An abstract class for performing buffered history output.
virtual ~BufferedHistoryIO()
int getLogLevel() const
Get the log-level for BufferedHistoryIO classes.
virtual void write()=0
Write the buffered history data to the output target.
virtual void updateCollectingCount(localIndex count)=0
Update the number of items being stored for IO in this object.
virtual void init(bool existsOkay)=0
Perform and intialization needed for time-history output.
virtual localIndex getBufferedCount()=0
Query the number of history states currently stored in the internal buffer.
virtual buffer_unit_type * getBufferHead()=0
Get the head of the internal history storage buffer.
virtual void compressInFile()=0
Ensure the repressentation of the data in the output target is dense and terse.
void setLogLevel(int logLevel)
Set the log-level for BufferedHistoryIO classes.