Deprecated List
Member geos::BufferedHistoryIO::getBufferedCount ()=0
Also, note that this member function is related to restarting HDF5 files. Which means that getting this information popping through the abstract interface is a shortcut that should eventually be fixed by keeping this information in the HDF5 buffer.
Member geos::CellBlock::getElemToNode ()
This accessor is meant to be used like a setter even though it's a bit like having public attribute... Use a real setter instead.
Member geos::CellBlock::localToGlobalMap ()
This accessor is meant to be used like a setter even though it's a bit like having public attribute... Use a real setter instead.
Member geos::CellElementSubRegion::getFaceNodes (localIndex const elementIndex, localIndex const localFaceIndex, Span< localIndex > const nodeIndices) const
This method will be removed soon.
Member geos::PackCollection::updateSetsIndices (DomainPartition const &domain) override final
Refactoring the packing functions to allow direct usage of set indices from SortedArrayView instead of only ArrayViews will remove this duplication.
Member geos::ParticleBlock::localToGlobalMap ()
This accessor is meant to be used like a setter even though it's a bit like having public attribute... Use a real setter instead.