https://github.com/google/googletest/. If you find a bug in Google Test
(not one in your own code or tests), please report it to

The most useful of these is gtest_filter which lets you run a subset of tests in the file, this can be very useful when running a test through a debugger.

11.2. Test structure

The source for all the tests are all located in the unitTests directory, each tests consists of a cpp file whose name begins with test followed by the name of the class or namespace that is tested. For example the tests for CRSMatrix and CRSMatrixView are in unitTests/testCRSMatrix.cpp and the tests for sortedArrayManipulation are in unitTests/testSortedArrayManipulation.cpp.


The tests for LvArray::Array, LvArray::ArrayView and LvArray::tensorOps are spread across multiple cpp files in order to speed up compilation on multithreaded systems.

11.3. Adding a New Test

Any time new functionality is added it should be tested. Before writing any test code it is highly recommended you familiarize yourself with the Google Test framework, see the Google Test primer and Google Test advanced documentation.

As an example say you add a new class Foo

class Foo
  Foo( int const x ):
    m_x( x )

  int get() const
  { return m_x; }

  void set( int const x )
  { m_x = x; }

  int m_x;

[Source: examples/Foo.hpp]

You’ll also want to create a file unitTests/testFoo.cpp and add it to unitTests/CMakeLists.txt. A basic set of tests might look something like this

TEST( Foo, get )
  Foo foo( 5 );
  EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 5 );

TEST( Foo, set )
  Foo foo( 3 );
  EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 3 );
  foo.set( 8 );
  EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 8 );

[Source: examples/exampleTestFoo.cpp]


These tests aren’t very thorough. They don’t test any of the implicit constructors and operators that the compiler defines such as the copy constructor and the move assignment operator and get and set are only tested with a single value.

Now you decide you want to generalize Foo to support types other than int so you define the template class FooTemplate

template< typename T >
class FooTemplate
  FooTemplate( T const & x ):
    m_x( x )

  T const & get() const
  { return m_x; }

  void set( T const & x )
  { m_x = x; }

  T m_x;

[Source: examples/Foo.hpp]

Naturally you should test more than just a single instantiation of FooTemplate so you modify your tests as such

TEST( FooTemplate, get )
    FooTemplate< int > foo( 5 );
    EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 5 );

    FooTemplate< double > foo( 5 );
    EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 5 );

TEST( FooTemplate, set )
    FooTemplate< int > foo( 3 );
    EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 3 );
    foo.set( 8 );
    EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 8 );

    FooTemplate< double > foo( 3 );
    EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 3 );
    foo.set( 8 );
    EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 8 );

[Source: examples/exampleTestFoo.cpp]

In this example the code duplication isn’t too bad because the tests are simple and only two instantiations are being tested. But using this style to write the tests for LvArray::Array which has five different template arguments would be unmaintainable. Luckily Google Test has an excellent solution: typed tests. Using typed tests the tests can be restructured as

template< typename T >
class FooTemplateTest : public ::testing::Test
  void get()
    FooTemplate< T > foo( 5 );
    EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 5 );

  void set()
    FooTemplate< T > foo( 3 );
    EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 3 );
    foo.set( 8 );
    EXPECT_EQ( foo.get(), 8 );

using FooTemplateTestTypes = ::testing::Types<
  , double

TYPED_TEST_SUITE( FooTemplateTest, FooTemplateTestTypes, );

TYPED_TEST( FooTemplateTest, get )

TYPED_TEST( FooTemplateTest, set )

[Source: examples/exampleTestFoo.cpp]

The benefits of using typed tests are many. In addition to the reduction in code duplication it makes it easy to run the tests associated with a single instantiation via gtest_filter and it lets you quickly add and remove types. Almost every test in LvArray is built using typed tests.


When modifying a typed tests the compilation errors can be particularly painful to parse because usually an error in one instantiation means there will be errors in every instantiation. To decrease the verbosity you can simply limit the types used to instantiate the tests. For instance in the example above instead of testing both int and double comment out the , double and fix the int instantiation first.

One of the limitations of typed tests is that the class that gtest instantiates can only have a single template parameter and that parameter must be a type (not a value or a template). To get around this the type you pass in can be a std::pair or std::tuple when you need more than one type. For example the class CRSMatrixViewTest is defined as

template< typename CRS_MATRIX_POLICY_PAIR >
class CRSMatrixViewTest : public CRSMatrixTest< typename CRS_MATRIX_POLICY_PAIR::first_type >

[Source: unitTests/testCRSMatrix.cpp]

where CRS_MATRIX_POLICY_PAIR is intended to be a std::pair where the first type is the CRSMatrix type to test and the second type is the RAJA policy to use. It is instantiated as follows

using CRSMatrixViewTestTypes = ::testing::Types<
  std::pair< CRSMatrix< int, int, std::ptrdiff_t, MallocBuffer >, serialPolicy >

[Source: unitTests/testCRSMatrix.cpp]

Another hurdle in writing typed tests is writing them in such a way that they compile for all the types. For example FooTemplate< std::string > is a perfectly valid instantiation but FooTemplateTest< std::string > is not because FooTemplate< std::string > foo( 3 ) is invalid. You get an error like the following

../examples/exampleTestFoo.cpp:85:22: error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'FooTemplate<std::basic_string<char> >'
  FooTemplate< T > foo( 5 );
                   ^    ~

However instantiating with std::string is very important for many LvArray classes because it behaves very differently from the built in types. For that reason unitTests/testUtils.hpp defines a class TestString which wraps a std::string and Tensor which wraps a double[ 3 ] both of which have constructors from integers.

11.4. Best practices

  • Whenever possible use typed tests.
  • Whenever possible do not write CUDA (or OpenMP) specific tests. Instead write tests a typed test that is templated on the RAJA policy and use a typed test to instantiate it with the appropriate policies.
  • When linking to gtest it is not necessary to include the main function in the executable because if it is not there gtest will link in its own main. However you should include main in each test file to ease debugging. Furthermore if the executable needs some setup or cleanup such as initializing MPI it should be done in main. Note that while it is certainly possible to write tests which take command line arguments it is discouraged because then ./tests/testThatTakesCommandLineArguments no longer works.
  • For commonly called functions define a macro which first calls SCOPED_TRACE and then the the function. This helps illuminate exactly where errors are occurring.
  • Prefer the EXPECT_ family of macros to the ASSERT_ family.
  • Use the most specific EXPECT_ macro applicable. So don’t do EXPECT_TRUE( bar() == 5 ) instead use EXPECT_EQ( bar(), 5 )