fixedSizeSquareMatrixOps.hpp File Reference

Contains tensorOps functions for operating on 2x2 and 3x3 matrices. More...

#include "genericTensorOps.hpp"
#include "fixedSizeSquareMatrixOpsImpl.hpp"

Go to the source code of this file.


 The top level namespace.
 Contains operations for operating on compile time sized vectors and matrices.


Fixed size square matrix operations

Functions that are overloaded to operate square matrices of a fixed size.

Currently all functions only support matrices of sizes 2x2 and 3x3.
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename MATRIX >
constexpr auto LvArray::tensorOps::determinant (MATRIX const &matrix)
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename DST_MATRIX , typename SRC_MATRIX >
constexpr auto LvArray::tensorOps::invert (DST_MATRIX &&LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF dstMatrix, SRC_MATRIX const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF srcMatrix)
 Invert the source matrix srcMatrix and store the result in dstMatrix. More...
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename MATRIX >
constexpr auto LvArray::tensorOps::invert (MATRIX &&matrix)
 Invert the matrix matrix overwritting it. More...
Fixed size symmetric matrix operations

Functions that are overloaded to operate symmetric matrices of a fixed size.

Currently all functions only support matrices of sizes 2x2 and 3x3.
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename DST_VECTOR , typename SYM_MATRIX_A , typename VECTOR_B >
constexpr void LvArray::tensorOps::Ri_eq_symAijBj (DST_VECTOR &&LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF dstVector, SYM_MATRIX_A const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF symMatrixA, VECTOR_B const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF vectorB)
 Multiply the vector vectorB by the symmetric matrix symMatrixA and store the result in dstVector. More...
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename DST_VECTOR , typename SYM_MATRIX_A , typename VECTOR_B >
constexpr void LvArray::tensorOps::Ri_add_symAijBj (DST_VECTOR &&LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF dstVector, SYM_MATRIX_A const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF symMatrixA, VECTOR_B const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF vectorB)
 Multiply the vector vectorB by the symmetric matrix symMatrixA and add the result to dstVector. More...
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename DST_MATRIX , typename SYM_MATRIX_A , typename MATRIX_B >
constexpr void LvArray::tensorOps::Rij_eq_symAikBjk (DST_MATRIX &&LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF dstMatrix, SYM_MATRIX_A const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF symMatrixA, MATRIX_B const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF matrixB)
 Multiply the transpose of matrix matrixB by the symmetric matrix symMatrixA and store the result in dstMatrix. More...
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename DST_SYM_MATRIX , typename MATRIX_A , typename SYM_MATRIX_B >
constexpr void LvArray::tensorOps::Rij_eq_AikSymBklAjl (DST_SYM_MATRIX &&LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF dstSymMatrix, MATRIX_A const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF matrixA, SYM_MATRIX_B const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF symMatrixB)
 Multiply the transpose of matrix matrixA by the symmetric matrix symMatrixB then by matrixA and store the result in dstSymMatrix. More...
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename SYM_MATRIX >
constexpr auto LvArray::tensorOps::symDeterminant (SYM_MATRIX const &symMatrix)
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename DST_SYM_MATRIX , typename SRC_SYM_MATRIX >
constexpr auto LvArray::tensorOps::symInvert (DST_SYM_MATRIX &&LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF dstSymMatrix, SRC_SYM_MATRIX const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF srcSymMatrix)
 Invert the symmetric matrix srcSymMatrix and store the result in dstSymMatrix. More...
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename SYM_MATRIX >
constexpr auto LvArray::tensorOps::symInvert (SYM_MATRIX &&symMatrix)
 Invert the symmetric matrix symMatrix overwritting it. More...
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename DST_VECTOR , typename SYM_MATRIX >
constexpr void LvArray::tensorOps::symEigenvalues (DST_VECTOR &&LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF eigenvalues, SYM_MATRIX const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF symMatrix)
 Compute the eigenvalues of the symmetric matrix symMatrix. More...
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename DST_VECTOR , typename DST_MATRIX , typename SYM_MATRIX >
constexpr void LvArray::tensorOps::symEigenvectors (DST_VECTOR &&LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF eigenvalues, DST_MATRIX &&LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF eigenvectors, SYM_MATRIX const &LVARRAY_RESTRICT_REF symMatrix)
 Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the symmetric matrix symMatrix. More...
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename DST_SYM_MATRIX , typename SRC_MATRIX >
constexpr void LvArray::tensorOps::denseToSymmetric (DST_SYM_MATRIX &&dstSymMatrix, SRC_MATRIX const &srcMatrix)
 Convert the upper triangular part of srcMatrix to a symmetric matrix. More...
template<std::ptrdiff_t M, typename DST_MATRIX , typename SRC_SYM_MATRIX >
constexpr void LvArray::tensorOps::symmetricToDense (DST_MATRIX &&dstMatrix, SRC_SYM_MATRIX const &srcSymMatrix)
 Convert the srcSymMatrix into a dense matrix. More...

Detailed Description

Contains tensorOps functions for operating on 2x2 and 3x3 matrices.

Definition in file fixedSizeSquareMatrixOps.hpp.