Classes | Typedefs
geosx::SolidMechanicsLagrangianFEMKernels Namespace Reference

Namespace to contain the solid mechanics kernels. More...


class  ExplicitFiniteStrain
 Implements kernels for solving the equations of motion using the explicit Newmark method under the finite strain assumption. More...
class  ExplicitSmallStrain
 Implements kernels for solving the equations of motion using the explicit Newmark method under the small strain assumption. More...
class  ImplicitNewmark
 Implements kernels for solving the equations of motion using an implicit Newmark's method.. More...
class  QuasiStatic
 Implements kernels for solving quasi-static equilibrium. More...


using ExplicitFiniteStrainFactory = finiteElement::KernelFactory< ExplicitFiniteStrain, real64, string const &>
 The factory used to construct a ExplicitFiniteStrain kernel.
using ExplicitSmallStrainFactory = finiteElement::KernelFactory< ExplicitSmallStrain, real64, string const &>
 The factory used to construct a ExplicitSmallStrain kernel.
using ImplicitNewmarkFactory = finiteElement::KernelFactory< ImplicitNewmark, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &, globalIndex, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &, arrayView1d< real64 > const &, real64 const(&)[3], real64, real64, real64, real64, real64 >
 The factory used to construct a ImplicitNewmark kernel.
using QuasiStaticFactory = finiteElement::KernelFactory< QuasiStatic, arrayView1d< globalIndex const > const &, globalIndex, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &, arrayView1d< real64 > const &, real64 const(&)[3] >
 The factory used to construct a QuasiStatic kernel.

Detailed Description

Namespace to contain the solid mechanics kernels.