GEOS Mesh Tools

The geosx_mesh_tools python package includes tools for converting meshes from common formats (abaqus, etc.) to those that can be read by GEOS (gmsh, vtk). See Python Tools Setup for details on setup instructions, and Using an External Mesh for a detailed description of how to use external meshes in GEOS. The available console scripts for this package and its API are described below.


Compile an xml file with advanced features into a single file that can be read by GEOS.

usage: convert_abaqus [-h] [-v] input output

Positional Arguments


Input abaqus mesh file name


Output gmsh/vtu mesh file name

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose

Increase verbosity level

Default: False


For vtk format meshes, the user also needs to determine the region ID numbers and names of nodesets to import into GEOS. The following shows how these could look in an input XML file for a mesh with three regions (REGIONA, REGIONB, and REGIONC) and six nodesets (xneg, xpos, yneg, ypos, zneg, and zpos):

      nodesetNames="{ xneg, xpos, yneg, ypos, zneg, zpos }"/>

      cellBlocks="{ 0_tetrahedra, 1_tetrahedra, 2_tetrahedra }"
      materialList="{ water, porousRock }"


geosx_mesh_tools.abaqus_converter.convert_abaqus_to_gmsh(input_mesh: str, output_mesh: str, logger: Optional[Logger] = None) int

Convert an abaqus mesh to gmsh 2 format, preserving nodeset information.

If the code encounters any issues with region/element indices, the conversion will attempt to continue, with errors indicated by -1 values in the output file.

  • input_mesh (str) – path of the input abaqus file

  • output_mesh (str) – path of the output gmsh file

  • logger (logging.Logger) – an instance of logging.Logger


Number of potential warnings encountered during conversion

Return type


geosx_mesh_tools.abaqus_converter.convert_abaqus_to_vtu(input_mesh: str, output_mesh: str, logger: Optional[Logger] = None) int

Convert an abaqus mesh to vtu format, preserving nodeset information.

If the code encounters any issues with region/element indices, the conversion will attempt to continue, with errors indicated by -1 values in the output file.

  • input_mesh (str) – path of the input abaqus file

  • output_mesh (str) – path of the output vtu file

  • logger (logging.Logger) – a logger instance


Number of potential warnings encountered during conversion

Return type
