
This section describes how outputs are handled by GEOSX

The outputs are defined in a <Outputs> XML block.

There are three available formats to output the results of a simulation: SILO, VTK, and Time History output into simple dataset HDF5 files which are consumable by post-processing scripts..

Defining an output

SILO Output

The SILO output is defined through the <Silo> XML node (subnode of <Outputs> XML block) as shown here:

  <Silo name="siloOutput"/>

The parameter options are listed in the following table:

Name Type Default Description
childDirectory string   Child directory path
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
parallelThreads integer 1 Number of plot files.
plotFileRoot string plot (no description available)
plotLevel integer 1 (no description available)
writeCellElementMesh integer 1 (no description available)
writeEdgeMesh integer 0 (no description available)
writeFEMFaces integer 0 (no description available)
writeFaceElementMesh integer 1 (no description available)

VTK Output

The VTK output is defined through the <VTK> XML node (subnode of <Outputs> XML block) as shown here:

  <VTK name="vtkOutput"/>

The parameter options are listed in the following table:

Name Type Default Description
childDirectory string   Child directory path
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
parallelThreads integer 1 Number of plot files.
plotFileRoot string VTK Name of the root file for this output.
plotLevel integer 1 Level detail plot. Only fields with lower of equal plot level will be output.
writeBinaryData integer 1 Output the data in binary format
writeFEMFaces integer 0 (no description available)

TimeHistory Output

The TimeHistory output is defined through the <TimeHistory> XML node (subnode of <Outputs> XML block) as shown here:

  <TimeHistory name="timeHistoryOutput" sources="{/Tasks/collectionTask}" filename="timeHistory" />

The parameter options are listed in the following table:

Name Type Default Description
childDirectory string   Child directory path
filename string TimeHistory The filename to which to write time history output.
format string hdf The output file format for time history output.
name string required A name is required for any non-unique nodes
parallelThreads integer 1 Number of plot files.
sources string_array required A list of collectors from which to collect and output time history information.

In order to properly collect and output time history information the following steps must be accomplished:

  1. Specify one or more collection tasks using the Tasks Manager.
  2. Specify a TimeHistory Output using the collection task(s) as source(s).
  3. Specify an event in the Event Management to trigger the collection task(s).
  4. Specify an event in the Event Management to trigger the output.

Note: Currently if the collection and output events are triggered at the same simulation time, the one specified first will also trigger first. Thus in order to output time history for the current time in this case, always specify the time history collection events prior to the time history output events.

Triggering the outputs

The outputs can be triggered using the Event Management. It is recommended to use a <PeriodicEvent> to output results with a defined frequency:

<PeriodicEvent name="outputs"
               target="/Outputs/siloOutput" />

The keyword target has to match with the name of the <Silo>, <VTK>, or <TimeHistory> node.

Visualisation of the outputs

We suggest the use of VisIT, Paraview, and MatPlotLib to visualize the outputs.

Visualizing Silo outputs with VisIT

If the <Silo> XML node was defined, GEOSX writes the results in a folder called siloFiles.

In VisIT :

  1. File > Open file…
  2. On the right panel, browse to the siloFiles folder.
  3. On the left panel, select the file(s) you want to visualize. Usually, one file is written according the frequency defined in the timeFrequency keyword of the Event that has triggered the output.
  4. To load fields, use the “Add” button and browse to the fields you want to plot.
  5. To plot fields, use the “Draw” button.

Please consult the VisIT documentation for further explanations on its usage.

Visualizing VTK outputs with Paraview

If the <VTK> XML node was defined, GEOSX writes a folder and a .pvd file named after the string defined in name keyword.

The .pvd file contains references to the .pvtu files. One .pvtu file is output according the frequency defined in the timeFrequency keyword of the Event that has triggered the output.

One .pvtu contains references to .vtu files. There is as much .vtu file as there were MPI processes used for the computation.

All these files can be opened with paraview. To have the whole results for every output time steps, you can open the .pvd file.

Visualizing TimeHistory outputs with MatPlotLib

If the <TimeHistory> XML node was defined, GEOSX writes a file named after the string defined in the filename keyword and formatted as specified by the string defined in the format keyword (only HDF5 is currently supported).

The TimeHistory file contains the collected time history information from each specified time history collector. This information includes datasets for the time itself, any metadata sets describing index association with specified collection sets, and the time history information itself.

It is recommended to use MatPlotLib and format-specific accessors (like H5PY for HDF5) to access and easily plot the time history datat.