geos::SiloFile Member List

This is the complete list of members for geos::SiloFile, including all inherited members.

clearEmptiesFromMultiObjects(int const cycleNum)geos::SiloFile
getMeshType(string const &meshName) constgeos::SiloFile
groupRank(int const i) constgeos::SiloFile
initialize(int const numGroups=1)geos::SiloFile
makeSubDirectory(string const &subdir, string const &rootdir)geos::SiloFileinline
setFieldNames(string_array const &fieldNames)geos::SiloFileinline
setNumGroups(int const numGroups)geos::SiloFileinline
setOnlyPlotSpecifiedFieldNamesFlag(integer const onlyPlotSpecifiedFieldNames)geos::SiloFileinline
setOutputDirectory(string const &path)geos::SiloFileinline
setPlotFileRoot(string const &fileRoot)geos::SiloFileinline
setPlotLevel(int const plotLevel)geos::SiloFileinline
setWriteCellElementMesh(int const val)geos::SiloFileinline
setWriteEdgeMesh(int const val)geos::SiloFileinline
setWriteFaceElementMesh(int const val)geos::SiloFileinline
setWriteFaceMesh(int const val)geos::SiloFileinline
waitForBaton(int const domainNumber, string const &restartFileName)geos::SiloFile
waitForBatonWrite(int const domainNumber, int const cycleNum, integer const eventCounter, bool const isRestart)geos::SiloFile
writeBeamMesh(string const &meshName, const localIndex nnodes, real64 *coords[3], const localIndex_array &node1, const localIndex_array &node2, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime)geos::SiloFile
writeBeamMesh(string const &meshName, const localIndex nnodes, real64 *coords[3], integer_array &nodelist, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime)geos::SiloFile
writeDataField(string const &meshName, string const &fieldName, arrayView1d< TYPE const > const &field, int const centering, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime, string const &multiRoot)geos::SiloFile
writeDataField(string const &meshName, string const &fieldName, arrayView2d< TYPE const, USD > const &field, int const centering, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime, string const &multiRoot)geos::SiloFile
writeDataField(string const &meshName, string const &fieldName, arrayView3d< TYPE const, USD > const &field, int const centering, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime, string const &multiRoot)geos::SiloFile
writeDataField(string const &meshName, string const &fieldName, ArrayView< TYPE const, NDIM, USD > const &field, int const siloTensorRank, int const centering, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime, string const &multiRoot)geos::SiloFile
writeDomainPartition(DomainPartition const &domain, int const cycleNum, real64 const problemTime, bool const isRestart)geos::SiloFile
writeElementMesh(ElementRegionBase const &elementRegion, NodeManager const &nodeManager, string const &meshName, const localIndex nnodes, real64 *coords[3], globalIndex const *const globalNodeNum, char const *const ghostNodeFlag, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime, bool &writeArbitraryPolygon)geos::SiloFile
writeElementRegionSilo(ElementRegionBase const &elemRegion, string const &siloDirName, string const &meshName, int const cycleNum, real64 const problemTime, bool const isRestart)geos::SiloFile
writeGroupSilo(dataRepository::Group const &group, string const &siloDirName, string const &meshname, int const centering, int const cycleNum, real64 const problemTime, bool const isRestart, const localIndex_array &mask)geos::SiloFile
writeMaterialDataField(string const &meshName, string const &fieldName, array1d< array1d< arrayView2d< TYPE const > > > const &field, ElementRegionBase const &elemRegion, int const centering, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime, string const &multiRoot, string_array const &materialNames)geos::SiloFile
writeMaterialDataField2d(string const &meshName, string const &fieldName, ElementRegionBase const &elemRegion, int const centering, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime, string const &multiRoot, string_array const &materialNames)geos::SiloFile
writeMaterialDataField3d(string const &meshName, string const &fieldName, ElementRegionBase const &elemRegion, int const centering, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime, string const &multiRoot, string_array const &materialNames)geos::SiloFile
writeMaterialDataField4d(string const &meshName, string const &fieldName, ElementRegionBase const &elemRegion, int const centering, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime, string const &multiRoot, string_array const &materialNames)geos::SiloFile
writeMaterialMapsFullStorage(ElementRegionBase const &elementRegion, string const &meshName, string_array const &regionMaterialList, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime)geos::SiloFile
writeMaterialVarDefinition(string const &subDir, string const &matDir, localIndex const matIndex, string const &fieldName)geos::SiloFile
writeMeshLevel(MeshLevel const &meshLevel, int const cycleNum, real64 const problemTime, bool const isRestart)geos::SiloFile
writeMeshObject(string const &meshName, const localIndex nnodes, real64 *coords[3], const globalIndex *globalNodeNum, char const *const ghostNodeName, char const *const ghostZoneName, int const numShapes, int const *shapecnt, const localIndex *const *const meshConnectivity, const globalIndex *const *const globalElementNum, int const *const shapetype, int const *const shapesize, int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime)geos::SiloFile
writeMultiXXXX(const DBObjectType type, CBF DBPutMultiCB, int const centering, string const name, int const cycleNumber, string const &multiRoot, const DBoptlist *optlist=nullptr)geos::SiloFile
writePointMesh(string const &meshName, const localIndex numPoints, real64 *coords[3], int const cycleNumber, real64 const problemTime)geos::SiloFile
writePolygonMeshObject(const string &meshName, const localIndex nnodes, real64 *coords[3], const globalIndex *dummy1, const int numRegions, const int *shapecnt, const localIndex *const *const meshConnectivity, const globalIndex *const *const globalElementNum, const int *const *const dummy2, const int *const shapetype, const int *const shapesize, const int cycleNumber, const real64 problemTime, const int lnodelist)geos::SiloFile
writeStressVarDefinition(string const &MatDir)geos::SiloFile
writeVectorVarDefinition(string const &fieldName, string const &subDirectory)geos::SiloFile
writeWrappersToSilo(string const &meshname, const dataRepository::Group::wrapperMap &wrappers, int const centering, int const cycleNum, real64 const problemTime, bool const isRestart, string const &multiRoot, const localIndex_array &mask)geos::SiloFile