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ComputationalGeometry.hpp File Reference
#include "common/DataTypes.hpp"
#include "common/DataLayouts.hpp"
#include "finiteElement/elementFormulations/H1_Hexahedron_Lagrange1_GaussLegendre2.hpp"
#include "finiteElement/elementFormulations/H1_Pyramid_Lagrange1_Gauss5.hpp"
#include "finiteElement/elementFormulations/H1_Tetrahedron_Lagrange1_Gauss.hpp"
#include "finiteElement/elementFormulations/H1_Wedge_Lagrange1_Gauss6.hpp"
#include "LvArray/src/output.hpp"
#include "LvArray/src/tensorOps.hpp"

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template<typename LINEDIR_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE , typename NORMAL_TYPE , typename ORIGIN_TYPE , typename INTPOINT_TYPE >
void geos::computationalGeometry::LinePlaneIntersection (LINEDIR_TYPE const &lineDir, POINT_TYPE const &linePoint, NORMAL_TYPE const &planeNormal, ORIGIN_TYPE const &planeOrigin, INTPOINT_TYPE &intersectionPoint)
 Calculate the intersection between a line and a plane. More...
template<typename NORMAL_TYPE >
array1d< int > geos::computationalGeometry::orderPointsCCW (arrayView2d< real64 > const &points, NORMAL_TYPE const &normal)
 Reorder a set of points counter-clockwise. More...
template<typename NORMAL_TYPE >
real64 geos::computationalGeometry::ComputeSurfaceArea (arrayView2d< real64 const > const &points, NORMAL_TYPE const &&normal)
 Calculate the area of a polygon given the set of points in ccw order defining it. More...
template<localIndex DIMENSION, typename POINT_COORDS_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE GEOS_FORCE_INLINE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::computeDiameter (POINT_COORDS_TYPE points, localIndex const &numPoints)
 Calculate the diameter of a set of points in a given dimension. More...
template<typename CENTER_TYPE , typename NORMAL_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE GEOS_FORCE_INLINE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::centroid_3DPolygon (arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const pointsIndices, arrayView2d< real64 const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &points, CENTER_TYPE &&center, NORMAL_TYPE &&normal, real64 const areaTolerance=0.0)
 Calculate the centroid of a convex 3D polygon as well as the normal and the rotation matrix. More...
template<typename NORMAL_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void geos::computationalGeometry::FixNormalOrientation_3D (NORMAL_TYPE &&normal)
 Change the orientation of the input vector to be consistent in a global sense. More...
template<typename NORMAL_TYPE , typename MATRIX_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void geos::computationalGeometry::RotationMatrix_3D (NORMAL_TYPE const &normal, MATRIX_TYPE &&rotationMatrix)
 Calculate the rotation matrix for a face in the 3D space. More...
template<typename T >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE GEOS_FORCE_INLINE int geos::computationalGeometry::sign (T const val)
 Return the sign of a given value as an integer. More...
template<typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE bool geos::computationalGeometry::isPointInsidePolyhedron (arrayView2d< real64 const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &nodeCoordinates, arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &faceIndices, ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &facesToNodes, POINT_TYPE const &elemCenter, POINT_TYPE const &point, real64 const areaTolerance=0.0)
 Check if a point is inside a convex polyhedron (3D polygon) More...
template<typename COORD_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::lexicographicalCompareVertex (POINT_TYPE const ax, POINT_TYPE const ay, POINT_TYPE const az, COORD_TYPE const bx, COORD_TYPE const by, COORD_TYPE const bz)
 Method to perform lexicographic comparison of two nodes based on coordinates. More...
template<typename COORD_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::lexicographicalCompareEdge (POINT_TYPE const ax, POINT_TYPE const ay, POINT_TYPE const az, COORD_TYPE const e1x, COORD_TYPE const e1y, COORD_TYPE const e1z, COORD_TYPE const e2x, COORD_TYPE const e2y, COORD_TYPE const e2z)
 Method to perform lexicographic comparison of a node and an edge based on coordinates. More...
template<typename COORD_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::lexicographicalCompareTriangle (POINT_TYPE const ax, POINT_TYPE const ay, POINT_TYPE const az, COORD_TYPE const t1x, COORD_TYPE const t1y, COORD_TYPE const t1z, COORD_TYPE const t2x, COORD_TYPE const t2y, COORD_TYPE const t2z, COORD_TYPE const t3x, COORD_TYPE const t3y, COORD_TYPE const t3z)
 Method to perform lexicographic comparison of a node and a triangle based on coordinates. More...
template<typename ... LIST_TYPE>
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::findVertexRefElement (arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &nodeElements, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &elementGlobalIndex)
 Method to find the reference element touching a vertex. The element with the lowest global ID is chosen from the list. More...
template<typename ... LIST_TYPE>
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::findEdgeRefElement (arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &nodeElements1, arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &nodeElements2, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &elementGlobalIndex)
 Method to find the reference element for an edge. The element with the lowest global ID is chosen from the list. More...
template<typename ... LIST_TYPE>
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::findTriangleRefElement (arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &nodeElements1, arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &nodeElements2, arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &nodeElements3, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &elementGlobalIndex)
 Method to find the reference element for a triangle. The element with the lowest global ID is chosen from the list. More...
template<typename COORD_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE bool geos::computationalGeometry::computeWindingNumber (localIndex element, arrayView2d< COORD_TYPE const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &nodeCoordinates, arrayView2d< localIndex const > const &elementsToFaces, ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &facesToNodes, ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &nodesToElements, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &nodeLocalToGlobal, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &elementLocalToGlobal, POINT_TYPE const &elemCenter, POINT_TYPE const &point)
 Computes the winding number of a point with respecto to a mesh element. More...
template<typename COORD_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE bool geos::computationalGeometry::isPointInsideConvexPolyhedronRobust (localIndex element, arrayView2d< COORD_TYPE const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &nodeCoordinates, arrayView2d< localIndex const > const &elementsToFaces, ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &facesToNodes, ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &nodesToElements, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &nodeLocalToGlobal, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &elementLocalToGlobal, POINT_TYPE const &elemCenter, POINT_TYPE const &point)
 Check if a point is inside a convex polyhedron (3D polygon), using a robust method to avoid ambiguity when the point lies on an interface. This method is based on the following method: More...
template<typename VEC_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void geos::computationalGeometry::getBoundingBox (localIndex const elemIndex, arrayView2d< localIndex const, cells::NODE_MAP_USD > const &pointIndices, arrayView2d< real64 const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &pointCoordinates, VEC_TYPE &&boxDims)
 Compute the dimensions of the bounding box containing the element defined here by the coordinates of its vertices. More...
template<typename FE_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::elementVolume (real64 const (&X)[FE_TYPE::numNodes][3])
 Compute the volume of an element (tetrahedron, pyramid, wedge, hexahedron) More...
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::hexahedronVolume (real64 const (&X)[8][3])
 Compute the volume of an hexahedron. More...
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::tetrahedronVolume (real64 const (&X)[4][3])
 Compute the volume of an tetrahedron. More...
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::wedgeVolume (real64 const (&X)[6][3])
 Compute the volume of a wedge. More...
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::pyramidVolume (real64 const (&X)[5][3])
 Compute the volume of a pyramid. More...
template<integer N>
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::prismVolume (real64 const (&X)[2 *N][3])
 Compute the volume of a prism with N-sided polygon base. More...


constexpr real64 geos::computationalGeometry::machinePrecision = LvArray::NumericLimits< real64 >::epsilon
 Machine epsilon for double-precision calculations.

Function Documentation

◆ centroid_3DPolygon()

template<typename CENTER_TYPE , typename NORMAL_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE GEOS_FORCE_INLINE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::centroid_3DPolygon ( arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const  pointsIndices,
arrayView2d< real64 const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &  points,
CENTER_TYPE &&  center,
NORMAL_TYPE &&  normal,
real64 const  areaTolerance = 0.0 

Calculate the centroid of a convex 3D polygon as well as the normal and the rotation matrix.

Template Parameters
CENTER_TYPEThe type of center.
NORMAL_TYPEThe type of normal.
[in]pointsIndiceslist of index references for the points array in order (CW or CCW) about the polygon loop
[in]points3D point list
[out]center3D center of the given ordered polygon point list
[out]normalnormal to the face
[in]areaTolerancetolerance used in the geometric computations
area of the convex 3D polygon

if area < - areaTolerance, this function will throw an error, and if (- areaTolerance <= area <= areaTolerance), the area is set to zero

Definition at line 234 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ computeDiameter()

template<localIndex DIMENSION, typename POINT_COORDS_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE GEOS_FORCE_INLINE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::computeDiameter ( POINT_COORDS_TYPE  points,
localIndex const &  numPoints 

Calculate the diameter of a set of points in a given dimension.

Template Parameters
DIMENSIONThe dimensionality of the points.
POINT_COORDS_TYPEThe type of the container holding the point coordinates.
[in]pointsThe container holding the coordinates of the points.
[in]numPointsThe number of points in the container.
The diameter of the set of points.

Definition at line 194 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ ComputeSurfaceArea()

template<typename NORMAL_TYPE >
real64 geos::computationalGeometry::ComputeSurfaceArea ( arrayView2d< real64 const > const &  points,
NORMAL_TYPE const &&  normal 

Calculate the area of a polygon given the set of points in ccw order defining it.

Template Parameters
NORMAL_TYPEthe type of normal
[in]pointscoordinates of the points
[in]normalvector normal to the plane
the area of the polygon

Definition at line 153 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ computeWindingNumber()

template<typename COORD_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE bool geos::computationalGeometry::computeWindingNumber ( localIndex  element,
arrayView2d< COORD_TYPE const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &  nodeCoordinates,
arrayView2d< localIndex const > const &  elementsToFaces,
ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &  facesToNodes,
ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &  nodesToElements,
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &  nodeLocalToGlobal,
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &  elementLocalToGlobal,
POINT_TYPE const &  elemCenter,
POINT_TYPE const &  point 

Computes the winding number of a point with respecto to a mesh element.

Template Parameters
POINT_TYPEtype of point
[in]elementthe element to be checked
[in]nodeCoordinatesa global array of nodal coordinates
[in]elementsToFacesmap from elements to faces
[in]facesToNodesmap from faces to nodes
[in]nodesToElementsmap from nodes to elements
[in]nodeLocalToGlobalglobal indices of nodes
[in]elementLocalToGlobalglobal indices of elements
[in]elemCentercoordinates of the element centroid
[in]pointcoordinates of the query point
the signed winding number, which is positive if and only if the point is inside the mesh element.

Definition at line 659 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ elementVolume()

template<typename FE_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::elementVolume ( real64 const (&)  X[FE_TYPE::numNodes][3])

Compute the volume of an element (tetrahedron, pyramid, wedge, hexahedron)

Template Parameters
FE_TYPEthe type of finite element space
[in]Xvertices of the element
the volume of the element

Definition at line 879 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ findEdgeRefElement()

template<typename ... LIST_TYPE>
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::findEdgeRefElement ( arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &  nodeElements1,
arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &  nodeElements2,
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &  elementGlobalIndex 

Method to find the reference element for an edge. The element with the lowest global ID is chosen from the list.

[in]nodeElements1the list of elements adjacent to the first node
[in]nodeElements2the list of elements adjacent to the second node
[in]elementGlobalIndexthe global IDs for elements
the element shared by the two nodes, with the minimal global index

Definition at line 577 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ findTriangleRefElement()

template<typename ... LIST_TYPE>
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::findTriangleRefElement ( arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &  nodeElements1,
arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &  nodeElements2,
arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &  nodeElements3,
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &  elementGlobalIndex 

Method to find the reference element for a triangle. The element with the lowest global ID is chosen from the list.

[in]nodeElements1the list of elements adjacent to the first node
[in]nodeElements2the list of elements adjacent to the second node
[in]nodeElements3the list of elements adjacent to the third node
[in]elementGlobalIndexthe global IDs for elements
the element shared by the three nodes, with the minimal global index

Definition at line 613 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ findVertexRefElement()

template<typename ... LIST_TYPE>
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::findVertexRefElement ( arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &  nodeElements,
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &  elementGlobalIndex 

Method to find the reference element touching a vertex. The element with the lowest global ID is chosen from the list.

[in]nodeElementsthe list of elements adjacent to the vertex
[in]elementGlobalIndexthe global IDs for elements
element touching the vertex with the least global index

Definition at line 550 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ FixNormalOrientation_3D()

template<typename NORMAL_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void geos::computationalGeometry::FixNormalOrientation_3D ( NORMAL_TYPE &&  normal)

Change the orientation of the input vector to be consistent in a global sense.

Template Parameters
NORMAL_TYPEtype of normal
[in,out]normalnormal to the face

Definition at line 294 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ getBoundingBox()

template<typename VEC_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void geos::computationalGeometry::getBoundingBox ( localIndex const  elemIndex,
arrayView2d< localIndex const, cells::NODE_MAP_USD > const &  pointIndices,
arrayView2d< real64 const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &  pointCoordinates,
VEC_TYPE &&  boxDims 

Compute the dimensions of the bounding box containing the element defined here by the coordinates of its vertices.

Template Parameters
VEC_TYPEtype of boxDims
[in]elemIndexindex of the element in pointIndices.
[in]pointIndicesthe indices of the vertices in pointCoordinates.
[in]pointCoordinatesthe vertices coordinates.
[out]boxDimsThe dimensions of the bounding box.

Definition at line 844 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ hexahedronVolume()

GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::hexahedronVolume ( real64 const (&)  X[8][3])

Compute the volume of an hexahedron.

[in]Xvertices of the hexahedron
the volume of the hexahedron

Definition at line 896 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ isPointInsideConvexPolyhedronRobust()

template<typename COORD_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE bool geos::computationalGeometry::isPointInsideConvexPolyhedronRobust ( localIndex  element,
arrayView2d< COORD_TYPE const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &  nodeCoordinates,
arrayView2d< localIndex const > const &  elementsToFaces,
ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &  facesToNodes,
ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &  nodesToElements,
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &  nodeLocalToGlobal,
arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &  elementLocalToGlobal,
POINT_TYPE const &  elemCenter,
POINT_TYPE const &  point 

Check if a point is inside a convex polyhedron (3D polygon), using a robust method to avoid ambiguity when the point lies on an interface. This method is based on the following method:

  • the winding number omega of the point with respect to the cell is used to determine if the point is inside (omega=1) or not (omega=0)
  • corner cases (point lying on a face, edge or vertex of the cell) are detected using a robust method based on lexicographical comparisons
  • these comparisons are made consistent across MPI ranks by consistently arranging items based on global indices (GIDs). In particular:
    • Faces are triangulated using the vertex with the smallest GID as root;
    • Edges and faces are described by vertices in increasing GID order
  • Finally, if the point lies on a (vertex, edge, face), it is assigned to the first shared element with the least global index
    Template Parameters
    POINT_TYPEtype of point
    [in]elementthe element to be checked
    [in]nodeCoordinatesa global array of nodal coordinates
    [in]elementsToFacesmap from elements to faces
    [in]facesToNodesmap from faces to nodes
    [in]nodesToElementsmap from nodes to elements
    [in]nodeLocalToGlobalglobal indices of nodes
    [in]elementLocalToGlobalglobal indices of elements
    [in]elemCentercoordinates of the element centroid
    [in]pointcoordinates of the query point
    whether the point is inside

Definition at line 820 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ isPointInsidePolyhedron()

template<typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE bool geos::computationalGeometry::isPointInsidePolyhedron ( arrayView2d< real64 const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > const &  nodeCoordinates,
arraySlice1d< localIndex const > const &  faceIndices,
ArrayOfArraysView< localIndex const > const &  facesToNodes,
POINT_TYPE const &  elemCenter,
POINT_TYPE const &  point,
real64 const  areaTolerance = 0.0 

Check if a point is inside a convex polyhedron (3D polygon)

Template Parameters
POINT_TYPEtype of point
[in]nodeCoordinatesa global array of nodal coordinates
[in]faceIndicesglobal indices of the faces of the cell
[in]facesToNodesmap from face to nodes
[in]elemCentercoordinates of the element center
[in]pointcoordinates of the query point
[in]areaTolerancesame as in centroid_3DPolygon
whether the point is inside
For faces with n>3 nodes that are non-planar, average normal is used

Definition at line 399 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ lexicographicalCompareEdge()

template<typename COORD_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::lexicographicalCompareEdge ( POINT_TYPE const  ax,
POINT_TYPE const  ay,
POINT_TYPE const  az,
COORD_TYPE const  e1x,
COORD_TYPE const  e1y,
COORD_TYPE const  e1z,
COORD_TYPE const  e2x,
COORD_TYPE const  e2y,
COORD_TYPE const  e2z 

Method to perform lexicographic comparison of a node and an edge based on coordinates.

Template Parameters
COORD_TYPEtype of coordinate
POINT_TYPEtype of point
[in]axx-coordinate of the first vertex
[in]ayy-coordinate of the first vertex
[in]azz-coordinate of the first vertex
[in]e1xx-coordinate of the first edge vertex
[in]e1yy-coordinate of the first edge vertex
[in]e1zz-coordinate of the first edge vertex
[in]e2xx-coordinate of the second edge vertex
[in]e2yy-coordinate of the second edge vertex
[in]e2zz-coordinate of the second edge vertex
0 if the vertices lies on the edge, +1 if e > a and -1 if a > e

Definition at line 486 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ lexicographicalCompareTriangle()

template<typename COORD_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::lexicographicalCompareTriangle ( POINT_TYPE const  ax,
POINT_TYPE const  ay,
POINT_TYPE const  az,
COORD_TYPE const  t1x,
COORD_TYPE const  t1y,
COORD_TYPE const  t1z,
COORD_TYPE const  t2x,
COORD_TYPE const  t2y,
COORD_TYPE const  t2z,
COORD_TYPE const  t3x,
COORD_TYPE const  t3y,
COORD_TYPE const  t3z 

Method to perform lexicographic comparison of a node and a triangle based on coordinates.

Template Parameters
COORD_TYPEtype of coordinate
POINT_TYPEtype of point
[in]axx-coordinate of the first vertex
[in]ayy-coordinate of the first vertex
[in]azz-coordinate of the first vertex
[in]t1xx-coordinate of the first triangle vertex
[in]t1yy-coordinate of the first triangle vertex
[in]t1zz-coordinate of the first triangle vertex
[in]t2xx-coordinate of the second triangle vertex
[in]t2yy-coordinate of the second triangle vertex
[in]t2zz-coordinate of the second triangle vertex
[in]t3xx-coordinate of the third triangle vertex
[in]t3yy-coordinate of the third triangle vertex
[in]t3zz-coordinate of the third triangle vertex
0 if the vertices lies on the triangle, +1 if t > a and -1 if t > e

Definition at line 518 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ lexicographicalCompareVertex()

template<typename COORD_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE int geos::computationalGeometry::lexicographicalCompareVertex ( POINT_TYPE const  ax,
POINT_TYPE const  ay,
POINT_TYPE const  az,
COORD_TYPE const  bx,
COORD_TYPE const  by,
COORD_TYPE const  bz 

Method to perform lexicographic comparison of two nodes based on coordinates.

Template Parameters
COORD_TYPEtype of coordinate
POINT_TYPEtype of point
[in]axx-coordinate of the first vertex
[in]ayy-coordinate of the first vertex
[in]azz-coordinate of the first vertex
[in]bxx-coordinate of the second vertex
[in]byy-coordinate of the second vertex
[in]bzz-coordinate of the second vertex
0 if the vertices coincide, +1 if a > b and -1 if b > a

Definition at line 451 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ LinePlaneIntersection()

template<typename LINEDIR_TYPE , typename POINT_TYPE , typename NORMAL_TYPE , typename ORIGIN_TYPE , typename INTPOINT_TYPE >
void geos::computationalGeometry::LinePlaneIntersection ( LINEDIR_TYPE const &  lineDir,
POINT_TYPE const &  linePoint,
NORMAL_TYPE const &  planeNormal,
ORIGIN_TYPE const &  planeOrigin,
INTPOINT_TYPE &  intersectionPoint 

Calculate the intersection between a line and a plane.

Template Parameters
LINEDIR_TYPEthe type of lineDir
POINT_TYPEthe type of linePoint
NORMAL_TYPEthe type of planeNormal
ORIGIN_TYPEthe type of planeOrigin
INTPOINT_TYPEthe type of instersectionPoint
[in]lineDirvector defining direction of the line
[in]linePointone point of the line
[in]planeNormalnormal to plane
[in]planeOriginplane origin
[out]intersectionPointthe intersection point

Definition at line 58 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ orderPointsCCW()

template<typename NORMAL_TYPE >
array1d< int > geos::computationalGeometry::orderPointsCCW ( arrayView2d< real64 > const &  points,
NORMAL_TYPE const &  normal 

Reorder a set of points counter-clockwise.

Template Parameters
NORMAL_TYPEthe type of normal
[in]pointscoordinates of the points
[in]normalvector normal to the plane
an std::vector containing the original indices of the reordered points.

Definition at line 87 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ prismVolume()

template<integer N>
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::prismVolume ( real64 const (&)  X[2 *N][3])

Compute the volume of a prism with N-sided polygon base.

Template Parameters
Nthe number of sides in the polygon base
[in]Xvertices of the prism
the volume of the prism
The volume is computed splitting the prism into wedges. The function can be called only for N > 5. For N = 3 and N = 4 function wedgeVolume and hexahedronVolume, respectively, should be used.

Definition at line 950 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ pyramidVolume()

GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::pyramidVolume ( real64 const (&)  X[5][3])

Compute the volume of a pyramid.

[in]Xvertices of the pyramid
the volume of the pyramid

Definition at line 932 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ RotationMatrix_3D()

template<typename NORMAL_TYPE , typename MATRIX_TYPE >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE void geos::computationalGeometry::RotationMatrix_3D ( NORMAL_TYPE const &  normal,
MATRIX_TYPE &&  rotationMatrix 

Calculate the rotation matrix for a face in the 3D space.

Template Parameters
NORMAL_TYPEtype of normal
MATRIX_TYPEtype of rotationMatrix
[in]normalnormal to the face
[out]rotationMatrixrotation matrix for the face

Definition at line 331 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ sign()

template<typename T >
GEOS_HOST_DEVICE GEOS_FORCE_INLINE int geos::computationalGeometry::sign ( T const  val)

Return the sign of a given value as an integer.

Template Parameters
Ttype of value
valthe value in question
-1, 0 or 1 depending on whether the value is negative, zero or positive

Definition at line 379 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ tetrahedronVolume()

GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::tetrahedronVolume ( real64 const (&)  X[4][3])

Compute the volume of an tetrahedron.

[in]Xvertices of the tetrahedron
the volume of the tetrahedron

Definition at line 908 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.

◆ wedgeVolume()

GEOS_HOST_DEVICE real64 geos::computationalGeometry::wedgeVolume ( real64 const (&)  X[6][3])

Compute the volume of a wedge.

[in]Xvertices of the wedge
the volume of the wedge

Definition at line 920 of file ComputationalGeometry.hpp.