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1 /*
2  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-only
4  *
5  * Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security LLC
6  * Copyright (c) 2018-2024 TotalEnergies
7  * Copyright (c) 2018-2024 The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University
8  * Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Chevron
9  * Copyright (c) 2019- GEOS/GEOSX Contributors
10  * All rights reserved
11  *
13  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14  */
23 #include "common/DataTypes.hpp"
38 extern "C" struct hypre_IJMatrix_struct;
41 extern "C" struct hypre_ParCSRMatrix_struct;
45 namespace geos
46 {
54 class HypreMatrix final : public virtual LinearOperator< HypreVector >,
55  private MatrixBase< HypreMatrix, HypreVector >
56 {
57 public:
66  using HYPRE_IJMatrix = hypre_IJMatrix_struct *;
69  using HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix = hypre_ParCSRMatrix_struct *;
87  HypreMatrix( HypreMatrix const & src );
93  HypreMatrix( HypreMatrix && src ) noexcept;
107  HypreMatrix & operator=( HypreMatrix && src ) noexcept;
112  ~HypreMatrix() override;
123  using MatrixBase::closed;
124  using MatrixBase::assembled;
127  using MatrixBase::ready;
128  using MatrixBase::residual;
131  using MatrixBase::create;
133  virtual void create( CRSMatrixView< real64 const, globalIndex const > const & localMatrix,
134  localIndex const numLocalColumns,
135  MPI_Comm const & comm ) override;
137  virtual void createWithLocalSize( localIndex const localRows,
138  localIndex const localCols,
139  localIndex const maxEntriesPerRow,
140  MPI_Comm const & comm ) override;
142  virtual void createWithGlobalSize( globalIndex const globalRows,
143  globalIndex const globalCols,
144  localIndex const maxEntriesPerRow,
145  MPI_Comm const & comm ) override;
147  virtual void open() override;
149  virtual void close() override;
154  virtual bool created() const override;
156  virtual void reset() override;
158  virtual void set( real64 const value ) override;
160  virtual void zero() override;
162  virtual void add( globalIndex const rowIndex,
163  globalIndex const colIndex,
164  real64 const value ) override;
166  virtual void set( globalIndex const rowIndex,
167  globalIndex const colIndex,
168  real64 const value ) override;
170  virtual void insert( globalIndex const rowIndex,
171  globalIndex const colIndex,
172  real64 const value ) override;
174  virtual void add( globalIndex const rowIndex,
175  globalIndex const * colIndices,
176  real64 const * values,
177  localIndex const size ) override;
179  virtual void set( globalIndex const rowIndex,
180  globalIndex const * colIndices,
181  real64 const * values,
182  localIndex const size ) override;
184  virtual void insert( globalIndex const rowIndex,
185  globalIndex const * colIndices,
186  real64 const * values,
187  localIndex const size ) override;
189  virtual void add( globalIndex const rowIndex,
190  arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const & colIndices,
191  arraySlice1d< real64 const > const & values ) override;
193  virtual void set( globalIndex const rowIndex,
194  arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const & colIndices,
195  arraySlice1d< real64 const > const & values ) override;
197  virtual void insert( globalIndex const rowIndex,
198  arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const & colIndices,
199  arraySlice1d< real64 const > const & values ) override;
201  virtual void add( arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const & rowIndices,
202  arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const & colIndices,
203  arraySlice2d< real64 const > const & values ) override;
205  virtual void set( arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const & rowIndices,
206  arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const & colIndices,
207  arraySlice2d< real64 const > const & values ) override;
209  virtual void insert( arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const & rowIndices,
210  arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const & colIndices,
211  arraySlice2d< real64 const > const & values ) override;
213  virtual void add( globalIndex const * rowIndices,
214  globalIndex const * colIndices,
215  real64 const * values,
216  localIndex const numRows,
217  localIndex const numCols ) override;
219  virtual void set( globalIndex const * rowIndices,
220  globalIndex const * colIndices,
221  real64 const * values,
222  localIndex const numRows,
223  localIndex const numCols ) override;
225  virtual void insert( globalIndex const * rowIndices,
226  globalIndex const * colIndices,
227  real64 const * values,
228  localIndex const numRows,
229  localIndex const numCols ) override;
231  virtual void insert( arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const & rowIndices,
232  arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const & colIndices,
233  arrayView1d< real64 const > const & values ) override;
235  virtual void apply( HypreVector const & src,
236  HypreVector & dst ) const override;
238  virtual void applyTranspose( HypreVector const & src,
239  HypreVector & dst ) const override;
241  virtual void multiply( HypreMatrix const & src,
242  HypreMatrix & dst ) const override;
244  virtual void leftMultiplyTranspose( HypreMatrix const & src,
245  HypreMatrix & dst ) const override;
247  virtual void rightMultiplyTranspose( HypreMatrix const & src,
248  HypreMatrix & dst ) const override;
250  virtual void multiplyRAP( HypreMatrix const & R,
251  HypreMatrix const & P,
252  HypreMatrix & dst ) const override;
254  virtual void multiplyPtAP( HypreMatrix const & P,
255  HypreMatrix & dst ) const override;
257  virtual void gemv( real64 const alpha,
258  HypreVector const & x,
259  real64 const beta,
260  HypreVector & y,
261  bool useTranspose = false ) const override;
263  virtual void scale( real64 const scalingFactor ) override;
265  virtual void leftScale( HypreVector const & vec ) override;
267  virtual void rescaleRows( arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const & rowIndices,
268  RowSumType const rowSumType ) override;
270  virtual void rightScale( HypreVector const & vec ) override;
272  virtual void leftRightScale( HypreVector const & vecLeft,
273  HypreVector const & vecRight ) override;
275  virtual void transpose( HypreMatrix & dst ) const override;
278  integer const dofPerPoint ) const override;
280  virtual real64 clearRow( globalIndex const row,
281  bool const keepDiag = false,
282  real64 const diagValue = 0.0 ) override;
284  virtual void addEntries( HypreMatrix const & src,
285  MatrixPatternOp const op,
286  real64 const scale ) override;
288  virtual void addDiagonal( HypreVector const & src,
289  real64 const scale ) override;
291  virtual void clampEntries( real64 const lo,
292  real64 const hi,
293  bool const excludeDiag ) override;
298  virtual localIndex maxRowLength() const override;
300  virtual localIndex rowLength( globalIndex const globalRowIndex ) const override;
302  virtual void getRowLengths( arrayView1d< localIndex > const & lengths ) const override;
304  virtual void getRowCopy( globalIndex globalRowIndex,
305  arraySlice1d< globalIndex > const & colIndices,
306  arraySlice1d< real64 > const & values ) const override;
308  virtual void extractDiagonal( HypreVector & dst ) const override;
310  virtual void getRowSums( HypreVector & dst,
311  RowSumType const rowSumType ) const override;
316  virtual globalIndex numGlobalRows() const override;
321  virtual globalIndex numGlobalCols() const override;
326  virtual localIndex numLocalRows() const override;
331  virtual localIndex numLocalCols() const override;
336  virtual globalIndex ilower() const override;
341  virtual globalIndex iupper() const override;
346  virtual globalIndex jlower() const override;
351  virtual globalIndex jupper() const override;
356  virtual localIndex numLocalNonzeros() const override;
361  virtual globalIndex numGlobalNonzeros() const override;
366  virtual real64 normInf() const override;
371  virtual real64 norm1() const override;
376  virtual real64 normFrobenius() const override;
381  virtual real64 normMax() const override;
383  virtual real64 normMax( arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const & rowIndices ) const override;
385  virtual localIndex getLocalRowID( globalIndex const index ) const override;
387  virtual globalIndex getGlobalRowID( localIndex const index ) const override;
392  virtual MPI_Comm comm() const override;
394  virtual void print( std::ostream & os = std::cout ) const override;
396  virtual void write( string const & filename,
397  LAIOutputFormat const format = LAIOutputFormat::MATRIX_MARKET ) const override;
405  HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix const & unwrapped() const;
411  HYPRE_IJMatrix const & unwrappedIJ() const;
413 private:
418  void parCSRtoIJ( HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix const & parCSRMatrix );
423  HYPRE_IJMatrix m_ij_mat{};
428  HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix m_parcsr_mat{};
430 };
432 } // namespace geos
Facilitates exporting Hypre matrix and associated vector objects (either in parallel or serial).
Definition: HypreExport.hpp:38
Wrapper class for hypre's ParCSRMatrix.
Definition: HypreMatrix.hpp:56
virtual real64 normFrobenius() const override
Returns the Frobenius norm of the matrix.
virtual void rightMultiplyTranspose(HypreMatrix const &src, HypreMatrix &dst) const override
Matrix/Matrix transpose multiplication.
virtual void set(globalIndex const rowIndex, arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const &colIndices, arraySlice1d< real64 const > const &values) override
Set elements of one row using array1d.
virtual void write(string const &filename, LAIOutputFormat const format=LAIOutputFormat::MATRIX_MARKET) const override
Write the matrix to filename in a matlab-compatible format.
virtual void clampEntries(real64 const lo, real64 const hi, bool const excludeDiag) override
Clamp each matrix value between values of lo and hi.
virtual globalIndex numGlobalRows() const override
Get the number of global rows.
virtual localIndex rowLength(globalIndex const globalRowIndex) const override
Get row length via global row index.
virtual void leftScale(HypreVector const &vec) override
Pre-multiplies (left) with diagonal matrix consisting of the values in vec.
virtual void insert(globalIndex const rowIndex, globalIndex const *colIndices, real64 const *values, localIndex const size) override
Insert elements to one row using c-style arrays.
hypre_ParCSRMatrix_struct * HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix
ParCSRMatrix pointer alias.
Definition: HypreMatrix.hpp:69
virtual globalIndex jupper() const override
Returns index one past the last global col owned by that processor.
virtual void createWithGlobalSize(globalIndex const globalRows, globalIndex const globalCols, localIndex const maxEntriesPerRow, MPI_Comm const &comm) override
Create a rectangular matrix from number of rows/columns.
virtual void multiply(HypreMatrix const &src, HypreMatrix &dst) const override
Matrix/Matrix multiplication.
virtual void multiplyRAP(HypreMatrix const &R, HypreMatrix const &P, HypreMatrix &dst) const override
Compute the triple product dst = R * this * P
hypre_IJMatrix_struct * HYPRE_IJMatrix
IJMatrix pointer alias.
Definition: HypreMatrix.hpp:66
virtual bool created() const override
Query matrix creation status.
virtual real64 clearRow(globalIndex const row, bool const keepDiag=false, real64 const diagValue=0.0) override
Clear a row, and optionally set diagonal element to diagValue.
virtual void add(globalIndex const rowIndex, globalIndex const *colIndices, real64 const *values, localIndex const size) override
Add elements to one row using c-style arrays.
virtual void print(std::ostream &os=std::cout) const override
Print the matrix in Trilinos format to a stream.
HypreMatrix & operator=(HypreMatrix &&src) noexcept
Move assignment.
virtual void insert(arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const &rowIndices, arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const &colIndices, arraySlice2d< real64 const > const &values) override
Insert a dense block of values.
virtual void getRowLengths(arrayView1d< localIndex > const &lengths) const override
Get the row lengths of every local row.
virtual localIndex numLocalNonzeros() const override
Returns the number of nonzeros in the local portion of the matrix.
virtual globalIndex ilower() const override
Returns the index of the first global row owned by that processor.
virtual void apply(HypreVector const &src, HypreVector &dst) const override
Apply operator to a vector, dst = this(src).
virtual void createWithLocalSize(localIndex const localRows, localIndex const localCols, localIndex const maxEntriesPerRow, MPI_Comm const &comm) override
Create a rectangular matrix from number of rows/columns.
virtual real64 norm1() const override
Returns the one norm of the matrix.
virtual void reset() override
Reset the matrix to default state.
HYPRE_IJMatrix const & unwrappedIJ() const
Returns a pointer to implementation.
virtual void zero() override
Set all elements to zero.
HypreMatrix(HypreMatrix const &src)
Copy constructor.
virtual void multiplyPtAP(HypreMatrix const &P, HypreMatrix &dst) const override
Compute the triple product dst = P^T * this * P
virtual void leftRightScale(HypreVector const &vecLeft, HypreVector const &vecRight) override
Post-multiplies (right) with diagonal matrix consisting of the values in vecRight and pre-multiplies ...
virtual void add(globalIndex const *rowIndices, globalIndex const *colIndices, real64 const *values, localIndex const numRows, localIndex const numCols) override
Add a dense block of values.
virtual void gemv(real64 const alpha, HypreVector const &x, real64 const beta, HypreVector &y, bool useTranspose=false) const override
Compute gemv y = alpha*A*x + beta*y.
virtual real64 normMax() const override
Returns the max norm of the matrix (the largest absolute element value).
virtual real64 normInf() const override
Returns the infinity norm of the matrix.
virtual void add(globalIndex const rowIndex, arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const &colIndices, arraySlice1d< real64 const > const &values) override
Add elements to one row using array1d.
virtual localIndex numLocalRows() const override
Get the number of local rows.
virtual void add(arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const &rowIndices, arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const &colIndices, arraySlice2d< real64 const > const &values) override
Add a dense block of values.
virtual void set(arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const &rowIndices, arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const &colIndices, arraySlice2d< real64 const > const &values) override
Set a dense block of values.
virtual real64 normMax(arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &rowIndices) const override
Returns the max norm of the matrix on a subset of rows.
virtual globalIndex numGlobalCols() const override
Get the number of global columns.
virtual void set(globalIndex const *rowIndices, globalIndex const *colIndices, real64 const *values, localIndex const numRows, localIndex const numCols) override
Set a dense block of values.
HypreMatrix(HypreMatrix &&src) noexcept
Move constructor.
virtual void open() override
Open matrix for adding new entries.
virtual void insert(globalIndex const rowIndex, arraySlice1d< globalIndex const > const &colIndices, arraySlice1d< real64 const > const &values) override
Insert elements of one row using array1d.
virtual void set(globalIndex const rowIndex, globalIndex const *colIndices, real64 const *values, localIndex const size) override
Set elements to one row using c-style arrays.
virtual void applyTranspose(HypreVector const &src, HypreVector &dst) const override
Apply transpose of the matrix to a vector.
virtual void rightScale(HypreVector const &vec) override
Post-multiplies (right) with diagonal matrix consisting of the values in vec.
virtual void getRowSums(HypreVector &dst, RowSumType const rowSumType) const override
Populate a vector with row sums of this.
Empty matrix constructor.
virtual globalIndex getGlobalRowID(localIndex const index) const override
Map a local row index to global row index.
virtual void separateComponentFilter(HypreMatrix &dst, integer const dofPerPoint) const override
Apply a separate component approximation (filter) to this matrix.
virtual void transpose(HypreMatrix &dst) const override
Matrix transposition.
virtual globalIndex numGlobalNonzeros() const override
Returns the total number of nonzeros in the matrix.
virtual globalIndex jlower() const override
Returns the index of the first global col owned by that processor.
HYPRE_ParCSRMatrix const & unwrapped() const
Returns a pointer to implementation.
~HypreMatrix() override
Virtual destructor.
virtual void set(real64 const value) override
Set all non-zero elements to a value.
virtual void insert(globalIndex const rowIndex, globalIndex const colIndex, real64 const value) override
Insert one element.
HypreMatrix & operator=(HypreMatrix const &src)
Copy assignment.
virtual void addEntries(HypreMatrix const &src, MatrixPatternOp const op, real64 const scale) override
Add entries of another matrix to this.
virtual void addDiagonal(HypreVector const &src, real64 const scale) override
Add (scaled) entries of a vector to the diagonal of this matrix.
virtual void close() override
Assemble and compress the matrix.
virtual void set(globalIndex const rowIndex, globalIndex const colIndex, real64 const value) override
Set one element.
virtual void rescaleRows(arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &rowIndices, RowSumType const rowSumType) override
Rescales selected rows of matrix using row sum reciprocal as a factor.
virtual void extractDiagonal(HypreVector &dst) const override
Extract diagonal values into a vector.
virtual void leftMultiplyTranspose(HypreMatrix const &src, HypreMatrix &dst) const override
Matrix/Matrix transpose multiplication.
virtual void create(CRSMatrixView< real64 const, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, localIndex const numLocalColumns, MPI_Comm const &comm) override
Create parallel matrix from a local CRS matrix.
virtual localIndex maxRowLength() const override
Returns the number of nonzero entries in the longest row of the matrix.
virtual void scale(real64 const scalingFactor) override
Multiply all elements by scalingFactor.
virtual void insert(arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &rowIndices, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &colIndices, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &values) override
Insert values stored in 3 linear vectors.
virtual void insert(globalIndex const *rowIndices, globalIndex const *colIndices, real64 const *values, localIndex const numRows, localIndex const numCols) override
Insert dense matrix.
virtual localIndex getLocalRowID(globalIndex const index) const override
Map a global row index to local row index.
virtual void getRowCopy(globalIndex globalRowIndex, arraySlice1d< globalIndex > const &colIndices, arraySlice1d< real64 > const &values) const override
Returns a copy of the data in row globalRow.
virtual MPI_Comm comm() const override
Get the MPI communicator the matrix was created with.
virtual localIndex numLocalCols() const override
Get the number of local columns.
virtual void add(globalIndex const rowIndex, globalIndex const colIndex, real64 const value) override
Add to one element.
virtual globalIndex iupper() const override
Returns index one past the last global row owned by that processor.
Wrapper class for hypre's ParVector.
Definition: HypreVector.hpp:51
Abstract base class for linear operators.
Common base template for all matrix wrapper types.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:76
virtual void residual(Vector const &x, Vector const &b, Vector &r) const override
Compute residual r = b - A * x.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:551
void setDofManager(DofManager const *const dofManager)
Associate a DofManager with this matrix.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:157
bool assembled() const
Query matrix assembled status.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:108
bool closed() const
Query matrix closed status.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:102
virtual void createWithGlobalSize(globalIndex const globalSize, localIndex const maxEntriesPerRow, MPI_Comm const &comm)
Create a square matrix from global number of rows.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:204
bool insertable() const
Query matrix status.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:130
virtual void createWithLocalSize(localIndex const localSize, localIndex const maxEntriesPerRow, MPI_Comm const &comm)
Create a square matrix from local number of rows.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:186
DofManager const * dofManager() const
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:165
bool ready() const
Query matrix ready status.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:115
bool modifiable() const
Query matrix status.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:123
virtual void create(CRSMatrixView< real64 const, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, localIndex const numLocalColumns, MPI_Comm const &comm)
Create parallel matrix from a local CRS matrix.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:248
ArrayView< T, 1 > arrayView1d
Alias for 1D array view.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:180
Type of row sum to compute.
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:36
LvArray::CRSMatrixView< T, COL_INDEX, localIndex const, LvArray::ChaiBuffer > CRSMatrixView
Alias for CRS Matrix View.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:310
Global index type (for indexing objects across MPI partitions).
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:88
Definition: common.hpp:142
ArraySlice< T, 2, USD > arraySlice2d
Alias for 2D array slice.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:200
double real64
64-bit floating point type.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:99
Local index type (for indexing objects within an MPI partition).
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:85
ArraySlice< T, 1, USD > arraySlice1d
Alias for 1D array slice.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:184
std::int32_t integer
Signed integer type.
Definition: DataTypes.hpp:82
Describes relationship between and treatment of nonzero patterns of arguments in matrix functions lik...
Definition: MatrixBase.hpp:48