13. pylvarray — LvArray in Python

Many of the LvArray classes can be accessed and manipulated from Python. However, they cannot be created from Python.


The pylvarray module provides plenty of opportunites to crash Python. See the Segmentation Faults section below.

Only Python 3 is supported.

13.1. Module Constants

13.1.1. Space Constants

The following constants are used to set the space in which an LvArray object lives. The object pylvarray.GPU will only be defined if it is a valid space for the current system.


13.1.2. Permissions Constants

The following constants are used to set permissions for an array instance.


No modification of the underlying data is allowed.


Allows Numpy views to be modified, but the object itself cannot be resized (or otherwise have its buffer reallocated, such as by inserting new elements).


Allows Numpy views to be modified, and the object to be resized.

13.2. Module Classes

All of the objects documented below have an attribute, dtype, which returns the numpy.dtype of the object’s data, and therefore the datatype of any Numpy view of the object.

13.2.1. Array and SortedArray

class pylvarray.Array

Represents an LvArray::Array, a multidimensional array.


Set the dimension resized by a call to resize().


Resize the array in the default dimension to new_size.


Resize all the dimensions of the array in-place, discarding values.


Return a Numpy view of the array.


Set read/modify/resize permissions for the instance.


Return the read/modify/resize permissions for the instance.

class pylvarray.SortedArray

Represents an LvArray::SortedArray, a one-dimensional sorted array.


Return a read-only Numpy view of the array.


Set read/modify/resize permissions for the instance.


Return the read/modify/resize permissions for the instance.


Insert one or more values into the array. The object passed in will be converted to a 1D numpy array of the same dtype as the underlying instance, raising an exception if the conversion cannot be made safely.


Remove one or more values from the array. The object passed in will be converted to a 1D numpy array of the same dtype as the underlying instance, raising an exception if the conversion cannot be made safely.

13.2.2. ArrayOfArrays and ArrayOfSets

class pylvarray.ArrayOfArrays

Represents an LvArray::ArrayOfArrays, a two-dimensional ragged array.

Supports Python’s sequence protocol, with the addition of deleting subarrays with del arr[i] syntax. An array fetched with [] is returned as a Numpy view. The built-in len() function will return the number of arrays in the instance. Iterating over an instance will yield a Numpy view of each array.


Set read/modify/resize permissions for the instance.


Return the read/modify/resize permissions for the instance.

insert(index, values)

Insert a new array consisting of values at the given index.

insert_into(index, subindex, values)

Insert values into the subarray given by index at position subindex. values will be converted to a 1D numpy array of the same dtype as the underlying instance, raising an exception if the conversion cannot be made safely.

erase_from(index, subindex)

Remove the value at subindex in the subarray index.

Conceptually equivalent to del array_of_sets[index][subindex].

class pylvarray.ArrayOfSets

Represents an LvArray::ArrayOfSets, a collection of sets.

Behaves very similarly to the ArrayOfArrays, with differences outlined below.


Set read/modify/resize permissions for the instance.


Return the read/modify/resize permissions for the instance.

insert(position, capacity=0)

Insert a new set with a given capacity at position.

insert_into(set_index, values)

Insert values into a specific set.

values will be converted to a 1D numpy array of the same dtype as the underlying instance, raising an exception if the conversion cannot be made safely.

erase_from(set_index, values)

Remove values from a specific set.

values will be converted to a 1D numpy array of the same dtype as the underlying instance, raising an exception if the conversion cannot be made safely.

13.2.3. CRSMatrix

class pylvarray.CRSMatrix

Represents an LvArray::CRSMatrix, a sparse matrix.


Return a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix representing the matrix.

Note that many methods of scipy.sparse.csr_matrix will, without raising an exception, generate deep copies of the LvArray::CRSMatrix’s data. For instance, assigning a new value to an element in the csr_matrix may or may not modify the CRSMatrix data. Other csr_matrix methods will raise exceptions—for instance, when resizing. It is therefore in your best interest to be very careful about what methods and operations you perform on the crs_matrix. To be safe, do not attempt to modify the matrix at all.


Set read/modify/resize permissions for the instance.


Return the read/modify/resize permissions for the instance.


Return the number of rows in the matrix.


Return the number of columns in the matrix.


Return a Numpy array representing the entries in the given row.

resize(num_rows, num_cols, initial_row_capacity=0)

Set the dimensions of the matrix, and the row capacity for any newly-created rows.


Compress the matrix.

insert_nonzeros(row, columns, entries)

Insert new nonzero entries to the matrix.

columns and entries should be iterables of equal length; both will be converted to Numpy arrays and a TypeError will be raised if the conversion cannot be made safely.

remove_nonzeros(row, columns)

Remove nonzero entries from the matrix.

columns should be an iterable identifying the columns of the given row to remove nonzero entries from. It will be converted to a Numpy array and a TypeError will be raised if the conversion cannot be made safely.

add_to_row(row, columns, values)

Add values to already-existing entries in a row.

columns and values should be iterables of equal length; both will be converted to Numpy arrays and a TypeError will be raised if the conversion cannot be made safely.

13.3. Segmentation Faults

Improper use of this module and associated programs can easily cause Python to crash. There are two main causes of crashes.

13.3.1. Stale Numpy Views

The pylvarray classes provide various ways to get Numpy views of their data. However, those views are only valid as long as the LvArray object’s buffer is not reallocated. The buffer may be reallocated by invoking methods (the ones that require the RESIZEABLE permission) or by calls into a C++ program with access to the underlying C++ LvArray object.

view = my_array.to_numpy()
print(view)  # segfault

13.3.2. Destroyed LvArray C++ objects

As mentioned earlier, the classes defined in this module cannot be created in Python; some external C++ program/library must create an LvArray object in C++, then create a pylvarray view of it. However, the Python view will only be valid as long as the underlying LvArray C++ object is kept around. If that is destroyed, the Python object will be left holding an invalid pointer and subsequent attempts to use the Python object will cause undefined behavior. The only way to avoid this is to know under what circumstances the external C++ program/library will destroy LvArray objects. To be safe, however, do not hold onto pylvarray object references after calling functions that have access to the underlying LvArray objects.

14. Indices and tables