Integrated Tests


integratedTests is a submodule of GEOSX residing at the top level of the directory structure. It will run GEOSX with various .xml files and compare the output against a baseline.

Notes: you may need to install h5py and mpi4py.

Do not forget to retrieve the baselines with the git LFS (large file storage) plugin. If the content of your baselines is something like:

[somebody@somewhere:/tmp]$ cat /path/to/GEOSX/integratedTests/tests/allTests/sedov/baselines/sedov_8/0to100_restart_000000100/rank_0000003.hdf5 version oid sha256:09bbe1e92968852cb915b971af35b0bba519fae7cf5934f3abc7b709ea76308c size 1761208

then it means that the LFS plugin was not activated. git lfs install and git lfs pull should help you fix this.


The integratedTests directory is composed of two main directories, integratedTests/geosxats and integratedTests/tests/allTests. The integratedTests/geosxats directory contains all the machinery involved in running the tests including the main executable integratedTests/geosxats/geosxats. The integratedTests/tests/allTests directory contains all the actual tests themselves, including the .xml files and the baselines.

- integratedTests/
  - geosxats/
    - geosxats
- update/
  - run/
    - sedov/
    - beamBending/
      - baselines/
        - beamBending/
          - <baseline-files>
      - beamBending.ats
      - beamBending.xml


The program takes a number of arguments, the most important ones are

  • The path to the GEOSX binary directory (<build-dir>/bin)
  • –workingDir WORKINGDIR which sets the working (test) directory.
  • -N NUMNODES specifies the number of nodes to use the default is the minimum number that the tests require.
  • -a {veryclean, rebaseline, …} specify a specific action, veryclean deletes all output files, and rebaseline lets you rebaseline all or some of the tests.
  • -h prints out the geosxats help.

How to Run the Tests

To run all the tests from the top level GEOSX directory you would do

integratedTests/geosxats/geosxats <build-path>/bin --workingDir integratedTests/tests/allTests

To run only the sedov tests you would do

integratedTests/geosxats/geosxats <build-path>/bin --workingDir integratedTests/tests/allTests/sedov

However if you want to run all the tests there’s an easier way. In the build directory there’s a symbolic link to integratedTests/tests/allTests called integratedTests and a bash script that wraps integratedTests/geosxats/geosxats and passes it the path to the binary directory and the integratedTests/tests/allTests directory along with any other command line arguments. To run this script do the following

cd <build-path>

If the script or symbolic link is not present you will need to reconfigure by running the ` script.

When the program has finished running you will see something like this




 (  beamBending  )



 NOT RUN : 0




 (  sedov 2D_100x100_incompr_linear 2D_100x100_incompr_linear_faceBC  )





  TOTAL TIME           : 0:01:13

     0:01:13 sedov
     0:00:23 2D_100x100_incompr_linear_faceBC
     0:00:22 2D_100x100_incompr_linear
     0:00:14 beamBending

     Status     :  TestCase    :  Directory               :  Elapsed :  Resources :  TestStep
     ---------- :  ----------- :  ----------------------- :  ------- :  --------- :  ------------
     FAIL CHECK :  beamBending :  beamBending/beamBending :  0:00:14 :  0:00:14   :  restartcheck
     ---------- :  ----------- :  ----------------------- :  ------- :  --------- :  ------------

Generating HTML documentation files (running 'atddoc')...
  Failed to create HTML documentation in /g/g14/corbett5/geosx/mirror/integratedTests/update/doc

Undocumented test problems:
beamBending 2D_100x100_incompr_linear 2D_100x100_incompr_linear_faceBC sedov

Ignore the error regarding the failure to create a HTML documentation file and the warning about the undocumented test problems. The only important thing is if any of the tests aren’t in the PASSED category. For a nice summary of the results open the test_results.html file in the geosxats working directory.

When running the tests multiple times in a row, only tests that failed to pass will run. If you would like to run all the tests again call

./ -a veryclean

which will delete all the generated files. Furthermore these generated files are not ignored by git, so until you run veryclean the integratedTests repo will register changes.

Note: On some development machines geosxats won’t run parallel tests by default (e.g. on an linux laptop or workstation), and as a result many tests will be skipped. We highly recommend running tests on an MPI-aware platform.

Output Created By a Test

Since the beamBending test failed let’s look at it’s output. The output for the beamBending test is stored in integratedTests/tests/allTests/beamBending/beamBending directory. In addition to any files GEOSX itself creates you will find

  • which holds all of the standard output of the various steps.
  • beamBending.err which holds all of the standard error output of the various steps.
  • beamBending.geosx.out which holds all of the standard output for only the geosx step.
  • beamBending_restart_000000003.restartcheck which holds all of the standard output for only the restartcheck step.
  • beamBending_restart_000000003_diff.hdf5 which mimmics the hierarchy of the restart file and has links to the differing data datasets.

The RestartCheck File

Currently the only manner of check that we support is a restart check, this check compares a restart file output at the end of a run against a baseline. The program that does the diff is integratedTests/geosxats/helpers/ The program compares the two restart files and writes out a .restart_check file with the results, as well as exiting with an error code if the files compare differently.

This program takes a number of arguments and they are as follows

  • Regex specifying the restart file. If the regex matches multiple files the one with the greater string is selected. For example restart_100.hdf5 wins out over restart_088.hdf5.
  • Regex specifying the baseline file.
  • -r The relative tolerance for floating point comparison, the default is 0.0.
  • -a The absolute tolerance for floating point comparison, the default is 0.0.
  • -e A list of regex expressions that match paths in the restart file tree to exclude from comparison. The default is [.*/commandLine].
  • -w Force warnings to be treated as errors, default is false.
  • -s Suppress output to stdout, default is False.

The .restart_check file itself starts off with a summary of the arguments. The program then compares the .root files and if they are similar proceeds to compare all the .hdf5 data files.

If the program encounters any differences it will spit out an error message. An error message for scalar values looks as follows

Error: /datagroup_0000000/sidre/external/ProblemManager/domain/ConstitutiveManager/shale/YoungsModulus
  Scalar values of types float64 and float64 differ: 22500000000.0, 10000022399.9.

Where the first value is the value in the test’s restart file and the second is the value in the baseline.

An example of an error message for arrays is

Error: /datagroup_0000000/sidre/external/ProblemManager/domain/MeshBodies/mesh1/Level0/nodeManager/TotalDisplacement
  Arrays of types float64 and float64 have 1836 values of which 1200 have differing values.
  Statistics of the differences greater than 0:
    max_index = (1834,), max = 2.47390764755, mean = 0.514503482629, std = 0.70212888881

This means that the max absolute difference is 2.47 which occurs at value 1834. Of the values that are not equal the mean absolute difference is 0.514 and the standard deviation of the absolute difference is 0.702.

When the tolerances are non zero the comparison is a bit more complicated. From the FileComparison.compareFloatArrays method documentation

Entries x1 and x2 are  considered equal iff
    |x1 - x2| <= ATOL or |x1 - x2| <= RTOL * |x2|.
To measure the degree of difference a scaling factor q is introduced. The goal is now to minimize q such that
    |x1 - x2| <= ATOL * q or |x1 - x2| <= RTOL * |x2| * q.
If RTOL * |x2| > ATOL
    q = |x1 - x2| / (RTOL * |x2|)
    q = |x1 - x2| / ATOL.
If the maximum value of q over all the entries is greater than 1.0 then the arrays are considered different and an error message is produced.

An sample error message is

Error: /datagroup_0000000/sidre/external/ProblemManager/domain/MeshBodies/mesh1/Level0/nodeManager/TotalDisplacement
  Arrays of types float64 and float64 have 1836 values of which 1200 fail both the relative and absolute tests.
    Max absolute difference is at index (1834,): value = 2.07474948094, base_value = 4.54865712848
    Max relative difference is at index (67,): value = 0.00215842135281, base_value = 0.00591771127792
  Statistics of the q values greater than 1.0 defined by the absolute tolerance: N = 1200
    max = 16492717650.3, mean = 3430023217.52, std = 4680859258.74
  Statistics of the q values greater than 1.0 defined by the relative tolerance: N = 0

The restart check step can be run in parallel using mpi via

mpirun -n NUM_PROCESSES python -m mpi4py ...

In this case rank zero reads in the restart root file and then each rank parses a subset of the data files creating a .$RANK.restartcheck file. Rank zero then merges the output from each of these files into the main .restartcheck file and prints it to standard output.

The .diff.hdf5 File

Each error generated in the restartcheck step creates a group with three children in the _diff.df5 file. For example the error given above will generate a hdf5 group


with datasets baseline, run and message where FILENAME is the name of the restart data file being compared. The message dataset contains a copy of the error message while baseline is a symbolic link to the baseline dataset and run is a sumbolic link to the dataset genereated by the run. This allows for easy access to the raw data underlying the diff without data duplication. For example if you want to extract the datasets into python you could do this:

import h5py
file_path = "beamBending_restart_000000003_diff.hdf5"
path_to_data = "/beamBending_restart_000000011_0000000.hdf5/datagroup_0000000/sidre/external/ProblemManager/domain/MeshBodies/mesh1/Level0/nodeManager/TotalDisplacement"
f = h5py.File("file_path", "r")
error_message = f["path_to_data/message"]
run_data = f["path_to_data/run"][:]
baseline_data = f["path_to_data/baseline"][:]

# Now run_data and baseline_data are numpy arrays that you may use as you see fit.
rtol = 1e-10
atol = 1e-15
absolute_diff = np.abs(run_data - baseline_data) < atol
hybrid_diff = np.close(run_data, baseline_data, rtol, atol)

When run in parallel each rank creates a .$RANK.diff.hdf5 file which contains the diff of each data file processed by that rank.

The .ats File

The .ats file is a python script that describes the TestCases to run and steps for each TestCase. Each .ats file needs to have at least one TestCase and each TestCase needs to have at least one step.

A simple example is the beamBending.ats file

  name = "beamBending",
  desc = "Tests beam bending.",
  label = "auto",
  owner = "Ben Corbett",
  independent = True,
  steps = (geosx(deck="beamBending.xml"),)

This creates a TestCase called beamBending with a single step that runs GEOSX with the beamBending.xml input file, a restartcheck step automatically follows each geosx step. So this file describes a test that runs the beamBending problem and compares the restart file against the baseline.

A slightly more complicated example is the singlePhaseFlow.ats file.

decks = ("2D_100x100_incompr_linear",
descriptions = ("Testing the single phase incompressible flow solver.",
                "Testing the single phase incompressible flow solver with face boundary conditions.")

for i in range(len(decks)):
    deck = decks[i]
    description = descriptions[i]
        name = deck,
        desc = description,
        label = "auto",
        owner = "Ben Corbett",
        independent = True,
        steps = (geosx(deck=deck + ".xml"),)

This creates two TestCases each of which runs a different problem. The independent parameter means that the two TestCases can be executed independently of each other. When a TestCase executes it uses it’s name to create a directory where all the output files are stored so if you have multiple TestCases in an .ats file it’s imperative that they have unique names.

Finally there’s the sedov.ats file which tests that starting from a restart file has no impact on the final solution.

import os

    name = "sedov",
    desc = "Test the basic sedov problem and restart capabilities.",
    label = "auto",
    owner = "Ben Corbett",
    independent = True,
    steps = (geosx(deck="sedov.xml",
                   restart_file=os.path.join(testcase_name, "0to100_restart_000000050.root"),

This creates a single TestCase That executes GEOSX twice. The first step does 100 time steps followed by a restartcheck step. The second geosx step executes the original 100 time step xml file but restarts using the restart file output half way through the first run. Each geosx step gets its name from the xml file, but this can be overridden by the name parameter Furthermore the default behavior is to look for a baseline in the baselines/<TestCaseName> directory named TestStepName_restart_[0-9]+.root, however the second step overrides this to instead compare against the “0to100” baseline. Because of this it does not allow rebaselining.

You can pass parameters to the restartcheck step in a dictionary passed as an argument to the geosx step. For example to set the tolerance you would do

restartcheck_params["atol"] = 1.5E-10
restartcheck_params["rtol"] = 1E-12

    name = "sedov",
    desc = "Test the basic sedov problem and restart capabilities.",
    label = "auto",
    owner = "Ben Corbett",
    independent = True,
    steps = (geosx(deck="sedov.xml",

For more info see integratedTests/geosxats/ and integratedTests/geosxats/

Adding a Test

To add a new test create a new folder in the `integratedTests/tests/allTests* directory. At a minimum this new folder needs to include an .ats file. Using the beamBending example, after creating beamBending.ats the directory should look like

- integratedTests/tests/allTests/beamBending/
  - beamBending.ats
  - beamBending.xml

At this point you should run the test. Assuming the geosx step is successful the restartcheck step will fail because there are no baselines. At this point the directory should look like

- integratedTests/tests/allTests/beamBending/
  - beamBending/
    - <geosx files>...
    - <ats files>...
  - beamBending.ats
  - beamBending.xml
  - <ats files>...

Now run

./ -a rebaseline

and rebaseline your test. Finally run the test a second time and confirm that it passes. Note that unless you disable the restartcheck step you will need to output a restart file. Although not strictly necessary it is best to put the xml file in the main GEOSX repo and create an relative symbolic link to it in the test directory.

Rebaselining Tests

Occasionally it is necessary to rebaseline one or more tests due to feature changes in the code. We suggest the following workflow:

In the GEOSX repository, create a branch with your modifications:

cd <GEOSX-path>
git checkout -b user/feature/newFeature

Add your changes, confirm it passes all the continuous integration tests, and get approval for a pull request.

Now, confirm that your integratedTests submodule is up to date:

git submodule

This will list the commit hash for all submodules. Check that the integrated tests submodule is on develop and that the commit hash is the same one as the latest GEOSX develop branch points to. If you have somehow fallen behind, go into integratedTests, checkout develop, and pull.

Now go to the integratedTests submodule and check out a branch for your new baselines. It is a good idea to name branch something similar to your feature branch so it is obvious the two branches are related.

cd <integratedTests-path>
git checkout -b user/rebase/newFeature

Go back to your GEOSX build directory and run the integrated tests

cd <build-path>

Confirm that any tests that fail need to be legitimately rebaselined. Arbitrarily changing baselines defeats the purpose of the integrated tests. In your PR discussion, please identify which tests will change and any unusual behavior.

We can now actually rebaseline the tests

./geosxats -a rebaseline

You’ll be prompted to confirm whether rebaselining is required for every integrated test, one at a time, via a [y/n] prompt. Make sure to only answer y to the tests that you actually want to rebaseline, otherwise correct baselines for already passing tests will still be updated and bloat your pull request and repository size.

Confirm that the rebaselines are working as expected, by cleaning the test dir and re-running the checks:

./geosxats -a veryclean

At this point you should pass all the integratedTests. Clean the branch and commit your changes to the baseline branch.

./geosxats -a veryclean
cd <integratedTests-path>
git status
git add *
git commit -m "Updating baselines"
git push

If you haven’t already set up your local branch to point to a remote branch, you will be prompted to do so when attempting to push. You will then want to create a pull request in the integratedTests repository. Once you have merge approval for your PR, you can merge your rebaseline branch into integratedTests/develop.

At this point, you need to get your GEOSX user/feature/newFeature branch pointing to the head commit on integratedTests/develop. We will check out the latest version of the test repo and add it to our feature branch:

cd <integratedTests-path>
git checkout develop
git pull

cd <GEOSX-path>
git add integratedTests
git commit -m "Updating integratedTests hash"
git push

You may also want to run git submodule to confirm the submodule hash is what we expect, the last commit in integratedTests/develop. Once your feature branch passes all Continuous Integration tests, it can be successfully merged into GEOSX/develop.


Parallel Tests: On some development machines geosxats won’t run parallel tests by default (e.g. on an linux laptop or workstation), and as a result many baselines will be skipped. We highly recommend running tests and rebaselining on an MPI-aware platform.

Filtering Checks: A common reason for rebaselining is that you have changed the name of an XML node in the input files. While the baselines may be numerically identical, the restarts will fail because they contain different node names. In this situation, it can be useful to add a filter to the restart check script. If you open integratedTests/geosxats/helpers/, at line 12 you will find a line:

EXCLUDE_DEFAULT = [".*/commandLine", ".*/schema$", ".*/globalToLocalMap"]

This variable contains paths to be excluded from the restart checks. For example, we recently renamed the XML block <SystemSolverParameters/> to <LinearSolverParameters/>. In doing so, we had to rebaseline every test even though we expected no numerical differences. Temporarily adding the following filter helped us rapidly check this was indeed the case:

EXCLUDE_DEFAULT = [".*/SystemSolverParameters", ".*/LinearSolverParameters", ".*/commandLine", ".*/schema$", ".*/globalToLocalMap"]

You may find this approach useful for quickly filtering tests to distinguish between expected and unexpected failures.