This is the complete list of members for geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell, including all inherited members.
addLogLevel() | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
applyBoundaryConditions(real64 const GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM(time_n), real64 const GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM(dt), DomainPartition &GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM(domain), DofManager const &GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM(dofManager), CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM(localMatrix), arrayView1d< real64 > const &GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM(localRhs)) override (defined in geos::WellSolverBase) | geos::WellSolverBase | inlinevirtual |
geos::PhysicsSolverBase::applyBoundaryConditions(real64 const time, real64 const dt, DomainPartition &domain, DofManager const &dofManager, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, arrayView1d< real64 > const &localRhs) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
applyLambdaToContainer(CONTAINERTYPE &container, LAMBDA &&lambda) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inlinestatic |
applySystemSolution(DofManager const &dofManager, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &localSolution, real64 const scalingFactor, real64 const dt, DomainPartition &domain) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
assembleAccumulationTerms(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, DomainPartition &domain, DofManager const &dofManager, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, arrayView1d< real64 > const &localRhs) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
assembleFluxTerms(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, DomainPartition &domain, DofManager const &dofManager, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, arrayView1d< real64 > const &localRhs) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
assemblePressureRelations(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, DomainPartition const &domain, DofManager const &dofManager, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, arrayView1d< real64 > const &localRhs) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
assembleSystem(real64 const time, real64 const dt, DomainPartition &domain, DofManager const &dofManager, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, arrayView1d< real64 > const &localRhs) override | geos::WellSolverBase | virtual |
calculateResidualNorm(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, DomainPartition const &domain, DofManager const &dofManager, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &localRhs) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
capacity() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
CatalogInterface typedef | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
catalogName() | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | inlinestatic |
checkSequentialSolutionIncrements(DomainPartition &domain) const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
checkSystemSolution(DomainPartition &domain, DofManager const &dofManager, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &localSolution, real64 const scalingFactor) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
chopNegativeDensities(DomainPartition &domain) | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
cleanup(real64 const time_n, integer const cycleNumber, integer const eventCounter, real64 const eventProgress, DomainPartition &domain) override | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
CompositionalMultiphaseWell(const string &name, Group *const parent) | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
CompositionalMultiphaseWell()=delete | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
CompositionalMultiphaseWell(CompositionalMultiphaseWell const &)=delete | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
CompositionalMultiphaseWell(CompositionalMultiphaseWell &&)=default | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
computePerforationRates(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, DomainPartition &domain) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
coupledSolverAttributePrefix() | geos::WellSolverBase | inlinestatic |
createChild(string const &childKey, string const &childName) override | geos::WellSolverBase | virtual |
debugOutputSolution(real64 const &time, integer const cycleNumber, integer const nonlinearIteration, ParallelVector const &solution) const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
debugOutputSystem(real64 const &time, integer const cycleNumber, integer const nonlinearIteration, ParallelMatrix const &matrix, ParallelVector const &rhs) const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
deregisterGroup(string const &name) | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
deregisterWrapper(string const &name) | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
dumpInputOptions() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
dumpSubGroupsNames() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
dumpWrappersNames() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
eisenstatWalker(real64 const newNewtonNorm, real64 const oldNewtonNorm, LinearSolverParameters::Krylov const &krylovParams) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
enableLogLevelInput() | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
execute(real64 const time_n, real64 const dt, integer const cycleNumber, integer const eventCounter, real64 const eventProgress, DomainPartition &domain) override | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
expandObjectCatalogs() override | geos::WellSolverBase | virtual |
explicitStep(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, integer const cycleNumber, DomainPartition &domain) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
finishWriting() | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
forDiscretizationOnMeshTargets(Group const &meshBodies, LAMBDA &&lambda) const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
forDiscretizationOnMeshTargets(Group &meshBodies, LAMBDA &&lambda) const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
forSubGroups(LAMBDA &&lambda) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
forSubGroups(LAMBDA &&lambda) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
forSubGroups(LOOKUP_CONTAINER const &subGroupKeys, LAMBDA &&lambda) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
forSubGroups(LOOKUP_CONTAINER const &subGroupKeys, LAMBDA &&lambda) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
forSubGroupsIndex(LAMBDA &&lambda) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
forSubGroupsIndex(LAMBDA &&lambda) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
forWrappers(LAMBDA &&lambda) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
forWrappers(LAMBDA &&lambda) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
forWrappers(LAMBDA &&lambda) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
forWrappers(LAMBDA &&lambda) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
generateDataStructureSkeleton(integer const level) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
generateMeshTargetsFromTargetRegions(Group const &meshBodies) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
getCatalog() | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | static |
getCatalogName() const override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | inlinevirtual |
getConduitNode() | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getConduitNode() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getConstitutiveModel(dataRepository::Group const &dataGroup, LOOKUP_TYPE const &key) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inlineprotectedstatic |
getConstitutiveModel(dataRepository::Group &dataGroup, LOOKUP_TYPE const &key) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inlineprotectedstatic |
getConstitutiveName(ElementSubRegionBase const &subRegion) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protectedstatic |
getConstitutiveName(ParticleSubRegionBase const &subRegion) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protectedstatic |
getDataContext() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getDiscretizationName() const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getDofManager() | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getDofManager() const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getFlowSolverName() const | geos::WellSolverBase | inline |
getGroup(KEY const &key) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getGroup(KEY const &key) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getGroupByPath(string const &path) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getGroupByPath(string const &path) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getGroupPointer(KEY const &key) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getGroupPointer(KEY const &key) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getIndexInParent() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getInputFlags() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getLinearSolverParameters() | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getLinearSolverParameters() const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getLocalMatrix() | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getLocalMatrix() const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getLogLevel() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getMeshModificationTimestamp(DomainPartition &domain) const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
getMeshTargets() const (defined in geos::PhysicsSolverBase) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getName() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getNonlinearSolverParameters() | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getNonlinearSolverParameters() const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getParent() | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getParent() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getPath() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
getReference(LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getReference(LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getRestartFlags() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getSolverStatistics() | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getSolverStatistics() const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getSubGroupIndex(keyType const &key) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
getSubGroups() | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getSubGroups() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getSubGroupsNames() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
getSystemMatrix() | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getSystemMatrix() const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getSystemRhs() | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getSystemRhs() const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getSystemSetupTimestamp() const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getSystemSolution() | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getSystemSolution() const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getTimesteppingBehavior() const | geos::ExecutableGroup | inline |
getTimestepRequest(real64 const) override | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inlinevirtual |
getTimestepRequest() | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
getWellControls(WellElementSubRegion const &subRegion) | geos::WellSolverBase | |
getWellControls(WellElementSubRegion const &subRegion) const | geos::WellSolverBase | |
getWrapper(LOOKUP_TYPE const &index) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getWrapper(LOOKUP_TYPE const &index) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getWrapperBase(KEY const &key) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getWrapperBase(KEY const &key) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getWrapperDataContext(KEY key) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getWrapperIndex(string const &name) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getWrapperPointer(LOOKUP_TYPE const &index) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getWrapperPointer(LOOKUP_TYPE const &index) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
getWrappersNames() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
gravityVector() const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
Group(string const &name, Group *const parent) | geos::dataRepository::Group | explicit |
Group(string const &name, conduit::Node &rootNode) | geos::dataRepository::Group | explicit |
Group(Group &&source)=default | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
Group()=delete | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
Group(Group const &)=delete | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
hasGroup(string const &name) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
hasParent() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
hasSubGroupOfType() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
hasWrapper(LOOKUP_TYPE const &lookup) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
implicitStepComplete(real64 const &time, real64 const &dt, DomainPartition &domain) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
implicitStepComplete(real64 const &GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM(time_n), real64 const &GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM(dt), DomainPartition &GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM(domain)) override (defined in geos::WellSolverBase) | geos::WellSolverBase | inlinevirtual |
implicitStepSetup(real64 const &time, real64 const &dt, DomainPartition &domain) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
initializationOrder(string_array &order) | geos::dataRepository::Group | virtual |
initialize() | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
initialize_postMeshGeneration() override | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
initializePostInitialConditions() | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
initializePostInitialConditionsPostSubGroups() | geos::dataRepository::Group | inlineprotectedvirtual |
initializePostInitialConditionsPreSubGroups() override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | protectedvirtual |
initializePostSubGroups() override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | protectedvirtual |
initializePreSubGroups() | geos::dataRepository::Group | inlineprotectedvirtual |
isThermal() const | geos::WellSolverBase | inline |
linearImplicitStep(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, integer const cycleNumber, DomainPartition &domain) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
lineSearch(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, integer const cycleNumber, DomainPartition &domain, DofManager const &dofManager, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, ParallelVector &rhs, ParallelVector &solution, real64 const scaleFactor, real64 &lastResidual) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
lineSearchWithParabolicInterpolation(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, integer const cycleNumber, DomainPartition &domain, DofManager const &dofManager, CRSMatrixView< real64, globalIndex const > const &localMatrix, ParallelVector &rhs, ParallelVector &solution, real64 const scaleFactor, real64 &lastResidual, real64 &residualNormT) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
loadFromConduit() | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
m_assemblyCallback | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_cflFactor | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_discretizationName | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_dofManager | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_flowSolverName | geos::WellSolverBase | protected |
m_isThermal | geos::WellSolverBase | protected |
m_keepVariablesConstantDuringInitStep | geos::WellSolverBase | protected |
m_linearSolverParameters | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_linearSolverResult | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_localMatrix | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_matrix | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_maxStableDt | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_nextDt | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_nonlinearSolverParameters | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_numComponents | geos::WellSolverBase | protected |
m_numDofPerResElement | geos::WellSolverBase | protected |
m_numDofPerWellElement | geos::WellSolverBase | protected |
m_numPhases | geos::WellSolverBase | protected |
m_numTimestepsSinceLastDtCut | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_precond | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_ratesOutputDir (defined in geos::WellSolverBase) | geos::WellSolverBase | protected |
m_referenceFluidModelName | geos::WellSolverBase | protected |
m_rhs | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_solution | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_solverStatistics | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_systemSetupTimestamp | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_timers | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
m_writeCSV | geos::WellSolverBase | protected |
m_writeLinearSystem | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | protected |
nonlinearImplicitStep(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, integer const cycleNumber, DomainPartition &domain) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
numDofPerResElement() const | geos::WellSolverBase | inline |
numDofPerWellElement() const | geos::WellSolverBase | inline |
numFluidComponents() const override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | inlinevirtual |
numFluidPhases() const override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | inlinevirtual |
numSubGroups() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
numWrappers() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
operator=(CompositionalMultiphaseWell const &)=delete | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
operator=(CompositionalMultiphaseWell &&)=delete | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
geos::WellSolverBase::operator=(WellSolverBase const &)=delete | geos::WellSolverBase | |
geos::WellSolverBase::operator=(WellSolverBase &&)=delete | geos::WellSolverBase | |
geos::PhysicsSolverBase::operator=(PhysicsSolverBase const &)=delete | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
geos::PhysicsSolverBase::operator=(PhysicsSolverBase &&)=delete | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
geos::ExecutableGroup::operator=(Group const &)=delete | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
geos::ExecutableGroup::operator=(Group &&)=delete | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
outputConfigurationStatistics(DomainPartition const &domain) const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
pack(buffer_unit_type *&buffer, string_array const &wrapperNames, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | virtual |
pack(buffer_unit_type *&buffer, string_array const &wrapperNames, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | virtual |
pack(buffer_unit_type *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
packSize(string_array const &wrapperNames, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | virtual |
packSize(string_array const &wrapperNames, arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | virtual |
packSize(arrayView1d< localIndex const > const &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
PhysicsSolverBase(string const &name, Group *const parent) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | explicit |
PhysicsSolverBase(PhysicsSolverBase &&)=default | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
PhysicsSolverBase()=delete | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
PhysicsSolverBase(PhysicsSolverBase const &)=delete | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
postInputInitialization() override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | protectedvirtual |
postInputInitializationRecursive() | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
postRestartInitialization() | geos::dataRepository::Group | inlineprotectedvirtual |
postRestartInitializationRecursive() | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
prepareToWrite() | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
printDataHierarchy(integer indent=0) const | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
printRates(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, DomainPartition &domain) override (defined in geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell) | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | protectedvirtual |
processInputFileRecursive(xmlWrapper::xmlDocument &xmlDocument, xmlWrapper::xmlNode &targetNode) | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
processInputFileRecursive(xmlWrapper::xmlDocument &xmlDocument, xmlWrapper::xmlNode &targetNode, xmlWrapper::xmlNodePos const &targetNodePos) | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
processInputName(xmlWrapper::xmlNode const &targetNode, xmlWrapper::xmlNodePos const &targetNodePos, string_view parentNodeName, xmlWrapper::xmlNodePos const &parentNodePos, std::set< string > &siblingNames) | geos::dataRepository::Group | static |
registerCallback(void *func, const std::type_info &funcType) final override | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
registerDataOnMesh(Group &meshBodies) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
registerDataOnMeshRecursive(Group &meshBodies) | geos::dataRepository::Group | virtual |
registerGroup(string const &name, std::unique_ptr< T > newObject) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
registerGroup(string const &name, T *newObject) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
registerGroup(string const &name) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
registerGroup(subGroupMap::KeyIndex const &keyIndex) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
registerWrapper(string const &name, wrapperMap::KeyIndex::index_type *const rkey=nullptr) | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
registerWrapper(Group::wrapperMap::KeyIndex const &viewKey) | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
registerWrapper(string const &name, std::unique_ptr< T > newObject) | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
registerWrapper(string const &name, T *newObject) | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
registerWrapper(std::unique_ptr< WrapperBase > wrapper) | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
reinit() | geos::dataRepository::Group | inlinevirtual |
resElementDofName() const override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | inlinevirtual |
reserve(indexType const newsize) | geos::dataRepository::Group | virtual |
resetConfigurationToBeginningOfStep(DomainPartition &domain) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
resetConfigurationToDefault(DomainPartition &domain) const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
resetStateToBeginningOfStep(DomainPartition &domain) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
resize(localIndex const newSize) | geos::dataRepository::Group | virtual |
saveSequentialIterationState(DomainPartition &domain) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
scalingForSystemSolution(DomainPartition &domain, DofManager const &dofManager, arrayView1d< real64 const > const &localSolution) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
setFlowSolverName(string const &name) | geos::WellSolverBase | inline |
setInputFlags(InputFlags flags) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
setKeepVariablesConstantDuringInitStep(bool const keepVariablesConstantDuringInitStep) | geos::WellSolverBase | inline |
setLogLevel(integer const logLevel) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
setNextDt(real64 const ¤tDt, DomainPartition &domain) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
setNextDtBasedOnNewtonIter(real64 const ¤tDt) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
setNextDtBasedOnStateChange(real64 const ¤tDt, DomainPartition &domain) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
setRestartFlags(RestartFlags flags) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
setSchemaDeviations(xmlWrapper::xmlNode schemaRoot, xmlWrapper::xmlNode schemaParent, integer documentationType) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inlinevirtual |
setSizedFromParent(int val) | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
setSystemSetupTimestamp(Timestamp timestamp) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inline |
setTimesteppingBehavior(TimesteppingBehavior const timesteppingBehavior) | geos::ExecutableGroup | inline |
setupDofs(DomainPartition const &domain, DofManager &dofManager) const override | geos::WellSolverBase | virtual |
setupSystem(DomainPartition &domain, DofManager &dofManager, CRSMatrix< real64, globalIndex > &localMatrix, ParallelVector &rhs, ParallelVector &solution, bool const setSparsity=true) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
signalToPrepareForExecution(real64 const time_n, real64 const dt, integer const cycle, DomainPartition &domain) | geos::ExecutableGroup | virtual |
size() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
sizedFromParent() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
solveLinearSystem(DofManager const &dofManager, ParallelMatrix &matrix, ParallelVector &rhs, ParallelVector &solution) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
solverStep(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, integer const cycleNumber, DomainPartition &domain) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
subGroupMap typedef | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
synchronizeNonlinearSolverParameters() | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | inlinevirtual |
targetRegionIndex(string const ®ionName) const | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | |
TimesteppingBehavior enum name | geos::ExecutableGroup | |
unpack(buffer_unit_type const *&buffer, arrayView1d< localIndex > &packList, integer const recursive, bool onDevice, parallelDeviceEvents &events, MPI_Op op=MPI_REPLACE) | geos::dataRepository::Group | virtual |
updateBHPForConstraint(WellElementSubRegion &subRegion) | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
updateConfiguration(DomainPartition &domain) | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
updateFluidModel(WellElementSubRegion &subRegion) | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
updateGlobalComponentFraction(WellElementSubRegion &subRegion) const | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
updatePhaseVolumeFraction(WellElementSubRegion &subRegion) const | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
updateState(DomainPartition &domain) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
updateSubRegionState(WellElementSubRegion &subRegion) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
updateTotalMassDensity(WellElementSubRegion &subRegion) const | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
updateVolRatesForConstraint(WellElementSubRegion &subRegion) | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
useTotalMassEquation() const (defined in geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell) | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | inline |
validateConstitutiveModels(DomainPartition const &domain) const (defined in geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell) | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | protected |
validateInjectionStreams(WellElementSubRegion const &subRegion) const | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | protected |
validateWellConstraints(real64 const &time_n, real64 const &dt, WellElementSubRegion const &subRegion) override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | protectedvirtual |
validateWellControlsForFluid(WellControls const &wellControls, constitutive::MultiFluidBase const &fluid) const | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | protected |
viewKeysCompMultiphaseWell (defined in geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell) | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | |
wellElementDofName() const override | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | inlinevirtual |
WellSolverBase(const string &name, Group *const parent) | geos::WellSolverBase | |
WellSolverBase()=delete | geos::WellSolverBase | |
WellSolverBase(WellSolverBase const &)=delete | geos::WellSolverBase | |
WellSolverBase(WellSolverBase &&)=default | geos::WellSolverBase | |
wrapperMap typedef | geos::dataRepository::Group | |
wrappers() const | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
wrappers() | geos::dataRepository::Group | inline |
~CompositionalMultiphaseWell() override=default | geos::CompositionalMultiphaseWell | virtual |
~Group() | geos::dataRepository::Group | virtual |
~PhysicsSolverBase() override | geos::PhysicsSolverBase | virtual |
~WellSolverBase() override | geos::WellSolverBase | virtual |