Biot Porosity Model


According to the poroelasticity theory, the porosity (pore volume), \phi, can be computed as

\phi = \phi_{ref} + \alpha ( \epsilon_v - \epsilon_{v,\,ref} ) + (p - p_{ref}) / N.

Here, \phi_{ref} is the porosity at a reference state with pressure p_{ref} and volumetric strain \epsilon_{v,\,ref}. Additionally, \alpha is the Biot coefficient, \epsilon_v is the volumetric strain, p is the fluid pressure and N = \frac{K_s}{\alpha - \phi_{ref}}, where {K_s} is the grain bulk modulus.


The Biot Porosity Model can be called in the <Constitutive> block of the input XML file. This porosity model must be assigned a unique name via the name attribute. This name is used to assign the model to regions of the physical domain via a materialList attribute in the <ElementRegions> block.

The following attributes are supported:

Name Type Default Description
defaultReferencePorosity real64 required Default value of the reference porosity
grainBulkModulus real64 required Grain bulk modulus
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes


   <BiotPorosity name="rockPorosity"