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SolidMechanicsALMSimultaneousKernels.hpp File Reference
#include "SolidMechanicsConformingContactKernelsBase.hpp"
#include "mesh/MeshFields.hpp"

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class  geos::solidMechanicsALMKernels::ALMSimultaneous< CONSTITUTIVE_TYPE, FE_TYPE >
 Define the base interface for implicit finite element kernels. More...
struct  geos::solidMechanicsALMKernels::ALMSimultaneous< CONSTITUTIVE_TYPE, FE_TYPE >::StackVariables
 Kernel variables allocated on the stack. More...
struct  geos::solidMechanicsALMKernels::ComputeTractionSimultaneousKernel
 A struct to compute the traction after nonlinear solve. More...




using geos::solidMechanicsALMKernels::ALMSimultaneousFactory = finiteElement::InterfaceKernelFactory< ALMSimultaneous, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const, globalIndex const, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const, arrayView1d< real64 > const, real64 const, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const >
 The factory used to construct the kernel.