The ParticleBlockManager class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage Particle...
The ParticleManager class provides an interface to ObjectManagerBase in order to manage ParticleRegio...
The ParticleMeshGenerator class is a class handling import of particle data from an externel particle...
virtual void fillParticleBlockManager(ParticleBlockManager &particleBlockManager, ParticleManager &particleManager, SpatialPartition const &partition) override
Fill the particleBlockManager object .
real64 m_min[3]
Minimum extent of particle coordinates.
static string catalogName()
Return the name of the ParticleMeshGenerator in object Catalog.
void importFieldOnArray(Block block, string const &blockName, string const &meshFieldName, bool isMaterialField, dataRepository::WrapperBase &wrapper) const override
import field from the mesh on the array accessible via the given wrapper.
real64 m_max[3]
Maximum extent of particle coordinates.
ParticleMeshGenerator(const string &name, Group *const parent)
Main constructor for ParticleMeshGenerator.
virtual Group * createChild(string const &childKey, string const &childName) override
Create a new geometric object (box, plane, etc) as a child of this group.
void postInputInitialization() override
int m_dim
Mesh number of dimension.