Model: Elastic Isotropic


This model may be used for solid materials with a linear elastic isotropic behavior. The relationship between stress and strain is given by Hooke’s Law, expressed as:

\sigma_{ij} = \lambda \epsilon_{kk} + 2 \mu \epsilon_{ij},

where \sigma_{ij} is the ij component of the Cauchy stress tensor, \epsilon_{ij} is the ij component of the strain tensor, \lambda is the first Lamé elastic constant, and \mu is the elastic shear modulus.

Hooke’s Law may also be expressed using Voigt notation for stress and strain vectors as:

\tensor{\sigma} = \tensor{C} \cdot \tensor{\epsilon},


  \sigma_{11} \\
  \sigma_{22} \\
  \sigma_{33} \\
  \sigma_{23} \\
  \sigma_{13} \\
  2\mu+\lambda  &   \lambda     &   \lambda   & 0   & 0 & 0 \\
      \lambda     &  2\mu+\lambda   &   \lambda   & 0   & 0 & 0 \\
      \lambda     &    \lambda    & 2\mu+\lambda & 0  & 0 & 0 \\
      0         &       0     &       0 &\mu  & 0 & 0 \\
  0         &           0     & 0       & 0   & \mu & 0 \\
  0         &       0     & 0       & 0   & 0 & \mu
  \epsilon_{11} \\
  \epsilon_{22} \\
  \epsilon_{33} \\
  2\epsilon_{23} \\
  2\epsilon_{13} \\


For finite deformation solvers, the elastic isotropic model can be called within a hypo-elastic update routine. See Finite Deformation Models with Hypo-Materials


The following attributes are supported. Note that any two elastic constants can be provided, and the other two will be internally calculated. The “default” keyword in front of certain properties indicates that this is the default value adopted for a region unless the user separately specifies a heterogeneous field via the FieldSpecification mechanism.

Name Type Default Description
defaultBulkModulus real64 -1 Default Bulk Modulus Parameter
defaultDensity real64 required Default Material Density
defaultPoissonRatio real64 -1 Default Poisson’s Ratio
defaultShearModulus real64 -1 Default Shear Modulus Parameter
defaultYoungModulus real64 -1 Default Young’s Modulus
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes


A typical Constititutive block will look like:

     defaultShearModulus="30.0e6" />