.. _TasksManager: Tasks Manager ============= The GEOS tasks manager allows a user to specify tasks to be executed. These tasks are compatible targets for the :ref:`EventManager`. The tasks manager is configured via the ``Tasks`` block in an input .xml file, i.e.: .. code-block:: xml Tasks Manager Configuration --------------------------- Task *************************** The children of the Tasks block define different Tasks to be triggered by events specified in the :ref:`EventManager` during the execution of the simulation. At present the only supported task is the ``PackCollection`` used to collect time history data for output by a TimeHistory output. .. include:: ../../../coreComponents/schema/docs/Tasks.rst PackCollection *************************** The ``PackCollection`` Task is used to collect time history information from fields. Either the entire field or specified named sets of indices in the field can be collected. .. include:: ../../../coreComponents/schema/docs/PackCollection.rst Note: The time history information collected via this task is buffered internally until it is output by a linked TimeHistory Output. *************************** Triggering the Tasks *************************** Tasks can be triggered using the :ref:`EventManager`. Recurring tasks sould use a ```` and one-time tasks should use a ``: .. code-block:: xml The keyword ``target`` has to match the ``name`` of a Task specified as a child of the ```` block.