Working with data in GEOSX

In GEOSX, data is typically registered in the Data Repository. This allows for the writing/reading of data to/from restart and plot files. Any object that derives from Group may have data registered on it through the methods described in Group. Simalarly, accessing data from outside the scope of an object is possible through one of the various Group::get(). Of course, for temporary data that does not need to persist between cycles, or across physics packages, you may simply define member or local variabls which will not be registered with the Data Repository.

Working with data on the Mesh objects

the mesh objects in GEOSX such as the FaceManager or NodeManager, are derived from ObjectManagerBase, which in turn derives from Group. The important distinction is that ObjectManagerBase contains various members that are useful when defining mesh object managers. When considering data that is attached to a mesh object, we group the data into two catagories:

  • Intrinsic data is data that is required to descibe the object. For instance, to define a Node, the NodeManager contains an array of positions corrosponding to each Node it contains. Thus the ReferencePosition is Intrinsic data. Intrinsic data is almost always a member of the mesh object, and is registered on the mesh object in the constructor of mesh object itself.
  • Extrinsic data is data that is not required to define the object. For instance, a phsyics package may request that a Velocity value be stored on the nodes. Appropriatly the data will be registered on the NodeManager. However, this data is not required to define a Node, and is viewed as Extrinsic. Extrinsic data is never a member of the mesh object, and is typically registered on the mesh object outside of the definition of the mesh object (i.e. from a physics solver).

Registering Intrinsic data on a Mesh Object

As mentioned above, Intrinsic data is typically a member of the mesh object, and is registered in the constructor of the mesh Object. Taking the NodeManager and the referencePosition as an example, we point out that the reference position is actually a member in the NodeManager.

   * @brief Get the mutable reference position array. This table will contain all the node coordinates.
   * @return reference position array
  array2d< real64, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_PERM > & referencePosition() { return m_referencePosition; }

   * @brief Provide an immutable arrayView of the reference position. This table will contain all the node coordinates.
   * @return an immutable arrayView of the reference position.

  arrayView2d< real64 const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > referencePosition() const
  { return m_referencePosition; }

This member is registered in the constructor for the NodeManager.

NodeManager::NodeManager( string const & name,
                          Group * const parent ):
  ObjectManagerBase( name, parent ),
  m_referencePosition( 0, 3 )
  registerWrapper( viewKeyStruct::referencePositionString(), &m_referencePosition );

Finally in order to access this data, the NodeManager provides explicit accessors.

   * @brief Get the mutable reference position array. This table will contain all the node coordinates.
   * @return reference position array
  array2d< real64, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_PERM > & referencePosition() { return m_referencePosition; }

   * @brief Provide an immutable arrayView of the reference position. This table will contain all the node coordinates.
   * @return an immutable arrayView of the reference position.

  arrayView2d< real64 const, nodes::REFERENCE_POSITION_USD > referencePosition() const
  { return m_referencePosition; }

Thus the interface for Intrinsic data is set by the object that it is a part of, and the developer may only access the data through the accesssors from outside of the mesh object class scope.

Registering Extrinsic data on a Mesh Object

To register Extrinsic data, there are many ways a developer may proceed. We will use the example of registering a TotalDisplacement on the NodeManager from the SolidMechanics solver. The most general approach is to define a string key and call one of the Group::registerWrapper() functions from SolverBase::RegisterMeshData(). Then when you want to use the data, you can call Group::getReference(). For example this would look something like:

void SolidMechanicsLagrangianFEM::RegisterDataOnMesh( Group * const MeshBodies )
  for( auto & mesh : MeshBodies->GetSubGroups() )
    NodeManager & nodes = mesh.second->groupCast< MeshBody * >()->getMeshLevel( 0 ).getNodeManager();

    nodes.registerWrapper< array2d< real64, nodes::TOTAL_DISPLACEMENT_PERM > >( keys::TotalDisplacement ).
      setPlotLevel( PlotLevel::LEVEL_0 ).
      setRegisteringObjects( this->getName()).
      setDescription( "An array that holds the total displacements on the nodes." ).
      reference().resizeDimension< 1 >( 3 );


arrayView2d< real64, nodes::TOTAL_DISPLACEMENT_USD > const & u = nodes.getReference<array2d<real64, nodes::TOTAL_DISPLACEMENT_PERM >(keys::TotalDisplacement);
... do something with u

This approach is flexible and extendible, but is potentially error prone due to its verbosity. Therefore we also provide a more controlled/uniform method by which to register and extract commonly used data on the mesh. The trait approach requires the definition of a traits struct for each data object that will be supported. To apply the trait appraoch to the example use case shown above, there should be the following definition somewhere in a header file:

namespace extrinsicMeshData
struct TotalDisplacement
  static constexpr auto key = "totalDisplacement";
  using DataType = real64;
  using Type = array2d< DataType, nodes::TOTAL_DISPLACEMENT_PERM >;
  static constexpr DataType defaultValue = 0;
  static constexpr auto plotLevel = dataRepository::PlotLevel::LEVEL_0;

  /// Description of the data associated with this trait.
  static constexpr auto description = "An array that holds the total displacements on the nodes.";

Then the registration is simplified as follows:

void SolidMechanicsLagrangianFEM::RegisterDataOnMesh( Group * const MeshBodies )
  for( auto & mesh : MeshBodies->GetSubGroups() )
    NodeManager & nodes = mesh.second->groupCast< MeshBody * >()->getMeshLevel( 0 ).getNodeManager();
    nodes.registerExtrinsicData< extrinsicMeshData::TotalDisplacement >( this->getName() ).resizeDimension< 1 >( 3 );

And to extract the data, the call would be:

arrayView2d< real64, nodes::TOTAL_DISPLACEMENT_USD > const & u = nodes.getExtrinsicData< extrinsicMeshData::TotalDisplacement >();
... do something with u

The end result of the trait approach to this example is that the developer has defined a standard specification for TotalDisplacement, which may be used uniformly across the code.